Do you like pirates? Gold? Reading about money? If so, yarghhhhh gonna love today’s book and following giveaway ;)
I partnered up with my friend, and published author, Joey Fehrman of the Pirates of Financial Freedom book to give one of you luckyย scallywags a bountiful bag of loot valued at over $300:
- A real GOLD coin (!)
- A signed copy ofย Pirates of Financial Freedom (!!)
- A two hour consulting session on money, business, publishing, pillaging, whatever you wish (!!!)
I hung out with Joey at our latest blog conference, and I can tell you he has an immense desire to help people manage their money better. And particularly through story-telling, which is the concept for his latest book. He may not be a pirate himself, but he’s all about living it up on his own terms which we know is the ultimate goal of financial freedom.
Here’s the plot of Pirates of Financial Freedom:
“With his back against the wall, Captain Dailey is forced to make a deal thatโs against every pirate bone in his body. In return, his son must save the crew from their financial problems before it is too late. In between gun fights, kidnappings, a blossoming romance, humorous pirate-isms, mythical beasts, and a long-lost treasure so extraordinary that it threatens to tear the crew apart, they must master life-changing personal finance skills.”
I don’t think Johnny Depp makes an appearance, but I’m hoping J. Money can if it ever becomes a Hollywood movie ;) I can tweak my ‘hawkย into dreads! (No I can’t).
The book is catered to the younger audience (tweens, teens, people in their 20’s), but he’s got great feedback from those who are 8 to 48 so it’s obviously good for any of us looking to get our learn on. Or, our entertainment on for that matter. He’s trying to create a new genre of “financial edutainment” to make learning about money more fun and easier to understand. Not a bad idea considering most people find this stuff boring! Joey’s also offers a 90 day “if your money isn’t better after reading this book, I’ll give you a refund” guarantee as well, and he walks the plank walk with donating 10% of all sales to charity too – something else the book encourages.
Here are some of the concepts it covers:
- Becoming debt-free faster without needing to make extra income
- Learning the five steps people have used to go from paycheck-to-paycheck to millionaires
- Automating your accounts to become wealthy without having to think or do any work
- Harnessing your finances so you can responsibly blow money on fun things you want
- Stopping to feel guilty about procrastinating on getting your finances handled
Sound like something you or someone you know could use? You can purchase a hard copy directly from for $24.99, or get a digital copy for $19.99. If you’d like to take it for a spin, you can also pony up $0.99 to read the first half of it over at Amazon and then purchase it from there if you enjoy it (or else you’ll never know the ending! ;)).
Here’s more about Joey himself (not a pirate):
Joey Fehrman, CFA, is an Ivy League graduate with over seven years experience in finance. He has managed millions of dollars for wealthy families and institutions for two large wealth management teams at top-tier investment banks. While there, he managed portfolios, provided financial advice, and developed profitable investment strategies. He studied for years to become a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder, the gold-standard designation in the finance industry. He is a native of Omaha and graduate of the University of Pennsylvania.
Intrigued? Feeling lucky? Wanna read about pirates instead of reality?
{gold coin not to scale ;)}
Here’s how to enter for a chance to win today’s bounty: a $300+ value (1/10th oz American Gold Eagle coin, signed copy of Pirates of Financial Freedom, and 2 hour consulting session with Joey):
- Go to the book’s website:
- Find the section called “Master Essential Personal Finance Skills”
- Tell us in the comments below of this blog article what skill you need the most help mastering
That’s it! We’ll run the giveaway for a full week, and then use to select the lucky winner after the 19th. And don’t forget you can buy it directly from the site too! Might make for a great holiday/birthday gift for someone you know. There’s a lot of hornswaggling sea dogs out there…
PS: Giveaway open to both US and CANADIAN residents – look at that! In fact, Joey said he’ll ship the package to anyone in the world… Where my Ghana readers at? ;)
UPDATE: Giveaway now over… The lucky winner of the book, consulting session, AND coin is…. dum dum dum…. @firstqfinance! Congrats Will (! We’ll be shooting you a note shortly… Thanks for playing along everyone! I hope you get the book for Xmas ;)
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Investing in the stock market. Just getting started trying to save for retirement and I have no idea where to begin with this stuff!
