Haaaaaaappy Friday mother budgeters! (You see what I did there? ;)) I hope you’re ready to start this weekend off right! Perhaps with a little tattoo’ing action maybe? All of us getting one at the same time to promote fiscal communityness?? Haha… or would that actually go against that?
Anywho, I thought we’d do a 5 for Friday today all about the sexy art of tattooing. Specifically YOUR tattoos, or maybe lack there of. So as always, I’ll list out the 5 questions for you to answer today, and then I’ll do the honors of going first. Here we go…
- How many tattoos do you have?
- If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none – why?)
- How much did they cost in total?
- Were you financially stable when getting them? ;)
- Do you plan on getting any more? If so, what’s next?
- *BONUS* Send us a picture!!
Haha… Some of this will be fun for us to see and answer, and others probably super boring ;) But luckily this is my blog so I get to talk about anything I want! And now here are my answers:
- How Many: ONE! But I’m reallllllly getting antsy for another…
- What are they and where: I have a star on my upper chest – the only symbol I have pretty much loved ever since I was a kid (and the first thing I always doodle for some reason?). They say to make sure to get something you’ll hopefully never regret, and 10Β years into it so far so good :)
- Total cost: Only $90 but that was ‘cuz I didn’t realize you’re supposed to tip :( Which I hear is one of the main ways the tattoo artists get paid? (I guess the majority of the tattoo cost itself goes straight to the shop?) Needless to say I still feel pretty terrible about it… I’d totally go back and pay the guy if I wasn’t living 300 miles away AND could remember his name, haha, but it looks like I’ll have to just settle with tipping the next guy/girl even more to make up for it. Lucky them!
- Financially stable? HAH! Not really, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me ;) And something tells me it didn’t stop you all either! I think if you’re getting a tattoo it’s pretty much telling the world you don’t care about the other stuff, haha… Not that my $90 was going to set me back all TOO much anyways, or that tattoos are that “rebelish” as they used to be…
- Any more? Yup! I REALLLLLY want those old time sailor sparrows you’ve probably seen around before. I find them incredibly intriguing, and I love the meanings behind them too (mainly “safe travels” andΒ “freedom” and/or “true love” ;)) . I know they’re commonplace, but you like what you like, and I’ve been thinking about them for over 9 years now… So I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t regret those later either. I justΒ need someone to hit up a parlor with me as they kinda freak me out a little! I guess I’m not as hard as I used to be back in the day, haha…
- *BONUS* A pic of my star? Sure, here you go. Can you tell a 21 y/o male took it? ;)
I want my boy’s name on me somewhere actually too, but thinking about too many tats at the same time just stresses me out… You have to space them out or you use up all the fun at once! Just hopefully not in 10 year spaces like I seem to be doing, haha… Man I’m lazy.
Oh, that reminds me of a trick I do too to make sure I really REALLY want a new tattoo: I draw it out on my skin w/ permanent marker in the exact spot I want it (or maybe a few different ones if I can’t decide). This allows me to sorta “live” with it in the real world to see if I catch myself feeling more of one way or the other, and after a while I can pretty much tell if it’s a keeper or not. Especially when they’re visible to the public and I get comments about them ;) Like, right now I’m testing out a blackened-in heart on my hand which I’m digging a lot so far – even though, yes, I’m a guy and it’s pretty girly marking (no judging!!). It reminds me to keep being good and forget the hate.
Anyways, your turn. How many tattoos do you currently have? And how much have they cost you? If you don’t have any, is there a reason behind it or do you just never really think about it much? Let’s see how many of us are tatted here! :)
Photo by JD | Photography. That’s not me, I’m not that strong.
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I don’t have any tattoo BUT I would love to have one. I’ve had the same idea for a few years about it’s shape, pattern, size, place where I want to have it but… the last thing I need to complete this project is… money. So I guess I’ll wait a little bit for it ;) But can you imagine this rant: some pf bloggers say you have to pay off your debts first, THEN you can start thinking about savings, not even try to do that in the same time! And then I would admit that despite paying off debts, building basic emergency fund and little savings, I put my money aside to have a big tattoo :D I’m already scared thinking about their reaction :D
The BF had his first at about 16 on his leg (home job, though done by someone who actually does do tattoos). Got his second last month, awesome discount at a tattoo parlour – family crest on inside forearm. Wants a matching one on the other arm of his family crest from the other half of the family.
