5 For Friday: Random Question Day

In honor of our very first 5 For Friday a whole 10 months ago, I thought we’d do a “random question” series today to help jump start our weekend :)Β  If you’re up for it, copy and paste the following questions on your OWN blog, and then answer them there to keep ’em moving along. OR, answer them in the comments below.Β  Especially question number 5 – I’d love some new tips ;)

Ready? Set? Humor me:

  1. What was the last thing you purchased?
  2. How about the last thing you returned?
  3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
  4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
  5. What’s your favorite album right now?
  6. **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed?

Here are MY answers:

  1. The last thing I purchased was….. (going over to check my c/c account…)… looks like my recent health insurance premium :(Β  $292, ugh.Β  Right before that was beer though – yay!! Haha… we’ll be drinking the rest of that tonight, thank you very much ;)
  2. Hmm… the last thing I returned was probably the 24″ computer monitor I was testing out cuz my old 22″ one broke :(Β  (It kept getting darker and darker every day I turned it on, isn’t that weird?).Β  I was originally just gonna replace it with another 22″, but figured if I’m gonna spend the money, I might as well do an upgrade while I’m at it – esp since monitors are SO much cheaper these days.Β  Only thing was that once I saw the 27″ Samsung one for $80 off, I knew I had to have it over the 24″ I had just picked up the day before ;) So I swapped! And now it completely takes over my desk, haha, but I feel like I’m in the future!
  3. Right now I have exactly $30 in cash in my money clip, and a hearty $150ish on an Amex gift card waiting to be spent ;) Though I’ve had it for a good two months now…
  4. Ooooh $100?Β  I’d probably exchange it for 100 $1.00 bills and use it in an upcoming art project I want to but together for my Blogger Lair.Β  It’ll kinda be like the last one I did, only not with paint this time. And $100 would be more than enough :)
  5. Hands down Mumford & Son’s “Sigh No More” album.Β  My bro got it for me for Xmas, and I’ve literally listened to it every single day since.Β  It makes for GREAT blogging music in the mornings, and really inspires me to think outside myself more.Β  I highly recommend it!
  6. **Extra Credit** The last person I kissed was Lolita. A very slim, and beautiful, woman who happens to love chasing her own tail and eating lots of cat food. (I Hope Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy isn’t reading this)

Your turn!Β  Divulge all your dirty little secrets with us today so you can enjoy a conscious-free weekend ;) I promise not to tell anyone if you don’t.

PS: If you’re reading this in a feed reader, I’m sorry to say you missed the greatest video ever imbedded in this post.

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  1. Melissa February 10, 2012 at 6:57 AM

    1. The last thing I purchased was groceries yesterday. Bananas and some spaghetti. Exciting stuff!
    2. The last thing I returned was a desk calendar my sister had given me for my birthday, but I’d already bought myself one, so I had to return it. I bought a sugar bowl shaped like an elephant instead. Best birthday present ever.
    3. I think there’s about $30 in my wallet right now, plus maybe $5 in coins. This is actually a lot for me. Usually I have much less, but I went out last weekend to a place that only took cash, and I took out an extra twenty just in case, though I didn’t end up using it.
    4. $100 in cash would definitely go right on my credit card. The balance got a little away from me last month, meaning I actually didn’t pay it off in full, which I didn’t care for!
    5. I’ve been listening to the new Sarah Blackwood album a lot.
    BONUS. The last person I kissed? Yeah, probably my cat. Her name is Apple and she hates everyone but me. Le sigh.

  2. Slackerjo February 10, 2012 at 8:00 AM

    What was the last thing you purchased? Protein bar. Life Rule # 4 – Don’t bring $ to work. I have a class after work so I eat the bar as a snack.

    How about the last thing you returned? Speakers for my computer. I bought a different set instead.

    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $20 Canadian.

    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Put $75 in the bank and spend $25 on a reference book.

    What’s your favorite album right now? album? Dude what is it 1972? I subscribe to streaming music. I made a playlist of 40-50s ballads called “I am cool.” Note: I’m really not that cool.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My friend’s puppy.

  3. Hal February 10, 2012 at 8:14 AM

    1. Yesterday, I got lunch for me and my honey. Good news I will actually get paid back for it because I’m putting it on my expense report. I was traveling around to several small towns close to home.
    2. Clothes my honey bought at Old Navy for herself and my daughter.
    3. 0$, but today is payday so I drop by the ATM for a little spending cash. $50.
    4.Buy new baseball cleats for my two boys. They start next week.
    5. Ten by Pearl Jam, I was going thru some old thing and found it.
    6. My daughter before leaving for the JOB.

