Rock, Paper, Scissors your way to FREE chips & queso!

California Tortilla is at it again! This time w/ the popular kids game :) Here’s the info straight from their email campaign, which can also be found on the left hand side of their website:

Play Rock Paper Scissors every Wednesday through July 9th. If you win you get
our darn tasty chips and queso if you lose you get 50 cents off of your next

It’s a Win-Win situation! Even if you lose you get a 50 cents off coupon, how sexy is that? Actually don’t answer that. I know what can beat that any day – Their World’s Largest Rock, Paper, Scissors TOURNAMENT!!! haha…If you live in the VA,MD, DC area, check out the details here.

Alrighty, i gotta go start practicing…although everyone knows Paper always wins!

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