Bank of Mom And Dad: New TV Show!!!

A new TV show premieres tonight called “Bank Of Mom And Dad!” Haven’t heard much buzz about it, but I have to tell you it looks all sorts of fascinating. Imagine YOUR parents moving in to help you get YOUR financial life in order? Hah!!! Here’s a blurb from

Each week, one twenty-something woman who is drowning in debt must pay the ultimate price: having her parents move in. With the assistance of financial expert Farnoosh Torabi, Mom and Dad teach their daughter to rethink her spending habits and transform her relationship with money.

It’s too bad it circles around women only (maybe the guys were too panzy to try it?), but nonetheless it’s juicy enough for me to watch. Check it out on SOAPnet tonight (Wed.) @ 10pm EST if you’re around, and let me know what you think!

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