What’s up, what’s up!
So I have that phone up there (iPhone 6?), and I REALLY want to give it away to someone today…
I got it a while back while doing some testing work for a friend’s app (Tip Yourself – an awesome one – check it out!), and it’s been sitting on my shelf ever since doing nothing but collecting dust.
Figured it was finally time to pass it to someone who could put it to use – someone like you :)
So if you’ve been in need of a new’ish phone lately – or know someone who is? – today’s your chance to get a FREE one by answering a simple question today!! And that question, in honor of this app, is:
When was the last time you tip’d yourself?
I.e. when was the last time you stashed some money aside for YOU for once? Whether in savings, investing, etc? How much was it, and *why* did you do it?
For me personally it was the $1.89 I just “spaved” from getting a free coffee at Panera this morning (baller!), and I saved it because I’m on a mission to see how much I can bank just by stashing away the money that normally would have been spent anyways.
It’s not much, but we all know that it adds up, and really it’s these *small* wins in life that keep us going and motivated in general! Which is exactly why this app was built to begin with – to make it easy (and free!) for people to save, as soon as inspiration strikes!
And they’ve got a killer community built around it too, with hundreds of others banking money whenever they want to reward themselves after doing something good (getting a promotion, hitting the gym, cancelling their membership to the gym (hah!), etc). Very cool idea, and very cool team behind it. You can learn more here if interested (yes, I am pimping them hard – I love them!): TipYourself.com.
If you want a chance to win this free used iPhone (no service or anything – though it works great for apps that only requires wifi!), answer that question below in the comments, or hit “reply” if you’re reading this in our newsletter, and I’ll pick a winner after the weekend is over and update this post shortly there after.
Unless my baby comes, in which case it’ll be delayed as I Tip Myself to all the sleep I can sneak in ;)
Here’s the question again: When was the last time you tip’d yourself?
Good luck!! And may the Fourth be with you!! (Sorry, had to do it…)
PS: This giveaway is only open to those in the U.S., or at least those with U.S. addresses so it doesn’t cost me all my spavings to ship it to you :)
***GIVEAWAY OVER!*** The lucky winner can be found here :) (Along with a roundup of my favorite answers from y’all! You guys had some EXCELLENT ideas!!)
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Yesterday, we got gas using our Kroger fuel points and saved $43.75 (1.25 off 35 gal).
And may the 4th be with you too…
In the last couple months I received 3% raise, a 4% federal tax cut, stopped a 23 dollar per month subscription and stopped a 45 dollar monthly pet insurance. Instead of that money staying in my checking account, I automated the total (501 dollars) to my Ally savings account! So I am tipping myself that much extra per month J! Pretty nice tip wouldnโt you say???
Oh $hit – yeah you are!
I’ve been “tipping” myself for going for runs regularly (like yesterday). The $ may eventually be spent on new running shoes, but that’s a good thing – it’ll save my joints in the long run (harhar).
Keep the streak *running*!
Me and my wife save up cash back for romantic date nights. Last one was in March. We have another coming up next week!
Excellent idea!!
I have no idea when I last tipped myself. However, winning a used iPhone 6 would allow me to tip myself about $150 based on my local craigslist market! More likely Iโd give it to my mom (who still uses a flip phone) and try to convince her to tip herself. Hmm, I think thereโs more than one big challenge there! :o
Anyway, thanks for the โtipโ and good luck welcoming your new progeny!
Got my standard annual 2%, ugh, raise in March. I really needed to put some of that money toward an equity loan that helped us put an addition on our home a few years back…BUT, I have been trying to slowly push my 401K to the max. Sooo, I split it, and pushed my contributions up an extra 1%…now at 11% (my goal is around 15%.)
I also received a gift of $300 for my birthday. I knew the gifter would like me to spend it on something for myself, but I was worried about cash flow this month. It has been sitting in a drawer waiting to be deposited and absorbed by my monthly outflow. Thanks to my quarterly SREC payment from solar electricity generation (which I never figure into income) I was able to free that money! I used it for a couple piano lessons…OK, so that one is a regular monthly expense, a few edible splurges that allowed us to stay out late enjoying our new found summer (woohoo!), and now I get to find a use for the remainder…and I decided yesterday, even if it is just a drop in the bucket, today I will apply that money to that equity loan…which I am sure you can imagine, will make me very happy!