Well, we just bought our first home so I’d love to see all the ways we screwed up. :) The book sounds really neat, and I feel like it’d be a great deal for the younger folk. I have a younger brother who just started college and want to try to impart some of my *cough* “wisdom” onto him – really just don’t want him to make the same mistakes I did!
Paying down debt quickly. I owe about 74k between student loans, a car loan, and credit card debt…
I need help with retirement savings, as I plan on retiring in the next four years, mostly because I don’t enjoy my job and the commute is killing me. I’m trying to plow as much money as possible into retirement, and would love to hear more ideas on this.
Investing in the stock markets. Besides my 401k (which is managed by the company Blooom), I haven’t done much stock market investing. It is something that I need to learn more about.
Saving effortlessly for retirement …we need help with this!!
I would love help with Investing in the Stock Market and Securing a Higher Credit Score.
I have “almost no”* unsecured debt – a couple hundred on my CC monthly that gets paid off, and livable secured debts: a mortgage, car loan, and AC loan (when both ACs blow at once, in the south, at the beginning of May… oy), I have a security blanket in my savings, my investment accounts are ok. I want to grow my retirement better, and have a better credit score for those just in case moments.
I could use help focusing on both buying a first home and investing in the stock market.
But I’d especially love the two hour consulting session as a Christmas present for my sister.
That would be a great present :)
I need help mastering Paying Down Debt Quickly… I’ve got several 0% credit cards that I foolishly bought into, and I need them gone ASAP!
Effortlessly saving for retirement. There just doesn’t seem to be enough at the end of the paycheck to do anything with.
Investing in the Stock Market is in our wheel house right now. I recently heard about this book and plan on picking it up for my kids for Christmas.
Budgeting Effectively, but the Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets definitely sounds appealing. I wonder if I already do something like that or if I can do better?
Effortlessly saving for retirement. We have a decent start but how can we do better? I am very curious to read this book I’ve been looking for a finance book to give a recent high school graduate and haven’t been able to find anything that would work for her yet. I’m hoping this will!
Effortlessly saving for retirement – now that we’re debt free, we’ve got about 40% of our income freed up, but I don’t know where to put it! ROTH IRA? 401k? ROTH 401k? HSA? (All these acronyms, haha.)
Which path will be the best way to financial independence and early retirement?
Great problem to have! :) And really can’t go wrong with any of them (though some are better than others of course depending on what you’re shooting for…). Whether you win or buy this book or not, def. invest it somewhere! 40% is bad ass.
Very cool J$! Funnily enough I didn’t get to chat with Joey at FinCon, but he lives in Omaha (like you said) which is where we live and got the chance to meet with him about a month or so ago and had a great time chatting with him and is a good guy! I’ve enjoyed reading the book so far and while it’s geared for a younger audience it can still definitely apply to the rest of us. :)
Hah! Cool you finally got to meet up :)
Definitely Effortlessly Saving for Retirement or Investing in the Stock Market. I am trying to get started on my retirement savings and I know nothing about it at the moment.
Weโre in the process of saving our down payment for our first home, so definitely tips for when we are buying and by consequence, budgeting well to help us save even faster!
Effortlessly Saving for Retirement. Setting up the automatic funding was easy its just rearranging the budget with less money is hard.
Also I must need more coffee I went to and looked for their comment section.
I’m most interested in, “Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets”! I love the idea of financial edutainment.
The idea on effortlessly saving for retirement. Since I just started and have barely anything in the account. I want to make it big to give myself a feeling of comfort. It shows that there’s possibilities to do it I just need to think outside of my own thouhghts.
Out of all these topics, I’m the least comfortable with investing in the stock market. This is my financial weakness.
