4 Thoughtful (but Frugal) Ways to Celebrate Mom

heart hands
You haven’t forgotten about dear old mom for Motherโ€™s Day have you? You know itโ€™s this Sunday, right?ย  If you have, consider this your slap on the head ;)ย  And believe me, Iโ€™ve already slapped myself a few times cuz I keep on forgetting too! Although it doesnโ€™t help that the day before weโ€™ll be celebrating the life of my Grandmother who recently passed away (She refuses to let us have a funeral for her โ€“ or to wear black (she was a feisty one!) โ€“ so weโ€™ll be throwing a party in her honor instead ;) But thatโ€™s not the point of todayโ€™s postโ€ฆ)

Today we figure out ways to say โ€œI Love Youโ€ to our mothers for bringing us into this world.ย  Even if she drives you crazy sometimes (mine doesnโ€™t of course, itโ€™s just what I hear from peopleโ€ฆ.if youโ€™re reading this mom, I love you!)

So yes,ย  youโ€™ve got 3 more days to get it together and then itโ€™s go time! And by this point itโ€™s probably better to get creative than to pull of some last-minute (and pricey) gifts that may or may not be pretty tacky.ย  Here is a list of 4 tips I snagged fromย Coupon Craze because they were much cleverer than the ones I could come up with (although Iโ€™m pretty sure moms will ALWAYS like the olโ€™ย  Book Of Hugs and the hand-made coupons to clean the house and whatever else we came up with circa 3rd grade!) Here are their ideas:

  1. Bringing Back Breakfast-in-Bed: Hands down, the worst day to eat out is Motherโ€™s Day โ€“ especially if itโ€™s brunch. Avoid the lines and crowds, by playing Iron Chef at home with theseย delicious and free recipes from The Food Network.
  2. Say โ€œThanks for EVERYTHINGโ€ with Flowers: In lieu of a bouquet, give mom a potted bloom โ€“ itโ€™s cheaper and will last longer than a week. Just swing by the gardening sections of Home Depot or Orchardโ€™s Supply Hardware to see whatโ€™s in season.
  3. Summon Your Inner-Martha: You canโ€™t go wrong with a little DIY creativity.ย Michaelโ€™s offers some great ideas for cards, jewelry and picture frames that moms will love no matter what.
  4. Try Something Sparkly: Jewelers often offer great deals around holidays geared towards the fairer sex โ€“ Motherโ€™s Day is no exception. Check out this 20% off deal atย Ice.com (a Coupon Craze exclusive) and this 10% discount onย Monderaโ€™s Motherโ€™s Day collection.

What do you think?ย  Any of them worthy of trying out?ย  Iโ€™m thinking the potted bulbs may be the winning ticket in our household โ€“ that way I can say something cheezy like โ€œyouโ€™ll now be reminded of how our love has blossomed over the years!โ€ ;)ย  Or better yet, โ€œEvery time you see this mini xmas tree in the yard youโ€™ll be reminded of me!โ€ Haha..I love xmas trees.ย ย  Or Iโ€™ll just wuss out and get her a giftcard toย Amazonโ€ฆ But I swear Iโ€™m gonna do my best to represent this year!ย And you?

(photo byle vent le cri)

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  1. J. Money May 7, 2010 at 8:30 PM

    Sorry we lost your comments today guys. Some jackal hacked my blog :(

    Thank you for all the great ideas and responses though! They were great…have a blessed weekend ;)

  2. Angie May 8, 2010 at 12:11 AM

    I don’t know if it’s too late for anyone who reads this, but Brighton is selling a “key to my heart” that is really beautiful. It is a silver key with a scrolled/jewelled heart instead of the basic head of the key. You can buy it for Kwikset or Schlage and have it cut at a hardware store to fit your door. It’s only $25 bucks, totally useful, and perfect for a mom like mine who has everything!

  3. daniel March 29, 2011 at 9:13 PM

    Hi its a good information on 4 Thoughtful (but Frugal) Ways to Celebrate Mom.If you need to buy any products visit : http://www.cannyprices.com
