Book Giveaway #10: How to Make a Fortune From the Biggest Bailout in US History

How to Make a Fortune From the Biggest Bailout in US HistoryTime for the last book giveaway! Are you tired of them yet?  We’ve only given away like 25+ of them this month ;) While most of them have been about smarter financial decisions and getting back on track, today’s book focuses more on creating wealth.

I personally don’t read these kind myself, but maybe it’s exactly what you’ve been looking for? Here’s what we got:

About How to Make a Fortune from the Biggest Bailout in U.S. History: A Guide to the 7 Greatest Bargains from Main Street to Wall Street

And here’s what the publisher’s site says about it:  “For those in the know, today’s financial headlines don’t spell disaster-they spell the sale of the century. But it takes a trustworthy veteran of the trading trenches to guide investors through these volatile times. Drawing on his two decades as a financial reporter, plus three recent years working on Wall Street, Ron Insana helps readers restore their depleted portfolios by showing them:

  • How to determine reemerging opportunities in submerged markets
  • Where to invest in really legit real estate
  • How to magnify the magnificent opportunities in municipal bonds and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
  • Where to go mining for the rare gems among the heaps of junk bonds now piling up around the world, and more

Revealing essential tricks of the trade and explaining complex concepts in an easy way, Insana makes Wall Street’s lucrative tips accessible to Main Street.”

Want it? Tell us about one of your own best investments, or financial “secrets” you may have, and you’ll be entered!  We’ve got 2 copies to give away, and this one’s open to both U.S. & Canadian residences. As for my best investment?  Knowledge. The more you read, the better you’ll be off in any department in life.

More from Amazon: How to Make a Fortune from the Biggest Bailout in U.S. History: A Guide to the 7 Greatest Bargains from Main Street to Wall Street

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  1. Caity May 12, 2010 at 1:25 PM

    My best investment? Going to State U with a full scholarship instead of shelling out $55K/year for a better private school. Not nearly as flashy, but that’s 200K less debt before paying for grad school! Which is, of course, the logical thing to do as a savvy finance major :)

  2. aj May 12, 2010 at 1:39 PM

    “The more you read, the better you’ll be off in any department in life.”

    Amen! Just like SchoolHouse Rock tried to teach us when we were small —
    Knowledge is Power!

  3. J. Money May 12, 2010 at 3:41 PM

    Exactly. That’s one of the reasons I stuff my 401k & Roth full so I don’t get a chance to rummage through it! ;)

  4. Nate R May 12, 2010 at 5:20 PM

    The best investment I have (other than my 401k) is a stock with a monthly dividend of ~10% which is re-invested automatically.

  5. MyFinancialObjectives May 12, 2010 at 7:31 PM

    Well since everybody already said saving for retirement, I’m gonna go ahead and say…..My secret is to look for bad news involving a publicly held company. When I see bad news, I look to buy. Buy low, sell high!

  6. FinEngr May 12, 2010 at 8:15 PM

    Interesting there’s two mention to bonds – that game is over. You could have a pretty penny if you got in Summer 2009.

    Most interesting is the title. Could it have been rename “The bubble busted – bet on THIS bubble!” ;)

    Don’t get me wrong, interested in the book. Agree with first 3 commentators. Plus – Caity’s point ties right into AJ’s.

  7. TD May 13, 2010 at 2:12 AM

    My best financial advice is don’t run with the turkeys if you want to fly with the eagles. Stick with people who have and are working for the same goals financially and stay away from people with poor financial habits. I know it may sound harsh, but it is true.

  8. Archeyes May 13, 2010 at 1:27 PM

    Continuing education – financial, professional & spiritual the more you know the more you can make the more you give back in some form completes the circle.

  9. P May 13, 2010 at 1:36 PM

    Multifamily rental property a few months ago – found something at a competitive price, ensured that the rent collectible were fair (for both the tenants & me) – fixed up the place so that the tenants were happy and I now have a positive cash flow, happy tenants and a nice tax break. A triple win situation.

  10. Kelli May 14, 2010 at 2:40 PM

    I think the best investment is patience, knowing when to leave your money alone and ride out the cycles rather than panicking and pulling it all out of the market.

  11. Dana G May 14, 2010 at 7:14 PM

    I socked away lots in retirement accounts when I first started out in the workforce and didn’t have a mortgage or family obligations!

  12. J. Money May 14, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    These are all great guys! You’re all entered to win…and the odds are certainly in you favor this round ;) Check back on Sunday night to see if you’ve won…

  13. SM May 14, 2010 at 10:25 PM

    My fiance – and our relationship. I think the relationship with your better half is definitely the most important investment. Its the foundation of the life that you create together and affects both your financial and personal life.

  14. J. Money May 16, 2010 at 10:19 PM


    The 2 lucky winners are….drum roll please… Dana G and SM – congrats! Check your email for more information.

    While we’re taking a break from more book giveaways right now, we’ll have a lot more to give out in the near future so stay alert :)