Taxes all done? If not, could be your BFF.

One on One with J. MoneyIf you’re slackin’ on the tax filing and need an extension, may be just the place to check out. And I’m not getting paid to say that ;) Nope, I actually base this recommendation on my interview with Ryan Thompson, the CEO (and founder) of

Not only did he take the time to answer a few questions I had brewing inside, but you can tell he really cares about GOOD customer service. And any company that prides themselves on a simple & easy to use product is alright in my books – esp. if the IRS gives them two thumbs up! That’s always a good sign ;) So get your coffee, relax a little, and learn something new today:

1) How would you sum up in 1 sentence?
FileLater is the best place online to get an IRS approved tax extension and extend your tax deadline to October 15.

2) On a scale from 1-10, how insane was it to get approved by the IRS? (and do you still have nightmares about it?)
The actual process of becoming an Authorized IRS e-file provider was about a 1 on the scale (with 10 being fun). From fingerprints and background checks, to website reviews and security checks, The process is far from easy. We endured it though, because we wanted to make sure our customers felt safe when using our site.

3) Was working for Intuit your main inspiration behind this project?
Yes, I spent 3 years working for TurboTax at Intuit, including a year as the General manager of Intuit’s acquired business, that helps new business form corporations and LLCs. I learned a lot at Intuit, and have great respect for the company and the people I worked with there. While I was there, I learned a lot about how to make filling out complicated government compliance forms, like taxes and incorporation forms, easy for regular people (i.e. not tax and legal experts) and applied those same learnings to FileLater.

4) Is really *that* easy to navigate? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare send my grandma online to test this ;)
We’re really passionate about making our solution as easy as possible, and we think we’ve succeeded. Words like “easy” and “simple” are by far what we hear the most in our customer feedback. So yea, have your grandma check us out!

5) It seems to me that if ballers like Tim Geithner & folk can’t get it right, that the current system needs retooling. Do you feel that simplifying the tax process is even a possibility?
I think it’s possible, but not likely anytime soon. Our tax code has essentially turned into a mess of quick-fixes across years of government administration changes to try to keep the tax code “fair” to taxpayers. An overhaul is possible if it became a focus, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon, especially while the government has bigger problems to solve with the current economy.

6) Lastly, how bad a$$ is living in La Jolla, CA?
In the spirit of talking taxes anywhere you’re willing to live where sales taxes are about 10% means it must be pretty nice. I guess that’s the sunshine tax everyone talks about. . .and, a great change from the winters I’ve spent in Michigan.

Thank ya much dawg. It’s always good to get a little better insight behind some of these companies out there, esp when it comes to trusting them with your personal information! If you ever find yourself in the DC area, holler over and I’ll buy ya a beer ;)

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