“That’s So Money”

Money Artwork!Painting Supplies: $50.00
Number of $1 bills: 48
Effort put in: 6 months (on and off)

Finishing your 1st painting since 2nd grade? PRICELESS.

There are some things money can’t buy.
For everything else, there’s Budgets are Sexy.

Update: Wanna know HOW i created this? Check out
the steps here :)

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  1. lunchingdauphin April 6, 2010 at 11:00 AM

    I give you kudos for being brave enough to create a piece of art that is really worth something! I’m thinking of trying the same thing, but with the equivalent of lottery and scratch-off tickets that were* once worth their weight. Thanks for the idea! Is this hanging in your living room and getting outrageous comments?

  2. J. Money April 6, 2010 at 5:28 PM

    HAH! Did you know that I’m working on the same thing, actually?! Been collecting my tkts for over a year now so almost ready to go ;) Be sure to let me know when yours is done!!! I would love to see it. And I’ll even feature it here on the blog too if you’d like :)

    Oh, and this guy’s hanging in our hallway. Unfortunately we don’t get many visits to our house, or you better believe it will hit ’em right in the face when they walked in ;) Have a great week!