Introducing The Financial Press Gazette!

Financial Press Gazette
Financial Press Gazette is now live, baby! I decided to finally launch this bad boy after months and months of thinking about it :)  If you’re one of my V.I.P. Newsletter members you’ve already gotten a sneak peek at it already (or possibly if you follow my twitter account),  but today I’m announcing it to the world.

FP Gazette will basically be a database of all the financial news and press releases I get emailed to me from PR agencies and other financial outlets.  As a blogger, I’m always getting sent some great information about the latest financial products or news bits hitting the scene, but unfortunately I can only blog about so much. So instead of blowing up Budgets Are Sexy with all these financial press releases, I figured I’d start another site where those who are interested in them can click on over and get this great info ASAP.

Twitter: @FPGazette (perfect for quick headlines)

It won’t have the J. Money flair to the articles like this site does (B.A.S. is a personal finance blog, whereas FP Gazette is more an informational site), but if you’re looking for straight up news and info as it hits, the Gazette is where it’s at. In the last 2 weeks I’ve posted up info on giveaways, free advice days, financial polls & research, new iPhone apps, discount sites, and even thoughts on Senate Banking Committees!  (whatever that is ;)). Basically, a whole assortment of financial goodness that is now out there for people to see instead of deleted in my inbox.

So check it out my friends! And if you couldn’t care less, well, that’s fine too :)  Budgets Are Sexy will still be rockin’ and rollin’ as always, and you can pretend I never said anything… Here’s to a financially sound weekend everyone!

UPDATE: I have since sold this project :)

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  1. Falling Into Favor April 2, 2010 at 11:34 AM

    Just what I need: more financial advice!!! Ahhhhh!!! I’m kidding :D

  2. J. Money April 2, 2010 at 11:43 AM

    Haha…well, if it helps it’s not really “advice” more than it is just alerts about financial things happening ;) I think some of my friends just skim the headlines for quick info (perfect for those with A.D.D.!)

  3. Jesse April 2, 2010 at 12:00 PM

    Can’t wait for the site to get into full swing, very cool man.

  4. Investing Newbie April 2, 2010 at 12:03 PM

    Hey J. Happy Easter. I love the egg in the masthead, although it looks like Budgets are Soxy. Which they can be from time to time.

  5. J. Money April 2, 2010 at 4:49 PM

    Thx Jesse!

    Haha…yeah, Budgets ARE Soxy – did you ever doubt? ;)

  6. David Wilcoxson April 2, 2010 at 9:40 PM

    Great looking site! I look forward to learning more. Long live the greenbacks!

  7. myfinancialobjectives April 3, 2010 at 8:56 AM

    Great idea, and a great looking site so far. I love this idea, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting another website (about reggae actually), but was under the impression I don’t have time… How do you manage both! You must be one efficient productive sonofa!

  8. Double My Net Worth April 3, 2010 at 9:42 AM

    Good concept. I checked out your site and I do have to admit I like the content. Not particularly a great looking site like everyone else says but I am sure over time as it starts to generate revenue for you, you will transform it into a ultra-cool, modern, hip-hop look that’s popping news here and there in a flash.

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself from talking like you for a bit there. You may want to include an RSS feed in your sidebar to generate further attention and direct your readers over there. There’s just too many blogs out there with the same materials but so far, I like what you have to offer.

  9. J. Money April 3, 2010 at 11:49 AM

    @myfinancialobjectives – I stay up all hours of the night working on stuff – gotta hustle in case the ol’ 9-5 goes away! but you should totally do that reggae blog, I’d sign up to read it :)

    @Double My Net Worth – Appreciate the honesty brotha. There actually is an rss feed button there on the right sidebars (at the top) but I suppose I could always make it bigger. Thx for checking it out.

  10. MyFinancialObjectives April 3, 2010 at 12:03 PM

    Haha I know you would! I’ve decided to either do the reggae blog, or pursue one of the other ideas I have floating around.. Just need a bit more success with my current amazing blog. lol :)