I want to know more about those solar checks! :)
We started suspending direct tv service from April through September. I love to watch NCAA basketball with my boys but otherwise I never watch TV. So as soon as March Madness is over the TV is shut off. The money moves to savings instead.
My work gave us $55 towards purchasing Fitbits (already offered at a corporate discount of $40) so I sold my old Fitbit and put that $20 towards a fancy new one. Now if we hit step goals such as walking 10000 steps a day we can make up to $3 a day in “free money” that’s gets transferred to an HSA account. I’ve made enough to pay off my new Fitbit, the future dollars get stashed for medical bills
Waiiiiit – your employer will pay you to take walks??? I didn’t know that was a thing!!!
Wait I just realized my numbers don’t make sense. Corporate discount, $55 credit. paid $40. Blah blah blah. It’s early morning
When I began budgeting this month, I had an extra $40.12 in my groceries category leftover from last month. I just sacked all of it (even the 12 cents) into savings. Every bit helps!
The 12 cents is the best part ;)
I use Acorns to save small amounts, $300 of my pay goes into a separate bank account every two weeks, I have a jar which I stuff dollars and coins into and I put a hefty amount into my 403B
I’ve been using TipYourself to track my Spavings this year! I haven’t been perfect about it, but I’m putting about 90% of my Spavings in. Sunday it was $16 and change I saved grocery shopping.
AHH!! Look at you merge stuff together!
I tipped myself yesterday by going out to lunch in a cafe instead of eating at home. I ordered a large chef salad for $9.02 and went to town on it :p
It was two weeks ago. I was thinking of spending about $5 on a bubble tea since it was so hot. But I decided to stand my ground and went home to drink water instead. $5 saved!
The water was the better choice and you saved $5! Well done!
I get paid 26 times a year but budget for 2 paychecks/month, so that’s two “bonus” paychecks a year. I usually use them to bulk up our investment accounts, but I saved the last one in an Ally account as a travel fund so we can eat our way through Italy (on our super super late honeymoon) guilt-free!
Acorn round ups!
I just opened my “Tip Yourself” account! Thanks for keeping me on the move for good financial planning!
Oh cool!!! Let us know what you think about it after a while! :)
I won a $100 gift card at our local grocery (Aldi) store re-opening yesterday (closed for renovations). It was worth the 70 minutes I stood on line! I also was given 4 coupons. Each one is $5 off a $30 purchase (used one of the $5 coupons yesterday). Out of state company arrives tonight so I had $150 cash on me for groceries/spirits (wine/beer). I took $120 of it & put it into our emergency cookie jar! Would love the phone since I still own a dinosaur flip phone.
Good luck to your family with the new bambino!
I actually think I am close on securing my first PAID freelance writing job! If all goes well, I am going to take ALL earnings and shove them into our taxable brokerage account. Fingers crossed it works out!
Ahhhh goood luck!!! that is so exciting on multiple levels!
I’ve made some big changes in my financial behaviors over the last two years. I’ve managed to save 20K in four months this year. In addition to this larger savings plan for myself, I tip myself 60 bucks every pay. It’s put into an envelope that is hidden. (Last week I forgot where it was.) I’ve meant it to be used to fund my social life, but since my social life really is about hanging out with my 4 year old Husky, she doesn’t really force me to spend money. Dog’s don’t like going to the movies….so I watch it grow. I may buy her a dog house…or not, whatever I do, it’s nice to know I have a choice. Where as before, I didn’t! It may not be a tip exactly…but it sure feels like one.
You are too much, haha….
But can’t leave us hanging on that $20k part!! How the hell did you pull that off?
Second job well paying job with very flexible hours…I work alot of hours…which I’ll reduce after I hit the 50K goal….
