Limited Edition FIRE Stickers! [Giveaway]

What up, what up!!!

Was handed a package of these KILLER new stickers at FinCon this week, and couldn’t help but spread the love even though I know we’ve been doing like a million giveaways here lately, haha… (Are you enjoying them all?? Annoyed already? Rather I switch to passing out cash money???! ;))

They come from the brilliant mind of, who’s only printed a small run of them for all us on Twitter who were basically OBSESSED with them as soon as they crossed our eyes!!

FIRE stickers

That little barista coffee guy cracks me up, haha… Stuck it on my laptop ASAP as that’s exactly what I’m shooting for – Barista FIRE! Financial Independence, but with some extra perks/health insurance!

The Frugal Weirdo sticker is pretty hot too, though I don’t have the balls to slap that one on my computer just yet ;)

If you like any of these, enter the giveaway below for a chance to win!!

They’re so exclusive you can’t even buy them anywhere! Haha…

And I have 6 sheets to give out – two for each winner of today’s giveaway. Keep one for yourself to enjoy, and then give the other to SOMEONE ELSE who you know will appreciate them and/or who needs the constant reminder ;)

You will be the new belle of the ball with these – I guarantee it! I’ve already gotten like 15 people coming up to shake my hand and thank me for my awesomeness!! They’re in complete awe!!*

(*Okay not really, but they should be!! FIRE stickers are the new Budgeting stickers! ;))

Answer these two questions below and you’ll be automatically entered to win:

Where would you rock these stickers?? And who would you give the 2nd sheet to?

We’ll pick the 3 winners after the weekend, and then come back here and update the post with them. Good luck!!! Open only to the U.S. I’m afraid, or else it’ll cost me a couple cups of that Barista FIRE to ship them…

Thanks again for giving me a stash, Military Dollar! I think you’ve got a new side hustle on your hands! Maybe for round two you can include a little Fart FIRE action??? ;)

UPDATE: Giveaway now over! Congrats to Austin K., Matt R., and Millie. Rock them proud!!


j. money signature

PS: In case you missed it, here were the winners of last week’s “Retire Before Mom and Dad” book: Gene Roberts, Colleen L. and Patti M.!

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  1. Jessica Clifford September 11, 2019 at 5:58 AM

    I would put the stickers on my laptop and in my classroom. I teach high school. I often chat with my colleagues about personal finance so I’d give extra stickers to them.

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 7:30 AM

      Love the classroom idea!!!

      We need as much help spreading the good word as possible!!

  2. Erin September 11, 2019 at 6:04 AM

    Stickers please!!!!
    Where would you rock these stickers?? On my laptop, in my car, my cubicle at work, bathroom mirror….reminders of what I’m going for!
    And who would you give the 2nd sheet to? I’d take them to a local FI group meeting so like-minded folks can enjoy them!

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 7:30 AM

      Bathroom mirror – awesome :)

  3. Amber Parisi September 11, 2019 at 6:38 AM

    Love these!! I would put them on my laptop, and around my desk. The second set I would give to a couple colleagues who are interested in FIRE as well!

  4. Carrie September 11, 2019 at 7:13 AM

    I’d put some on my laptop and the others at my desk at work. The other sheet would to go my sister & niece to get them going on the FI arena!

  5. Julie September 11, 2019 at 7:32 AM

    I love these, too! I would have them on my clipboard and my tablet I use at work. I would give the other stickers out to my nursing students.

  6. Jacq September 11, 2019 at 7:32 AM

    2nd set offer to my Dad, my original FI hero, or my friend Chrissy rocking a lot of FI habits!
    I would probably rock ‘frugal weirdo’ at work, and fu money on the fridge at home.

  7. Cody September 11, 2019 at 7:40 AM

    1 would slap one on the back window of my vehicle for the world to see! the other would be given to a good friend who is a financial advisor. Maybe is will spark someones future.

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:13 PM

      I always forget about car windows!! Good one!

  8. Cheryl September 11, 2019 at 7:49 AM

    I would slap one on my reusable water bottle – which is almost covered in stickers! And a few in my cubicle at work to keep me focused on my REAL job….getting the heck out of that damn cube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL..
    Second set would go to my Niece – as she is diligently listening to her Aunts advice and paying off her college loans like a BOSS, living the minimal life, and shoveling extra money in her 401k every time she gets a raise at her awesome job!! I’m SO proud of her!