Of the essential skills listed, I think that I need the most help with “Paying Down Debt Quickly.” I make progress every month, but it’s still not going away as fast as I’d like!
‘Buying Your First Home’
But the book won’t talk exclusively about house boats, will it? Hehehehehehehehe.
Investing in the Stock Market.
“Buying your first home” for me! Which will hopefully happen in the next couple years.
Paying debt down quickly. I have been working really hard this year to pay off my debt, and I’ve only been able to pay down about $6K extra than my minimum payments.
Effortlessly Saving for Retirement while Paying Down Debt Quickly and creating Prudent Spending Habits.
I’ve got a pretty good handle on most things financial, however, I have a couple of teenage boys who could use a book like this. Argghhh….
Buying Your First Home
I’m almost done with paying my debt, so I’ve mostly got the saving down. I’m interested in what he has to say on buying a home!
Aarrrrr- I need the prudent spending part! And effortless retirement saving is a close second!
Improving our credit score.
I need the 75 additional concepts and skills. :)
I would love to achieve a powerful money mindset!
Investing in the Stock Market is the one area I feel is still a stranger to me. Although I have the whole budget thing rolling quite well, I am very close to having 6 months worth of expenses put aside for those unplanned events and my wife is in full support of the budget,spending and savings plan. I just cant seem to get my hands around where to start with the market. I am even taking a free on line course through Coursera University on the Financial Markets. I am ready for this next step, please help.
budgeting effectively. It seems like every month something new pops up that is hard to really account for, and you can’t just have a column marked “Other” to manage.
Right now I am definitely working on the prudent spending habits; way too much fast food in my life right now!
I’m about halfway through Pirates of Financial Freedom already and think it’s a really cute way to teach the readers about money. I need to improve “Investing in the Stock Market”…my husband tackles that much better than me.
budgeting effectively is where I think I can do better and would love some help.
Prudent spending habits and effortless retirement savings, I have set and met many goals but emotional spending can be a problem. Also saving for retirement, just recently open a vanguard Roth Ira per your suggestion with automatic monthly deposit but the amount is not enough yet… Keep forgetting to challenge my budget to increase the monthly amount. BTW I do see the problem, now how to fix it ;)
I want the book and the Gold!!!
Good for you! Putting *something* into retirement is better than nothing, so you’re off to a great start!
I’m going with paying down debt quickly. Our only debt is from buying our first home but I would love to get that mortgage removed from our equation.
This is a hard one but I think that Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets is something that my family needs to work on the most right now. We are awesome savers but we have a really hard time spending (for anything but the absolute basics).
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets
I would love some advice on the best way to pay down debt quickly. The book sounds very interesting and some pirate booty to go along with it would be amazing!
I’m working hard to pay down credit card debt that I accumulated over many years. Always looking for additional help to get debt free, especially since we were hit with some financial hardships over the past year – medical, husband losing job.
Paying down debt quickly is the area that interests me most. My husband and I owe nearly a house worth of student loan payments and we don’t even own a house! :-/
Probably most curious about the Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets skill. Looks very interesting overall, and a really nifty concept to get to those usually not interested in finances and money (other than spending it the instant they get it).
Would love to win this as I’d give the book to my sister for x-mas! But may buy the book for her if I don’t win. ;)
Investing! I am interested in this and I think the book will help, especially since he is a financial advisor.
Paying Down Debt Quickly. I’m currently paying off my last two credit cards and some days I feel like I’m so close to being done while other days I get discouraged about how long it’s taking.
Most interested in the idea of Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets. Also budgeting and saving effortlessly for retirement (and maybe how to achieve savings to start retirement earlier). Neat concept, something that I want my daughters (21 & 22) to read.