I tip myself on the first day of every month. I have a very set budget and I put the total monthly allowable budget in $$ in this account. On the first day of the new month, whatever is left in this account gets pulled out and moved to my Vanguard account. This month I had $541.16 left over. Must have had a boring month but yeah for my savings.
I have not gone over my budget in many months. So I may reduce the budget, but either way the savings will benefit.
Keep on collecting the cash!!!
I should have called myself that when I started this blog :) “Cash Collector” – love that.
All my friends collect objects and crazy items. For years when I would be asked about collections, I always say I collect Cash. So the name has stuck. I have replied on your blog a few times over the years, really enjoy your stuff!
Haha… awesome backstory.
I have a separate account for credit card rewards, costco rebates, gifts from the heavens, etc. I use it for blow-money. Seriously, Capital One 360 lets you give your accounts a nickname, and mine is called blow money. Things that I wouldn’t normally buy, or might be past my budget number. Last year I managed to use it for a week in Lisbon, including discounted flights and an airbnb. This year it will likely go to boot camp for several months – getting healthy is an investment, too.
I started traveling for work. Due to my fuel efficient car and buying groceries at the store instead of eating out. Net is 400 per week tax free(government travel pay is not taxed). Tiping myself right into VTSAX.
Last week my wife and I needed to buy a mattress. We shopped at Sears and used Ibotta app to get 15% cashback by scanning the receipt. We ended up getting $100 cash back a day later in my PayPal account. Yeah!
I put an update at the end of the post below for more details:
I saved all the Christmas money from my parents!!!
YES!! Haha…. But if yours is anything like mine, you better not tell them that as they get so upset when you don’t spend it on “something nice for yourself.” As if cash money didn’t check that off 100% ;)
One of our daughterโs responsibilities is to clean out her lunch box after school every day and clean any containers, etc, to get ready for the next day. We went through a phase where she โforgotโ almost every single day and then she would be in bed and Iโm stuck washing it all late at night. I started charging $1 every time I had to do this, which has worked like a charm. Once this week she forgot and lost $1. I actually put any money from this service fee in a jar we use to save money for trips but she doesnโt know that. So I guess thatโs a tip and hopefully a good life lesson!
heyy! very cool idea!! totally making notes to steal for my own kids later :)
I tipped myself $250 last Friday. I thought my car was going to be totaled a few weeks ago and was anticipating a car payment – ughhh. Once I realized that they decided to repair my car (yay!) I thought I should be saving what I was going to spend on a payment in a separate account for later. There are so many things that could be replaced, like my mangled phone, but for the meantime, I’m excited to have my new account grow!
It sorta sucks to be a Canadian. However, if my comment is ever good enough and win this phone I will sort of become American by using my uncle’s address in the U.S. to ship the phone to.
I often tip myself every year by saving 95% of my tax refund and use those funds to top up my retirement and investment accounts. This year’s refund is a sweet five figures.
Last month I tipped myself $300 to save for when my parents can visit us (every two years).
Because of my monthly RRSP contributions (retirement plan in Canada) I was able to get a tax refund of $1500 – I guess that can be counted as a tip! And I stopped myself FOUR times over the last two weeks from online shopping because I didn’t really need those items. Online shopping has become way to easy, btw. It can be soooo difficult to stay away.
I consider the money that I get for doing a psychic reading to be a tip because it’s a different kind of work than I usually do. Happens about once every month or two. I use that $ for travel.
Okay, you have to tell me more about this???? will you email me? I am fascinated by the psychic industry but didn’t think I knew anyone in it!
Each time I have gotten a raise I have tipped myself by sending the additional amount in my paycheck to my 457 account. You don’t notice the difference.
My last 2 paychecks I used to tip myself. Straight to savings, Iโll eventually use them to do some home repairs I think but itโs been fun to not need them yet.
I used my annual raise to tip myself every week for the rest of my (working) life!!
I received my annual raise last month which came to ~$50/wk.