I don’t have any, don’t want any.
My sister in law has an awesome dolphin around that little bump on your ankle (you can see what a physiologist I am!). She was in high school at the time, so she wasn’t anywhere close to financially secure.
Me? I’m way too worried I’d dislike it later to get a tattoo….like that guy who got the Romney campaign logo tattoo’d on his face. Whoops.
No tattoos here. I did want one back in high school, but never ended up getting one. I know if I had gotten one, that I probably wouldn’t want it on my body now, so I am glad I didn’t.
1.How many tattoos do you have? I have one tattoo
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? I have a butterfly just above my ankle bone
3.How much did they cost in total? It cost me about $90
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) oh heck no.
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? My sisters and I have talked about getting one together. We shall see :-)
How many tattoos do you have? Currently 1 on my shoulder blade that needs to be touched up
If more than 0, what are they and where? Its a word using the Ogham Tree Alphabet
How much did they cost in total? $120 including tip
Were you financially stable when getting them? more or less
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yest at least two. One is the Crest of Cork City on my rib cage (I was born there and feel a strong tie to the city since I have gone back many times) the other is my son’s feet which I am debating where to get it put.
1. one tattoo!
2. one on my upper back that is a quote from a book that i like “everything is the way it is because everything was the way it was.” it reminds me that sometimes you have to go through bad things to find the good things in life :)
3. So, because I am so frugal…I actually bought a groupon worth $100 dollars for $50 dollars. Then I think I paid another $100 dollars? I forget, haha!
4. I was financially stable since I didn’t need to take out many loans for school
5. I don’t plan on it, but I wouldn’t be against it!
I have 0 tattoos but my fiance has sleeves and almost a full chest of tattoos. He has spent a LOT of money on them and we even had to take a vacation so that he could get a tattoo by an artist that is 6 hours away.
This is easy – 0 tattoos and $0 (Β£0). Never wanted one and hope that I’ll never do – some 50+ year olds channel their mid-life crisis in tattoing themselves. I am going so much more mad than that :).
How many tattoos do you have? 3
If more than 0, what are they and where? Japanese symbol on my arm that means happiness, a cross on my back, and a constellation of stars going up the side of my torso
How much did they cost in total? 60, 80, 90
Were you financially stable when getting them? Oh yes!
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yes, my daughters name and her foot prints…haven’t decided where yet.
I love body art!
I don’t have any tattoos, but my husband has five and is dying for more. The cost varied so I don’t remember how much they cost but the last one (a half sleeve of the Hulk) cost about $150. We’re financially able but I would rather he didn’t get anymore.
Big, fat, round ZERO for me.
I can barely decide if I want to keep any piece of electronics or computer equipment or clothing after I buy them, so I can only imaging having buyers remorse after getting a tattoo! Plus, I think the new “rebel” is not having any ink, so you can’t turn around and find many who are ink-free.
How many tattoos do you have? 9
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) okay, um, hibiscus flowers on the back of each ankle, swing dancers on my lower back, a LAAMMEE tribal on my hip bone, the band Fishbone’s logo and my other hip bone, a retro style martini glass on one side of my chest, a pinup face on the other side of my chest, a bunch of old school roses on my right bicep with the banner “mexicali rose” under it (a nickname), a ‘pinup’ of my husband on my left bicep.
How much did they cost in total? a few of them were done for trade, i.e. website work for tattoo work, stuff lke that…i think all in all, about $500-600
Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) yes…wouldn’t have gotten them otherwise!
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? yes, the next major piece is going to be on my thigh: a pinup “runner.” It was going to be my reward if I finished my first 1/2 marathon, which I did! I also want to get some pieces to honor my boys…
*BONUS* Send us a picture!! haha let’s see if I can get a pic of my ‘pinup’ husband piece and post later. :)
I don’t have one, but I really want one. One of my friends recently told me that I exemplified her favorite motto “semper ad meliora” or “always toward better things.” It’s stuck with me ever since, and it’s soemthing I’d really like to tattoo on myself as a reminder to keep it up :)
Maybe someday!!
