Giveaway Day #2: More Great Books 📚

Good morning!

Another day, another giveaway!

Got three more books to give out today – two by good friends of mine in the community, and one by someone I WISH I could have been good friends with but who would have probably gotten me into way too much trouble, lol… Benjamin Franklin ;)

Before we get to that though – congrats to the winners of yesterday’s giveaways!

  • Atomic Habits – Nat Metz
  • Broke Millennial Talks Money – Sarah
  • Anything You Want – Heidi L.

Now here’s what we’ve got for you today…


Book #1: “Adventures in Opting Out”
by Cait Flanders

adventures opting out book

One of my favorite people in the space, and one of my favorite topics! Though Cait’s been opting out of so much we rarely get to hear from her anymore, lol…. so not a fan of that, but I am a fan of the book ;)

Here’s more about it below from Amazon, and then here’s more about her at her website: (formerly “Blonde on a Budget” for long time purveyors in the space):

We all follow our own path in life. At least, that’s what we’re told. In reality, many of us either do what is expected of us, or follow the invisible but well-worn paths that lead to what is culturally acceptable. For some, those paths are fine — even great. But they leave some of us feeling disconnected from ourselves and what we really want. When that discomfort finally outweighs the fear of trying something new, we’re ready to opt out.

After going through this process many times, Cait Flanders found there is an incredible parallel between taking a different path in life and the psychological work it takes to summit a mountain — especially when you decide to go solo. In Adventures in Opting Out, she offers a trail map to help you with both. As you’ll see, reaching the first viewpoint can be easy — and it offers a glimpse of what you’re walking toward. Climbing to the summit for the full view is worth it. But in the space between those two peaks you will enter a world completely unknown to you, and that is the most difficult part of the path to navigate.

With Flanders’s guidance and advice, drawn from her own journey and stories of others, you’ll have all the encouragement and insight you’ll need to take the path less traveled and create the life you want. Just step up to the trailhead and expect it to be an adventure.

More here: Adventures in Opting Out: A Field Guide to Leading an Intentional Life


Book #2: “Fire the Haters”
by Jillian Johnsrud

fire the haters

Another book from a friend in the PF world – Jillian Johnsrud! Formerly of Montana Money Adventures, another great money blog from years of yore… I remember reading it for the first time and being absolutely blown away. She wrote with such rawness and vigor! And was super inspirational! In fact, she holds the title for having her very first blog post featured on Rockstar Finance – a quite impressive feat ;)

But today isn’t about her old blog, it’s about a new(ish) book of hers all around managing the haters in your life… So if you’ve been struggling with it, whether online or off, make sure to enter for this book and see if any of her tips help squash it.

Here’s a testimonial I wrote for her that landed on the back cover of it – coincidentally next to a quote by Cait Flanders!

“Haters suck. But giving up on your dreams sucks more. Don’t let the haters win! Pick up this book and let Jillian help guide you through this beautifully messy place they call The Internet. It’ll be like having coffee with your best friend, only a best friend who also happens to know exactly what you need to succeed online.” – J. Money, All-Star Money

(I had put “Certified Hustler” there as my title, but I guess the editors didn’t like that one too much 😂)

And then here’s more about it by Amazon:

Sharing your creative and entrepreneurial ventures online can feel like traversing a rough and uncharted ocean. Full of setbacks and obstacles that might sink your ship.

If you ever wanted to go out to coffee and “pick the brain” of someone who has successfully navigated this creative entrepreneurial life, this is your chance. All for the price of two lattes.

We will deal with your three big stumbling blocks

  • Online critics: How do you “fire the haters” and create boundaries online to keep you working, healthy and productive?
  • Inner critic: From imposter syndrome to fears of what friends and family might think.
  • Failure, fear, and finding the courage to create: Cancel culture, recovering from failure, and how to stay in the game.

More here: Fire the Haters: Finding Courage to Create Online in a Critical World


Book #3: “Franklin’s Thrift”
by David Blankenhorn, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead and Sorcha Brophy-Warren

franklin's thrift

And lastly, we have a book inspired by the OG of early retirement himself, B. Franklin. Shipped to me a few years back by a reader of the blog (thanks Dave!) after seeing some of my posts on thrift.