  4. KC @ PsychoMoney February 10, 2012 at 8:27 AM

    What was the last thing you purchased? New tires for my car.
    How about the last thing you returned? Lard, it was hydrogenated, we like our lard un-hydrogenated. Long story.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? Zero, dont like to carry cash, although that is starting to change as I am paying my daughters an allowance lately.
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? I would get 5 inflatable party sheeps http://www.amazon.com/Inflatable-Party-Sheep-Loftus-International/dp/B00064NZ0M
    I know all of you are jealous you didnt think of it.
    What’s your favorite album right now? Matt and Kim- Sidewalks. I got this from my brother and have really been lovin it lately
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My 6 year old daughter as you got on the bus.

  5. Andrea @SoOverDebt February 10, 2012 at 8:33 AM

    1. The other night I had to buy supplies to make a mousetrap race car. My son’s science teacher decided it would be fun to announce this project the day before the supplies were needed. Thanks a lot, Mr. Teacher!
    2. I honestly can’t remember the last time I returned something… I had to exchange a pair of jeans last July if that counts.
    3. I think there’s $10 somewhere in my purse. I avoid cash since it tends to disappear.
    4. $100 in cash? I’d put it straight in my savings account.
    5. All streaming at my house – I don’t have a clue about albums anymore.
    Bonus: The last person I kissed was my son. Or maybe one of the dogs. Look out, world, exciting stuff going on in my life! ;)

  6. Crankymommy February 10, 2012 at 8:48 AM

    I feel like playing along today.

    1. Last thing I purchased: my babysitter’s time. Paid her $40.
    2. Last thing I returned: Clothes to Old Navy. I shop online for the deep discounts and coupon codes then return what doesn’t fit to the store. (I usually keep most of it!)
    3. I have $59 in my wallet.
    4. $100 bucks cash would go in the wallet for cash related expenses, nothing specific.
    5. Favorite album: The Barr Brothers self titled album which was the SECOND TO LAST thing I bought. I STILL BELIEVE IN ALBUMS! Even though I listen to them in MP3 form.
    BONUS: Definitely one of my daughters. Can’t say for sure which one. They get billions of kisses each when I drop them off at their dad’s :)

  7. Andrew from FabulousSavings February 10, 2012 at 8:50 AM

    1. What was the last thing you purchased?
    Chapstick from my neighbourhood dollar store.

    2. How about the last thing you returned?
    Oh gosh, I haven’t returned something in a long time. I honestly don’t remember!

    3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
    Two $20 bills.

    4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    Either use it towards my next month’s bills or put it in savings.

    3. What’s your favorite album right now?
    Lana Del Rey’s Born To Die. I don’t care what people say about her, her music is awesome.

    Bonus: Who was the last person you kissed?
    Gladys. My best friend’s cat.

  8. jacqueline February 10, 2012 at 8:52 AM

    1. last thing I purchased was food. Specifically sushi.
    2. I hate returning things. So nothing.
    3. Cash in purse 2$ and a check I need to cash.
    4. Extra 100 in Cash? Take my kids out for a day of random fun. I have 4 kids so that will go fast.
    5. Favorite Album I have 2 the Latest by Tedashii and Ashmont Hill
    Bonus: Last person I kissed was my husband. :)

  9. Erin February 10, 2012 at 8:55 AM

    1.What was the last thing you purchased? A Mega Millions ticker & a Power Ball ticket.
    2.How about the last thing you returned? Cowboy boots I bought for husband – too small.
    3.How much is in your wallet/purse right now?$50 in tens.
    4.What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Bills.
    5.What’s your favorite album right now? A full album? I don’t have that kind of attention span. I’ll give you a song: Ron Hawkins “Prairie Girl” <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWBt_dXCucU
    6.**EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My husband. How unscandalous.

  10. graduate.living February 10, 2012 at 8:58 AM

    1. The last thing I purchased was a book for school off half.com. $30 is steep on that site, but it was cheaper than other options…
    2. I can’t even remember, but I have two pairs of the BF’s ripped jeans to go back (life-time warranties and an envelope full of discolored receipts from two years ago make for $10 new jeans…)
    3. $18, which is more than I usually have since I rarely carry cash (I know, bad PF blog reader…)
    4. Extra $100 bucks? I’d still put it toward my Student Loans. Slowly and steady.
    5. Watch the Throne. I listen to it at the gym.
    Bonus: The BF. Every morning, we see each other out at the door (depending who leaves first) and there’s always a goodbye kiss involved. Silly? Yes. But I love it.

