Remember the other month when I caught that extreme couponing special and was shocked outta my wits? And then I blogged about it and we had a nice little discussion going all day long? Well TLC greenlit an entire 12 show series on it that premieres tonight!!! If you’re around the tube at 9pm EST, check it out on the TLC channel. Will probably be even crazier than the first time we saw it ;)
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I’m going to try and check it out. Thanks for the heads-up.
I gotta watch now to figure out how to get all my groceries for free! Heading to the DVR now!
I watched the first one too!! and it was A…..mazing! I can’t wait
haha, well I’ll already tell you the answer Peter — you have to work your a$$ off for like 6 hours a day ;) and something tells me you don’t have that kinda time laying around to exchange for food& toiletries. but it’s still incredibly interesting to watch!
I heard one of the women on EITM this morning. Didn’t realize she lived in Bethesda! I’m going to be checking it out tonight!
Cant wait to watch this! I blogged about it too. lol
Oh really?? Awesome! LOVE Elliot In The Morning :) Wonder if I’d recognize her? Hmm…
2 more hours to go…
So I guess that’s why extreme couponing is trending on twitter. Looks like it will be interesting.
I watched some of it. Shocked by the fallout shelters they need to buid to store all their purchases. I really think people are nicked-in-the-head by coupons, and forget that they are consumer marketing promotions…designed to make you consume more, not save.
oh man, that was off the HOOK tonight, wow. loved every minute of it too ;) again, def. not my style but I give mad respect to those ladies. that rush of excitement they get must be huge at the end of that check-out process, dang!
I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but the majority of food coupons are for processed foods! When they give coupons for fresh vegetables I’ll sharpen my scissors.
I agree with Maria. Where are the coupons for fresh veggies and fruits? Eating processed foods means you are taking a hit to your health, which in turn means more expenses towards health issues.
There needs to be a balance. People really don’t need 60 jars of mustard! And, building shelters to keep all the food and toiletries they’ve amassed? That’s just insane.
I’m not sure to be honest with you. I know people have mentioned in our earlier post on extreme couponing that there ARE, indeed, coupons and deals for healthier stuff like that, but not sure any example or resources were ever listed. kinda curious about that too :) although I eat all that unhealthy stuff anyways, so I’d still be happy getting it for super cheap and/or free, haha…
Here’s the link w/ much more discussion:
J – check this out and get informed
ooooooh!!! man, sneaky sneaky. GREAT find, thanks :)
It may be an interesting show to watch, who knows I may even pick up some tips I didn’t know before. Although, I can’t see myself ever doing anything to this extreme. In my opinion it is an unhealthy addiction to go to the extremes portrayed in the show.