New Charity Project Coming Soon!

Hello, hello my good friends! It’s Friday and it’s gonna be a helluva good day :) Some of you might have forgotten, but a few months ago I wrote about charity and giving back, and asked if you’d share some of your own favorite charities with us. Well, I’m happy to tell you that a new project is finally in the works!!! I can’t give away all the details right now, but I’m INCREDIBLY excited about it and I really REALLY think you guys will like what it’s about.

This last year and a half at Budgets Are Sexy has been amazing, and every day your comments, emails, tweets, posts, and life lessons inspire me that much more. I love what this community’s about, and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me into your life. Seriously, I’d give each and every one of you a hug right now if I could. Or even a beer, depending on your sex ;)

My hope with this next project is to give back as much as possible, and to inspire people to keep coming together and making a difference. This economy has taken a toll on a whole bunch of our lives, and we need all the love we can get!

So get excited friends. We’re gonna make this world a better place, and I need each and every one of you to help me out with it. I’ll keep ya posted…

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