  11. Stephanie February 10, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    1. I paid my life insurance premium last night. (And a bunch of other bills, but that was technically the last payment I scheduled!)
    2. A sweater my mom got me for Christmas. She heard me say how cute I thought it looked on the mannequin, but it just didn’t work on me when I tried it on. :-(
    3. 71 cents and a Lowe’s gift card with $15 left on it. The only cash I carry is my spending money for the month, and I blew it all on a concert in Philly over the weekend. So worth it though!
    4. Probably use that and my Lowe’s gift card to tackle a home improvement project.
    5. A tie between Jack’s Mannequin – People and Things, and Jukebox the Ghost – Everything Under the Sun. I picked both of them up and that concert, and I can’t stop listening to them!
    **EXTRA CREDIT** My husband, this morning before we left for work. Or, if you are of the opinion that dogs are people, too: my dog, Elvis. :-)

  12. Emmy February 10, 2012 at 9:59 AM

    1) Last thing I purchased was a grande soy chai latte with 5 pumps of vanilla.

    2) The last thing I returned was actually an exchanged. I went to Target last weekend and got a curling iron and the next season of Sex and the City that I needed (guilty pleasure TV show. I just can’t stop watching it!). Then it turned out that I got the wrong size barrel of a curling iron (apparently it matters) and I got the wrong season of SATC. So I exchanged them for the correct size and the correct season. However, the new curling iron was cheaper than the other one so I got like $4 back!

    3) I only have about $2 in my wallet – not counting the change. I’m terrible at having cash on me!

    4) If I had an extra $100 in cash right now? I’m going to be boring and stick it in my savings account. I need all of the extra I can get! OR I would put it towards getting my dog the shots he needs to get. Those are crazy expensive!

    5) My favorite album right now would probably be Adele 21. I downloaded it not too long ago and it’s been playing in my car on repeat lately. :)

    6) Extra credit question? UGH. This one makes me cringe so I’m just gonna say you don’t want to know.

  13. Nick February 10, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    1. My wife’s haircut. Followed closely by soba noodles for lunch yesterday…. for
    2. Your answer for this one’s going to change one Baby$ comes around. I don’t even have to think about this – it’s definitely some baby junk or clothes that don’t fit.
    3. $135 High Rolllaaaahhhh! Why you so curious to know? I’m NYC baby, come try and get it! :)
    4. Really, really fun stuff… Send it to Fidelity to buy “mo mutual funds”
    5. Nick-Fit – Wait, what? You’ve never heard of Nick-Fit? Punky alternapop by yours truly. Like crappy music, you’ll LOVE this album.
    6. Wanted a great answer to this, so I just kissed the guy in the office next to me. He’s a bit confused… just kidding – my son before I left for work. Was thinking about kissing Ulysses S. Grant’s pic on the $50 in my wallet but I don’t know where he’s been…

  14. Brian February 10, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    1. What was the last thing you purchased? A new car. Since the old lady had a mini cooper and a baby one the way, we decided it was time to upgrade. Yes I know new cars are the devil, but I promised her I would buy her ONE new car in her life and this is it. We self finance (we made a car payment to ourselves every month for 4 years and will continue to do so),

    2. How about the last thing you returned? I returned a pair of pants I got for Christmas. I just didn’t like the way they were cut.

    3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $1. We live in a cashless society so I don’t carry much cash. When I travel it’s a much different story.

    4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? I’d probably be boring and take the old lady out to dinner and movie.

    5. What’s your favorite album right now? This has been and will continue to be one of my favorite albums. I always keep coming back to it. Sublime – 40oz to Freedom

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My wife, I kiss her every morning when I leave for work. Studies show I will live longer if I keep doing this (I must be sucking her life force out of her like some sort of space vampire)

  15. Ms. S February 10, 2012 at 10:10 AM

    1. My last purchase was a $1300 Student Loan payment scheduled for today. It has not cleared yet, but I hope that counts. :) If not, it would be the $100 deposit I put down yesterday for my sister’s bachelorette party this spring. MUCH more exciting.

    2. I returned a pair of insoles for my running shoes. The box had two right feet.

    3. I’ve got $5 in singles!! Make it RAIN!

    4. Pay SLs. Boring.

    5. Just pulled out my Paramore “brand new eyes”. Haven’t listened to it in MONTHS so it’s been on replay for the past few days.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** My sexy BF who I refer to as “the fella”.

  16. Trinnie February 10, 2012 at 10:24 AM

    What was the last thing you purchased? a large Coke Zero this morning…yum! Momma needed caffeine!!!

    How about the last thing you returned? Does selling back textbooks count? Just “sold” 3 textbooks on Amazon for $320!

    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? about $100…

    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? probably buy some warm running gear. Joined a running club and it’s still cold in CO Springs!

