Another reason i heart yard sales.

maryland hope You can get CD’s for $1 or $2 dollars! If yard sales had their own MySpace page, I’d be the FIRST one on their “top friends” ;)

Seriously, i am plain ol’ a-d-d-i-c-t-e-d to them. I can’t help it, there are just soooooo many bargains out there just waiting for people like me (and prob. you).

I had totally forgotten about this until today, but I found a cd that i actually LIKE (and don’t have) for only 1 buck!!! How awesome? It’s too bad i was in a rush, or i woulda looked for more.

Lucky for me I hit the gold mine of them all – a neighborhood yard sale. These rock, cuz you just park your car, and walk to 10+ of them…all side by side. Finding one of these saves you a massive amount of time, since you don’t have to hit up 10 separate ones. it’s sometimes actually pretty overwhelming for me at times – I get too excited! haha…

So next time you’re out and about and see those home-made signs, take a quick second and swing on by. You might be able to find that New Kids On The Block album you’ve been dying for ;)

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