1) How many tattoos do you have? 3
2) If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) Tigger on left ankle, yellow rose with vine around my belly button, ping & purple yin & yang at base of my neck on my back.
3) How much did they cost in total? about $300
4) Were you financially stable when getting them? Yes and no.
5) Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yes, hoping to get our daughter’s name somewhere, thinking my right wrist.
How many tattoos do you have? Two.
If more than 0, what are they and where? I have a butterfly tattoo on my back (small, near my side, not a tramp stamp haha my sister and I got them after our grandmother died) and a celtic triskle knot on my foot symbolizing everlasting love (I married into a Scottish clan)
How much did they cost in total? I don’t remember but they were defiantly less than 100 each.
Were you financially stable when getting them? AHAHA.
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? I’d like to get more on my back but I don’t think I will b/c I AM financially responsible now, can’t justify the money and have a kid…something about the anesthesiologist looking at a tattoo while giving me a spinal block before my c/section was un-sexy lol. I still love them, tho. No regrets yet. I can hide them if needed, even the foot one is covered my sandles.
1.How many tattoos do you have? -6
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? A Betty Boop She-devil that says Hot Girl above it on my left leg, a sun on my right leg, a chain of hearts on my lower back, a mickey mouse on my right shoulder, my name in Chinese on my left upper back and my zodiac sign (Gemini) on my upper right back
3.How much did they cost in total?-I had a personal tatoo guy for most of them so I got a discount. So total maybe 300
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) – NOPE!!
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? -Want my kids zodiac signs around mine and I also want to place two black widow spiders with hearts on their backs at the end of my chain of hearts.
1. Two
2. One is of Texas with a star over the city where I am from and the other one is 3 purple stars on my rib cage representing Orion’s belt and some song lyrics.
3. $40 & $80
4. I guess, they werent that much. I didnt use a credit card to get them
5. I do want another one! They are addicting. I think I will get more when I have children and get something to represent them. But placement is key, you can only see mine when I’m in a bathing suit.
My husband and I have none and I doubt ever will. To quote Barney Stinson, we have “that classic clean-cut look that never goes out of style!”
You make me laugh!
1. I have one. My husband has five!
2. Mine is a half sun that used to sit on my bikini line. Husband has a skull, 904, a rose, a cross, hands praying and one with “my brother’s keeper” that his brother has, as well.
3. Mine was maybe $120? Who knows how much all of husband’s cost! It was all Pre-Marriage.
4. I doubt that either of us were financially fit for tattoos. I was 18!
5. I do not know if I want another one. Maybe, maybe not. Husband would like to complete the rose he has, and probably would get more if I gave the green ligth.
I have two tattoos — a celtic knot four leaf clover on my upper back/neck region (representing faith, hope, love, and luck) and a flock of finches over the lower half of my back (they’re colored like little fire birds, though). The clover was $50 + tip, which my mom paid for ’cause she rocks, and the birds were probably almost $300 + tip over two sessions. I definitely was not financially stable enough in college to shell out hundreds for a tattoo, but I did and life went on anyway! I have enough plans for tattoos to cover my body twice, but realistically I think my next will be a pelican silhouette (I’m obsessed with them!), or fish/mermaid scale patches on a section of one leg. Or a pin up mermaid. Or a sleeve of the Batman heroes and villains. Or quotes from all my favorite books. Or… just all the tattoos :)
I have 0, but have toyed around with getting something. I just don’t want to have severe buyer’s remorse afterwards, so I don’t know if I would be able to do it. My wife is thinking about getting one on her ankle and has thought about it for a long time. Who knows if she will actually do it.
4 tattoos cost me $600
African Symbol for GOD on right wrist (at parlor in Atlanta)
Zodiac Tribal Bracelet of right wrist (at parlor in South Beach)
Sun around belly button (at parlor in L.A.)
Moon, Clouds, and STARS tramp stamp (at parlor in Philly)
I want one at the beginning my right wrist down to my thumb; I am just NOT up for the pain.