    What’s your favorite album right now? If you know me (and you do), that is such a loaded question…i did get about 10 GB of music from a co-worker/friend in San Antonio and w/those jams, so far I’m stuck on stupid w/the Black Keys.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? my boys: Vinny and Tony, as I left for work.

    happy weekend! :)

  17. Kevin February 10, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    1) $0.55 Starbucks Green Ice Tea Refill (came out to be free) as I am a rewards member so I guess that still counts as paying for it.
    2) Returned few pairs of dress pants because I lost 10lbs and don’t need them anymore. (I was on the fence when I go them anyhow and I wanted to loose 20lbs for my upcomming wedding)
    3) 120.oo bucks I just hit the ATM and I have a business meeting here at noon
    4) Put it towards my wedding account
    5) I stream so not sure anymore…..
    Extra Credit… “Zara or Trouble” I don’t remember which one last but one of my kittens before I left for work this AM as they were beating up my dog

  18. daydream kate February 10, 2012 at 10:41 AM

    1.What was the last thing you purchased? A vanilla cream soda and chips and salsa.
    2.How about the last thing you returned? My husbands Super Mario game. I got it for him for Christmas, but he forgot he already had it. :(
    3.How much is in your wallet/purse right now? No cash ever. Just my debit card, checkbook and one credit card.
    4.What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Put it all towards debt.
    5.What’s your favorite album right now? I’m still stuck on Megadeths Greatest Hits.
    6.**EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My sweet, sweet baby girl. Who is not actually a baby, but a bossy toddler. She is the second best kisser I know.

  19. Alyssa February 10, 2012 at 10:48 AM

    Ooh this one is fun!

    1. What was the last thing you purchased?
    1 migas breakfast taco this morning. They’re my Friday tradition. Soooo delicious!

    2. How about the last thing you returned?
    4 plastic bottles to HEB. Was going to use them to store homemade juices, but I ended up not needing them since I already have several.

    3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now?

    4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    Put it in the bank immediately. I’m saving for a trip to New Orleans at the end of March

    5. What’s your favorite album right now?
    This Duke Ellington 45 I’ve been listening to on my record player. Sounds nerdy, but it’s awesome.

    6. **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed?
    My dog this morning. She totally counts as a person. My boyfriend had already left for work. He’s the last human I kissed ;)

  20. Laura February 10, 2012 at 11:09 AM

    1. Tim Hortons Coffee & Bagel
    2. Hmm had to think about this, but it’s probably a library book.
    3. A Toonie (2$) can you tell I’m Canadian yet? haha.
    4. Save it for upcoming rent.
    5. Little Hell – City and Colour <– Really recommend
    6. My Dog Sookie before work this morning.

  21. Megan H February 10, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    1. Vegetables for stir fry on Wednesday night! Oh, and I paid the meter yesterday when I went to a speaker event downtown.
    2. Oh geez…well, the short story is an Adobe product. The long version is that we’re STILL waiting for them to process. It’s getting ridiculous.
    3. $0…I don’t keep cash on me. :)
    4. Put it back in our savings account. We had to take some out to keep afloat thanks to the Adobe return (grrr).
    5. I don’t have a favorite album right now, but I’ve been listening to a lot of old crooners (Sinatra, etc.) and new ones (Michael Buble, Harry Connick Jr.).
    The last person I kissed was my husband. :)

  22. Kelsey February 10, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    1 What was the last thing you purchased? some groceries for dinner last night…I made Enchilada casserole
    2 How about the last thing you returned? A rug to home depot, my husband hated it!
    3 How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $5 that I found in the laundry…YES
    4 What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Probably be lame and either save it or put it towards my debt
    5 What’s your favorite album right now? Brothers, by the Black Keys, and LMFAO’s last album
    6 **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? my husband :)

  23. marilyn February 10, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    1. What was the last thing you purchased?
    6 loaves of bread from a bakery factory outlet for 2 bucks.

    2. How about the last thing you returned?
    My Christmas present – this massage/heating pad. Made some dying noises the first time I turned it on. ugh.

    3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
    $8 bucks

    4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    I’ve been watching this Hawaiian purple sugar cane plant on ebay…my new year’s resolution was to grow stuff. It looks tropical and I’m boycotting winter. The rest I’d stick in the vacation/slush fund

    5. What’s your favorite album right now?
    Angel’s and Airwaves Single Surrender

    6. **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed?
    This tall slender guy with 4% body fat who’s training to be a doctor. Gorgeous blues eyes, Children ages 2-5 adore him, and he speaks French. He also married me 4 years ago. Yeah my life rocks.

  24. Michelle February 10, 2012 at 11:36 AM

    Haha love this!

    What was the last thing you purchased? Qdoba last night! Yum was that good.

    How about the last thing you returned? Hmmm not sure.

    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? Probably a couple of pennies. I never carry any cash.

    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? I would put it towards my travel fund.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My dog, when I said goodbye to her this morning.