“Plus over 75 additional concepts & skills” – Patience is probably one of those. I’m not sure I need to master it, though. I’d like to have no need for it and have things come together like magic falling out of the sky. Patience could well be a barrier to the level of success I desire, and I have been all too patient in every way for too long. The particular skills listed did not seem relevant to me; for instance, I will not purchase a home unless it is paid in full at the time of purchase. I have no interest in debt and do not find mortgage debt to be good. The gold coin is a great incentive :)
All cash for a house would be pretty sexy :)
Paying Down Debt Quickly
Achieving Power Money Mindsets
Paying down debt quickly! I always had this under control until a divorce several years ago. If I could just get rid of the debt as quickly as possible, I think I can get on the right track with investing, saving, etc.
Great contest, j! I have never really been very good at investing in the stock market. “Buy low, sell high” seems so simple in theory … but for me, that’s easier said than done.
Investing in the stock market. I have a retirement account but besides that I feel overwhelmed!
Saving effortlessly for retirement. I need better ways to do this.
Investing in the Stock Market. I don’t know much about that at all!
Paying down debt quickly! :)
Need help with Budgeting Effectively, always seem to go over a little.
I am in the space of having to pay down debt quickly so I can make up for lost time. I am grateful for JMoney and Joey Fehrman bring these subjects to the light. So many of us are struggling with these issues day to day. I sincerely appreciate both of you bring this to all of us who need it!! God Bless your efforts and thanks so much!!
We’re glad you’re on blogs about money – shows you’re ready to roll :)
Investing in the Stock Market. I want to know as much as possible about investing.
I just graduated and plan to conceptualize my saving strategies.
Creating a reliable stream of passive income (e.g. writing e-books, making youtube vids, etc.)
Retirement is the thing I need help with. I’m currently saving as much as I can but I don’t feel it will be enough in the long term.
Investing in the Stock Market. I have some money put aside to invest, but I always feel like I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to the stock market. I save diligently, I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing with the money I have earned, and putting it to good use.
Investing in the Stock Market.
Well this sounds like fun! I’m in! Where’s the parrot? :P
oops, forgot, I need the most help with building a retirement stash. Hubby is only a few short years away from it. We have no debt. But we have no retirement stash either!
effortlessly saving for retirement
With all the school loan debt, I think we all can use some ideas or tips to get higher education without loans. For me personally I want tips on how to get my CFA while still working, how did you balance that?
I need the most help with Budgeting Effectively.
Prudent Spending Habits. it seems like whenever i get in a good groove, i mess up and don’t remain consistent with what and how i spend.
I need help with investing in the stock market. It intimidates me because I don’t know where to start.
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets is the section that I would have the most trouble mastering!
Investing in the Stock Market! I just started investing with Betterment which is extremely easy to do. Other than that though I wouldn’t know what to do.
Great giveaway! Thanks Joey and J Money!
I need help with “Buying Your First Home”. I live in a very expensive city and have started saving for a down payment, but I would need around $100k to even have 20% down for a small starter home here…for now, we just rent :)
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets
I need help with prudent spending habits…sometimes I just get carried away buying stuff for the house. It is way to fun! Of course according to MMM I’m just giving my future self the shaft.
Haha… that was a great article of his ;)
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets
I need to figure out ways to make more money. I feel like I”m not maximizing my opportunities.
The skill I need to master the most is the skill of saving money. I don’t like to save money, I like to spend it. How do I learn to control my spending and start saving money?
Investing in the stock market. Kind of scared right now to put spare cash in as I think it could easily plummet in the next year or so.
Investing in the Stock Market. I Know I’m going to win this one!!!! I just KNOW IT!!!
It’s amazing giveaways! I hope I’m going to win this book and Gold. This book will very helpful and useful for me. Thanks for sharing this post.
Investing in the Stock Market.
I just need a jump start…
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets. I know what has to be done but it’s been hard to get the family completely inboard which allows me to easily waiver on my commitment!
Retirement savings. We’ve got a good start but we’d like to retire in about 10 years and I freak out when I think about have enough money for the rest of our lives.
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets!
Awesome – can always use help saving for retirement efforttlessly!
