Come Stalk me on Facebook…it’ll be fun.

Refinancing is not my friend.Yup, your boy J. Money (or Jay Monee in this case) is on Facebook. Just signed up this week so I’m pretty excited.

Kinda weird starting out from scratch since it’s not linked to my personal account, but at least I can interact and get to know all you better :) It’s also cool seeing a whole mess of other bloggers on there too, so you might come across some of your fav’s.

Here’s my new Facebook page – Be my friend?

Yet another way to connect w/ the Budgets Are Sexy team! (aka me) Check us out on Twitter too if you haven’t already. Sometimes I talk about finance stuff, but usually I find myself spitting out random nonsense.

Okay, i’m done whoring myself out now. Have a most wonderful Easter Weekend out there folks, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! Or at least don’t get caught doing it ;)

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