Mortgage Late? Don’t Wait!

maryland hope“You Have Options. We Can Help.”

WOWWW, something in the mail that’s actually NOT spam! haha… And not only that, but something that can potentially help people KEEP THEIR HOMES!

I applaud you Maryland, that is very impressive.

A state stepping up to help out those stuck in all this sub-prime mortgage mess … you don’t see that every day ;)

The flyer is sponsored by Maryland Hope (a division of The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development) and shows their call to action on the front “Act NOW! Before It’s Too Late!”, along w/ their toll-free Hotline and website. Then, on the back, it shows some of the services they offer:

  • Free nonprofit counseling in your community
  • Financial resources that can save your home from foreclosure.
  • Help with non-responsive loan servicers.
  • Mortgage fraud investigation

Not bad, right? And even if you DO end up chucking it, *hopefully* it will at least get you to stop and think about it. Whether you need the help, or not, though, I commend Maryland for giving it a shot. I personally had nooooooooooooo idea something like this existed, and had i been in trouble? Oh you better believe i’d be all over that website ;)

For more information on Maryland Hope, call their Hotline @ 1-877-462-7555 or visit their website:

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