I once spent $40.00 on a bottle of water… Bling H2O.

bling h2o is sexyEvery now and then I come across something pretty damn funny that reminds me of my former self.

I usually then pat myself on the back and wonder if I’m as funny/cool/interesting as I was back when that “something” happened. But today, I didn’t know whether to punch myself in the face, or nervously laugh it off.

There’s no doubt about it – before ’08, I was CRAZY when it came to money. Well, maybe not that bad, but I sure did like to splurge on non-necessities! Check this email I sent to my girl a year and a half ago:

“Lastly, before i go, if you are sitting there wondering to yourself, “do i REALLY want to spend $40 frivolously today?”, then i have JUST the thing for you: BlingH20 water! it’s the new rage in hollywood, everyone who’s anyone is drinking it. and, in case you’re wondering – yes, i will be drinking it too…in approx. 2-5 business days. (OH MY!)”

I charged $40.00 to my credit card for a fancy bottle of WATER! hahaah…oh man, talk about a marketers dream, eh? There’s about a 5% chance I’d ever do something like that again – say if I win the lottery, get a huge a$$ bonus, or perhaps if I get a little drizzunk in front of a computer ;)

And the most interesting part of it all, is that I still haven’t drank the dang thing! It’s literally sitting on my desk right this very moment smiling at me. I think at this point I’m just holding onto it in case it’s ever worth anything… the thought of drinking it all down, dollar after dollar, isn’t as sexy as I’d originally imagined ;) Although perhaps it’s filled with miracles?!?!

The point of all this, though, is just that we all have the ability to change, especially when it comes to our spending habits. And sometimes it happens naturally, like when you get married, or when you buy a house, or even if you lose your job. Life happens, and it changes us.

The trick of it all is to remind yourself that you’re gonna make some pretty bozo transactions here and there, but to REMEMBER them so you don’t fall for it again. And even if you do, who cares – you’re alive and you’re TRYING ;)

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  1. Hedy @ penny for my thoughts February 22, 2010 at 10:15 PM

    You mean it's not more than a pretty taste? LOL.

  2. J. Money February 23, 2010 at 1:13 AM

    To this day I still haven't popped it! Wonder how long I can last? ;)

    1. Chris October 15, 2018 at 3:08 PM

      I’m just now reading through your blog and it’s very inspiring. It’s over a decade later now haha. Still got the water bottle?

      1. J. Money October 16, 2018 at 5:58 AM

        I do!! It’s stashed in my wine cabinet just waiting to be savored one day ;)

  3. SN March 10, 2020 at 10:58 AM

    OMG! that hurts! $40 for a bottle of h20…my eyes popped reading that…

    It killed me when we pay $7 for a bottle in our hotel room in San Francisco…but $40..ok, $7 not so bad anymore…lol

    Thanks for the good laugh :)

    1. J. Money March 10, 2020 at 11:00 AM

      I’m here to make you feel better :)