We have something we call our “Monster Vacation Fund”. It started because I was spending $5 per weekday on Monster energy drinks. I read about the rule of 752 and thought about turning those Monster drinks and the $25/wk spend into some awesome vacations in ~10 years (when our kids [currently have 1 and planning on 3/4] would be old enough to really love Disney World). I am hoping it’s enough to do an annual/biennial Disney (or equivalent) trip. Or Mom and Dad might take their own crazy vacation without the kids :)
We decided we should take that $50/wk and devote $40 of it towards the Monster Vacation Fund. So there’s an automatic weekly deposit of $65 to the brokerage account so we never see it. The other $10/wk left over goes towards lifestyle creep.
Hah – love it! Now are you still drinking all those drinks but just *matching* the funds towards the fund, or is it a double win and you’ve cut them all out too??
I can’t in good conscience say that I have been perfect with my energy drink cutting…. But I have been pretty good about it! Instead of 2 per day, I’m probably averaging about 2 per week since I opened the account on Dec 28th 2016.
So not a full double win.. but more like a 1.8x win. The $25 hits the account regardless of how many I drink (or don’t drink!)
Good for you man, the point is you’re working on it and getting better as the months/years pass. That’s all we can really ask for :)
Yesterday. I ate leftover for lunch instead of buying something. That’s at least $6. Not too bad. I might have to go out for lunch today because there is no leftover in the fridge. :(
When I got a raise last month, I immediately set it up so that the extra would go straight into my IRA. I also offered that as a teaching tip to my son – when you get a raise, put that extra into savings or towards debt so you don’t get used to having it to spend right away.
J Money,
Nice post! Thought I would share I noticed Clark Howard has a deal on iphone 6 phones yesterday:
I don’t know how many people know who Clark Howard is. He’s apparently not a household name guy like Dave Ramsey, but he’s got a solid operation going on with his deals and consumer tips. I bought a refurbished Hoover upright bagless vacuum cleaner from one of his deals last week for $42 with tax and shipping, does that qualify as spavings? It’s sitting in my living room unboxed. I’ll see whether I got a deal or got ripped this weekend with it.
Nice! Agreed – we def. need to get the word out more on Howard as he seems to be more famous online here in our niche than in the “real” world… so good job spreading the love around here :)
I have a budget line item ($25/week), called “Work Lunch” to cover my slightly guilty pleasure of my fast food addiction. I try my best to eat leftovers, but still manage to find myself in a drive-thru at least twice a week. I used to get rolls of $1 coins to try to dissuade (by carrying a roll of coins) me from going, but the coins made it enjoyable to watch the cashiers look at them funny. Perhaps I need to start the $1 coin roll carrying again just for the entertainment value!!!
Okay, that is good haha…
After my husband had some health issues the first of the year, I have tried to save where we could. I called our satellite provider and cut our monthly bill by $50 (1/3) and called to pay a hospital bill and got the $800 balance reduced 10% to go ahead and pay off. I am a natural introvert so this was WAY out of my comfort zone and I was actually told no by one hospital. I am determined to do what I can and I am stashing these savings in my little get away fund jar so that my husband and I can go on a little anniversary trip in the fall. I think I will name it the “tip jar”! Your articles have greatly motivated me so keep up the good work!
Aaww, good!! It used to scare me too picking up the phone and asking for stuff and still does to a degree. But we’re the only ones who can watch out for ourselves, so i’m glad to see you doing it!! And hope your husband is now on the mend!
My boyfriend is very hard on clothes and only goes shopping about once a year. He did a big shop at Kohls, and was going to let $90 in whatever the cashback program is expire. I took it and bought some items for the house, and then credited myself with $90 towards my next goal (probably a new-to-me car).
In September Sprint ran a deal…if you own your iPhones and switch to sprint you get free unlimited everything for a year. It seemed too good to be true and did cause a few hours of aggravation. My teenage son and I are on month nine of free unlimited Sprint service. Our previous bill with Verizon ranged from $100 to 160 for both of us. Iโve tipped myself big time. My son, currently using an iPhone 5c ( but saving his tips ) could really benefit from the iPhone 6 giveaway.
I’ve been using every extra little reward from surveys, credit card cash back, and anything else to drop my $6.5k HELOC balance to ZERO! Only debt other than mortgage!