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:14 PM

      Do you think your boss would say anything if they saw “F U Money” all over your desk? Lol…

      (GO NIECE!!)

  9. Paul September 11, 2019 at 8:01 AM

    Can I just get the one that says FU. I’m thinking it will make the perfect work laptop sticker.

  10. Liz H September 11, 2019 at 8:01 AM

    Hi! So cool
    I would put them on my iPad and my planner to remind me and help spread the word. (If I owned a laptop I’d stick them on that). The second copy goes to my secretary at church who shares my love of all things frugal and really knows how to squeeze every penny while not missing out on life and not having debt. She is my hero actually .

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:15 PM

      She sounds wonderful :)

  11. Tania M Mask September 11, 2019 at 8:22 AM

    I would put some on my laptop, but definitely some on my 40oz steel water bottle that currently only has one lonely sticker that reads “just because we can, doesn’t mean we should”. These would be a great addition to it.

    I would give the second sheet to a co-worker who is new to frugal living, looking to turn her financial situation around. She may lose her job in the new year and this is so important for her.

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:15 PM

      Excellent sticker!!

  12. RH September 11, 2019 at 8:49 AM

    I have an obsession with magnets so I’d make them into magnets and stick half of them on my fridge at home so I can talk about it with my 9 year old son and 6 year old daughter and the other half on my fridge at school so I can engage with parents who ask about them (on my About the Teacher parent letter-I teach Kindergarten-I plugged in my favorite personal finance books and some parents asked me about it! lol). I’d give the stickers to those parents who ask about them and I’d give some to my sister who is finally interested in personal finance and is trying to get out of debt when she found out I became debt free from over $250,000 and sadly that is NOT from a mortgage!

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:16 PM

      Ack – go you!!!

      Loving that you plug finance into those newsletter :)

  13. Lisa September 11, 2019 at 8:52 AM

    I saw these on twitter and thought they were so cool! I would put them on my car, my lap top and my desk at work. I would give my second set to my kids to fight over. My oldest is all over the FI while her brother is slowly coming out of the fog (where did I go wrong??)

  14. Adriana September 11, 2019 at 9:00 AM

    I would show them off in my work computer and water bottle, share them with my 3 daughters (17,11 &10) whom has been hearing about FIRE for the past year… I think this is a great conversation starter to continue to spread the

  15. Buckowens September 11, 2019 at 9:11 AM

    I would put them on my laptop and hardhat at work as well as on the back window of my truck.

    I would hand them out to members at Church who all will be going through FPU starting next week, cant wait to spread the wisdom!

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:17 PM


      Hope it changes their lives!!

  16. Britt Pearson September 11, 2019 at 9:22 AM

    I would put one on the family board that we put all important messages on. Then also probably on my car. The second set would be given to a woman at one of my clients who asked if I would be her accountability partner as she works through debt and switching to control her money rather than her money controlling her.

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:18 PM

      Good for you for being there for her!!! Sometimes that’s all it takes to turn a money situation around!

  17. Wes G. September 11, 2019 at 9:33 AM

    Oh these are so cool! I’d definitely put “Working on my FU money” on my wallet as a reminder every time I try to buy something I don’t need to just not buy it at all. The “Ask me about the financial independance community” would be great for my desk at work – I’m surrounded by people making MORE than me working paycheck to paycheck… and then coming to me to complain about it. A sticker might not make them listen to the ‘good news’ but at least I’ll feel more professional about it haha

    1. Wes G. September 11, 2019 at 9:35 AM

      Almost forgot! The second sheet would definitely go to my mother-in-law – I’ve never met a person as frugal as she can be, especially with a thermostat!

    2. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:18 PM

      I like that idea for work ;)

  18. Sandra C. September 11, 2019 at 9:50 AM

    I would put them on my kids’ notebooks and their lunch boxes. They are really in FI and try to set amazing goals for themselves. Besides, what kid doesn’t like stickers?

