The other day I did something I’m deeply ashamed of.
I saw a penny on the ground and I DIDN’T PICK IT UP!!!
I don’t know what came over me (my brain told me it was dirty, but I think I was just being lazy?!), so today I’d like to confess my sins and ask for forgiveness… From both you, and those poor pennies still out there in the lurch…
A little ditty, if you will:
Ode to Pennies
Pennies pennies, I love you
Please forgive me for all I doA moment of weakness, a night of unease
I wake up this morning, begging on knees!The foundation of wealth, everyone knows
So why do I leave you there, glimmering so?You fall from the sky, all alone in the ditch?!
What a horrible person am I – a son of a b*tch!Never again, I can promise you that
Forever on my heart, like a permanent tatCompounding and stacking – the things you do best
It’s all pretty amazing, what you do without restFulfilling our dreams, both mighty and small
And yet no trophy, no award – not even a phone call?I promise to change that – to go back to my ways
Of picking you up, no matter my hazeSticky or dirty or full of mud crap
I give you my word – I’m done being a sap!Forever I’ll cherish, those blessings in hand
Please – oh just please – will you forgive this old man?
Whew – that felt good to get off my chest ;)
And speaking of compounding, here’s a chart someone sent me that was floating around Facebook… (Thanks Alex!)
It takes a little more than pennies, but not much if you have *TIME* on your side!
Your friend in finance,
UPDATE: A keen observer recognized the chart above from David Bach’s “Automatic Millionaire Homeowner” book. Who also adds, “I’ve been using the Billy numbers as a yardstick for years. I didn’t start savings until I was 25, but now I’m 15 years ahead of Billy in savings by age. So suck it, Billy!” ;)
[Penny photo by Mark Turnauckas]
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Hi Jay,
Yes, pretty questionable inaction on your part. Hopefully it is not the first step leading to the complete abolishment of the penny here in the US. Can you believe Canada did away with the penny back in 2013! So it must be REALLY good luck in Canada if you happen to find one! Cheers!
Totally! Haha…
And hopefully you stumble across this one!
1936 “dot” penny
Recently sold for $250,000!!!
The universe is literally trying to give you gifts of riches (no matter how small). Accept them gratefully and more will flow to you.
I love pennies!!! I purchased my first car with pennies! Literally. I had to spend a day taking bottles of pennies to the credit union and then get a check to go pick it up $400 later.
That completely makes my day :)
This is a very sad story. Especially with your love for coins. Glad you are able to come clean.
I had to do a lot of Hail Marys…
Thanks for this! Iβm going to share it with my teenage son who weβve been talking about compound interest with and the difference starting saving for retirement in his teenage years can make. At least he wonβt be able to say we never told him/taught him about the possibilities.
Haha there you go…
But you might have to print out a few copies of it and place it in places like his smart phone and TV and especially his video game console ;)
That way you know FOR SURE he sees it!!
All great ideas!
I had the same experience last week. I saw a penny when I was walking under the freeway bridge on the way home from the gym. Usually, I’d pick it up, but there were homeless people sleeping there. I figured I’d leave it for them. My son would have picked it up no matter what.
I probably would have made the same call :) Maybe even adding a few to the mix!
(or better yet – those Breadcoins!! )
Hey bro. Nice article. I always pick up any change I find on the ground. It does not matter if it is a penny, nickel, dime, or bill. Heck I even pick up foreign coins I find. My three-year-old does not know the difference when I pay her for her chores with those.
The graphic that your reader shared with you is from David Bach’s book “The Automatic Millionaire.” Not only do I have a first edition copy of that book, but it was that chart that really opened my eyes to saving money. It’s a great lesson for our younger generations on the time value of money and compound interest.
Keep picking up those pennies!
Rock on!!
Love that you pay your kid in foreign coins too, haha…
Sure way to get them interested in the hobby of coin collecting, if you ask me :)
Our running group never passes a coin on our early morning runs. And we all give anything we find to the same runner in our group. She is an eagle eye and usually spots them first anyway but our tradition is Norma gets the money no matter who picks it up!
Hah!!! Why all to Norma? Does she do something cool with them or just needs it the most out of the group?! ;)
Australia got rid of its pennies 20 years ago. Best we can hope for now is a 5c coin and even thatβs about to be phased out!
Wowww is it really?
As a coin collector I do not wish to see those days!
I love David Bach his books are so useful for taking actionable financial steps. Also it would have been pretty funny if you picked up that penny and increased your net worth report by a penny!
Haha…. that would be pretty good :)
Hahaha, we are never above picking up pennies.
You are forgiven.