INSIDE: Ever see financial acronyms and wonder what they mean? I’ve got you covered! Here’s as many as I could find and some for the financially passionate. Enjoy!
I got a good laugh the other day when a friend of mine shot me the following article that was too easy to click (thanks Trinnie!):
Here is your dumb new acronym for moneyed millennials: HENRYs
If you resisted checking it out right now, a HENRY is someone who’s “High Earning, Not Rich Yet.” I.E. a good problem to have. Unless you’re not rich yet due to spending all that high income you’re earning instead of saving and investing it. Which would then make you a HENRY BIAD – high earning not rich yet because I’m a dummy! ;) (You heard it hear first, folks)
The article dropped two other acronyms many of us are familiar with as well: DINKs and YUPPIES.
- DINKs — “Dual Income No Kids”
- YUPPIES — “Young Upwardly Mobile Professionals” <– I had no idea?
Of course after reading about all those financial acronyms, I had to put on my own gloves and get dirty with Google to dig up some other fun acronyms that may help define us more. And here is what I found…
Other Financial Acronyms:
- DINKY — “Dual Income No Kids Yet”
- DINKER — “Dual Income No Kids Early Retirement”
- DINKWAD — “Double Income No Kids With A Dog”
- DINKYANDE — “Dual Income No Kids Yet And No Dog Either”
- SINK – “Single Income No Kids”
- SIK — “Single Income Kids”
- SILK — “Single Income Lots of Kids”
- DIK (hah!) — “Dual Income Kids”
- DEWK — “Dually Employed With Kids”
- SITCOM — “Single Income Two Children and Oppressive Mortgage”
- MUPPIE — “Middle-aged Upcoming Prosperous Professional”
- KIPPERS — “Kids In Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings”
- SINBAD — “Single Income No Boyfriend And Desperate”
- GLAM — “Greying Leisured Affluent Married”
- PODWOG — “Parents of Dinks WithOut Grandchildren”
- WOOF — “Well Off Older Folk”
Who knew! I’m particularly fond of WOOFs,ย DINKWADs and KIPPERS, haha… that’s pretty creative. But do you know who’s more creative than that? Me.
The above may help explain the factual sides of our finances, but as you know I’m more of an emotional type of money guy and have a penchant for a bit more flair. The marital and kid status is fine, but I want to hear about the passion, dammit!
So I present to you, FINPONYMS — “Financially Passionate Acronyms”
- BOB — “Baller On a Budget!”
- DINGLEDOR — “Dingleberry Debtor”
PIF — “Passive Income Freak”
- FIGMY$HIT— “Finally Got My $hit Together!”
- SEXPLOY — “Sexy & Unemployed”
DIVYER— “Dividend Destroyer”
- CRAFORP — “Crazy For Rewards Points”
- NOBUDNOC — “No Budget No Care”
- MOHO — “Money Hoarder”
- HUN — “Hustler Unleashed”
- SISPIT — “Single & Spending It”
- ISNOB — “Indexer Snob”
- PX3U — “Proud Penny Picker Upper”
- FRUCLASSITY* — “Frugal and Classy”
- FULLTRASH — “Full Timer Rocking a Side Hustle”
- FREEDLER — “Freedom Lover”
- MILLIONAIRING — “Millionaire In Training”
- DIVFROD — “Divorced From Debt!”
- FIRE ANT — “F.I.R.E. Antagonist”
- SFL — “Spreadsheets For Life”
- CAFLOK— “Cash Flow King”
- STARFROTBONWEH — “Started From The Bottom Now We Here”
And then there’s YOLO, FOMO, FONSY and IDYTAM of course too (“I Dare You To Acronym Me!”) – of which I only made up one ;) But see how descriptive these are? Who cares if you’re a PODWOG?
As you can see, only serious stuff going on here today… But at least you’ll have some good fodder for the bars or dinner table tonight. Go around playing WAAY – “What Acronym Are You?” – it’s fun!