I am contemplating getting my first tattoo for my 26th birthday–probably just the initial B somewhere that can’t immediately be seen. I’m going to try your permanent marker trick!
No tattoos, don’t want any. I just don’t have the need to make a statement. Plus I am always into the newest thing, so I know I would regret my tattoo of a rose when I decide peonies are my favorite.
I do not have a tattoo. Although I consider it a form of art, I do not want to have any. I believe that we should take care of the body that God entrusted to us and tattooing is a sign of disrespect to our bodies. Hence, tattoo is a big taboo for me.
Zero ink on this body. Probably never will. I’m not good with permanent things.
BUT, should I change my mind, I’d throw the Sublime sun (http://images.sublimespot.com/sublime/images/40oz_sun_1.gif) on my forearm. That or a cat with a mustache (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llbg0aOOa91qk9yvko1_500.jpg).
I have 0 because tattoos are permanent and I don’t want anything permanent on my body. As I get older I’d probably regret it if I ever did get one… which I won’t!
How many tattoos do you have? 3
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) foot, back & right underarm
How much did they cost in total? $165 plus tips
Were you financially stable when getting them? not at all!!
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? yes, if I have another child, I would like to get their name in a special place like I did for my daughter. and I would like to get an anchor for all the men in my life (dad, stepdad and grandfathers) because I can relate it all to them.
Nope, none, nada tats here! And that actually makes me the black sheep in my family! I think all of them are in the double digits for number of ink.
I do want one – in a couple of years on my 40th – and when i am more financially secure. But it will be little and most of the $ will probably go to some laughing gas or something.
An old roommate got a tat on her stomach about 12 years. Now several kids later, the bunny is not exactly looking the same, nor in the same place. Now think about that one!
How many tattoos do you have? Zero
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) It’s painful, and don’t want to go through the pain. Also, what if I regret the tattoo? I rather just get a hannah tattoo. Plus, when I was in Catholic school, they gave us a lecture once about how the ink pens are sometimes infected, and there have been people that have gotten aids with tattoos. Scared the hell out me when I was younger
Were you financially stable when getting them? I would need to be financially stable in order to get one.
My hubby doesn’t have any either. I think he doesn’t want to go through the pain either.
1. Just one!
2. It’s a fleur de lis (I’m from New Orleans) on my hip.
3. Total cost: $75.
4. Um, kind of? I was a student with very little income but also no debt. There were no bills left unpaid when I got my tattoo.
5. I really want to but I can’t decide what or where! I’d really like a white one on my wrist.
Fun post!!!
1. How many tattoos do you have? 1 so far, plans for the 2nd one this spring.
2. If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) I have a small “jera” symbol on my inner right ankle that also doubles as a roman numeral II (because I’m a a Gemini)
3. How much did they cost in total? $5! Yes, seriously. My cousin was new, trying to build up his clientele so he offered free tattoos to family.
4. Were you financially stable when getting them? No, but it was $5.
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? YES! I’m going to get “&” in a similar style as my first tattoo on the inside of my left ankle this spring.
1.How many tattoos do you have? 4
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? Inside left arm – adelphoi spelled out in greek which means “brothers”. Outside left arm – Zia Symbol because I’m a New Mexican and proud of it :). Back right arm – AEKDB in Greek for my fraternity in college. Chest – “Self-Preservation”
3.How much did they cost in total? Only about $250 total. Would’ve been cheaper but everytime I get a tattoo I pass out and piss all over the floor (not sure why I do that – low blood sugar?) and the tattoo artist I go to thinks its hilarious. I’ve given him so many hours of stories to tell people while they get tattoos that he gives me a discount :) but I end up tipping him a ton…you know because I just urinated on his floor.
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Not even in the slightest. I was in college for all 4.
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Bah, no I think I’m done.
Hmm let’s see. I have 2 full sleeves now. I mixture of frogs, aliens, dragon, koi, background vegetation and a camera :)
Shooting tattooed women for years the peer pressure got to me so I went in and got a frog with a sunset on the shoulder for $60. Felt so good I kept going back for more :) great part was I got it done in trade. I shot for a tattoo magazine so got some of his work published and trade prints of some of the girls he worked on.
