Wanna celebrity guest post on my blog?

Then you’ve come to the right place! According to that countdown over there, yours truly is about to get hitched, and will soon be off honeymooning. And since i’m a slacker and haven’t checked to see if we’ll have internet access (or if the Mrs. will even allow such a thing) i figured it’s a great time to showcase some other talent out there ;)

So if you’re a blogger (or not), and you’d like to write a guest post, here are the deets:

  • Deadline: send by 3pm on Sunday – June 1st
  • Contact: J (at) budgetsaresexy (dot) com
  • Format: html file, word file, email, whatever floats your boat.
  • Guidelines: i really don’t have any, as long as it’s personal finance-ish related and you dig it. as you can tell, i’m not all that strict ;)
  • **I will, however, need to edit/format them to look nice and purrty on the site.

That’s about it! Holler if you’re interested, and don’t holler if you’re not (unless you wanna say hi). And in the meantime … Get Sexcited!

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