Gobble Gobble Goo!

Happy Thanksgiving!Happy T-giving, everyone! Don’t eat too much or you’ll have dreams of gigantic turkey’s out to get you all night,  haha… like what happened to me last year ;)

Also – make sure to do the following today:

1)  Be thankful for all the awesomeness in your life!
2)  Do 1 random act of kindness today.
3)  Eat and drink and be merry!!

I’m off to go and do the same now… got a full day of driving back and forth between families :)  It’s a bit of a hassle some times, but having two full dinners certainly makes up for it, haha… Happy Holidays my sexy budgeters!!

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  1. KJJ November 24, 2011 at 11:38 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too, J$!

  2. Stephanie November 24, 2011 at 2:52 PM

    Is your title from the Adam Sandler Turkey song? Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. DC November 24, 2011 at 6:00 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving man!

  4. J. Money November 24, 2011 at 8:04 PM

    Hope you all are nice and relaxed!
    We’re all very very blessed :)

    (Stephanie – nope! But I can see why you’d think that ;))