  25. Kathy February 10, 2012 at 12:02 PM

    1. What was the last thing you purchased? breakfast this morning

    2. How about the last thing you returned? clothes that I bought online that didn’t fit

    3. How much is in your wallet/purse right now? about $60

    4. What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? buy tickets to the Scottish Festival that is being held next week at the Queen Mary. I just looked at the tickets & decided to keep my money instead.

    5. What’s your favorite album right now? Daughtry’s Daughtry (from 2006) or Switchfoot’s Beautiful Letdown. Just purch Daughtry’s newest one (Break the Spell) but haven’t listened to it yet.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? my friend Leslie of whom I hadn’t seen in a year. The last guy was waaaay too long ago….and, uh, yeah, thanks for bringing up THAT memory.

  26. Mrs. Money Mustache February 10, 2012 at 12:33 PM

    1. The last thing I purchased was groceries on Tuesday ($78.34)
    2. According to the credit card the last thing I returned was something on Dec 15.
    3. Most likely $0 in my wallet right now…
    4. With a $100 in cash – I would save it of course!! :)
    5. Favorite album? That’s a tough one, since I usually just listen to random Pandora stuff or whatever MMM happens to have playing. Depending on my mood, I either like Red Hot Chili Peppers (mood booster), Morcheeba (relaxer), Bob Dylan or Doors or Eagles (walk down memory lane), Tragically Hip (nostalgic for Canada), Flogging Molly or Bad Religion (working out)… my most favorite album is one called “Spanish Guitar Music”, but I have no idea who it is.

    Extra Credit: Last person I kissed was my beautiful 6-year old son this morning when I dropped him at school. We kiss at least 100 times daily. :)

    P.S. Thanks for your fun and educational blog, J! I am so impressed that you always respond to the all the comments, which is one of the reasons I keep reading. :) Happy Friday!!

  27. Deb February 10, 2012 at 12:58 PM

    Albums?….My Ipod can randomly shuffle any songs from these guys and I usually like it.

    The Sounds
    Arcade Fire
    Michael Jackson – Best of
    Paramore (was suggested above)
    No Doubt – Tragic Kingdom
    Sia – (mellow)
    Garden State soundtrack

  28. Kyle February 10, 2012 at 1:06 PM

    1) What was the last thing you purchased? Wednesday night dinner – Thai food because I’m sick and didn’t have the energy to cook.
    2) How about the last thing you returned? I can’t even remember :( I never return things, although I have to return a pair of pants to Old Navy.
    3) How much is in your wallet/purse right now? A lot actually. About $230 for a cash-only challenge I’m doing this month, $180 because I won the Superbowl pool at my work and another $40 from the cash I had before the challenge.
    4) What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? looking at the above, apparently keep it in my wallet. But I would deposit the cash (like I’m going to do with my football winnings) and put it towards my wedding fund.
    5) What’s your favorite album right now? I don’t really listen to albums…or much music at the moment. Sad, I know.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My boyfriend, this morning when we left for work.

  29. Angella February 10, 2012 at 1:14 PM

    1. I purchased some cardstock to print consignment sale tags. Spend money to make money, hopefully.
    2. Last thing I returned was a bowl of grapes that I bought for lunch from the local store, they were rotted and covered in mold at the bottom. :(
    3. I have $2.00 cash in my bag lol.
    4. An extra $100 would go towards my credit card debt!
    5. My favorite album would currently be Adele’s ’21’
    6. My little boy (he’s 1) when I dropped him off at school this morning. :)

  30. Cassie February 10, 2012 at 2:04 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased?
    $33.16 on fuel for my car. The price had just spiked, but I managed to find a station that hadn’t raised their prices yet so I filled up!

    How about the last thing you returned?
    It’s been a while. Possibly a lightbulb for a burned our pot light last summer.

    How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
    Nada. I’m on a low/no spend challenge, so I can’t spend money. Every penny is going to debt.

    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    Throw it on my line of credit. Boring, I know, but its true!

    What’s your favorite album right now?
    I don’t remember when the last time I bought a whole album was! I’ve liked everything that has come off the Black Keys’ El Camino album though, and everything that has come out of LMFAO has been really catchy. Oh, and I get Volbeat’s A Warrior’s Call stuck in my head – in a good way.

    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed?
    My boyfriend *swoon* We’ve been together little over a year and I still have a 3rd date level of giddiness thinking about him. :D

  31. LB February 10, 2012 at 2:15 PM

    1) Pizza and a movie last Friday. It snowed, a lot and a lot of people got a snow day, me included ( with pay) :) My husband got a paid for hotel with room service. Lucky guy!
    2) A sweater that was the wrong size.
    3) Whatever $60 minus pizza and a movie is :)
    4) Put it in my new lucky kitty bank. I don’t know why but that thing just makes me want to fill it with money. Or purchase Facebook stock for the f of it.
    5) My husband last night, before bed and my black kitty this morning before work.

