My Favorite Finds This Month 💎💎💎

Well that was a fast month!!

31 days into the New Year already!

How are those Resolutions coming along?? ;)

Still writing my daily blog posts over here – woop woop! Gonna keep on going with it too as it really is a lot more fun (and easier??) than doing it every other day. Feels like I’m in my 20s all over again circa 2008 :) I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for over 25% of my life now….

If you’re not enjoying these as much as I am however, remember we have a *weekly* newsletter now where you can get a digest of all my articles! Along with other awesome finds from around the web similar to what I’m about to post below…

You can sign up here if you wanna give it a shot –>

Onto this month’s favorites!


This month’s favorite gems:

caboose house

Want To Check Out My Caboose? via Miss Mazuma — “I teased about this purchase back in July, but if you haven’t been following along on Twitter or Instagram then I have failed as far as keeping you updated. So let me shout it from the rooftops once again… I BOUGHT A F*CKING CABOOSE! For $36,000.00.”

The Psychology of Money via Collaborative Fund — “When most people say they want to be a millionaire, what they really mean is “I want to spend a million dollars,” which is literally the opposite of being a millionaire.””

Underrated by Steph Curry via The Players’ Tribune — “NO ONE gets to write your story but you. Not some scouts. Not some tournament. Not these other kids, who might do this better or that better. And not EVER your last name. None of those people, and none of those things, gets to be the author of your story. Just you.”

flea market flips

2018 Flipping Income: What We Flipped To Make $84,985 In 15-20 Hours Per Week via Flea Market Flipper — “Here is our monthly breakdown for 2018: January – $3,167 February – $4,944 March – $17,900 April – $5,959 May – $4,200 June – $2995 July – $4,199 August – $17,668 September – $11,280 October – $7,008 November – $3,348 December – $2,317. Total Sales: $84,985. 2018 was a great year as a whole, but of course there were a few flips that stood out more than some of the others…”

6 Reasons Savers Are Sexier Than Spenders via Money Talks News — “Savers can seize the moment … and the deal. Good deals come and go quickly. To take advantage of a red-hot bargain, you’ve got to be ready and able.”

“Black People Invest Too” Facebook Group — “For too many years, I’ve seen groups of other races readily talk about their financial tips and tricks as well as investment strategies. It’s time that we as a people work together to improve our financial literacy, not only for ourselves, but the generations that will come after us. Black People Invest Too is a community of family and friends of experienced as well as novice investors. I welcome you all to share your best practices on investing, saving and basically anything that will help fellow members improve their financial literacy!”

Subtract by Derek Sivers — “Life can be improved by adding, or by subtracting. The world pushes us to add, because that benefits them. But the secret is to focus on subtracting.”

tiny tree library

Woman Turned 110-Year-Old Dead Tree Into A Free Little Library For The Neighborhood And It Looks Magical via Bored Panda — “Sharalee Armitage Howard, a librarian, artist and former bookbinder, decided that the large stump of a 110-year-old cottonwood tree would, instead of being dug up and destroyed, make the perfect setting for a ‘Little Tree Library.’… The stump was carved out from the inside, topped with a roof and installed with a cozy interior and exterior lighting for a truly fairy tale look…” — “Books for Treats is a non-profit (501c3) movement that encourages you to give gently read children’s books at Halloween instead of candy. Why give children books instead of candy at Halloween? Books feed children’s minds, while candy only feeds their cavities.”

Not Wanting Something Is as Good as Having It via Four Pillar Freedom — “What we’re all after isn’t stuff, it’s the feeling that we think that stuff will give us: contentment, satisfaction, and tranquility. We all just want to feel at peace. And the less stuff we need to own to feel at peace, the less time we have to spend in a cubicle doing work we find pointless.”

The World’s More Interesting With You In It via Austin Kleon — “At the end of Thomas Harris’s The Silence of the Lambs (a terrific thriller), serial killer Hannibal Lector writes inspector Clarice Starling a letter to let her know he won’t come after her if she won’t come after him. “I have no plans to call on you, Clarice, the world being more interesting with you in it. Be sure to extend me the same courtesy.”… I think about this line all the time in our contemporary era.”


Favorite Video This Month:

A thrilling tale of how postal code abbreviations came to be ;) (6 mins)

[Direct link to it here]


Hope something here inspires you!!

Again, if you’d like to receive stuff like this every *week* in your inbox, come try out my new personal newsletter –>

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  1. DNN February 1, 2019 at 6:57 AM

    So I see you’re into trains like I am. I grew up playing and setting up the model age-old scale railroad layouts. I had the Amtrak locomotive, old-school vintage steam train with the smoke coming out the nose of the locomotive, and cons of track with switches. I don’t know where any of that stuff is today from my childhood but I’m trying to get back on track with my age-old scale model railroad layout game after almost 30 years. That’s the part of my childhood that’ll never leave me. So it was ironic that isolate you border caboose for $36,000. Are you going to sell it or use it as a means of getting business? :-)

    1. J. Money February 1, 2019 at 4:03 PM


      I’ve never put any together myself, but we go to the local train show every year and my kids LOVE IT… Will probably pick one up for them at some point to go around the Christmas Tree as well as the years go by :)

  2. Bryan February 1, 2019 at 7:39 AM

    Yo J,

    Again, not related, just my daily “what’s up?” Am I a stalker :-) Anywho, next time some jackal starts the whole own/rent debate you can tell them some homeowner in Internet Land has to pay $1,200.00 to get his furnace fixed today. Woohoo, put that in your pipe and smoke it buddy.

    1. J. Money February 1, 2019 at 4:04 PM

      Hahhaa… favorite thing I read all day, thank you sir.

      And also – SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!! :)

      1. Bryan February 3, 2019 at 8:27 AM

        Haha! Thank you. The upside is you are in control of when (immediately) you get it fixed and you choose who to fix it (if you can’t do it yourself.)

        1. J. Money February 4, 2019 at 2:46 PM

          Very true on that.. And a point my wife likes to bring up anytime she’s trying to convince me to think about going back to owning too :) It take at least 4-5 days for things to get looked at here at our rental which drives her nuts…

  3. Rose February 1, 2019 at 10:48 AM

    Always interesting to see what other people come up with to make money.
    Your link to the flea market flipper confirmed my belief that your best bet is to find a niche that you understand and enjoy working in – voila.
    95% of his picks were of the same category, the most profitable involved hard work, sizeable investments, even mechanical, electrical, technical repairs not to mention muscle and massive shipping costs.
    Interesting, but not exactly easy or even possible to replicate. I loved that he made such good money on the Harley Davidson sign. I found it impressive how their family dynamic included his wife and children in a flea market vacay trip.

    1. J. Money February 1, 2019 at 4:06 PM

      Yeah – makes it 10x more fun when friends and family are involved I bet :) And you’re right you definitely can’t be afraid of fixing things or stretching yourself if you want to make the Big Bucks! If it was easy there’d be millions more doing it…

  4. BringingHowToBack February 1, 2019 at 7:46 PM

    That post from four pillars of freedom was one of my favorite reads! It’s a good reminder to stay content and make life great throughout the entire journey!

    1. J. Money February 4, 2019 at 2:47 PM

      Glad you liked it!! We need that reminder every now and then :)