7 Awesome Money Gifts

Someone sent me a link to a pretty sweet gift idea the other day (it’s #1 on the list below), and it got me wondering what other kinds of “money” related stuff could be out there too?  Besides all those manly piggy banks I’ve already found, of course ;)

I Googled and Amazoned, and here were my favorite 7 I found – what do you think?

1) Framed Stock Certificate ($100+ @ OneShare.com)

starbucks stock certificate
How awesome is THAT gift? Who wouldn’t want an investment that you can also hang on your wall? You get a real stock! :) Kinda like I gave to my boy Nate last Christmas, a share of the Green Bay Packers. Only his isn’t worth squat, other than bragging rights ;)

2) Stimulus Package Gift Basket ($24 @ Amazon.com)

stimulus package chocolate gift basket
The blurb on Amazon says it best: “Send someone our newest gift basket, the Stimulus Bill Gift Basket. Who doesn’t want to be bailed out… You can’t spend it, but at least you can enjoy eating it! Help the economy, keep spending and send some chocolate money to your friends and family.” Hah!

3) Money Learning Placemat ($4.99 @ Amazon.com)

learning about money kids placemat
I’m TOTALLY getting this one for Baby $ when he’s old enough to read/see/talk. So COOL!!! There were some others on Amazon too which were pretty sweet looking, but probably for older kids like this counting money one. We used to have a 50 states mat ourselves growing up and it made learning so fun – I can’t wait to share these with the kiddo(s) ;)

4) Bonsai Money Tree ($11.99 @ Amazon.com)

money tree bonsai
And they say money doesn’t grow on trees! (Bah dum-ching) Seriously though, did you even *know* about these money trees?? I first came across them when planning our home garden the other month (there’s “normal” money trees too that aren’t bonsai), but they required more work than I wanted to put in. Like watering and staying away from bad weather ;) But they would be cool to have for sure… esp. this mini one.

5) Plush Money Dog Toy ($12 @ Amazon.com)

plush dog money toy
My favorite part is what’s written around the dollar signs on either side: “Bone Digger,” haha… Get it? Instead of GOLD digger? Clever clever ;)

6) iPhone Money & Credit Card Case ($39.99 @ Amazon.com)

money tree bonsai
Now that’s a phone you don’t wanna lose! A case which stores cash AND credit cards, and also makes for a good phone stand too for viewing pictures and blaring music… They also have the same version in black too, for all those not comfortable rockin’ pink :)

7) Money Toilet Paper Roll! ($5.25 @ Amazon.com)

money dollar bill toilet paper
Hahaha…. This is by far my favorite.  Cheap enough to stock up on and give as stocking stuffers/gag gifts, but awesome enough to actually use too – at least in my blogger office ;) I don’t know what screams financial blogger more than dollar bill toilet paper?! Maybe I’ll even sneak it in our master bedroom and see what the Mrs. says, haha… I hope she’s not reading this right now.

Here were the three runner ups:

  1. Gold Bar Door Stop @ $23.99
  2. Money to Burn Candle @ $10.12
  3. Money Soap @ $11.85

I hope you enjoyed today’s list! It’s 2.5 hours of searching around I’ll never get back ;) If I missed any others you know about, though, let me know… maybe I’ll put together a round two when I don’t feel like doing any “real” work again, haha… to capitalism!

PS: Here’s the list for the best hidden safes I’ve found in the past too, along with those manly banks.
PPS: And the best financial products I’ve seen and use myself – in case you’re looking for something actually valuable today ;)

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  1. The Financial Blogger September 19, 2012 at 6:53 AM

    I love the stimulus basket too :-)

    I gave my 5 yr a Monopoly Junior Game. There is nothing best to show them how money comes… and goes! hahaha!

  2. Lance @ Money Life and More September 19, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    We’ve thought about getting my girlfriend’s dad a stock certificate for Harley Davidson but decided it wasn’t worth it. It’d be cool but would eventually just collect dust.