  32. Kelsey @ Zero to One Million Challenge February 10, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased?
    A cheese/fruit/nut platter from Starbucks.
    How about the last thing you returned?
    Blush from Bare Minerals.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
    Cash? Nothing at all!
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    If you mean physical cash probably forget I had it. I don’t like to use cash. It doesn’t get me cash back. ;] Is putting it in the bank a valid response? If it is, then just funnel it over to my student loans!
    What’s your favorite album right now?
    Oh geeze. I don’t know. Ke$ha’s Cannibal?
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed?
    The boyfriend!

  33. Edward Antrobus February 10, 2012 at 2:34 PM

    1) Last thing I purchased: $43 worth of produce, bulk pistachios, and ground poultry. The meat wasn’t on the list, but $2.33/lb for ground chicken was too good of a price to pass up for an item that I WILL use.
    2)A pair of gloves. I bought winter gloves for work in November for $6. They were stolen last month and had to run out and buy a new pair. Same gloves were $20! I wore them that day and then my old pair were returned, so I got my $20 back.
    3)$5 The wife won $20 off a scratch-off. We bought lunch and that’s what’s left.
    4)$100 would go in the checking account. Didn’t get any hours this week, so money’s going to be a little tight at the end of the month.
    5)Oh, man. I haven’t listened to albums in forever. I usually just listen to the radio/Pandora. I guess I’d have to go with the 70’s jazz fusion band, Weather Report’s, biggest hit- Heavy Weather.
    Extra Credit: My wife of course.

  34. Amelia February 10, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    1. Last thing I purchased was some delicious Pho for lunch… Pho Fridays Fo Sho! :)
    2. Last thing I returned was some garishly pink lip gloss I thought was going to be more orange before opening.
    3.Whats in my wallet? Ha! A debit card that leads to an empty account (I can transfer for an emergency) and an emergency credit card. And a picture of my dog…
    4.100 dollars would go into my wedding savings account. Final payment on the castle is due 1April! EEEEEK!
    5. Favorite Album so far this year: The Archandroid, by Janelle Monae, check it out.
    Extra credit? My man. Too easy.

  35. Heather February 10, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? A travel wallet thingy at REI website this morning.
    How about the last thing you returned? Um, video I got for Christmas. Disc was bad, so store replaced it.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? Probably less than $1 in change.
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Add it to the piggy bank for trip to Seoul in April.
    What’s your favorite album right now? I’m terrible about listening to music, so, um, none.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My guy as we both left for work this morning.

  36. Beckey & Jeff February 10, 2012 at 3:51 PM

    1) an 8 port network switch for home network
    2) Can’t remember, it’s been a while
    3) About a dollar in change
    4) Buy work clothes, started a new job where I need to dress business casual. Previous 3 jobs were jeans/sweatshirts/t-shirts
    5) 21 by Adele
    **EXTRA CREDIT** My daughter

  37. John | Married (with Debt) February 10, 2012 at 5:30 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? A monthly buy-in to my office Coffee Club
    How about the last thing you returned? A pair of sh**** gloves from Kohls
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $10
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Vacation Fund
    What’s your favorite album right now? Frank Ocean – Nostalgia/Ultra
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? My daughter

  38. retirebyforty February 10, 2012 at 6:34 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? $10 copay for physical therapy. My shoulders have been feeling really bad lately and this is the best $10 I spent in recent memory.
    How about the last thing you returned? – Don’t remember.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? – one $20 bill
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? – pretty sad, but probably buy groceries.
    What’s your favorite album right now? – I have Starlight by Muse on Youtube right now.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? – baby RB40! He is a cutie patootie.

  39. Tyler S. February 10, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? Running Shoes for my Girlfriend
    How about the last thing you returned? Can’t even remember.. one time Dairy Queen served me chicken fingers still frozen.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $60 – Birthday bonus
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Put it towards gas eventualyl
    What’s your favorite album right now? I’ve had M83’s Hurry Up We’re Dreaming on a lot lately.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? girlfriend

  40. BrokeElizabeth February 10, 2012 at 9:55 PM

    1. Today I bought some food at Tesco’s. Okay, so it was ice cream, and not actual food… but I enjoyed it very much. Mmm, HΓ€agen-Dazs.
    2. Last fall, I returned dress from Dorothy Perkins that was one size too small. This was also the first time I’ve ever returned anything… I’ll definitely be doing this more often.
    3. I’ve got Β£94.36 in my wallet right now, and it’s earmarked as my food budget for the next three months.
    4. If I had an extra $100 dollars in cash with absolutely no strings attached, I would probably stock up on Moleskine notebooks. A good notebook is one of the little things I enjoy using on a day-to-day basis, but I always feel guilty shelling out Β£12 for each new one when I could buy something slightly less perfect for cheaper.
    5. Right now, my favourite album is ‘Definitely Maybe’ by Oasis, as it has been for the past three years.
    Extra credit… not telling ;)