No wasn’t really financially stable but luckily didn’t need to be. I do plan on more, that itch has been going for a year now but I have to start paying as my artist moved away.
Photo: http://cosmicfrogsphotography.com/the-photographer/
Ohh I love this 5 for Friday!
How many tattoos do you have? Eight!
If more than 0, what are they and where? Star (neck), 4 leaf clover (behind right ear), spiderweb with ankh (back), 3 stars (left wrist), ufo (left wrist), spaceship (left forearm), 13 (right wrist), ‘ambivalent’ with hearts (right forearm)
How much did they cost in total? Not too much, maybe $200 I paid? A couple were birthday gifts and my sleeve is a gift from my boss, which is a work in progress! I brought him to the dark side and he got his first tattoo recently, haha!
Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Hmm…for the most part! I DO budget for tattoos!
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yes. Working on a left arm 1950’s space theme sleeve!
I have none. I thought about one when I was in college, but I didn’t have any money. haha. Now the missus won’t let me get one.
I have 0 tattoos, though I am not so certain that’ll always be the case. I am really not cool with putting something permanent on me like that, BUT my wife has been trying to convert me lately. She has a small one on her lower back that she got before we were married and wants us to get one together.
1.How many tattoos do you have? One
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) Saturn and stars on my foot.
3.How much did they cost in total? About $60
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? Technically, yes. I was 18, just out of high school. I had a job, but no bills. No car, no cell phone, just spending money.
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Oh, yes. I have been working for the last few years on pieces for my husband and I. Itβs gonna be expensive, so I better start a tattoo fund. ο
6.*BONUS* Send us a picture!! Maybe if I wasnβt at work.
How many tattoos do you have? 4
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) – On the outside of my left ankle I have a tribal tiger that is a smaller version of the tattoo my husband got before he passed away. On the inside of my left ankle I have a design with a peace symbol but instead of the circle around it, it has a capital letter I to symbolize Inner Peace. On my right ankle I have a copy of a watercolor painting I did. It is water waves going all around my ankle and where it comes together the waves come up around a small heart symbolizing the frailness of love and that any moment things can come crashing down on it. The last one is comedy/tragedy masks on my right hip that I got when I was 17.
How much did they cost in total? I think about $500 but some of them were so long ago I can’t honestly remember for sure.
Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) – Not entirely but I wasn’t in debt and I saved up for them.
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yes, I am going to get the word Determination on the inside of my foot to symbolize “walk with determination”.
*BONUS* Send us a picture!! – I’ll email you one :)
How many tattoos do you have? 3
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) On my right ankle, left foot, and center back
How much did they cost in total? $270ish + tip
Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) First one I was a senior in HS w/ part time job and minimal bills so I guess so; second one, no; third one I didnt pay for.
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? yes, not quite sure yet
What up!
How many tattoos do you have? 3 currently
If more than 0, what are they and where? Tribal arm band on my left arm (can you tell i was 18 in the late 90’s), Fraternity Symbol on upper left arm, Naval crest of the ship my grandfather sailed on in WWII
How much did they cost in total? Arm band was about $150, Fraternity badge $70, Crest $150
Were you financially stable when getting them? Hell NO! i was in Highschool or College when i had these done
Do you plan on getting any more? Yes! i want to get something for my son and daughter. I haven;t had the time to schedule an appointment with an artists to help figure out what wouldn’t be “douchey” (i got my tribal arm band already!)
*BONUS* Send us a picture!!
I’ve wanted one since graduating high school and finally at the age of 26 I got one.
How many tattoos do you have? 1 as of now….
If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) I got a quote that I found 2 years prior that I couldn’t get out of my head. It says, “I am me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it.” I chose for it to be on my right torso so I could still see it. It’s bigger than I thought it would be, but a year later and I love it even more.
How much did they cost in total? $135. I would have paid the artist more, he was great. My wife got her second right after me, so in all, I paid $200 with tip.
Were you financially stable when getting them? Yes, my wife and I have been financially stable for a couple years (only debt is mortgage).
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? I will probably get 2 more, 1 on my upper back and 1 on my shoulder. We will see. I have had ideas for both for some time so I will probably get one of them before the summer.
