This Month’s Favorite $$$ Reads (And Listens!)

Hidey-ho, neighbors!

Your boy’s out at FinCon today – our yearly financial blogging conference – so instead of using my brain to conjure up some wise words of financery for y’all, I’ll be temporarily shutting it down and sharing other peoples’ wise words of financery instead. (Real word)

But if you come find me at the pool or in the halls over the weekend, I promise to turn my brain back on for you and hang! This stay-at-home daddy ain’t staying at home this weekend, babyow ow! Party time! (And, SLEEP, time! ;))

Now onto my favorite reads (and podcasts) from around the web…

There were some great ones this month!


standing on mountain top

Why I’m Retiring from Personal Blogging by Cait Flanders — “I donโ€™t want to be an expert. I just want to be a human… I want to go for long walks and spend time in nature, and not take pictures as proof. I want to get a good night of sleep and a bad night of sleep, and not turn it into a discussion on the internet… I want to make big financial decisions and small financial decisions, and not have to justify them or worry what people will think. I want to have regular days and big days and happy days and sad days. I want to go through an experience and not wonder which parts would fit best into a blog post. I want to live and not share every detail anymore. I just want to be a human in this world.”

Copy This by Ms. Liz Money Matters — “Not long after we finished building our dream home, a gal who worked for me and her husband started building theirs not far away. They liked our home and they wanted to copy some things we did. No problem. We all drove around the community, walked through unfinished homes and stole ideas from others… When they were getting ready to move in, I realized there was one big thing they didnโ€™t copy.”

Decluttering Challenge: One Month, One Item Per Day by Waffles On Wednesday — “Unless you are already a minimalist, finding one item to get rid of every day is actually very easy. Although we have already combed through our belongings many times before, somehow more and more stuff finds its way back into our humble abode. So I picked a strategy that made this decluttering goal even easier. I would pick one area: one cabinet, one drawer, one closet and start there. I would head to that spot every day and remove an item that I didnโ€™t need/ use anymore and be on my way. It made it easy. Every day, I knew exactly where to go to accomplish my goal.”

joker card

How to Break The Cycle of Pointless Conversations by Life’s Too Good — “Have you ever been stuck in a game of ‘Why don’t you do this…?’ with someone who keeps coming back at you with ‘Yes, but…’? … This kind of ‘game playing’ almost always serves the purpose of reinforcing our negative feelings or blaming others for our bad feelings… We need to stop playing games and to start making real changes in our life in order to move forward.”

Why Kirk Cousins Turned Down $90 Million From The Jets to Join The Vikings by CNBC — “Despite earning $23.9 million in his last season with the team, the star quarterback admits to still living on a strict budget.ย  He tells GQ that he and his wife drive a dented GMC Savana van that he purchased from his grandmother in 2014 for $5,000. He also says that during the summer months, he and his wife live in his parents’ basement. Then, for the first few months of the year, he says they spend time living in Georgia with his in-laws.”

Fool Me Three Times And I Give Up by Collaborative Fund — “Pavlovโ€™s dogs became famous for what they learned: when the bell rings, food is coming, so drool. Less known is what happened to the poor dogs in 1924. A massive flood swept through Leningrad, where physiologist Ivan Pavlov did his research. The water came right up to the dogsโ€™ cages…”

james trevino book art

Guy Creatively Arranges His Massive Library of Books Into Imaginative Scenes by My Modern Met — “Bookstagrammer James Trevino uses his massive library of books for more than just reading. With a shelf arranged like a rainbow, he pulls from his collection and transforms the texts into imaginative displays. Each book cover acts like a stroke of paint; when they are placed together in specific formations, they produce images that are best viewed from above.”

‘Priceless’ 300-year-old coin that men had to buy to avoid Peter the Great’s ‘Beard Tax’ in Russia is discovered in a ruined 17th Century building by Daily Mail — “Minted in 1699, the copper coin is only the second known example of the coin. It shows an image of a beard and moustache and the words ‘Money Paid’. Dubbed the ‘beard kopek, the coin was part of Peter the Great’s 1987 ‘beard tax’. He banned all facial hair but then introduced a coin-based system that allowed people to pay to keep their beards.”

The Middle Class Retirement Nightmare by Daily Reckoning — “In 1971, you could buy a new Ford F-150 for $2,500. At $4 an hour, it took 625 hours to buy the truck. Todayโ€™s model costs $30,000, and the average hourly wage is $26. So the wage earner has to work for 1,154 hours to get a standard F-150… You can do the same calculation for housing. An average man paid about $24,000 for the average house in 1971. Today, he pays $371,000. Priced in time, the house cost 6,000 hours in 1971 and 14,269 hours today.”

