An idiot’s guide to money: Stop being broke, start building wealth

Morning, friends!!

Hope your $$$’s going well so far this week!

Got an interesting email/ebook to share with you that’ll hopefully get it on track if it’s been acting up :)

the idiot's guide to money

It’s called “An idiot’s guide to money: Stop being broke, start building wealth,” and a link to download it (for free) can be found below… (it’s from a normal person just like you and me!)

But first – let me announce the winners of last week’s “Women with Money” giveaway real quick…ย  Congrats to both Melinda B and Amanda B for winning a free copy!! Woo! I hope it helps!

Now to the note by Dave:

Hi J. Money!

I just came across your website as I am currently on a personal finance journey myself. In 2014 my life imploded. I was renting a room I couldnโ€™t afford, working two jobs and nursing a really serious cocaine habit. I lost pretty much everything and had to start from scratch.

In the last 18 months Iโ€™ve been rebuilding my life and chronicled exactly what I did, and still do, to now be on the road to financial success and wealth. I wrote everything down in a small ebook. Itโ€™s short, to the point and doesnโ€™t pull any punches. Itโ€™s written in plain simple English for people like me who may have struggled in the past to understand the fancy wording in money books.

There are 10 chapters to it:

  1. I Just want to be normal! โ€“ A financial breakdown of what normal is in the UK for the average spender using real statistics.
  2. Action โ€“ Reaction โ€“ 7 Step action plan of exactly what I did to change my situation.
  3. Shop ’till you drop โ€“ How to change your buying habits, exactly what I buy, the prices and where to buy them, my routine with food and how to manage your clothing and travel.
  4. The true cost of a night out (my favourite chapter) โ€“ An exact financial breakdown of what it costs to go out on a Friday night as a single guy in the UK.
  5. Happy and healthy โ€“ the financial implications of maintaining a healthy lifestyle from my own personal experience.
  6. Invest – Invest not only money but in educating yourself. I talk about the bare minimum people should know about their finances and how to start growing their money, broken down into very plain English.
  7. So you want your own home? (Second favourite chapter) โ€“ The shared ownership and help to buy schemes are big in the UK, but a lot of people are unable to make the repayments on the homes and are not aware of what they are getting themselves into. I worked as a realtor and give a full breakdown of both schemes talking about their pitfalls. There are no shortcuts to buying your home.
  8. Everyday Iโ€™m hustlinโ€™ โ€“ Quick chapter on side hustles. (I love your side hustle series by the way!)
  9. The simple things โ€“ I talk about very simple habits that should be turned into routine that can help increase your wealth. If you canโ€™t look after your clothes or bedroom, how will you look after a brand new house?
  10. A whole new world โ€“ I try to provide the readers a glimpse into the future.

Then there is an afterthought which is my exact daily routine…

Iโ€™ve been contacting a number of blogs to see if they would like a copy to give away free to their readers. I donโ€™t currently have a blog, twitter or any form of social media – I just think this could really help those who are in their late teens up into their thirties (Iโ€™m 27), as itโ€™s the younger generation who donโ€™t seem to have a grasp on their finances.

I live in London in the UK so itโ€™s written from a British perspective โ€“ I thought it may be interesting to see what finances are like for the everyday person over here. However, the principals are the same wherever you are.

Amen on that last one! Doesn’t matter where you are in the world – the foundations of money are always the same. It’s the *perspective* that makes all the difference!

And what a comeback story Dave has!! Addicted to crack and now on a path to financial – and life – redemption???

So soo good… And love it even more that he’s reaching out to pass free copies of this along so it inspires others along the way too.

Thank you man!! Appreciate you thinking of us!

If you want to check it out or share it with anyone, you can download it directly here (it’s a little over 20 pages long, and in Microsoft Word format):

An idiot’s guide to money: Stop being broke, start building wealth

It can also be snagged on Amazon if you want the Kindle version, but it wouldn’t let Dave list it for $0.00, so if you want that version it’ll cost you 99 pretty pennies ;) Which you can find here.

Let me know what you think if you give it a shot!

And I hope all these books are helping that we’re featuring here every month! Will have another new one to share and give out next week as well, when Broke Millennial‘s 2nd book drops…

Stay tuned!

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  1. Bex April 2, 2019 at 6:55 AM

    Wow. That was an ‘interesting’ read. Dave has gone from being a Jack the lad,cocaine snorting, stereotypical London Estate Agent with bad friends and self esteem issues to living like a monk with a touch of residual misogyny. The maths is questionable as is the back and forth between British and American English. To be honest I’m wondering if someone is trolling you J$? Either way I don’t think this lives up to the quality of your usual recommendations or is a sustainable guide to financial health.

    (Sorry if this is harsh, I have tried to soften my initial thoughts)

    1. J. Money April 2, 2019 at 7:41 AM

      Oh wow – I’ll admit I only skimmed it, but thought it was interesting enough to share… Sorry you didn’t like it!

  2. Big Cajun Man April 2, 2019 at 8:09 AM

    So the Kindle version is 98 cents in Canada (not quite free, but darn close). Thanks for the link.

    1. J. Money April 2, 2019 at 9:43 AM

      I think I pick that off the ground every week on my walks :)

  3. Kate April 2, 2019 at 9:42 AM

    Nice one Dave! Good on you for setting goals and sticking to them and sharing your story!

    1. J. Money April 2, 2019 at 5:21 PM

      Glad you liked this, Kate!

  4. Dividend Dude April 2, 2019 at 2:52 PM

    I appreciate someone who can talk about personal finance and not sit on a high horse. Most people become serious about personal finances because in the past they were so irresponsible! It’s refreshing to hear someone’s failures instead of their cookie cutter success story. Good pick!

    1. J. Money April 2, 2019 at 5:20 PM

      YUP!!! Plus the failures are much more fun to read!! :)