1.How many tattoos do you have? Ummm… I’m counting 8!
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? Traditional roses on my feet, 17th century Italian crossbow on my inner right ankle, traditional roses with a lock and a key on my calves, “DON’T PANIC” (inked in large, friendly letters) on my left wrist, a moon and stars on my right shoulder, and matching stars on my left shoulder.
3.How much did they cost in total? Maybe $1000?
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) I was! :oD
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? There are always ideas for mooorrreee!! ;o) I want a cedar bough on my arm, a pinecone on my wrist, a wee little diamond on my ring finger and a heart on the other, and more!
6.*BONUS* Send us a picture!! How do we do that on here? :oD
On my butt (lol)
40 euros (had it done in Portugal)
How many tattoos do you have? 1
what are they and where? (If none β why?) A dog paw print on my hipbone – smaller than a quarter
How much did they cost in total? $20 maybe? I got it at a party when I was 17. (Tattoo artist was there. Every thing seemed to be sterile and clean to my 17 year old self. Stupid stupid stupid!!)
Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Well, I lived on my own and worked full time while going to HS — so relatively, I’d say I was more stable than the average 17 year old.
Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Maybe one day but I’m not sure what I’d get
1)I don’t have any, but my wife has 8!
2)I don’t have any tattoos, because I donate blood plasma for money, and you can’t donate for a year after getting a tattoo or piercing.
4)When I can afford to stop donating, I plan on getting one of the initials of my hometown. My wife wants to get something to cover up the fairy she got on her shoulder one night when she was out drinking with some friends. I think the artist may have been drinking too, because he didn’t do a very good job of it!
1. How many tattoos do you have? 3
2. If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) On my right inner wrist, I have the symbol for my zodiac sign “Leo”. On my left hip I have “VII”, which stands for my lucky number 7. And on my upper back I have in Gothic lettering “a prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages”, which is a Tennessee Williams quote that I find so beautiful.
3. How much did they cost in total? Probably $150-175 with tip. Tattoos aren’t expensive in South Carolina.
4. Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Of course!
5. Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? I thought about getting a feather on my ribs, but I haven’t committed to that idea yet. I’d love to do something for my black lab, Daphne, who I love to death, but haven’t thought of what yet.
No tattoos and I don’t even have my ears peirced and I am very happy my sons haven’t decided to get any.
Hope it is still ok that I read your blog even though I find tattoos distasteful.
1. How many tattoos do you have? 3
2. If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) The first is a daisy on my left shoulder. On my right shoulder I have a Texas bluebonnet with a mockingbird, along with my dad’s initials in his handwriting (memorial tat). I have “11:59” on my ankle. It’s from a song.
3. How much did they cost in total? about $300, including tips. 2 of them are very small.
4. Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Stable? Yeah.
5. Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? Yep!! More song lyrics on my right ankle, still trying to decide which ones. And possibly Banksy’s balloon girl, though I’m not sure where I would put her…
I’m a little late to this, but ya’ know family comes first…
1) One
2) I have a Rose on my ankle
3) My mom paid for it so free for me, $50 for my mom
4) Yes, I was 17 and it was a graduation gift. That was an awesome gift with more to follow soon after. :)
5) I debate it at times, but if I got something I might get a tiny Siamese cat or a paw print. Might just get a paw print in piercings on my ear instead, because I am totally non-committal to more tattoos at this point.
Zero…never thought of anything I wanted on me for the rest of my life.
I have 3 tattoos – a star on my toe, the kanji symbol for beauty on my back, and the infinity symbol behind my ear. They cost probably about $300 total (but part of that was paying for half of a tattoo for a friend for a gift). I am started when I was 19 or 20 and I’m 29 now and don’t regret them at all! They each mean something special to me, and I definitely want more! I would say I was sort of financially stable at the time I got them, I saved for them and they never went on credit cards, but the money probably could’ve been used for something else…but if you can’t live a little with your money, what’s the point?
