Resource of The Month: Debt Free Coloring Charts!

INSIDE: Here are a bunch of debt free charts you can download and color in to keep you motivated! All for FREE, courtesy of – thank you Heidi!!

Just saw these featured in a FinCon newsletter and they are brilliant!!

Debt free charts!

To color in and keep you motivated!

**FOR FREE!!**

You can click here to grab them if you’re too excited to read any further (haha…) — — or just keep scrolling to get a good peek at them before kissing away your debt ;)

There are over 80 sheets to choose from!

debt free land chart

car loan debt free chart

game of loans debt chart

emergency fund chart

debt free charts

(More filled-in examples at Instagram: @debtfreecharts)

It’s all a part of Heidi Nash’s mission to keep people motivated in their journeys, and she’s set a personal goal of giving away *300,000* of them in 2019 after surpassing her goal of 150,000 last year! So cool!!!

(I wonder if she’s tracking all these giveaways with a chart?! ;))

She’s also started designing premium versions that only go for $1.00-$2.50 a piece, as well as some *packages* you can get, so if you REALLY want to be fancy you can try your hand at any of those too ;) Especially if you want to custom them towards other goals like saving, investing/etc…

Here are some of my favorites from that group:

big emergency fund chart

become financially free color page

100 cups of coffee chart

100 plants chart

Such a fun way to track your progress, as it really is about those small wins adding up over time that pushes us through to the end…

If you love these as much as I do, please pass this forward!!

Thank you for making these available to everyone, Heidi! I hope you hit your 300,000 goal!! :)

To learn more/download them, visit –>

Previous Resources of The Month:

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  1. OFG May 17, 2019 at 7:18 AM

    I love these! I created a mortgage countdown chart many years ago and meticulously crossed off each mortgage payment for five years. It’s fun to visualize the numbers dropping. This year we decided to create a paper chain, you know like the kind kids use to countdown the number of days until Christmas. Every month we take a link off and watch the chain get shorter!

    1. J. Money May 17, 2019 at 8:04 AM

      Oh man I totally remember those!!! We used to make them to countdown to Xmas – so fun!! :)

      Do you still have your mortgage chart laying around or framed somewhere? Haha… Would love to see it!! :)

  2. Cubert May 17, 2019 at 7:21 AM

    These are supes cool! They remind me of the sticker charts we used for the twins when they were potty training.

    Gotta have some incentives for those toys, er, financial independence. :-)

    When paying off our mortgage, we went low-tech and kept a corner of our fridge whiteboard updated. Bor-inggg…

    1. J. Money May 17, 2019 at 8:07 AM

      Haha.. but still a great DAILY REMINDER of the mission! Which you probably saw approx 13x a day if you snack as much as I do! ;)

  3. Mr. SoS May 17, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    These are awesome! I have seen people do these before, but never thought about doing one myself. I believe I will give them a try. We are finally under $400,000 left to pay off! I believe they will help the kids see where we are at a glance and offer a subtle reminder to avoid debt so you never have to pay it off.

    1. J. Money May 17, 2019 at 1:51 PM

      YAY!!! DO IT!!

      And then send us a picture of it later so we can see it too :)

      I take it a majority of that debt is mortgage and/or student loans?

      1. Mr. SoS May 17, 2019 at 2:03 PM

        Here are all the debts we have left to pay. Our payoff plan breaks down like this:
        $ 11,400 – 0.000% Car Loan (19 monthly payments)
        $172,270 – 3.125% Home Loan (95 monthly payments)
        $208,011 – 3.125% Dr. SoS’s Student Loan (87 monthly payments)
        $391,681 – Total Debt Payoff Target April 1, 2027

        1. J. Money May 17, 2019 at 2:38 PM

          Haha… thanks for the dirt!

          Love the organization over there ;)