“I’m Bringing Budgets Back” T-Shirt Now For Sale!

The people have spoken, and the people will now be rewarded! :) Starting today, the “I’m Bringing Budgets Back” shirt we randomly blogged about last month will now be on sale! Woohoo! And it’ll only cost you a flat $20 (which includes shipping and handling), courtesy of Brad from Enemy of Debt who’s literally making each and every one of these by hand. So big ups to him for signing on and spreading the love of budgeting around! (I’m not making a penny off these…)

And I’m happy to say we have a handful of colors for you guys to choose from too, so hopefully everyone gets something they really like.  Here are the details:

Adult Sizes:

adult budgeting shirts

  • Material: 100% 5.9oz Spun Polyester Basic T
  • Colors: Light Blue, Grey, White
  • Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL ($1 more), 3XL and 4XL ($2 more). Click here for size details.

Ladies Sizes:

ladies budgeting shirts

  • Material: 100% 6.9oz Spun Polyester Basic T
  • Colors: Light Blue, Lavender, Pink, Light Green, White
  • Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL ($1 more), and 3XL ($2 more). Click here for size details.

Other Sizes… We also have YOUTH and even TODDLER sizes! Haha… And these guys will only run you $15 total (including shipping) ;) If you’re interested, here are the sizes and colors we can do for ya – the shirts are the same as the “Adult” versions: 100% 5.9oz Spun Polyester Basic T:

  • YOUTH: Light Blue and White colors only. Sizes are XS, S, M, and L. Click here for size details.
  • TODDLER: Only comes in White. Sizes are 24 months, 3T and 4T ;) Maybe good for presents?

How To Order Them:

All you have to do if you want one of these bad boys is fill out the info below (or email it to me), and then Paypal Brad the $20 via the Paypal button right down below.  It’ll take us a few weeks to get all the orders in and everything, but we won’t wait any longer than 30 days to mail them out… not sure how many we do after that, so make sure to order them now just in case they go to limited edition! :)


Hope you like them!  Big thanks to Brad again for being on call for all these – he’s saving us a ton by custom making them all instead of bulk ordering so every single color and size is available to you :) Without him they’d be super expensive and/or limited in colors/sizes. So thanks bro!

Now go get ’em while they’re hot!

PS:  Every single person who sends in a picture of themselves wearing one of these will be featured in our *BRAND NEW* Budgets Are Sexy Gallery coming soon…  So now you’ll be famous too! :)

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  1. Frugal Fries March 23, 2012 at 8:00 AM

    These are hilarious and amazing! Hopefully they’ll be available for awhile–since my budget is tight these days.

    There’s always the wedding registry though…

  2. J. Money March 23, 2012 at 8:11 AM

    Hah! Now THAT would be sexy ;)

  3. Stephanie March 23, 2012 at 8:43 AM

    A suggestion: if you’re doing youth and toddler sizes, why not take this all the way and sell “I’m Bringing Budgets Back” onesies?? :-)

  4. LB March 23, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    Those are cool! Can you have a giveaway?

    I can back from NY and the company laid 2 people off and gave everyone else one day off a week. Me, they cut my hours in half and took away all my benefits, so I can’t buy one until I find another job :(

  5. Bob March 23, 2012 at 10:07 AM

    Awesome – J$, I love it!

  6. Beckey & Jeff March 23, 2012 at 10:29 AM

    V-neck please :)

  7. J. Money March 23, 2012 at 10:35 AM

    Haha… might have to wait for V2 on that one ;) Eventually I’d like to get some Budgets Are Sexy shirts out the door too, but figured let’s start with one that people like and go from there… it’s only taken me 3 years to finally MAKE one of these shirts, haha… baby steps…

    @Stephanie – HAH! Truth be told, I actually THOUGHT that’s what I was doing here ’till I remembered “toddlers” are different than “babies” haha… oops. Next time ;)
    @LB – Oh no! Sorry to hear :( Hadn’t thought about doing a giveaway with these, but maybe? Perhaps in a few months to regenerate some interest again :)
    Bob – Thanks man! I’m gald :)

  8. Christopher @ This That and The MBA March 23, 2012 at 10:51 AM

    Those shirts are too cool for me personally.

