This is my 500th post! I Must *Really* Love Money ;)

The Big 500!1 year, 3 months, and 500 posts later, this little blog is still around baby! Never in my life have I continued a hobby for so long ;)

I must give you all MAD LOVE for coming out and supporting this site each and every day, you guys are so wonderfull! Without you I’d just be another mumbling fool on the internet – so THANK YOU.

While this blog has transformed into an umbrella of finance-related topics, it was my good friend the budget who got the party started. So it’s only fitting that I drop some knowledge about them to commemorate this most beautiful day ;) An excerpt from my feature in The Art Of Manliness blog:

“Maintaining a budget is key in becoming financially studly. If you know where your money is coming and going, you’ll know your strengths & limitations. And if you know your strengths & limitations, you can outwit your opponent at any time! Plus, you’ll be able to make quick decisions on the spot which girls love. And you know what else girls love? Confidence. And this,my friend, is what the budget gives you.”

Yup, I still owe it all to the budget ;) That booger’s gotten me to stay on track and allowed me to keep doing my financial thing! And so has a lot of other bloggers around town – their advice and point of views have created a wonderful learning environment for all, and I’m proud to serve on the same internets w/ them (you can find my favorites in the blogroll).

So with that, I leave you with some nifty little stats from these 500 posts, along with this week’s financial round up. God bless you all!

Current subscribers: 812
Twitter subscribers: 1,562

Total EVER page views: 234,145
Total EVER visitors: 137,460
Number of times I check these stats on a daily basis: 15 (down from 792)

I also gotta give due credit to all those bloggers who continue to send over some great traffic! Here are the TOP 10 all-time refferers (minus google, stumbleupon, etc) along w/ previous rankings:

  1. My Money Blog (1)
  2. Give Me Back My Five Bucks (2)
  3. Bargain Briana (6)
  4. Fabulous Financials (-)
  5. MSN Smart Spending (3)
  6. Clever Dude (4)
  7. Chicky Finance (5) *no longer blogging :(
  8. Single Guy Money (8)
  9. Dinks Finance (7)
  10. Always The Planner (-)

Thanks again to each and every one of you!!! May we have another 500 posts to look forward to! But for now, it’s time to go celebrate Mrs. Budgetsaresexy and I’s 1 year anniversary together ;) For anyone still around from those days, here was my wedding day post. haha….

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some babies to make relaxing to do.

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