Vegas + Work = Sweet Love?

Whew, i’m back in action and now ready to dish the dirt :) Would you like to know a few secrets from the Vegas adventure? (If not, click here for a not-so-randomly generated older post to keep you busy instead)

I thought about just giving you a rough idea of the trip, but since Vegas is all about money, as well as this blog, I decided to share it all. While I have my reservations, like someone at work finding out, or coming across as a bragger :(, i also want to remain 100% honest w/ my postings and financials. Not only that, but it also opened up my eyes t0 a high-end lifestyle that DOES exist out there. So, although i personally wouldn’t consider/promote it, it def. makes for good discussion.

With that said, here are the events posted line by line (as to not ramble). Keep in mind most of this was comped by our hotel, and then the rest by our company. (I love you boss-man! not that he knows this is my site, and who “my” refers too, but still, credit is due). Also, I left out all the work-stuff…no one wants to hear about that.

So here we go, in order of events:
FIRST CLASS flight roundtrip! lots of legroom and feel-goodness. (est. cost = $1,700)
Picked up by limo @ airport :) the BEST part was the guy holding a sign w/ my name on it when i arrived! haha… so bad a$$ (est. cost = $100)
Handed a packet of money. this was to cover all food, transportation, drinks, and more importantly….gambling! haha…i sure didn’t see THAT one coming. ($600)
Hotel for 2 nights – very sexy & comfy. i’d guestimate it at around $300/night
Concierge breakfast(s) – eggs, bacon, the works! $35 a piece
Partied at Rain Nightclub – couple hours here, so-so.
Partied at the Kingpin Suite at the Palms – awesomest part of the trip – personal bowling lanes, a bar, AND a pool table all in your very own suite! how sick is that?
VIP table @ the Playboy Club! Crystal champagne, music, and overall great vibe. est. cost =$6,000
Cabana by the pool! was perfect for what we needed (NEEDED? i was already getting sucked in!), our own section to sweat off the alcohol and get some sun. tack on another $600.
Fancy pants dinner – 1st time trying Kobe beef. crazy diff. than normal steak as it literally melts in your mouth! weird, but cool to try out for a 1 time thing :) that ran $400 a plate.

I think that’s pretty much it. What a trip, right? I’m not one to splurge (at all) on this sort of thing, so i must admit it was very VERY strange keeping this up for the few days while there.

It was actually pretty crazy… at the end i caught myself using my money extremely loose! i bought a few souvenirs for $70 w/out even THINKING of it, and then was tipping people like mad. no wonder Vegas leaves many a men crying when they go home….all the lights, drinks, clubs, they’re all set up to squeeze the money out of you.

Oops, almost forgot about the gambling. Here’s how that played out:
Blackjack: Down $20 at the end.
Texas Hold ’em: Walked away up $5
Pai Gow Poker: Down $75.
Texas Hold ’em casino table: Up $60!
Slot machines: Down $14.50
Total damage: – $44.50ish

So there you have it kiddies, my Vegas trip all wrapped up in a nice post. This will be good for me to remember later, as my gold fish mind tends to forget the details. All in all, the trip cost about $10,000 for ME alone!!! Some of the things included others like the VIP table and the Cabana, but you get the idea. 100% C-R-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S, and surely not expected.

Now, interestingly enough, i’m off to Atlantic City for a night out with the boys! (we had planned this weeks before my knowledge of the work trip) I can guarantee that the only thing that will be on par with the above is the “down $44.50” part. haha…

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