There’s No Such Thing As Saver’s Remorse.

ING Direct logoHow’s that for brilliant marketing? I wish I could say I came up with it myself, but it was actually ING Direct who coined it – my 2nd favorite online bank (USAA is my first). I’m not sure how long this campaign of theirs has been going on, but I saw this quote on a billboard leaving Philly last weekend and it’s been stuck in my mind ever since :) It’s SO TRUE!

And oddly enough, I just started banking with them! Yup, I took the plunge with hundreds of other PF bloggers out there and I’ll be using this account as my “do whatever I please with” money. You know, the one most husbands have when they want to spend $100+ on shoes or $70 on a video game they’ll play for one weekend straight and then give up on? Well, I’m too frugal to do those things exactly, but the idea that I *could* do that if I wanted is still pretty exciting ;)

If you’re considering using them yourself, click on one of these referral links below and get a $25 bonus when you open an Orange Savings Accountwith an initial deposit of $250! Not only will you get a sweet online bank (they usually have some of the best savings rates around) , but you’ll also be hooking me up with a tasty $10 as well – a sexy win-win situation if I do say so myself.

  • Referral Coupon #1 – Orange Savings Account – $25 for you, $10 for me.
  • Referral Coupon #2 – Orange Savings Account – $25 for you, $10 for me.
  • Referral Coupon #3 – Orange Savings Account – $25 for you, $10 for me.
  • Referral Coupon #4 – Orange Savings Account – $25 for you, $10 for me.
  • Referral Coupon #5 – Orange Savings Account – $25 for you, $10 for me.
  • Click over to Clever Dude – He has the rest of my referral links ;) (updated: 11-23-09)

ING Direct is awesome. And if you don’t believe me, check out the hundreds of reviews out there. I’d do one myself but it just sounds awfully boring right now ;) The other bloggers are better at it…

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  1. Brian March 9, 2010 at 8:07 PM

    Great Post! I've been doing research today looking at other options for getting a little more return out of my saved money (currently with USAA). ING Direct seems to beat USAA Performances Savings as well as their Money Market fund. I'm a little wary that ING received a bailout and I've heard they built their business on mortages. Of course there are a ton of other online banks out there that offer interest rates far above both ING Direct and USAA, but ING Direct is pretty established and has good website features.

    For people that are with both banks – Which bank do you use for what? Everything with USAA and ING Direct for emergency fund? I'd love to hear some thoughts!

  2. J. Money March 11, 2010 at 5:53 PM

    Yup, USAA for everything! I actually emailed my contact over there and said they should copy ING and get us sub-accounts so I could start rockin' them :)

    I still have money over at ING but it's basically just chillin' until I figure out what to do w/ it. I might xfer more over and start breaking them down by fun fund, car, etc etc but for now I don't do that.

    There are other great online banks out there too, ING just happens to be one of the more popular ones – and for good measure.

  3. Brian March 12, 2010 at 12:54 AM

    Nice! I hope they implement sub-accounts or something similar. They're pretty good about being on top of website technologies. I was checking out ING after reading a few chapters of Ramit's book but the only 2 things is has over USAA is a tiny bit higher interest rate and the ability to do sub-accounts.

  4. J. Money March 12, 2010 at 12:59 AM

    Yeah, USAA isn't always the *best* rate out there but I still always choose them. I'll take a tiny bit less money for better customer support :)

    Glad to see you're reading Ramit's book too! It's one of my all-time favorites – so fun and easy to read, really glad he came out with it.