Money Collage #2: 401(k)s and Dolly Parton

We just got our 2nd money collage in the mail! This time by fellow reader Gina of Nashville, Tennessee :) Who apparently has a crush on both Warren Buffett AND Dolly Parton, haha… but who can blame her? They’re both super smart with their business and money!

If you missed the first collage we added up (I think I called it a “love letter” back then), you totally need to check it out next. It seems SlackerJo has started a new trend here, and I’m loving the new direction y’all are running with. Way to get creative!

But enough of my yip-yapping… Here’s the newest artwork & money notes by my new best friend, Gina: (Click to enlarge and be WOW’d!)

money collage by gina

Nicely done, huh? I like how all the collages we’ve had so far somehow included Canadian currency ;) Though this time we even get some Costa Rican action up in here  woop woop! And we also get our first dollar bill doodled on too, that’s hot. Warren Buffett should TOTALLY be on one of our bills in the future! Maybe if the mint ever brings back the $1,000 ones he could grace those?

But anyways, in case you missed it, here’s how Gina and Husband are rockin’ their money:

  1. They save the maximum to her husband’s 401(k)! Something that’s music to my ears.
  2. And they also save 85% (EIGHT-FIVE!!) of all Gina’s part-time income into her 403(b) – which is pretty much like a 401(k) but for those in the public education and some non-profit organizations, etc. Like if you’re a teacher.

Way to kill it, guys! That’s awesome. And hopefully very motivational to others out there too reading this and wondering if they also should try something similar as well (The answer? Yes – but only if you have a good system down and it won’t force you into more debt or anything. The better handle you have on things, the more you can take advantage of great opportunities and tools like these!)

Gina also wants to remind you to never do any of the following:

  1. Pay $50.00 a year for a safety deposit box that only has receipts in it.
  2. Forget to pay income tax on $24 million dollars of debt that was also FORGIVEN for you! (And even worse – also be the guy who SIGNS SIGNED all the dollar bills! D’oh. Talk about irony…)

Thanks Gina! Some good lessons to keep in our back pockets for sure. You rock.

j money signature
PS: Anyone else wanting to shoot over a collage? Lemme know and we’ll make you famous!! This all started from my “dollar doodle” request which has (awesomely) gone in a completely different direction, haha… ya never know what the internets will do!

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  1. William @ Drop Dead Money October 24, 2012 at 7:11 AM

    Love this! My artistic talent (and handwriting) eliminate me from contention, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it! :) Love the $24 million lesson… would just LOVE the opportunity to live it! :)

  2. AverageJoe October 24, 2012 at 9:14 AM

    Hey, sometimes you don’t feel like paying taxes on the $24M. Why get on the guy for what I’m sure was just a simple rounding error?

  3. Debt an the Girl October 24, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    This is very clever. I like the idea of turning an everyday object into art.

  4. J. Money October 24, 2012 at 11:19 AM

    @William @ Drop Dead Money – Hey, we wouldn’t discriminate if you wanted to give it a shot later ;) Maybe your thought process/design skills would be totally different than what we’re used to seeing! That would be fun!
    @AverageJoe – Hah! Probably.
    @Debt an the Girl – Me too :) Reminds me of like 2nd grade all over again. We don’t get to create much as adults! (or at least get forced to)

  5. Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager October 24, 2012 at 2:15 PM

    Thanks for the reminder – still need to get a safety box…

  6. Mandy @MoneyMasterMom October 24, 2012 at 2:34 PM

    Pretty funny that her dad would keep rent receipts in a safe deposit box. I once had a friend who found a great deal on diapers, so she bought a year supply. But she didn’t have room in her house so she rented a storage unit. Probably wasn’t her most savvy spending moment :)

  7. Gina October 24, 2012 at 3:06 PM

    Just wanted to remind everyone that IRS is changing the maximum contribution for 2013 and you will be able to put away $17,500.00 a year. Woohooo!

    Gina from Nashville

  8. Slackerjo October 24, 2012 at 8:17 PM

    I freakin’ love Dolly because she can be creative and have good business sense.

  9. J. Money October 24, 2012 at 8:22 PM

    @Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager – You better have something important to put in there!!
    @Mandy @MoneyMasterMom – OMG haha… now THAT is funny :)
    @Gina – YES! SO COOL!!! And a good reminder to up those paycheck %’s too if you plan on maxing out throughout the year. Thanks friend! And for all the art again too :)
    @Slackerjo – Oh yeah, that’s what I hear.

  10. Elena @ Reinvent Your Career October 24, 2012 at 11:59 PM

    This collage is really cool! I like the first note saying “Never Lose Money” and the second one “Never Forget Rule #1”. Hahaha. This is too funny! Saving 85% into someone 401k sounds quite impressive, but who can do that these days except for celebrities?…

  11. savvyfinanciallatina October 25, 2012 at 5:22 PM

    Dang! Look at them rocking out the retirement funds!!!

  12. Adam Hathaway October 26, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    That is a great collage! It is beyond me how anyone can be saving so much for retirement! Does Gina have room for any other spending in her life(if she even needs to)?

  13. J. Money October 27, 2012 at 8:30 PM

    @Elena @ Reinvent Your Career – I used to put in 90% and have basically a $100 paycheck for 2 months until it was maxed out myself ;) Pretty much sucked living off pennies for a while (our savings would go down during these times), but then for the rest of the year I was getting 100% of my paychecks and watching my 401k investments grow! Def. a cool trade off if you can work it out… Even plowing in 10% into 401k would do wonders over your lifetime…
    @savvyfinanciallatina – Right? Pretty impressive.
    @Adam Hathaway – Great question for her :) I’d imagine she does though – most people who pull this off are SUPER good with their money and frugality.