1.How many tattoos do you have? Two
2.If more than 0, what are they and where? (If none β why?) Multi-colored turtle on back (not in tramp stamp position!) and celtic band on ankle
3.How much did they cost in total? $275 (we’re supposed to tip? oops! :( )
4.Were you financially stable when getting them? ;) Wasn’t really financially stable, but had saved for them so…kinda?
5.Do you plan on getting any more? If so, whatβs next? If I saw something that I had to have, maybe. Right now no plans.
J – for my color tat, I bought magic markers in the colors I thought I wanted and drew on myself to make sure I liked it and could live with it.
I am not sure exactly how many tattoos i have, so we will just call it a buttload. Approx 35 hours worth.
I have almost a full sleeve on my right arm, a few on my left, my ribs (front and side), stomach, back, tops of feet, and several on my calves. Including two bad ass sparrows :)
Figure at about 100 an hour, i am in for about 3500, give or take, to figure in tips and such
I was not as stable as i was then, but did not have to sacrifice to get them either
I plan on finishing my left sleeve, with an old school
LOOK AT ALL YOU TATTOO PEOPLE!! YES! Wow I’m surprised how many of you have commented so far, this is awesome :)
@Shovellicious – No savings while paying off debt? Bah humbug. Everyone’s different so you gotta go with what works with your personality. And if tattoos are on the important list, then so be it! :)
@eemusings – Nice! Always been a fan of family crests myself. Hadn’t ever thought about it as a tattoo though, that’s kinda cool.
@AverageJoe – What? Really? Now THAT is insane.
@Call Me What You Want Even Cheap – Yeah, I think stuff you like in high school can def. be different than when you’re an adult. Not sure about once you’re an adult though and then an *older* adult – maybe your interests don’t change as drastically?
@jolie – Yay! I like hearing about bonding over tattoos – have always wanted to dothe same one day but sadly don’t have any takers :(
@Brian – Oh wow, had to look up that Ogham Tree Alphabet but that’s pretty cool! Never seen or heard of before.
@Renee S – There’s Groupons for tattoos?? I WANT!!! :)
@Michelle – Wowwww very cool! I wonder what the grand total would be?? If you see this later, will you ask him to guestimate? I find that all kinds of fascinating… I’m getting my future tattoos around the same area myself just in case I want a sleeve down the road. I’d totally do it if I already knew the designs and had a trusted artist. I don’t know anyone anymore :(
@maria@moneyprinciple – Haha… out of everyone I could have SWORN you’d be up for it! :)
@Milah Bee – Oooooh a constellation of stars – that’s sexy!
@Terah@The Credit Report Chick – The half sleeve only cost $150?? That is an incredible deal!
@Eric J. Nisall – DollarVersity – Haha, true that… You and my wife would get along well – she’s always saying the new cool thing is to NOT get tattooed :) But you can’t help it if you like it anyways!
@Trinnie – YEAH! That would be awesome to see him in tattoo form, haha… also like the old school roses too – that’s something that’s been growing on me lately. I like seeing them on people :) Didn’t realize you had so many!
@Leah – Cool! If you ever make it to the DC area maybe we’ll get one together :)
@Beckey – Love that!! The name idea – we’ll be name twins ;)
@Catherine – Haha… that’s too funny about the spinal block show.. that thing freaked me out when I watched the Mrs. get one too!
@uncc901 – Holy moley you’re hardcore, haha… good for you on rockin’ it though!
@Alexa @ travelmiamor – Placement IS key! Which makes me a tad bit nervous about my hand heart, cuz the only thing that could cover that up is a band-aid, ugh… I have to think on that one a lot still. But yay for all those stars of yours!
@Emily @ evolvingPF – No shame in that, my friend! Clean = sexy as well ;)
@Becky – My wife would freak the hell out if I got a skull, haha… She hates seeing them on my t-shirts!
@Leland – GO FOR THE MERMAID STUFF!! They’re my latest obession too – I swear they’re real! Haha… but I also love how majestic they are too. Reminds me that anything’s possible :) Promise me you’ll send a pic if you end up getting them?? Palease!
@Grayson @ Debt Roundup – That is the tricky part if you’re unsure… Probably best you stay away until something pops 100%!