Damn good goal to work towards :) An $6.5k is totally achievable in a short amount of time too! Compared to the mortgage at least! Haha…
I retired last month; earlyish… I horded my vacation time the last two years and ended up with $28,193.03 in vacation payout at retirement. The whole amount is now in a Vanguard index ETF helping to pay for many future vacations.
Holy wow!! Now that is a going away present!
I LOVE Tip Yourself! Just tipped myself last night-I like to do $5 for every time I work out as a nice little incentive to prioritize my health :) (and hey, that reminds me that I need to tip myself today since it’s payday!).
Happy Fourth!
Love to hear it!
Not sure if this counts, but my husband and I both do User Testing and put the money in our poker budget. Last month we earned $300 for the tables
Haha….. sure, let’s count it :) but the real question is – do you win at poker more than you lose?
I’ve never tried the app. But I promise to if I win the iPhone. Deal?
Last month I opened a separate savings account and titled it “Italy Trip.” I started it with $1000 from an unexpected bonus and have added $51 to it in the last 3 weeks.
This may not sound super exciting to most people, but I’m a single mom with six kids at home and I can’t even tell you how HUGE it feels to designate some money that is just for me, just for one of my dreams. I’ve been smiling all month!
I work two part time jobs- server and wedding dj. I saved up all my tips for a year to take my daughter to Universal studios for her 8th bday. Sounds like it wasn’t tipping me, but it was really really fun and a really nice bonding time away from her little brother.
Awwww very cool
Last week! I stash all “extra” (non-W-2 income that I earn related to blogging) into a separate savings account so it can build up safely without getting spent :)
When was the last time I tipped myself, beyond the normal automated savings ($200 a check straight to my Vanguard Roth IRA)?
Hmmm, well I was able to get a better than 2% raise at work by speaking up. I think I went from $65k with a bunch of non-zeros to pretty much a flat $70k. Maybe a penny or two more if you multiply my checks by 26.
Every extra penny I get – credit card rewards, side hustle money – mostly t-shirt sales now – goes towards debt. I get like $200 a month from selling t-shirts on Amazon.
What type of shirts are you selling?? I want to see! (and maybe buy!)
My husband and I have been aggressively tipping ourselves over the last few years. Our goal this year was to save 100k and we have managed to meet the goal this year, about 6 months early. He plays offense, trying to get money. I play defense, not letting anyone take our money! He recently received a substantial raise and all of the net difference is immediately moved to our savings or investment accounts. Also, we paid off both of our cars last year and those payments that went to the financing companies now go to us.
Thanks for all of your great wisdom!
And where is YOUR $$$ blog???? My Lord!
My wife is getting a pay raise next month and we have plans to increase her 401K and our emergency fund savings. So yeah we’re tipping ourselves, :) We may have to buy a used smartphone first, she dropped hers recently and smashed the screen. :(
Took advantage of birthday coupon for food item at neighbourhood SBUX.
I stopped drinking and have put the money i normally had been spending on alcohol straight in my savings every week ($65/week) for wine at home and drinks out after work. It’s awesome! One step closer to my goal of saving for a down payment on a home.
Today-deposited my check from Checkout 51 (grocery rebates)!
I took a weekend only gig pouring beer ,wine and spirits samples. Not only do I get extra bucks for the week, but more importantly…I get FREE BOOZE. My bar is crazy and has eliminated my need for an alcohol budget!!
Haha… double win right there.
Not an easy question to answer, but Iโll do my best. There is savings and outright expenditures, but tipping is something I consider a reward for going beyond the normal course of work. So if Iโm tipping myself then it is something Iโve done, less the gains that I would normally have spend it or save it… itโs my Craigslist sales. Last one from a month ago when I finally gave up the crib mattress to a lady that bought it for her dog. Lucky animal. I earned $15 that I wouldnโt have earned if I didnโt make the extra effort to sell it and $15 that I didnโt count toward a necessity expense or savings goal. So $15 of unplanned gain that would otherwise, been set out on the curb.