  19. Evan E. September 11, 2019 at 9:53 AM

    Those stickers are great looking! I would put one sticker on my laptop that I use to do my family budget, one on my guitar case to encourage the side-hustle, one on my insulated water bottle (to remind me to stay away from impulse soda purchases). My wife would get the rest of the first sheet and our FIRE friends would get the other sheet.

  20. Camilia Cabarloc September 11, 2019 at 10:00 AM

    I’d put some on my laptop for sure. Not sure where else. I’d give the extra sheet to my sister.

  21. Chad September 11, 2019 at 10:25 AM

    I would put the first set up on my laptop.

    2nd set I would do a random drawing at my local fi group meeting.

  22. Gretchen September 11, 2019 at 10:44 AM

    I would put the stickers on my vision board and will give the second set to my daughter and her husband. They are a military family. I hope I win!

  23. Amy J. September 11, 2019 at 11:29 AM

    These stickers are awesome! :) I would put these stickers on my iPad and my “money notebook” – I have a notebook where I track all my expenses and income by hand (the old-fashioned way.) I would give the second sheet to my best friend because I just recently introduced her to the FIRE concept. She can use them to help stay motivated!

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:20 PM

      Ahhhhhh i want to see that notebook!! Will you take a pic and email it to me??

      Love hand-written stuff :)

      1. Amy J. September 12, 2019 at 11:42 AM

        I’ll be glad to! I’m actually on my third notebook – I’ve been tracking everything since October 2012 when I found Mr. Money Mustache’s blog :)

        1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 12:18 PM

          Get it girl!

  24. Micah September 11, 2019 at 11:30 AM

    I would stick it in my desk at work. I will give the other one to my assistant so we can GTFO off here together.

  25. Ben September 11, 2019 at 11:44 AM

    I would put these in my office window that faces the hallway! The second sheet I would give to my sister Alice who is also a big fan and follower of J. Money (one awesome dude!).

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:20 PM

      She has good taste ;)

  26. Lisa September 11, 2019 at 11:48 AM

    There’s a yogurt shop in DC that gives you a discount if you let them stamp their logo on your forehead. So naturally I would rock these stickers on my forehead and give the other sheet to my boyfriend so he could do the same. =D #ilovestickers

    1. J. Money September 11, 2019 at 12:21 PM


      I would do that too for a discount :)

      Loved chilling with you last week!

    2. Michelle September 11, 2019 at 8:29 PM

      We have a big financial education initiative at work. I would put these in my office as magnets and give the extra set to the first person that comments on them. These are a great way to help spread the message!

      1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 5:48 AM

        Excellent idea!

  27. Marcelo moreira September 11, 2019 at 12:14 PM

    I would put the stickers on my laptop, which already has a plethora of stickers. I get asked a lot about them all the time, and these would take it to the next level!

    I would give the other sheet to my co-workers, which keep asking me about FIRE all the time. We need to spread the FIRE!!!!

  28. ms. buzz September 11, 2019 at 12:41 PM

    I would put them just about everywhere. At my computer desk and refrigerator,, both home and at work.

  29. Adrienne September 11, 2019 at 2:05 PM

    Hey! Like many others, I would rock these stickers on my reusable water bottle and coffee mug. The frugal weirdo one would take the place of honor on my laptop (that I still have to pull the trigger and buy!). My current favorite financial sticker I have is in my car, it says “My other vehicle is a 401k” from the Playing with FIRE documentary.
    The other sheet would be split up between the family. My hubby, because he’s a frugal weirdo too, and the kids, because, well, stickers…

    1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 5:50 AM

      Haha… I have a Playing With Fire sticker on my laptop too :) The FI flag one.

  30. Suz September 11, 2019 at 2:27 PM

    I would create magnets out of those stickers and use them to hold up my net worth statement on my refrigerator to keep the motivation alive! I would share the second sheet with my 23 year old daughter who’ve I’ve been mentoring about FI.

    1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 5:53 AM

      Do you really keep your net worth statement on the fridge??! Haha… That is baller!

  31. Becky September 11, 2019 at 3:31 PM

    I’d paste them all over my waterbottle, and give the second sheet to my partner who is just starting to get into FIRE, as a little conversation starter. I can already hear him asking “Why does this one say FU?”

  32. Maggie September 11, 2019 at 5:14 PM

    I have one color-in debt free chart and another house downpayment chart on my fridge. I can’t think of a better place to put them.

