Un-Broke: The Seth Green Cribs Edition

Happy Memorial Day! You all spending some quality time w/ the friends and fam? Well, if not (or if you’re bored and/or just sneaking away to get your finance on) here’s a freakin’ BRILLIANT video courtesy of ABC’s upcoming 1 hour special – “Un-Broke” (Friday, May 29th @ 9pm EST):

Via ABC’s site: “Schools teach us almost everything, but not “Money 101.” For the basics on finance, turn to UN-BROKE: What You Need to Know About Money. It’s an unconventional look at the fundamentals of everyday finance with all the facts about credit cards, mortgages, stocks and bonds, investing and 401(k)’s, in a fresh new format combining information and humor.”

Hell yeah! You gotta love that. About time people realize mixing entertainment w/ financial education is a smart move ;) Happy Holiday everybody, God bless. (Big thx to Mrs Micah for finding this gem!)

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