    @ J haha toddlers and babies are different…you think you get little sleep now…wait till the little one comes.. :-) you better keep up the pizazzzz in your writing and not turn into budgets are boring :-(

  9. J. Money March 23, 2012 at 11:05 AM

    You mean like this site? BudgetsAreBoring.com :)

  10. Norman March 23, 2012 at 11:38 AM

    Am I missing something here? I don’t get it. “I’m Bringing Budgets Back”, what does that even mean? Surely there is something better you can come up with. I know, I’m being critical, but this was my first reaction, sorry. How about a “Budgets Are Sexy” t-shirt?

  11. Suzanne Cramer March 23, 2012 at 12:39 PM

    Great job Brad and J$! These are fantastic!

  12. Anna March 23, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    Love the Budgetsareboring.com! I just had to follow the link to see if it was a real website! Nice!

  13. J. Money March 23, 2012 at 1:31 PM

    @Norman It’s a take on “I’m Bringing Sexy Back” – a Justin Timberlake song which gave me the idea for Budgets Are Sexy. Originally it was just a shirt for me cuz I liked it so much, but when we got over 30+ comments from people saying they wanted it too on an older post, it was pretty obvious we should start there w/ these ;) I’m sure one of the next designs will be more “Budgets Are Sexy” branded, so hold onto your dollars…

    @Suzanne Cramer – Thanks! Glad you like them!
    @Anna – Haha, that’s why I linked to it – so y’all curious Georges will click ;)

  14. Norman March 23, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    Thanks for the explaination. Since I passed the big 5-0 in age, I now know how my Dad felt when he didn’t understand the slang of the day. I’ve never even listened to a Justin Timberlake song so couldn’t figure out the play on words. But play a Elton John or Bruce Springsteen song and I can lip-sinc every word!

  15. Jessica, The Debt Princess March 23, 2012 at 5:44 PM

    I have a couple of Brad’s shirts! I LOVE the looks I get when I wear mine. I don’t think people expect to see shirts talking about debt (One of mine says “Debt Sucks”).

  16. Cathy March 23, 2012 at 7:14 PM

    Love that they’re now available! Just have to figure out which size and color. Plus, women’s shirts can be tricky, like do the women’s run small? Either way, I’ll figure it out and get one. And maybe some for friends :)

    Also, looove the “budgetsareboring” site! I totally clicked through.

  17. Cassie March 23, 2012 at 7:30 PM

    If you had posted this yesterday I would have budgeted it in! It’ll go on my next budget for sure, I’m totally getting the green one :D

  18. J. Money March 23, 2012 at 8:33 PM

    FOR ANYONE GETTING A SHIRT — DON’T FORGET TO SEND ME A PIC OF YOU IN IT! Gotta get this awesome photo gallery up! :)

    @Norman – Haha nice… maybe you should swap in “budget” somewhere in a Springsteen song, and we’ll print that on a shirt! :)
    @Jessica, The Debt Princess – YES! AWESOME!!! We should all wear ours at FINCON 2 and just have a sea of financial sexiness going on ;) Thanks for ordering one!
    @Cathy – Hehe, it’s always a goodie ;) I whip it out every now and then… glad you’ll be getting a shirt too! Can’t wait to see people in them :)
    @Cassie – Woo! Maybe you’re just to *quick* for me ;) I think you’ll like it!

  19. Michelle March 23, 2012 at 11:03 PM

    You’re a marketing genius!

  20. Ashley March 24, 2012 at 2:55 AM

    I am so excited for my shirt to come AND to see the looks I get when I wear it out in public! :)

  21. J. Money March 24, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    @Michelle– Only if it gets you to buy one ;)
    @Ashley – YES!! I’ve done it – people love it ;) Especially when you’re *shopping* – it def. turns heads, haha… thanks for ordering one!