  41. Christopher February 10, 2012 at 11:34 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased?
    – Starbucks Frappacino – Java Chip Grande —yumm…not very budget friendly but hey we all have our own vices.
    How about the last thing you returned?
    -hmm we have been one income for so long I dont really buy much other than food. My wife returned some things tonite she bought earlier in the week because she started work on this past monday…..woooooo hoooooooooooooooo 2 incomes finally…
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now?
    –60 bucks – 3 crisp 20s from the ATM machine.
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash?
    –I dont know it has been a long time since I had an extra hundred that I didnt have to spend it on either the kids or food. I will let you know when my wife gets her first check woooo hoo…lol
    What’s your favorite album right now?
    –I have been listening to Hollywood Undead American Tragedy album alot.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? –my little daughter Ava good night…

  42. Christopher February 10, 2012 at 11:35 PM

    I noticed for the extra credit…..aloooota people kissing their pets….never had a pet but i dont know if i could kiss the pooch goodbye in the morning…..

  43. Leslie February 11, 2012 at 12:23 AM

    What was the last thing you purchased? Half a pound of chocolate covered pretzels to snack on.
    How about the last thing you returned? It’s been a while, so I’m not totally sure. I think it was a shirt I got for Christmas that didn’t fit right.
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? $38 plus a dollar coin and 19 cents
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? Keep it for “blow money” and fun stuff.
    What’s your favorite album right now? Simon and Garfunkle best hits, or Madonna, or Green Day, or LMFAO, or… I like everything haha
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? If you count pets, Jack my girl kitty. If not… my husband.

  44. J. Money February 11, 2012 at 1:35 PM

    Thanks for all the great music tips guys!! Going now to listen to them all after I post this up :) Enjoy the weekend!