The Thin Green Line: Why You Should Be Skeptical of Financial Blogs by Get Rich Slowly — “Blogging has become more business-like and less personal. A decade ago, most blogs โ€” even money blogs โ€” were rooted in the authorโ€™s individual experience. Nowadays, most big financial blogs have a minimal editorial voice… The trouble with the rise of blogging as a business is that the business has become the focus for most financial blogs. Financial bloggers arenโ€™t making decisions based on whatโ€™s best for their audience. Theyโ€™re making decisions based on whatโ€™s likely to bring them the most income.”


Other Quick Nods

deb and cupcakes


Podcast(s) of The Month

voice over microphone

I’m biased with these, but I thought they came out pretty well :) Particularly the first one as it was the first time I was interviewed by someone outside of the financial space. If you miss hearing me on the Afford Anything Podcast (formerly the M.O.N.E.Y. show), you’ll enjoy these!


J. Money: Budgets, Building Wealth, and Living Well on The Distilled Man Podcast — “Today on the podcast, unorthodox finance blogger J. Money shares how to get a better handle on your moneyโ€ฆand your life. We talk about the the importance of tracking your net worth (no matter how small), the biggest financial mistakes most people make, why challenging mainstream lifestyle norms can be the easiest way to build wealth, and more.”

Track Your Net Worth and Become a Young Millionaire โ€“ with J. Money on Marriage, Kids and Money Podcast — “J. Money and I review: how and why he started tracking his net worth in the first place, what methods he used to grow it from $50,000 to $850,000 in 10 years, and why his priorities have changed in the last few years… This net worth boosting conversation is real, honest and genuine. Enjoy!”


Graphic of The Month :)

things should have taught in school(Courtesy of, a fantastic real estate investing community)

Hope these inspire you while I’m gone!

If you miss me too much, just read through all 2,471 posts previously published here and you’ll quickly get over it: Budgets Are Sexy Archives


j. money signature

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  1. Nate September 28, 2018 at 8:12 AM

    Love the one item a day declutter. I’m going to do this in November (travelling too much in October to do it then).

    My wife is actually doing a declutter in September that requires her to get rid of the number of things everyday equal to the day of the month. So today she needs to get rid of 28 things… after getting rid of 27 things yesterday! She’s been a rockstar at it, and hasn’t yet had to count a pile of 12 paperclips as 12 things. I’d do the same in November, but I have significantly less stuff to work with.

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:34 PM

      Oh $hit! Now that’s a challenge!

  2. Liz September 28, 2018 at 9:06 AM


    I still remember my shock and excitement the first time you picked me up on Rockstar. It’s just as thrilling to be included on your list today. That “your stats are booming” message from WordPress never gets old.

    Wish I were at Fincon to thank you in person but this will have to do. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Have fun with your peeps! Good luck with catching up on sleep!

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:36 PM

      So glad you got some good views, Liz :) Fan of your stuff from the beginning!! And next year I want double the hugs!

  3. Mrs. Money September 28, 2018 at 9:51 AM

    Enjoy FinCon (and have a beer or two for me!)

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:36 PM

      Done and done – without even seeing this first ;)

  4. Sean @ Frugal Money Man September 28, 2018 at 10:13 AM

    Hope you have a BLAST at FinCon!

    I wish I could have made it down there this year, but I will enjoy reading these shares!

    Especially the first one because I have a good feeling A LOT of personal finance bloggers have thought about hanging it up at some point in time.

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:37 PM

      Next year is gonna be in my home town – Washington DC, woop woop!

  5. Torrie September 28, 2018 at 12:49 PM

    Oh man, I’m jealous of the idea of getting away and enjoying a couple nights of uninterrupted sleep (especially as our entire household has been down with stomach flu this week)! Enjoy FinCon, and thanks for rounding these up—I’m excited to check some of these out!

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:40 PM

      Ack – hope y’all are better by now! There was one night when my baby apparently didn’t sleep for more than 30 mins at a time and my wife was NOT happy for me to be gone, haha… Back now though and thankfully caught up with sleep/alcohol-getting-out-of-system to help :)

  6. GreenDollarBills September 29, 2018 at 11:49 AM

    Absolutely love the graphic. Time>Money -> this is certainly true as you get older. But for the young it seems that money is lacking and time is abundant

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:40 PM

      I know!! If only we realized just how precious all that time is too!! Never realized it until the day my first kid was born, womp womp…

  7. DebtandCupcakes September 30, 2018 at 11:07 PM

    Woo! Thanks for the mention!!

    1. J. Money October 1, 2018 at 2:42 PM

      Had to get the word out – it’s a brilliant name!