@Mistress Susan – Haha… pretty cool you’ve gotten them across the entire nation like that though! :)
@L Bee and the Money Tree – YAY! Marker it up, baby! I hope you end up falling in love with it :)
@Samantha – Haha… right on.
@Cherleen @ My Personal Finance Journey – I can understand that :)
@Johnny @ Our Freaking Budget – Sweet! Cat all the way!
@Lance @ Money Life and More – When we get older there will probably be a lot of permanent things on our body we won’t like ;)
@Ally – Ooooh now you’re speaking my language. Names and sailor art – my faves.
@Diane @ marriageindebt – She’s not the first one, I can tell you that! :) I never quite did understand why women put them in that area?
@SavvyFinancialLatina – It can be painful depending on where you get it. Luckily the only spot I chose so far had some cushion so it was just like someone writing hard on my skin :) Not like that when done on the ribs though, ouch!
@Christine – Cool! Those are beautiful :)
@MissAmanda – $5 – nice! I like the idea of a “&” too.
@Chris – HAH! Really??? I’ve never heard of that! Man… talk about unforeseen side affects, eh? It’s nice of the artist to at least not get pissed at you – no pun intended! ;)
@Jeff @My Multiple Streams – Yeah dude, thanks for sending over pics of them too – that was cool to see :) I still find that gig of yours incredibly fascinating… def. not sore on the eyes!
@Angella – Haha, I love that you budget for them :) We went to an alien museum in Roswell a year or so ago – you should check it out if you haven’t already!
@Joe @ Retire By 40 – I wonder what you would have got back in the day :)
@John S @ Frugal Rules – A perfect bonding experience! I like your wife :) I try to convince mine of the same but so far I get the evil stare in return, haha…
@daydream kate – Oh really?? One for the two of you to get at the same time?? I wanna see once it’s designed out!
@Chris – Yeah!! I saw them, thanks for that :) Very cool to see… sad about your husband too :(
@Jaime – I feel like everyone with at least 1 knows they’re gonna get another one one day… I like that, even if it never happens.
@Dave Holm – Haha… at least you weren’t the only one w/ those bands back then ;) Even rock stars fell for it!
@Jacob – Yeah I was gonna ask how large that one was – it’s a lot of words! But cool you found something you enjoy so much :)
@Brittany – Oooooh the finger ones sound awesome!! I just saw a girl with a heart on her finger, but I’ve never heard of the small diamond one – I dig that… and the pinecone idea, haha… that’s a first!
@laura / no more spending – Hah! And you’re not gonna tell us what it is, are you? ;)
@Jessica O. – Ballsy! But also super cute :)
@Edward Antrobus – Oh jeez, haha… def. not good ;) I hear ya on the donating too – I was alway moving around the world and I’d have to wait years to donate again as well. And then after the tattoo too.
@Heather – The feather idea is cool – haven’t seen many people with that really, esp on the ribs (ouch).
@Jane Savers @ The Money Puzzle – Haha no problem at all! Everyone’s welcome here of course :)
@Sandi – I like your dad’s initials one – that’s cute :)
@Financial Black Sheep – VERY nice of your mom, wow… Mine isn’t much of a fan of them I’m afraid.
@Evan – Fair enough.
@Ashley – Exactly, my star tattoo twin :) Money is made for spending!
@Heather – Thata girl! I bet it helped a lot too seeing those colors in action, eh?
@rosie – You win the most tattoo award here! WOOHOOO! Love it that you have those sparrows too, you’re ahead of the game! :)
not something I would usually post for, but since I have noticed all the people in my gym displaying there’s, I thought I would drop my thought on them. I have one. It’s small, not for show and has a personal meaning. I know that cannot be said about the popular fad that has everyone running off to mark themselves up. Tattoos are NOT art. Expressive- yes, Creative-maybe, Art-NO. If skin made such a great canvas there would be a lot of very expensive, well preserved dead people hanging in museums.
HAH! You know I bet there is a museum like that somewhere ;)
I like watching tattoo shows and am fine with not having any. I am also fine with people getting as many as they want. I recently heard many people with Hepatitis C got it from tattoo machines that somehow harbor the virus in a place difficult to sterilize. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it sounds plausible.