Happy Friday, y’all!
Here are a handful of good reads and fun stuff for personal finance nerds from around the web recently …
How my Grandfather Saved Money via Margin Matters — “My grandmother outlived my grandpa by about 5 years. It wasn’t until after her death in 2016 that my dad tells me a story in which I immediately responded with, “Those are the kinds of stories you need to be telling your grandkids!””
Who Pays for This? via Collaborative Fund — “We’re all just guessing, but when this is all over – however you want to define that – it would not surprise me if the direct federal cost of Covid-19 is something north of $10 trillion… I’ve heard many people ask recently, “How are we going to pay for that?””

Buying Coffee Is My New Charitable Cause via Impersonal Finance — “Businesses are hurting and I find myself needing an extra jolt in the afternoon to stay motivated while working from home. It’s a win win for both parties.”
Australia FIRE Survey 2020 and Interactive Dashboard! via Aussie FIREbug — “While the answer to each question is very interesting in itself, I decided to take things a step further and create what could possibly be the very first interactive FIRE dashboard … ever?”
68 Bits of unsolicited Advice via Kevin Kelly, The Technium — “Friends are better than money. Almost anything money can do, friends can do better. In so many ways, a friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.”
My thoughts on the “Passive Investing Bubble” via Early Retirement Now — “When I hear the word “bubble” referenced in the popular media my BS radar is flashing red. Everything is called a bubble these days.”
How to Become a House Sitter via The Travelling Housesitters — Despite COVID, there is still a big demand for both long and short term house sitters. People have empty second homes that need care, and some remote workers are finally hitting the road to explore their country! **Be safe and check local guidelines before booking any travel**
The Story Behind Statement Cards via Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez — “That’s not to say I think we should send expensive gifts or write people checks every time they get a promotion or pay off a credit card, but I do think something as simple as a greeting card can be a powerful way to acknowledge a milestone – like paying off a car or moving out on your own – which can take people years of hard work to accomplish.”
COVID-19: The Fall And Rise Of Jobs via Accidental FIRE — “I found a cool new mapping site that shows this rise and subsequent fall of the unemployment rate in bi-weekly intervals at a county level for the entire United States.”
Free Vending Machines For Homeless (Video) via Rex Chapman, Twitter — “In the UK, these vending machines have water, fruit and other basic items for the homeless to access for free. Here’s how!”
Shark of the Ocean (Video) via @demarjaysmith — “Don’t put yourself down. Motivate yourself. Keep yourself UP.” Bookmark this and watch it in the mornings when you need motivation! ;)
And lastly, a short 6 Question Financial Quiz via FINRA Investor Education Foundation — I only got 5 out of 6 right :( But apparently that’s better than the average Californian respondent. Take the quiz and tell me how you do!
Happy Friday and have a great weekend! I’m off to go take some photos of my feet! :)
– Joel
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Holy moly!
Thank you so much for sharing my article! I love this round up style.
Cheers Britt! Have a great weekend!
Woohoo! 6 for 6. Scary how low the averages are.
I’ve got size 13 feet, think I can charge extra? :)
Nice! Yeah I was surprised by the averages too. Yes I think 13 is a lucky number in a lot of places. You could be sitting (well, standing) on a gold mine.
Thx for sharing my interview w/ Stefanie!
And the podcast interview with me! :)
I love those statement cards! Thanks for sharing the good word!
Thanks for the link to the “Who Pays for This?” article from Collaborative Fund. That is exactly what I worry about. Our debt is just climbing and it is scary!
Yes it’s impressive how they explain it. Have a great weekend Scarlet!
Wow thank you for including my article! There is a lot of good stuff out there, this was a great post. Now time take pictures of my feet while housesitting while listening to the new J. Money pod…
…and while drinking a local coffee! Have a great weekend! :)
Thanks for the mention! Go “Passive Investing”!!!
Cheers big Ern! Have a great week :)
Great set of articles. Thanks for sharing them. What goes into your curation of the articles?
This is my first round-up after taking over from J$. Just a bunch of post I come across and personally like over the past few months. Feel free to shoot stuff to my email if/when you come across posts that you think are must-shares. J$’s big curation project will prob be launched soon which will be a better platform for curated content, so not sure how many of these I’ll be doing in the future. Cheers!
Very well put together post with some interesting reads!
Thanks for putting these together Joel, definitely sharing to a few contacts!
Thanks Rami :)