"Tent City" is back in CA. Freaky pics of a worsening economy.

Tent City is Back.Tent City is back :( This is one of the saddest things i’ve come across lately…you’ll have to click through to the slideshow (via MSNBC.com) to get a better feeling of this whole thing, but it’s freakin’ crazy.

Can you imagine if your sister or parents or even friends were LIVING this way? My heart goes out to each and every one of them. Here’s a quick excerpt explaining more from MSNBC.com:

“A tent city in Sacramento, Calif., shown here on Thursday, March 5, is growing as the worsening economy leads to more people losing their jobs and being forced out of their homes. More than 1,200 are estimated to live in the encampment, which is growing by up to 50 people a week.”

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