YES!! Perfect way to think of it – love it. And hilarious about dog haha…. we just upgraded to bunk beds over here and now i know what i’ll have to do with our old crib mattresses ;)
In the last month, I’ve:
– switched car insurance, saving $250 per month as well as tipping my self they $ 420 refund check from the old car insurance company
– took my 2% raise and increased my 401k deposits by 3% so now on pace to max out for the year.
– tipped myself $ 300 with the damage deposit refund from our spring break trip
– and just saw a credit card reward that I didn’t know I had of $32 last night and asked them to send me the check.
Love your site, found it last year and routinely check in.
$250 A MONTH???? what did you do – bribe them??? haha…
Geico really did save me that much! That’s for four cars with a 24 year old and a 20 year old. It just makes me sick that I didn’t switch years ago….one of these days (when I won’t get to depressed about it) I’ll figure out how much the previous ins. company gouged me for.
Well good for you, wow… That’s just incredible.
Hmmm, the last time I “really” tipped myself (not including small spavings of found riches – i.e. the dime in the washing machine) – was April. I tried to do an extra frugal month in February because we scheduled a family vacation in April. Turned out I spent about $600 less than usual – so I set it aside for vacation. Then – in March, my company gave out bonuses (mine was 5% – yay) and then while on vacation in April I got a call/text that I received a promotion with a 5% pay increase – double yay! So the originally saved $600 went directly to my investments as well as most of the bonus, and the pay raise will get portioned out to max my 401 at work (currently 15%) and the active “sinking funds” so that future money (tips) can also go to investments. It’s been a pretty great couple of months and I’m hoping my lucky streak continues!
Replaced 4 year old laser printer with a newer/better version for $120. That was less than the cost of repair parts for old one at $135. Paid for it with credit card cash back points. Does that mean it free? Will donate old one to a charity for tax deduction.
I have had my iPhone 5 for 3.5 years. It was a refurb free-bee with 2 yr phone plan. How old could really be? An iPhone 6 would be a major upgrade.
When I committed financial infidelity I put the same amount I spent into our brokerage account. I started seeing the hurt in the budget and I finally tapered off that addiction and stopped but.
You can also tip yourself using your Vanguard app on your phone. Throw that tip into your index fund in your brokerage or Roth IRA. It will ACH into the account just like the tip application. Probably the same process with Fidelity, Schwab and other providers.
A couple of months ago I got a small bonus at work. I immediately started salivating at what I could buy. After a bit of thought, and exercising self control, I decided to spend half, save half. So I put half in my savings account. It’s still there!
The last time I Tipโd myself was just this morning. Put $2.04 from aluminum can recycling into savings. I try to sock away any and all extras like that, however small, because they add up!
Oh nice! Didn’t know aluminum can recycling was still a thing… used to do it allll the time as a kid living out in California but haven’t seen a machine in decades here on the east coast?
Mine is all automatic. Money comes in then flows to the right accounts. Closest to this is putting milage reimbursements into the auto fund…
I [finally] set up an automatic deposit into a Vanguard fund this year. it’s only $200/mo but at the time I did not have space in the budget. It forced us to review spending and wouldn’t you know it – we found the money. Maybe I’ll double down and see what else we can do. Good times!
I tip myself every month with an online savings account. Every $5.00 saved and coins in a jar.
I just set my household up for a cleaning service every two weeks. This give me extra hours in my week for taking care of me (an extra walk, play time with kiddo, etc).
I started a new job 5 months ago – I set up my paychecks to our checking to be the same as the last job. Anything over, is pushed over into a separate savings account. Once it hits 1k, it’s moved into our saving for a house fund which we do not allow ourselves to withdraw from…so far. Money accrued in the savings account is also used to help cover our vet bills and vacation money. Not a clearcut way of saving but that account builds fast without us having to do much!
I love the TIP yourself App. I’ve been using it as a “treats” fund. Last time I stashed a little mulah was last Friday when I got paid. I make it a point to save in that fund for my treats, .i.e. new shoes, new phone, etc.
