Coming soon on Budgets Are Sexy!

Man, lots of great stuff going on this week! Budgets Are Sexy got featured in the L.A. Times (Holler), was made into a Comic Series!, and had an awesome time answering some fun (and unique) interview questions over at Clarifinancial. AND and AND…..drum roll please…. I’ve started working on a new blog!!! I can’t give it away just yet, but it’ll be a fun little side project still centering around finance and PERFECT for those with A.D.D. ;) Which, is like 90% of you, right?

OH! And I’m also gonna start a new Budgets Are Sexy newsletter! This is still in the works as well, but it’ll probably go out once a week (only) and feature special giveaways, news, tips, and anything else we come up with JUST for those who sign up – cuz you’ll be V.I.P. like that. So yeah, all good things to think about (and if you have any ideas of what you’d like to see in said V.I.P. newsletters, let me know!) Are you excited yet? You should be :)

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