Pimping out your place for the Presidential Inauguration!

rent my place!Here in DC, there are ads all over the place for this. Seriously, it’s starting to get insane and it’s still what, TWO months away?

Some people are renting out their place for $2,000, $4,000, even $10,000! For 4-5 days! Daaaaaaaaaaaang son. There are over 450+ posts on craigslist yesterday alone for this.

This is one of those times i wished i still lived around here cuz i gotta say, i’d be all OVER that! I used to live right off of Wisconsin in upper Georgetown area (which is a pretty good location, esp for partying ;) and older/richer people….being safe and all), and although it was just a studio apartment, it would get the job done for a weekend or so! I’m thinking i could have probably rented it out for let’s say, umm…..$1,000 for the weekend?

Although, it might get pretty sticky if you’re actually renting it yourself ;) So would probably be best if you owned your place, but maybe it really wouldn’t matter, i dunno i’m no expert. The point is, that’s a LOOOOOT of money you can earn super quickly, and for basically nothing.

Here are all the pros and cons i could conjure up in a case like this:

The Pros of Being a House P.I.M.P.
For you: $1,000-$10,000 in cash! perhaps some new scenery for a bit?
For renter: their own cozy place! own living room, dining room (presumably), bedroom(s), a whole freakin’ place. Plus, no more worrying about hotels all sold out and/or crazies keeping you up all night there.

The Cons of Being a House P.I.M.P.
For you: You’d have to find somewhere else to live for a bit (Hello, Mom?). You’d also be opening up your whole life to strangers! Think: stealing, trashing, etc.
For renter: Could be more expensive to rent out a house/condo than a hotel, esp. the closer the time gets to booking it. Possibly no access to gym/pool/concierge, etc.

This whole thing is pretty insane if you ask me, but that’s the beauty of this country – we can do whatever we wish :) I’m gonna keep my eye on this and see how much higher these prices get as time goes on. I guarantee they just get crazier and crazier! Would you do it?

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