Love Drop is coming! Love Drop is coming!

Love DropSo I know I’ve been talking about this forever and ever, but guess what?Β  Love Drop is actually about to DROP!

Yessir… My boy Nate St. Pierre and I finally wrapped our heads together on this thing and found a way to get ‘er done. And to REALLY change some lives! (one family a month, to be exact). It doesn’t officially “launch” until Jan 1st, but we’re on a mission to sign up 300 members by then and get this party started. This is gonna be BIG. And more importantly, we’re going to be DOING GOOD!!! Check it:

Would love for you to come on over and give it a peak.Β  If you can join that would be even better!Β  There’s more to life than just banking that money and looking out for #1.Β  Number 308 and #5,000 and #18,001 need our love too :) And that’s where it’s at. Spend a dollar, Change a life.

PS: Totally don’t have to sign up if you’re not feeling it, just wanted to share the news!

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  1. Ahnie October 27, 2010 at 8:20 AM

    What a great idea! I’m in!

  2. sarah October 27, 2010 at 8:50 AM

    I’m in as well, but is there a way to make this a non-profit so that you wouldn’t have to be taxed?

  3. Kevin @ October 27, 2010 at 9:07 AM

    First of all, it’s a great idea and I’m sure you’ll help a lot of people.

    That being said, I agree with Sarah. You are paying taxes, and then 50% is going to expanding this website/idea, so if I donate $1, only about $0.40 is going to help people?

    There has to be a better way to get more money to the people who need it.

  4. tom October 27, 2010 at 9:28 AM

    Hey bro, love the idea.

    I’m with Sarah and Kevin, and am so down with joining.

  5. J. Money October 27, 2010 at 10:01 AM

    THANKS to all those coming aboard!!! Getting some great responses so far :)

    RE: Company vs. Non-Profit

    Yup! That’s the downfall of building it as a company. We’ve been trying to make this happen for over 7 months now via the charity route (12 if you count when the idea first came up) and we’ve helped zero people in the process. Well, 1 if you count our first love drop, but that was a test before launch :) Even though we raised almost $500!

    So yeah, there are cons w/ going the company route, but the pros of freedom and running this the way we think will work best trumps all. At the end of the day we’ll be changing lives every single month and our community will be the ones doing it. Some won’t join for this reason or that, but that’s okay – others will :) We just want to push this as far as possible without having our hands tied, and right now this seems to be the best option for us.

    It’s all about blowing it up and DOING GOOD asap. We’ll make changes as it makes sense.

  6. Peliroo October 27, 2010 at 10:13 AM

    I’m in! Dropping love all over the place. :)

  7. tom October 27, 2010 at 11:24 AM


    If that’s the case, I would open up the books in a link off of the main site. Show all $$ coming in (maybe from where it came, also) and all $$ going out (def. to where it’s going).

    I would also continue to pursue the charitable non-profit route. It’s a pain cause you have to incorporate, write bylaws, mission statements and such, get approved at the state level then at the federal level, then file tax paperwork. The benefit is that my donations are tax deductible, which means I give more, and your company is tax exempt.

    The main point of this is that if Lovedrop is a company, won’t “donations” be income? If so, then that income will need to be taxed if this is a company, which means donations are taxed twice (I’m taxed then you’re taxed)?

  8. SexyCool October 27, 2010 at 5:45 PM

    I have been talking to some folks about this very same idea for some MONTHS. And just like you, my roadblock was in how to set up as a non-profit v. a business entity. I wish you all the best with this effort.

  9. J. Money October 27, 2010 at 6:00 PM

    Thanks Peliroo!!! And yeah SexyCool – gotta get it up!!! Let us know if you need help or want to join in on our efforts – we’re creating a helpers group to pitch in where needed to help this grow and allow everyone to play a bigger role :)

    @Tom – Yup, all things to consider :) We have a looooong list to review & act on over the next 2 months that’s for sure. RE: “donations” – nope, no one is donating any money. They are paying for a membership into our community (newsletter, forum, ability to nominate love drop’ees, power to vote on future drops, etc), that’s it. We then use these membership fees to power the business and drop the love bombs! :) Pretty clear cut – we’ll put up some more info as time moves forward….

    got over 30 members already!!!! W00T.

  10. Briana @ GBR October 27, 2010 at 6:24 PM

    I’m in! I talked to Nate about helping out with ItStartsWith.Us and plan on taking my act on the road to SXSW to see if any companies out there are interested in helping out. Just signed up to be a $20/month VIP member. Looking forward to all the cool things in store.

  11. J. Money October 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM

    YES!!! And actually Nate & I are gonna try and make it out to SXSW too :) We can throw a Love Drop party and hang out with everyone or something… would be great to meet our newest VIP member ;) Thanks so much!!

  12. Ashley Jacobs October 28, 2010 at 2:05 AM

    I love this idea! It’s so cool! Money is tight right for me right now, but please let me know if there is any other way I can help out with this. I’d love to get involved!

  13. J. Money October 28, 2010 at 8:56 AM

    Wonderful! We would love for you to join our group of helpers – adding you to the list now :) We’ll def. have something we’ll be needing help with soon…

  14. Ashley Jacobs October 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM

    Fantastic! I’m looking forward to helping in whatever ways possible! :-)

  15. J. Money October 30, 2010 at 11:34 PM

    me too!

  16. Heidi November 3, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    Kudos to you for not letting the tax laws determine whether or not you launch your dreams!

  17. J. Money November 7, 2010 at 1:33 AM

    Thanks Heidi :) It’s a tough decision right now but the overwhelming response we’ve gotten so far hopefully signals we’re on the right track!