  3. William @ Drop Dead Money September 19, 2012 at 7:40 AM

    Totally awesome!

    Here’s one you’re going to need tomorrow: http://bit.ly/bigbuckx


  4. Call Me What You Want Even Cheap September 19, 2012 at 8:09 AM

    The money toilet paper roll is classic. I am just picturing a friend coming over to use the washroom and seeing that!

  5. David Hunter September 19, 2012 at 9:33 AM

    I’m lovin’ the money toilet paper roll!! My dog would love the Bone Digger!

  6. Trinnie September 19, 2012 at 10:04 AM

    I need to buy that money placemat for Vinny like yesterday! In fact, why am I even commenting right now? I need to go to Amazon NOW!

  7. Em September 19, 2012 at 10:05 AM

    I think that placemat is going on the Christmas list for my son! It’s awesome

  8. MakinSense Babe September 19, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    You know Romney has that toilet paper

  9. Andi September 19, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    I killed my last money tree. Really hope it wasn’t symbolic.

  10. SMB September 19, 2012 at 10:50 AM

    I keep a money tree in my office just to bring me good luck! This is perfect timing as I’m trying to come up with some birthday/christmas gift ideas for the nieces and nephews. I’ve been leaning towards getting them $2 bills thanks to you, but I’m looking at the stock certificates and that place mat now too. I’m the financially responsible sibling, so got to pass on the interest to the little ones!

  11. Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager September 19, 2012 at 11:13 AM

    Isn’t “In Dog We Trust” Dog the Bounty Hunter’s saying?

    For the ladies, a nice manicure with money: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N9ESUhgHxY

  12. Brian September 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    Funny, I have two stock certificates at home that I just leave in my safe… Guess I never thought of hanging them up. Of course they value of them is a little more than something I just want to leave on the wall. But a single share might be fun!

  13. Sarah September 19, 2012 at 11:55 AM

    Thanks for the links – just bought the roll of TP as a gag wedding gift

  14. Joe @ Retire By 40 September 19, 2012 at 11:59 AM

    I like the framed stock certificate, but I’d rather keep my stock at the brokerage. What happens if there is a fire…

  15. J. Money September 19, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    I totally want to do some early Xmas shopping now ;)

    @The Financial Blogger – I wish someone would play Monopoly with ME!!! Everyone hates it around here because it “takes too long”… And the worst is when people quite in the middle of a game too, you gotta finish through! :)
    @Lance @ Money Life and More – Maybe he’d put it on the wall? I’d totally do that if I got some crazy awesome one… In fact, I have some old stock certificates I picked up at yard sales over the years, they’re just not matted and framed or anything. And would look mighty silly just being stapled to the wall, haha…
    @William @ Drop Dead Money – Haha… I did see similar glasses like that on Amazon too ;)
    @Trinnie – Yeah, why you taking so long, go and buy it! ;)
    @Sean @ One Smart Dollar – Would suck if you paid all that money for it though and then you killed it! Knowing my luck w/ them I would :(
    @Em – Awesome! Go for it!!
    @MakinSense Babe – Yup, and it’s not fake ;)
    @SMB – YEAH! $2 bills are awesome too :) And cheaper than the rest, haha… maybe you can do both over time? (BTW check out my recent post on $2 bills too if you haven’t seen it already.)
    @Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager – HAH! That is awesome!! And weird?
    @Brian – Yeah put them up!! They’re super cool and you’ll look like a pimp ;)
    @Sarah – Hah! Did you really? Are you going to send me one too? :)
    @Joe @ Retire By 40 – I think it’s all electronic these days. The certificates are probably just for show (though I could be wrong).

  16. Evan October 2, 2012 at 10:13 AM

    If I get a home office in the new house we are going to buy I want to buy a ton of those one-share stocks and hang them all over the walls. Not saying it is an HGTV worthy idea but I think it would look awesome

  17. J. Money October 3, 2012 at 11:48 AM

    Heck yeah! That would be tight, yo! You’d look like a total baller ;)