I’ll be honest and say I never did end up getting through to the end of it, but I do remember enjoying some of the stories from the beginning portions of the book. One I had on my night stand for a few months, but now time to go onto someone else’s!

So if you’re a fan of the infamous B. Frank. too, or just enjoy history in general, this book’s for you… Here’s more from Amazon:

Americans today often think of thrift as a negative value—a miserly hoarding of resources and a denial of pleasure. Even more telling, many Americans don’t even think of thrift at all anymore. Franklin’s Thrift challenges this state of mind by recovering the rich history of thrift as a quintessentially American virtue.

The contributors to this volume trace how, from the eighteenth century on, the idea and practice of thrift has been a robust part of the American vision of economic freedom and social abundance. For Benjamin Franklin, who personified and promoted the idea, thrift meant working productively, consuming wisely, saving proportionally, and giving generously. Franklin’s thrift became the cornerstone of a new kind of secular faith in the ordinary person’s capacity to shape his lot and fortune in life.

Later chapters document how in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, thrift moved into new domains. It became the animating idea behind social movements to promote children’s school savings, create mutual savings banks and credit unions for working men and women, establish a federal savings bond program, and galvanize the nation to conserve resources during two world wars.

Learn more: Franklin’s Thrift: The History of a Lost American Virtue


And that’s today’s giveaways!

To enter…

Tell me a story that corresponds with whichever book you want, and you’ll be entered to win…

For example, if you want the Opting Out book, tell me an area you want to opt out of or a story around a time you tried or something, and if you want the Hater one tell me a time you had to deal with hate in your life and how it was successful or not. Or any other stories around the corresponding subject – you get the idea…

You can enter for whichever ones you want, and I’ll be announcing the winners after 5pm EST here at the bottom of this blog post as well as in tomorrow’s next post…

So get your entries in fast! And will be back tomorrow for more goodies! Shifting into $$$ merch next from around the community…

Thx for reading,

j. money signature

UPDATE: Giveaway now over!

Congrats to our 3 winners:

  • “Adventures in Opting Out” — Working Mom
  • “Fire the Haters” — Nakpangi
  • “Franklin’s Thrift” — Caroline

Back tomorrow with more 🔥

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  1. The Crusher September 13, 2022 at 7:28 AM

    Thanks for the giveaway week!

    I would love the Ben Franklyn book. Always been a fan of Ben and some of his frugal ways. Despite FIREing this April, I continue to walk around with my eyes focused for changes on the ground. You can’t believe how many dimes are dropped by folk! Every time I find a coin, I do a little mental/physical jig!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:25 PM

      hell yeah – same!

      congrats on pulling the trigger!

  2. Fushia September 13, 2022 at 7:45 AM

    I would love Cait Flanders book. I find myself struggling to figure out my path. I’m just reaching my late thirties and am quite comfortable with being single and not having children but the path forward for a single, childless woman is not really a worn one, at least ones that aren’t depressing and elicit pity. This book sounds great for someone needing to move forward with choices that buck the trend and I could use some of that.

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:26 PM

      Agreed :)

      Keep walking confidently through!

  3. Katharine Batt September 13, 2022 at 8:06 AM

    Gosh, I hate to be greedy, but I would love all 3 of these books!

    Adventures in Opting Out” by Cait Flanders — when I first heard her on podcasts, I completely identified with her points of view and have followed her work ever since. She’s a very cool and inspiring lady!

    “Fire the Haters” by Jillian Johnsrud — I’ve just been working with a company where a colleague seemed to be threatened by me (which was absolutely baffling); I’d love to better understand how to negotiate those in my world who undermine my value and prevent me from achieving what I imagine I can do!

    And finally, Franklin’s Thrift — as someone who relishes in saving my pennies, reusing things (yes, even my gallon ziploc bags) and feeling inspired by careful and intentional purchases, I have long been accused of being miserly-a concept that stings to the core. It would be great to flip the mindset to one of positivity around frugality…part of why I relate to J Money!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:40 PM

      Get it, girl!!

      You’re now entered!

  4. julie September 13, 2022 at 10:11 AM

    I think I’ve opted out, since I’ve FIRE’d my corporate job and started a STR vacation home in the Northeast. But I’m curious about what Cait has to say about the subject. My choice is “Adventures in Opting Out”.
    Thank you !!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:42 PM

      You’re entered!

