Try not to do anything labor-like today!

Like driving all day and night for a wedding. Yessirrrr, we will be celebrating this Labor day by waking up super early and driving 5 hours to a wedding. Opah! But i’ve been told it’s going to be a pretty fancy one, so i’m looking forward to some tasty cuisine…esp. since i’ve never met the 2 getting hitched ;) (friends of the Mrs.)

And unlike that last disastrous bachelor party trip we thought we had frugal’d ourselves out of, this one should work a bit better as we’ll be driving back the same day, thus FOR REAL avoiding hotel expenditures. It’ll just be unfortunate that we’ll have to skip out on the best part of weddings – the all you can drink for free fest! haha…but at least it’ll be a day for joy and celebration, and that’s all we can ask for during these hard economic times, right?

So as you’re sitting by the pool today, or bbq-ing out w/ your friends and family, be sure to drink one for us. We’ll be wishing we could join ya!

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