Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s Some Good Reads From Around The Interwebs…

Happy Spanksgiving! 😉

Hope you’re all safe and enjoying the holidays :)Β Β 

Here are some fun and interesting personal finance reads from around the web…


The Best Chrome Extensions For Online Shopping $$$ by Route to Retire –Β  Since it’s Black Friday today, and Cyber Monday is around the corner, check out these Chrome browser extensions that help save you money! They are all 100% free, run in the background, and most let you know if the product you’re looking at can be found cheaper elsewhere… sometimes much cheaper!

My First Word: β€œMore” by Living With Money –Β  β€œMore. One syllable, four letters, but so much is packed inside that word. One simple question is enough to upend your entire thought process…Β  β€œDo I need more?””

The Ten Commandments of Personal Finance by Len Penzo –Β  My favorite one is Commandment #8… β€œKeepeth thy spouse involved in the financial decision process.”  By the way, did you know that more Americans can list the ingredients inside of a Big Mac than can list the actual 10 Commandments?!Β 

Map of Used Cars (Interactive Tool!) by Playing with FIRE – Using local data from all over the U.S., this awesome tool gives a side-by-side comparison of the most reliable used cars. Check out average resell prices across regions, depreciation schedules, and calculate your total cost to drive using the calculator.

Getting More From My Emergency Fund With 3% and 5% Interest Savings Accounts by Financial Panther – β€œI currently have $33,500 that I earmark as an emergency fund. $13,500 of it earns 5% interest. $20,000 of it earns 3% interest. It’s a big emergency fund, but it’s also money that’s earning rates of return that beat inflation. When you think about it, these accounts basically allow me to get the best of all worlds – I get the safety of a savings account while also getting a high rate of return.”

What we learned from interviewing 12 nomadic couples and individual travelers by Nomad Numbers – β€œAbout 6 months ago I started to look for other couples and individuals that have become nomadic like us to understand their origin story and travel lifestyle… In this blog post, you will be discovering what all of these interviews have in common and what sets them apart. You will also have access to top advice and resources from our interviewees if you are interested to start designing your own life.”

Which Accounts Should You Use to Invest for Retirement? [Interactive] by Adam at Minafi – β€œThis interactive article shows which accounts YOU should focus YOUR time on learning about. To get started investing you don’t have to know everything – that’s what the experts are for. Instead, you just need to know which account (or accounts) are going to be most beneficial for your specific situation.”

The Money Deck (KickStarter Campaign) by Ben Barrett-Forrest and Nicholas Fleming – This could be a great gift for a friend who might need help learning about saving, investing, retirement, credit, the economy, common money mistakes, and more! β€œA whimsical, pocket-sized guide to personal finance, concisely captured on 52 casino-quality playing cards” Β 

The Youths Are Coming For The Housing Market by A Wealth of Common Sense – This post talks about why people in their 30s are going to be buying a lot of houses in the coming years :)Β  Very interesting stuff!

Sick of Uncertainty? Read This. by Sarah Newcomb, Morningstar –Β  β€œTo maintain your cool as a long-term investor, you simply must find ways to see past the immediate crises. We can do this by turning our attention away from the uncertainty of things we can’t control and toward things that are certain and things we can control.”

And lastly, a fun video!…

Cucumba! (VIDEO) by Macka B – This is a few years old, but I only just found out about it! A great reminder of the simple and surprising benefits of basic vegetables.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to buy some cucumbers and learn all the words in this video.

Have a fantastic weekend. Catch you all next week!



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  1. Jim @ Route to Retire November 28, 2020 at 10:55 AM

    Thanks for the shout-out, Joel – very much appreciated!

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Joel November 29, 2020 at 9:06 AM

      Cheers Jim! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  2. Impersonal Finances November 28, 2020 at 1:34 PM

    I read that as Happy Spavsgiving and I thought this was going to be a post about donating your Spavings Account! Great list as always, hope you had a safe holiday!

    1. Joel November 29, 2020 at 9:07 AM

      That’s actually a great idea! :)

  3. The Millennial Money Woman November 30, 2020 at 6:36 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving Joel!

    I’m looking forward to taking a peek at these reads – thank you so much for these recommendations.

    I hope you had a great holiday!


    1. Joel November 30, 2020 at 1:06 PM

      Hope you had a great holiday too dude!