And of course, it’s all aside from my regular savings contributions, IRA, ER Fund, etc.
It’s too bad we can’t save or bank sleep ahead of time. lol.
I invested 18.02 โฌ into P2P just about half an hour ago. This is extra money from working overtime from my last paycheck.
I love to go thrift store shopping and currently I have been buying items to repurpose and upcycle denim jackets. I used the $25 I won at bunko to go on Thursday where everything is $2.25. A girl can really stretch her money that way, and I LOVE it, so it’s entertainment. I’ve made several friends with some other gals that go at the same time too. I have pictures if anyone wants to see my jackets.
Very cool!!! Yes please – I want to see!! :)
I rarely tip myself, but after receiving about $72 in a monthly interest payment from our checking account with no particular budget fund in need of assistance, I decided to start a “15th Anniversary Trip” category and put it in there. Our anniversary is less than a year away and I would LOVE to surprise my husband with a weekend trip paid for from “spavings”!
Does it count that I save my actual tip money. Instead of using it for splurges I save it and use it to pay off debt then next to save and invest.
Hah – literal tipping, I like it!
I’m a business student/intern at a corporation. I believe I tip myself every day. 90% of the time, I buy my own groceries, and make my own food to take to my internship. The other days are a blur from when I am exhausted of the day before, making food is NOT happening. I take a cup of water so I can refill it at the office. My snack drawer = pure happiness for days when I am out of food and need some noodles or chips. I have been trying to stock on healthier food lately too. I been doing this for the last 6 months. Which is a huge improvement from the old me. The old girl 6 months before was buying fast food every day after class which really adds up but, it would of been harder to avoid soggy food from my commute. Now 75% of this internship money is going (wild wild west theme song tune) straight tooooo my saving account.
NICE!!!! Doing great over there!!
It was when i decided not to buy lunch h vo home & eat a sandwich instead .saved $6
Love this idea. I did a post last year on things I did to save money and was keen to add that all up for this year. It truly amazing how it adds up. I reckon we’ve done alright so far but need to start recording
It was kind of a big tip, but at the end of February, I opened a bank account in my name only with $3,000. I’d realized everything we have is in both mine and my husband’s name, which has worked perfectly well for a long time, but I got a yearning to have something just mine.
An iPhone sounds nifty as a prize; have never had any Apple product…
Good for you :)
PICK ME!! Did a full breakdown of where all my money goes each month and realized I have $500 a month I can invest vs spend on stupid crap If it’s sitting in my bank account. Auto-invest with Vanguard of course! After a few months in I think I can up it to $1000/month. But I have a iPhone 5s that’s hanging on and want to “tip” myself more so please help me get a new phone!
I just tipped myself $259.49 by returning a (gorgeous) dress and a (really pretty) piece of petrified wood intended to serve as a cheese platter. Lovely things but trying hard to stick to our budget each month and reach our next net worth goal! :-)
I tipped myself last month by packing my lunches everyday. No pressure…just wanted to see if I could do it and enjoy it (I did, actually!). I’ve also stayed away from all drinks but water and feel great! Pushing a set amount into my brokerage account each month, which also feels great. :)
May the 4th be with you!!! I wish I could post a gif in here for you to see. It would definitely be one of Yoda!
Hmm last time I tip’d myself was May 1, for putting 10% of my mule into Betterment!
Almost embarrassed as mine was a large tip but there is zero guilt in what I did. My mother had been in care for 19 years. I was her guardian. With her estate the 3 sisters each got some money. I invested $19K in TFSAs and RRSPs (obviously I am Canadian) for my husband and I. The last $1K i kept as cash in the house just for me. Got a weekend trip to celebrate the live of both parents with my two sisters. We went out and ate and toasted the folks and hit a Cirque du Soleil show. It was great. Then over time bought little things for myself or others. Year and half later I still have about $80. When I want to it will be there as a little something that mom wanted for me. No guilt in that.
100% agreed – such a great use of the money!! And something parents love to see and know too – that their kids are spending quality time together!
Spavings a few weeks ago because we ate out less than expected!
