6 Word Memoir/Random Saying.

One of my new favorite bloggers My Crazy Debt, tagged me on this the other day. Which is actually pretty funny because I kept seeing it pop up on my daily reads. So thanks Messy!

My 6 word memoir comes from one of the free ringtones that you can download from Obama’s website! Talk about using the media to reach us youngin’s. Here’s my 6 word memoir:

“I’m fired up! Ready to go!”

haha…seriously, even if you don’t vote for him (or can’t), you should def. check out the samples. This one is off of ringtone 11, but they’re all SEXY!

I’m think i’m supposed to tag some others here, but it looks like everyone and their mom has already done this :) But hey, go ahead and tag yourself if you really want to!

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