      And thanks for teaching me STR – just had to look that one up, hadn’t heard of it before :)

      (it’s basically a property that is rented for fewer than 31 days to the same tenant, for anyone else that was in the dark…)

  5. Scott September 13, 2022 at 10:12 AM

    I would like “Adventures in Opting Out” because I feel like I was directed down my current career path. I have also been on it for almost 30 years, and I have never enjoyed it very much. I would love to learn how to opt out of it successfully and find something more in line with what I really am more “born to do”.

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:43 PM

      Oh wow – 30 years! you don’t hear that too often these days! I hope you can find a change with or without the book!

  6. Working Mom September 13, 2022 at 10:23 AM

    I think reading Adventures in Opting Out will truly challenge my current way of thinking. As a full time working mom of 3 very involved kids (sports, music, church) and FT teacher/coach husband, we are all constantly being asked to do things. Here are some things I’ve said Yes to this year:
    -Guest speaking at a local middle school and college several times
    -Advisory board at local college
    -2 different Kids Ministry at church
    -Steering Committee for new Community Healthy Living Center project
    -various “parents of players” duties like snacks for sports teams
    -Husband volunteer coaches for many of our kids sports teams and is constantly being asked to help with extra activities at school

    Things I’ve said no to YTD (and feel absolutely guilty for–which is why I need the book)
    -being elected Elder on the Consistory at my church
    -Fundraising committee for new sports complex
    -Board of org that helps kids afford rec programs
    -Small group leader at church
    -Women’s ministry activities at church
    -Lunch and Learn activities at work (I cherish my lunch hour)

    And this doesn’t touch what my kids are individually involved in. I need the ability to confidently say No.

  7. Suz September 13, 2022 at 10:35 AM

    I would love to have “Adventures in Opting Out” by Cait Flanders. I loved “The Year of Less” and would love to read this! I need to learn how to learn to say “No” more, to request, invites, etc. I find myself in multiple situations or at events where I wonder, “How did I get there and what can I do better next time to make better use of the precious time I have??”

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:50 PM

      Great question to ask yourself! At least you’re being conscious of it all!

  8. Gerry September 13, 2022 at 12:13 PM

    I’d love the Opt Out book – for 2 reasons. First, for me. I’m doing a PhD program and am considering various roles where this might lead. I’d love some guidance to help me as I go through my journey. Second, I teach graduate-level students and am involved in a professional identity formation program. I think this book could be spot on to recommend or require for students to read to encourage them to think outside the box of traditional career paths. So I’d love to review the book to see if it would be a great fit for them. Thanks!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:51 PM

      Cool! You’re entered for it! :)

  9. Avi Collins September 13, 2022 at 12:25 PM

    I choose Franklin’s Thrift. When I think of thrift (which is better lived than thought of), I think of recognizing value and experiencing fortune. Rather than diminishing and wasting value, thrift enhances it and brings abundance.

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:51 PM

      BOOM. Love it.

  10. Darin T September 13, 2022 at 1:19 PM

    Recently found you from the Afford Anything podcast, love your perspective and knowledge!

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:23 PM

      hey thanks! awfully kind of you to say! :)

  11. Caroline September 13, 2022 at 2:30 PM

    Hello! Franklin’s Thrift sounds wonderful! Growing up my Dad always said “No, we are thrifty, not cheap”
    As homeschoolers we are big book collectors…the Founders are a particular favorite! Heading to Adams National Park next week to tour the home and grounds of John Adams. Particularly interesting as through research my husbands family is related to the Adams Family.

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:54 PM

      AHHH SO COOL!! I love family tree stuff!! I’m also a descendent of a founding father, but a much (much) less popular one than Adams lol… Hope the trip is super fun!

  12. TABITHA September 13, 2022 at 2:37 PM

    Opting Out – I’m finding myself in a slightly uncomfortable stage of life, and I find that making conscious decisions around what I value is more important than ever. Opting out of relationships that take too much energy with little reward has been a regular theme.

    1. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 3:55 PM

      yup yup – amen on that last one 👊

  13. J. Money September 13, 2022 at 5:43 PM


    Congrats to our 3 winners!

    • “Adventures in Opting Out” — Working Mom
    • “Fire the Haters” — Nakpangi
    • “Franklin’s Thrift” — Caroline

    Back tomorrow with more 🔥