Here, I’ll start: which financial acronyms are you? Or do we need to make up some more?? (Please say yes, please say yes…)
*Fruclassity was actually coined by two of my friends, Ruth and Laurie, who just launched a new site around this way of life. If you’d like to learn more about it or join their new kick-ass community, visit them at
***UPDATE*** Here are some other clever ones people have left in the comments ;) Some are good!!
- RECOSU — “Reformed Consumer Sucka”
- DIWAHs — “Dual Income Want A House”
- NERD — “Nice Earnings Ridiculous Discipline”
- WIMP — “Wonderful Income Missing Perseverance”
- SASWO! — “Saving to See the World!”
- GROW — “Getting Rich Over a While”
- AFRO — “Awesomely Frugal Reinforcement Officer”
- DIRD —ย “Decent Income, Ridiculously Disciplined”
- TWERP โ “Tightwad With Early Retirement Plans”
- PITCHER — “Passive income, two children, early retirement”
- MINKY — “Multiple Income No Kids Yet”
- WOBANOWA — “Won’t Buy Anything โ Not Worth Advertising To”
- MACFORDIVNPIFF – “Middle aged cash flow originator realizing dividends and passive income for freedom”
- MILF – “Money Intense Loving Family”
And so we don’t leave out the LGBT demographic (written by someone with authority :)):
- GILTD โ “Gay, Investing, Living The Dream”
- GABAWD โ “Gay, Broke but Well Dressed”
- LAB โ “Lesbian and Broke”
- FILL โ “Financially Independent Lipstick Lesbian”
PS: This also reminds me of our “RICH BITCH” book giveaway. A term that’s not really an acronym, but according to it’s author, Nicole Lapin, means “A woman who empowers herself by taking control of her finances in order to get what she wants in life.” Which I absolutely love. Even though I lost approx. 30+ readers because of all the cursing going on – hah! Anyways, big congrats to our two winners of signed copies of this new book: Heather (commenter #23) and Eliza Pelham Randall. Enjoy ladies!
[Dollar bills cred: frankieleon // FOMO by]
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I think I would go to “SIK”. :) All the acronyms are amazing, especially the FIGMY$HIT.
How about RECOSU (Reformed Consumer Sucka)?
(Thank you for mentioning Fruclassity : )
totally adding that to the list – hah!
I think we’re DINKs, but more specifically “DIWAFs” -Dual Income Want A Farm. Normal people might be DIWAHs-Dual Income Want A House. Or maybe DISH-Dual Income Saving (for a) House? This is a good game :p
You and Mrs. Frugalwoods down below would be good friends! :)
Bahaha… We’d be DINKYBODERAHS (that’d be Dual Income No Kids Yet But One Dog Early Retiring to A Homestead). I’ll start including this in my signature line.
“Ask me why I’m a DINKYBODERAHS”
Haha… great convo starter in email!
My favorite is MOHO! I’m definitely working on being one of those…
I’d say I’m probably a MOHO SINK.
Sounds fancy when I say it out loud. Like I belong in West Elm.
It does doesn’t it!
These are awesome! I could be a NERD (Nice Earnings Ridiculous Discipline) or a WIMP (Wonderful Income Missing Perseverance), or for the adult boys still playing video games in the basement: Wicked Income Mommy Pays!
and more YES
Lord have mercy, this is worse than being a software developer – a job I left to escape the acronyms!!
You’re welcome ;)
haha this is hilarious. I guess my traditional standards I’m a SINK, but I prefer your- FIGMY$HITโ โFinally Got My $hit Together!โ, SFL โ โSpreadsheets For Lifeโ, and MILLIONAIRING โ โMillionaire In Trainingโ
Okay- there’s a lot of those I’d like to be. Since I’m not yet making money from my new gig I guess that makes me SEXPlOY. Buy hey, that doesn’t mean I can also classy right? So I’m also FRUCLASSITY. Ha. Happy Friday.
