New Credit Card #? Don’t forget to update your accounts!

USAA - Still love me?I don’t know about you, but i’m alllllllllways forgetting to update my accounts when I get a new credit card #. (Don’t care? click here)

It really sucks to be honest, and it makes me wanna bang my head upside a brick wall – even if it does cost me $1. But I guess it’s just one of those things we have to deal with in life.

I bring this up now because USAA just had a “data compromise” in one of its divisions (they say it due to a 3rd party), but either way it means they had to send me a new card with a new #. This may not be that big of a deal for some people, but I use my credit card for everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrything. Which means I now have to update allllllllllllllll my accounts that’s attached to it! (why do I keep typing like thaaaaaaaaaaat?)

That brings us to today’s topic: The list of places to update your credit card information.Originally I only thought of 2 or 3 places to update this new #, but as the days passed (and my charges kept showing up on the wrong card) I realized there are a ton more places I was still missing! haha….so my hope is that this will not only be a nice reminder for you all, but for myself as well during the next round of updates ;) Here’s what I conjured up so far:

  • Overdraft Protection – Do you use your card as a back up so you never get overdraft fees from your checking/savings accounts? If so, this is probably the first place you should update. It’s pretty embarrassing going in the negatives to begin with, but to then have your credit card decline directly after?! Bleh, no thanks.
  • Paypal – Both your personal accounts and/or your business ones.
  • GoDaddy – Or any other of your web/domain name hosting sites (for you bloggers out there)
  • iTunes – Sure they’re just .99 charges, but they still gotta get paid!
  • UPromise – Somehow I remembered to change this before most others on this list. wtf? I never go on there, and when I do it’s only to see if i beat my record income of $7.08 ;)
  • Comcast – Their website blows, but luckily you never have to log on except for times like this – as long as you have your bills automatically set, which I highly advise.
  • Cell Phone – Yes, very important if you like talking and all….
  • Netflix – Don’t use this personally, but 99% of you do!
  • Gym Membership – Another one I don’t use, but this time I’m in the majority ;)
  • Other Subscriptions – Magazines, clubs, organizations, nudie sites (!), etc.
  • Toll Tag – I totally forgot about these since I stopped using on a couple years back. But it’s certainly one for the list for those who do use these still. (Thanks Philip!)
  • Corporate stuff – Such as your corporate travel agent or any other services/items you use @ work and/or things you need for reimbursements and the like. (Thanks Shtinkykat)

That’s all I’ve come up with so far. If I’m missing something big here, do tell! I’ve crossed this off my to-do list now and it’s about to be emptied out of my brain. There’s only so much I can keep in there at a time ya know ;) Enjoy the day over there hookers…

ps: Yes, of course I still love you USAA! You = My 2nd Love.

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