All I want for Xmas is for you to write this little girl :(

This is the cutest/sadest thing i’ve read all month! My girl over at J.D. Maybe? linked to it and i couldn’t help pass it along in hopes anyone has a few mins to spare and write a quick note. J.D. summed it up perfectly:

“One little girls wish is to receive mail. She has Cerebral Palsy. This is the cheapest easiest good deed one could do….This little girl just wants mail for christmas. If you can find it in your rotten lil hearts to write this angel a letter, I am sure Santa will be very happy….

Alexis Krosky
PO Box 195
Columbiana, Ohio 44408″

MAIL – that’s it! Incredible…if you’ve got a few minutes, send over a letter/joke/drawing, anything! Even if you read this after Xmas…I just pray she gets more than her little ol’ eyes can see :)

UPDATE: She’s getting hundreds of letters from all over the world!! Amazing.

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