This post was way too serious for a Friday J. My favorites are BOB, PIF, and DINGLEDOR. (Funny Stuff) IF I release my acronym someone might steal it, oh well here it is. MacForDivnPiff -Middle aged cash flow originator realizing dividends and passive income for freedom. If anyone steals it I’ll be highly annoyed, but I least I created it here first for the world to see. Have a good weekend acronym junkies.
I’m going to update my list above to include it, so don’t be surprised if CNN calls you up for an interview this weekend! ;)
Another awesome article, full of laughs for a Friday morning – thanks, friend. And thanks for the plug for Fruclassity. :-)
DINK MOHO here! SaSWo! –> Saving to See the World!
And always SFL.
Good one!
When I read this I thought of one. Getting Rich Over a While (GROW). We’re growers, not show-ers!
Love the lists! We’re DIVFROD โ โDivorced From Debtโ and DIK โ โDual Income Kidsโ
HA! Thanks for the laugh! I like to think I’m a AFRO Awesomely Frugal Reinforcement Officer (i.e. cheap, hardass mamma!)
Ha ha, this is awesome sir! We’re SEWKs – Self-Employed with Kids & CAFLOKs
When I worked for a financial planning firm, we had a ton of doctors as clients. Most of those guys were HENRYs – while they no longer had student loans, they all had huge houses with million dollar mortgages on them. The money they did have was socked away in retirement accounts and they rarely had savings outside of them.
clearly figmy$hit is the best….new favorite…. Perhaps I’d be a Sink?
Thank you for the morning laugh – I needed it today :) Happy to say I am a proud FIGMY$HIT and on track to being DIVFROD before the end of the year.
So – which ones are you?!
And of course MILLIONAIRING too…
I have to say that SFL is my favorite! What other community could even begin to relate to such an absurd, but so very true and delightful state??
This is absolutely amazing. The acronyms are endless! I’d have to say my fiancรฉ and I are the mash-up of DINKY BOBs: Dual Income No Kids Yet Ballers on Budgets! Ha! Now it’s time to go write our own rap. :) Thanks for the laughs this Friday!
I’m a SINK… and a BOB I think… please no more acronyms. I’ve had enough of those and office jargon.
Hysterical. As others have mentioned, FIGMY$HIT is top notch!
Maybe I’ll call myself a DIRD: Decent Income, Ridiculously Disciplined :)
Keep rockin’ it J!
You got it, DIRD :)
TWERP – Tightwad With Early Retirement Plans
That might be my favorite yet :)
Some of these really cracked me up, haha. Thanks for sharing some financial humor with us today.
So I guess that means I’m a DIKWAD? Dual Income with kids and a dog?
I don’t think I like this game :(
I think that’s what I’m going to call you from now on :)
I’d say the HENRY title fits….and along with it a NOBUDNOC. We’re at the point where we want to enjoy the money we earn, so I try not to limit our spending with a budget, however I also make sure we save plenty, whether it be in a cash stash, a bank account, 401k, investments, etc…so maybe a little MOHO mixed in there.
The one I’d like to add is
DISK – Dual Income Single kid
Just had our first and now that I read this article it’s settling in that I’m no longer a DINK!
Same happened with my old blogger friends over at :)
They’ll have to change their site – hah.
I LOVE This! I’m a SFL kind of gal.
SINBAD!!! totally me…but only moderate desperation. rofl . also love FIGMY$HIT!!! yesss
Great article, J$, which deserves far more time than I can give it now. But definitely you need to create MORE! In my haste, did I overlook any with the “D” word–Divorced? Off the top of my head, I’d say that I’m a DUMPPIE — “Divorced Upwardly Mobile Profit Pursuer In Extremis.” But I’ll have to give it more thought. We should talk!
BTW, please check 3 new bills added today on Floor 62 of our website: #32, #34, #41 — I think you’re gonna like ’em;)
Very cool!!
