52 Ways to Make Extra Money! (but only 1 of them here).

52 Ways To Make Extra Money
I got included in my first e-book! It’s a sweet one too >> “52 Ways to Make Extra Money” by Phil over at PT Money. If you click over by Friday you can download it free of charge (there’s a download link at the bottom) with no strings attached :) After that you have to sign up to his newsletter to get it. Which is still cool, he’s a great blogger, but might as well get it while it’s hot. I’d tell you to at least check out my contribution in it, but I’m about to copy & paste it below!

So how and why did I get to participate? Well, he asked, and I accepted – along with some others :) I wasn’t sure how I could contribute at first, but then the glorious Craigslist name popped up and I was like, Aha! I can pimp that. My Sell-O-Meter hasn’t been updated in a while, but CL is still one of my favorite avenues to make some extra cash. In fact, besides this blog it’s really the only one. That and freelance design, but I just haven’t had much time for it.

Okay, so wanna see what I wrote? Here we go……..

Selling things on Craigslist is like crack (not that I’d know what that’s like). You unload a whole bunch of stuff you could care less about, and in return get cold hard cash! And if you’re real good, usually within 24 hours. I’ve sold cars, beds, jackets, and even random art I’ve found on the street. The trick is spending a few minutes and getting a formula down. In fact, it’s a lot like blogging:

    1. You have to come up with a killer headline! One that’s packed with both umph! and a lot of searchable keywords. If you’re selling a bike, for example, don’t just put up, “Bike for sale”. Try: “Mongoose Maxim 24″ Mens’ Bike for Sale! Green, Awesome, and Barely Used.” Just enough details to get someone excited, but also friendly to the searches.
  • And, naturally, killer content. Put all the biggies in the first couple of sentences, and then add another paragraph or two to show WHY it’s such a great bike, and why you’re getting rid of it. Is it because you’re moving? Won it as a prize? Let people know you’re human and you can be trusted. Throw up as many details as you can – even if it makes it look long. By adding in measurements and characteristics (which you can often find on google) you’ve now opened it up to those who might not have originally wanted it. And if the item is broken/scratched/worn out? That’s fine too – just be 100% upfront and honest. You’ll be amazed at the things people will buy off you.
  • Add in pictures (max out the #)! People want to see pictures!!! We want to see what it looks like at all angles, good & bad. We want to get a feel for what shape it’s in and how pretty it is or isn’t. Even if it’s all dingy and dirty – highlight it! Humor and honesty can go a long way here (“The dirtiest bike you’ve ever seen! It could be all yours for just $___!”. It may sound counterproductive, but again it’s all about honesty and not wasting anyone’s time. If it’s jacked up, they’ll find out sooner or later believe me.
  • Price, Price Price – The same as location, location, location – it matters. List how much you paid for it, but DON’T try and sell it for that! You’re not tricking anyone, price it for what you think is fair and they will come. Search around for similar listings and then go off those.

You’re bound to sell stuff 10x faster by following these rules. And if you REALLY want to impress your buyers, copy & paste the questions you’re asked right back into the post! It may take a few more minutes, but it only helps your cause that much more. And by “cause”, I mean “more money in your pocket!”

There you have it – I’m no longer an e-book virgin! Or at least un-kissed. I know it wasn’t MY book per se, but I at least got to 2nd base right? As soon as I find a topic that won’t bore you to death I’ll even come out with one of my own. Perhaps with some e-condoms thrown in ;)

To download the other 51 ways, click here (and look for the link at the bottom).

Still need more ideas for making extra money? Jeff Rose from GoodFinancialCents has a cool list of 107 ways to make a quick hundred bucks here.

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