Last month I emptied out my “found money” coin jar and my regular change jar, took it to the coin counting machine at my credit union, then deposited $29.51 into savings. Every little bit helps, right?
I saved $786 by changing the rack and pinion on my wife’s car. Instead of paying a shop to do it for $687.
The part originally cost us $210 (includes a core charge of $66). We returned the damaged unit and got the $66 back so the part cost $144.
I took it to the same shop that quoted me $687 to get aligned which cost $99 but I made sure to check their website for coupons and WALLA “$15 off vehicle alignment” making our total $75.
If you add the rack and pinion plus the alignment it cost us $223 and some elbow grease versus $786 (shop quote plus $99 alignment).
But now I have to replace the struts And strut mounts. The shop quote… wait for it… $1260. HA. and that’s JUST for the front. The parts costs $300 on Rock Auto… anyways, to be continued. I’ll let you know how much I’ll save on this project.
All I can say is thank goodness our car is paid off and we have an emergency fund (which we will need to boost after all these expenses).
My phone also has a pink and green line down the middle of the screen she works like a champ but I owe $250 on her. I’m gonna switch from ATT to Cricket I think after this contract ends in a year. $208 per month for two phones. Bonkers.
Ugh, for real… Good thing your wife married someone so handy though – my wife did not! ;)
Starbucks. I’ll admit I grab a cup every now and then, though not often enough to call a habit. But the other day I skipped it and mentally reallocated that $4.06 to omewhere where it is better spent!
In April I went to visit family for a week so that was one week I didn’t have to pay for groceries! I took that additional $$ into my savings account!
Hmmm. I guess every payday I “tip” myself first, with off the top retirement and other savings. Does that count?
Not sure this counts as tipping – but my favorite way to build up my vacation funds. Works for those paying cash, and who probably have a bit of a flexible budget. (Not sure how well this would work with folks doing the envelope system). Whenever I would get a $5 bill I would put it aside and it would become part of my vacation fund. It’s amazing how fast a $5 bill here and a $5 bill there can add up. I’ve saved hundreds of dollars each year doing this trick. Great way to stash away some vacation money without feeling like you are taking a hit out of savings. Of course it’s rough when you pay for something under $5 with a $20 and get three $5 bills back in change – nice for the vacation fund but makes the weekly spending budget a bit tighter! It’s funny how now I have such a hard time parting with a $5 bill…
HAH! I believe it! :)
I had to take down a hazardous tree in my yard, and the quote came in around $1700. I convinced the power company to take down some branches near the lines, which saved me $150 off the job, and then paid in cash, which saved me 5%. The total was $1230, and I saved the $470 extra I had budgeted for the work. Iโm still not excited about how much it cost to take down the tree, but Iโm glad that negotiating with the power and tree company saved me $$$.
So yesterday I tipped myself by placing an $18.00 bet on the Kentucky Derby and winning an $18.20 payout! I’m saving that 20 cents and putting it in my retirement fund. lol
Thought about buying a lotto ticket after that big win but I’m not much of a gambler apparently. ;-)
I ordered a water versus beer when out last night. Also, I always use .10 off per gallon gas coupons. Adds up over the years. Thanks for your inspiration and the chance to win!
I tip my daughters by trading their money from their piggy banks when I need cash. I take their cash then transfer the amount to their bank accounts. I’m not sure if that sounds right ;)
haha… they must have a lot of cash! my kids hardly have anything outside of pennies and foreign coins I give them from my coin collecting!
I saved $5.75 shopping with coupons this morning. While $5.75 is not a large amount of money, if I can save this or more each shopping trip, it can add up to several weeks of “free” groceries a year! Thank you for offering up the chance to win your phone. It would be a great upgrade from my current phone!!!!!
I tipped myself by learning to make Orange Chicken for $2 instead of buying it from Panda Express for $10. It was incredible!
Read your blog religiously thanks for the regular posts and humor :) last time I tipped myself was 2 weeks ago with a particularly lucky windfall capital gain from a stock I sold; the rest went back into the market to diversify my portfolio
Will announce winner shortly!