Thanks for all the links back to Coin Thrill too – my poor site doesn’t get as much attention as my others so it thanks you kindly! :)
YW on the link-backs. Your coin site is a gem and definitely should get more attention because coins are an integral part of finance. Cash registers need change drawers! Come to think of it, why not let your BudgetsAreSexy readers know about “chop marks” because that beautiful C-note you featured on isn’t a coin! (#32 at link below).
Oh, yes, the link will help:
Down in Texas we see a lot of DOINKs: Double Oil Income, No Kids
I bet!
We’re total DINK/Ys and are taking advantage of the NK to pay off loans and have fun as newlyweds!
Haha this is brilliant!
Right now, the boring one that describes me would be: SINK. And the more entertaining would be STARFROTBONWEH. **I hope I got that one right. You know what I mean!
Drake would be proud :)
DINKWAD and a FRUCLASSITY! Lol what fun acronyms! Great read on a Friday morning!
Happy Friday!
Happy first day of spring!
Happy Happinnnneeesss day!
Huzzah! Looks like it’s treating you real well so far! :)
I guess I am SIK, CRAFORP, and SFL. Like combining words into one, acronyms are getting out of control!
This is funny!! I guess we are DEWKs and practicing Fruclassists and I would also add DIFFFs – Double Income Fasttracking Financial Freedom
Ha, this was fun! I’m a SIK MOHO :-)
Oops, I didn’t mean make up magic children. I’m actually a SINK MOHO . . . . I’m going to reverse that and make it MOHO SINK.
what’s wrong with magical children? :)
In my life I’ve been a BOB, right now HUN it’s all about PX3U. But with a FRUCLASSITY spin, and I’m FULLTRASH now…but was SISPIT before :) Can’t wait until I FIGMY$HIT. LOL.
Spreadsheets For Life (SFL) is what I like among those acronyms. This is what I have been doing to monitor each penny of mine.
Hillarious post! While I am officially a DINKWAD, I certainly fancy myself as a MOFO-WAP… that is, a MOFO With a Plan!
Let’s say that, since I am not a native English speaker, some of the ‘official’ acronyms caught me off-guard. Fortunately I was able to learn at least few of them, so that I can make sense of what I read on these blogs :)
Don’t forget WOBANOWA: WOn’t Buy Anything – NOt Worth Advertising to
Oooooh – yeah I like that one!
Will add to my list above :)
Ha ha ha… love SITCOM – ‘cos I bet it isn’t. I also love FIGMY$HIT.
Thanks for the laugh!
I’ve had occasion to be SINBAND (Single Income No Boyfriend And Not Desperate) recently!
Love your FINPONYMS, haha – MOHO’s got to be the one to aim for!
This article is freaking hilarious! :) MOHO for me!
Ha! Love it! Thanks for the laugh this morning (and a a healthy dose of reality). DINKY here.
Gotta make sure y’all don’t fall asleep around here ;)
OMG, We are DIKWADs also…lol.
that might just be TMI ;)
This is why I love blogging so much :)
I’d always heard that YUPpies were Young Urban Professionals.
I think you should start offering an optional login feature on your blog, and readers can create profiles w/ badges for the different acronyms, and track their different money goals.
Ah! I love this. I am (we are) a MILF = Money Intense Loving Family
I’m totally stealing that.
You left out the whole LGBT demographic. So here are a couple…
GILTD – Gay, Investing, Living The Dream
GaBaWD – Gay, Broke but Well Dressed
LaB – Lesbian and Broke
FILL – Financially Independent Lipstick Lesbian
Probably good you do these vs me :)
Will update the list above! Gotta represent!
There’s an acronym in the medical world: #FOAMed – Free Open Access Meducation…Medical education for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
I’m trying to come up with a similar acronym for the financial blogger world…
#FOAFed… Free open access finducation…Financial education for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Anyone got any better ideas? :)
Haha… WFYB!
(Whatever floats your boat)
what is the acronym for dual income with kids out of the house?