OMG – Today is actually "National Splurge Day"!

What are the odds? Seriously, i totally made that day up when i posted about it yesterday – how freakin’ insane! I literally had no idea whatsoever – it was actually my boy Jonathan over at (my all-time FAV pf blogger) who notified me of it. I tip my hat to you good sir.

I followed his advice and googled it, and sure enough it’s a *holiday* (or *holidate* as some call it). Here’s some interesting info from KOOPERSMITHin’

NATIONAL SPLURGE DAY [copyright] 1994 slated annually for June 18
Celebrating its 15TH Year in 2008

Celebrated 63 Days after Income Tax Day (April 15TH), this HOLIDATE is designed to jumpstart the Economy (as Recessions have been plaguing Societies since Biblical Times). One will instantly recall the terms of “7 Years of Feast followed by 7 Years of Famine, Hardships and Troubled Times.” Abundance vs. Depletion can be classically traced back to Egyptian Days where Shortages were offset by Periods of great Wealth. Some Things don’t change, but merely remain in a Cyclical Balance throughout Time. This is the leading Force to be reckoned with.

They even have e-cards made for it! haha… Man … this is either one silly a$$ coincidence, or i’m the coolest person ever ;) (I’m not looking for an answer on this one).

So Happy National Splurge Day everyone!!!

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