Effortlessly Saving for Retirement: This is what should be wee all doing.
This looks like an amazing book – not only do I love pirates, my best friend/housemate (who has absolutely no idea about how sexy budgets can be!) also does, and maybe this would let me help him realise it isn’t all about sacrifice and deprivation to pay off his debts and start preparing a nest egg!
And me personally? I’d love to get some more skills and knowledge in relation to investing in the stock market, it seems to be where I’m up to (I have an emergency fund, no credit card debt, and my student loans are manageable) – and I’m looking forward to the journey!
Effortlessly Saving for Retirement
Optimizing tax load and creating cash-flow from existing investments would be next on the list for me.
Since my wife and I are looking to buy our first home in the next few years, I will go ahead and say that I could use some skill in mastering the processing of buying a first home!
Paying debt & budgeting are areas I would like to master.
Paying down debit, absolutely. Student loans are looming ahead and I would love to get a head start on them
I’ve got to work on that prudent spending part! But, coins are an investment, right? ;)
saving for retirement!
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets – Is the most important skill that my family needs. Hopefully family members are allowed to participate in the 2 hour session. BTW I have a old school reading chair as well. Nice retro look!
Nice! My wife’s been telling me to throw it out for 10 years but now it’s in my man cave/office so it’s off-limits to her ;)
Stock market investing…. I am 19 years old and am in the dark about where to go and what to do and how to do it!! Plus the gold coin would be sweet.. Thanks!
The nice part is that you’re super young so you have decades to grow whatever investments you make right now :) So it’s important to just start saving/investing it away while you learn!
Achieving Powerful Money Mindsets. Psychology has a big impact in every category of life.
Achieving powerful money mindsets. Because I think that would entail learning to trust myself more and worry less. Although I know intellectually that we are doing fine, I can’t believe that emotionally.
budgeting effectively. I get the budget idea, I just don’t have a great idea what to do when life and my budget don’t jive.
Wealth building!
Right now I’m paying down my debt, but it seems to have done a number to my credit score, so I might need some help in that area. I could probably use some help on the prudent spending habits as well :)
Paying Down Debt Quickly since that is essentially the first step to all of the others. We have over $77,000 in student debt alone that I would like gone as soon as possible!!!
Paying down debt quickly… If like to free myself of my mortgage as quickly as possible!
Prudent spending habits. It seems that I waste a lot of money. I would love to be over 50% savings and need a bit of a push to get me there.
Paying down debt quickly. I have a bunch of student loans. I can’t wait to see them paid off.
Achieving powerful money mindsets.
Budgeting Effectively. My wife and I do not have a formal written budget and while we are doing fine financially, I know we could be knocking it out of the park if we did a monthly written budget.
Investing just feels so over my head that, even though it feels like we are dumping a ton of money into retirement savings, I don’t feel comfortable that those dollars are working for us as much as they could be!
When it come to living off a small amount of money, sticking to a budget (of practically pay bills and don’t spend frivolously) or not going into debt, I do great. But I would love to learn more about buying a house, so therefore making sure my credit score is great and being ready for retirement by wise investments and the best ways to save.
Paying down debt quickly. Absolutely.
Investing in the stock market! New to the USA (all the way from Canada) and want to get my feet wet with investing but not sure where or how to start just a personal fun savings account.
Curious to see some of the ideas to reduce debt without making more money. We’ve done some great advances with reducing lifestyle but I only see increasing my income to reduce debt.
Buying Your first home, definitely need help mastering this one. Especially with so many conflicting opinions on the do ‘ s and don’t
buying first home
Need help with Investing in the Stockmarket. Ready to take aim at passive income.
Thanks for participating everyone! The lucky winner of the book, consulting session, AND coin is…. dum dum dum…. @firstqfinance! Congrats Will (! We’ll be shooting you a note shortly…
For everyone else, remember you can pick up the book yourself here if you really want it (or ask to get it for Xmas! ;)):
woot woot!!!!!!!!!!