  33. Elizabeth Hawkins September 11, 2019 at 5:15 PM

    Definitely on my water bottle – since that travels everywhere with me! And I’d give a set to a friend who is really working hard to travel the road to financial freedom!

  34. Alan September 11, 2019 at 8:17 PM

    I do have the balls to put FRUGAL WEIRDO and Ask Me About the FI Community on my laptop. I am an avid reader of Military Dollar as well as this site. The rest of the first sheet and the second sheet I would give out the stickers individually to friends and coworkers who fit the particular sticker. I could share with more than just one other person.

    1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 5:54 AM

      Awesome you’re a reader of her site!!

  35. Ashley September 11, 2019 at 10:00 PM

    So cool! I would rock these stickers on my laptop and in my office. I would give the 2nd sheet to my best friend to encourage her to keep making financial progress.

  36. Daniel September 12, 2019 at 1:39 AM

    I would put one on my Microsoft Surface and one on my office door next to the classroom (high school) at work.

    I would also give the second pack to my brother (recent college grad — woo!) who loves stickers to put on his computer; I’m hoping it will motivate him to get more involved with managing his finances at the ripe early post-college life!

  37. Eperk31 September 12, 2019 at 3:05 AM

    I’d have them on my hard hat at work. Most people I work with don’t have a clue about money other than they love to spend it all.
    I’d give the second sheet to my son so he could take to school and decorate his folder with it

    1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 5:55 AM

      I would absolutely LOVE to see these stickers on a hard hat, haha…

  38. Brittany Reth September 12, 2019 at 12:30 PM

    I would put them on my refrigerator and on the wall of my husband’s office (he works from home), so that he knows what he’s working for. Hubby isn’t 100% sold on FI bc he thinks we need a gazillion dollars to retire, although I’ve shown him the numbers. I would give the 2nd sheet to my nephew as I’ve already shared a lot of the FI world with him.

    1. J. Money September 12, 2019 at 12:57 PM

      Us men could be slow at times ;)

  39. Scott September 12, 2019 at 1:00 PM

    Between putting them up on the mirrors at home or other places around the house and somewhere at work to get people talking, I think I’d run out of the stickers real quick. The second sheet would probably go to my sister who I’m trying to educate on financial independence as she starts out her life in the real world.

  40. Briana September 12, 2019 at 3:58 PM

    I would rock these on my laptop and in my classroom! I’d give the second sheet to the people I help with their finances!

  41. A Cheney September 12, 2019 at 11:52 PM

    I would put these on our cars. I especially like the frugal weirdo!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2019 at 12:48 PM

      I would love to see a car w/ that sticker plastered all over it :)

  42. CB September 13, 2019 at 9:41 AM

    I would put stickers on my water bottle, that I carry around almost everywhere, and then the rest on my laptop. Hopefully, could use as a conversation starter as well as to be held accountable.

    I would give the second set to my sister. One, to give us another thing to bond over LOL, but also because she is just now in her 20s and I hope she would be reminded to make the best financial decisions for herself!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2019 at 12:49 PM

      You’re a good brother :)

  43. J. Money September 17, 2019 at 5:57 AM

    *** GIVAWAY NOW OVER ***

    Congrats to:

    – Austin K.
    – Matt R.
    – Millie

    Rock ’em proud!

    1. Wes G September 17, 2019 at 6:08 AM

      J. Money, I wanted to see what the winners were going to do with the stickers but I don’t see them on here. Was there another way to enter the drawing besides writing in the comments?

      1. J. Money September 17, 2019 at 6:23 AM

        Hey Wes,

        Yup – people who get these blog posts emailed to them directly can also enter via email, so that’s why their answers don’t show up here – sorry :( They are always randomly selected though so everyone gets a fair shot at winning.

  44. Millie October 4, 2019 at 5:08 PM

    Just received these FANTASTIC stickers (will be used for added FIRE inspiration for my 19 year old BARISTA on FIRE as she plans her future with her MILITARY guy!!! (I’m thinking these were made for her!!!) thanks for sharing, J$!

    1. J. Money October 4, 2019 at 5:09 PM


      So glad you like them!!!

      Paste them far and wide!!! :)