Hello from the beach! (A quick shout out)

hello from the caribbean Missing me yet? I hope not โ€“ you should have plenty to read while iโ€™m away ;) Remember that Chuck Norris Random Fact Generator link i sent to ya? aww yeahhhh!

Anyways, I just wanted to give you all a quick shout out and to let you know that Iโ€™m looking for bargains down here when weโ€™re out and aboutโ€ฆ Just cuz itโ€™s our honeymoon, doesnโ€™t mean i can get all kooky w/ my our money!

Although, with the way weโ€™re being spoiled down here Mr. Sexy might come back in action and take over from Mr. Frugal! (Remember what almost happened back in Vegas?)

We got one of those โ€œall you can eat & drinkโ€ resort places down here, so we donโ€™t have to plan a damn thing anymore ;) The price tag wasnโ€™t pretty ($4,000), but we get 8 long days and nights there, and itโ€™s supposed to be one of the best parts for our lives. We all know itโ€™ll be hard to justify another trip like this in the near future! Why do i have to be so frugal again?

Well thatโ€™s it for now my furry little friends! I *may* or *may not* be back anytime soon, so if i donโ€™t respond to any posts or emails, youโ€™ll know whyโ€ฆiโ€™ll be down at the copa cabana w/ two drinks in my hand and a farmers tan ;)

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