    @Melissa – Apple! I like it – very cute :)
    @Slackerjo – You can’t have everything streaming! What if the internet blows up one day? ;)
    @Hal – Cool! I can’t wait for sports stuff once our pre-born baby comes out and grows up ;) We find out next week whether it’s a boy or girl – woohoo!
    @KC @ PsychoMoney – Lard??? LARD??? Now that I was not expecting, haha… the sheep, totally understandable. But LARD?? :)
    @Andrea @SoOverDebt – I don’t like that everyone streams now – makes me miss records/tapes/cds :( (Says the guy who is currently streaming Pandora)
    @Crankymommy – Cool! Never heard of The Barr Brothers but I’ma add it to my list to check out, thanks :)
    @Andrew from FabulousSavings – Really? The only thing I know about her is that I saw her performance on SNL the other week – and it was horrible. Maybe she’s just a bad performer though? I’ll give her another chance and listen to her after posting up all these comments :)
    @jacqueline – Tedashii and Ashmont Hill – roger that, gonna check out!
    @Erin/b> – Yeah lottery tickets!! We have a PowerBall up in here too – good luck! :) (And I just listened to that video – I like it! A LOT.)
    graduate.living – YES. Great album – I picked it up a few months ago myself :)
    @Stephanie – Cool! My wife adores Jack’s Mannequin – I think she met ’em beore? I’ll have to add it back on my list to listen to again though, it’s been a while. Glad you had fun at the concert!
    @Emmy – 5 pumps of vanilla?? Haha… and I thought I was bad.
    @Nick – Haha, nice. I’d actually probably like that album good sir, you should send me some free tunes :)
    @Brian – Awesome album!! I love it too – something so gritty about it. We have to start thinking about car stuff too, but I refuse to get the minivan the wife wants…. I keep telling her there’s no shame in our baby rollin’ in an Escalade! ;)
    @Ms. S – Haha, nice. Have fun at that bachelorette party! I just bought my tickets to Charleston SC for our friend’s b-party ;)
    @Trinnie – WOW that’s a lot of money for just 3 books?? What he heck where they on?? (And happy weekend to you too, my friend! Miss ya!)
    @The Ten Bob Millionaire – Haha YES! You are a good good human being, I don’t care what they say about ya ;)
    @Kevin – Awesome! Keep droppin’ them pounds, brotha!
    @daydream kate – Megadeth? Haha… haven’t heard that name in quite a while. I don’t even know if I’ve ever really listened to them? I’ll put on my list to check :)
    @Alyssa – Awesome!!! I love a girl who listens to records!! :)
    @Laura – Okay, it’s on my list to listen to! Thanks!
    @Megan H – Yeah! Harry Connick Jr. is awesome – great stuff :)
    @Kelsey – Second person to mention the Black Keys — gonna have to listen to again, I only know that one famous song of theirs and it’s pretty dope.
    @marilyn – Sugar cane plant? Haha… that is awesome. You should totally give it a shot!
    @Michelle – Glad you enjoyed this one – thanks for participating!
    @Kathy – Haha, sorry! At least you got to see your friend ;) (And you’re stronger than me w/ those kinds of tickets – I’d totally have bought them! I love festivals!)
    @Mrs. Money Mustache – Awww, thank you! I’m so glad you appreciate that as it takes me an extra hour or two every day, haha… but I just got nothing but love for y’all! :) And very impressed you listen to Flogging Molly too – totally forgot about them! And they’re one of my faves!! You all have a blessed weekend yourselves. Give a pat on the ass to Mr. Money Mustache for me, okay?
    @Deb – Ooooh Garden State soundtrack, that’s a good one :) Very chill.
    @Kyle – Nice work on that money winning! Are you a huge fan of football or did you just guess well? :)
    @Angella – Man, we suck at returning food when it’s bad — we’re always so impatient to go drive back there that we end up just throwing away and getting frustrated :( Good for you on getting your money back!
    @Cassie – Awwwww, your man is a lucky one!! That’s a great feeling to have after a whole year so far, good for you two :) And totally googling Volbeat’s A Warrior’s Call right now.
    @LB – Haha, it’ll be interesting to see how much that Facebook stock will end up going for :)
    @Kelsey @ Zero to One Million Challenge – My wife loves Bare Minerals :)
    @Edward Antrobus – So your wife plays scratchers huh?? You can tell her I’m a big fan of her then :)
    @Amelia – You’re gonna get married at a castle?? I want to go!!!!
    @Heather – Yeah Seoul!! Miss that place :(
    @Beckey & Jeff – Nice! Congrats on the new gig my man – that’s exciting :)
    @John | Married (with Debt) – That Frank Ocean stuff old school? Gonna check it out… I like the name!
    @retirebyforty – Awwww, I can’t wait to kiss my little nugget too! 5 more months to go, jeesh.
    @Tyler S. – Ewww! Haha… frozen chicken??
    @BrokeElizabeth – You can’t do that! I need to know who you kissed!!! haha… I’ll give you one of my 6 moleskins I have sitting here collecting dust? ;)
    @Christopher – Oooh I like that name – Hollywood Undead – adding it to my list, thanks!
    @Leslie – Love me some Simon and Garfunkle – we play their albums all the time here ;) So relaxing! (And I’ll assume “blow money” is not the kind that’s white and gets snorted? ;))
    @Money Infant – Awesome! Going now to check out – that’s fun :)

  45. Kristin February 11, 2012 at 2:27 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? – I bought drinks last night before dinner with the boyfriend.
    How about the last thing you returned? – About to return a necklace….bought it to work with my charm, but for some reason the two don’t work together…booo
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? A couple of pennies, I don’t care cash often.
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? – I would put it towards my student loans. Have been trying to pay extra on them so I can get them paid off sooner!
    What’s your favorite album right now? – Caro Emerald…check her out.
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? – The boyfriend…lucky guy.

  46. Hermoine February 11, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    1. Vehicle registration : (
    2. Wallet to TJMaxx because the coin purse wouldn’t stay shut
    3. 12.00 which is unusual for me to carry cash but I promised to buy girl scout cookies
    4. Take my 16 year old out for his birthday this week
    5. Have bought in years but would like to hear Evanescence newest one
    6. my cats, husband and I would kiss the teen but I am only allowed head bumps now

  47. Jefferson February 11, 2012 at 5:14 PM

    What was the last thing you purchased? — I guess debt payments dont really count as purchases.. I recently subscribed to the Sunday edition of the local paper. We can get coupons for $1.25 each week instead of $2.00. Its like a coupon for coupons.

    How about the last thing you returned? — My wife returned several overpriced items to “The Limited” when we started our current journey out of debt.

    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? Not a cent.. Only a debit card. We’re going “cash free” these days.

    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? – Straight to the credit cards.. Nothing fun for now. There will be plenty of cash for that later.

    What’s your favorite album right now? – Great question.. I love talking about music. Mumford has been a favorite for 2 years now.. Im glad you found them. They have blown up so much that they might be playing stadiums the next time they come through town. If you like Mumford.. I would recommend two bands who seem to occupy a regular spot in my 6-disc changer: The Dodos and Frightened Rabbit.

    Who was the last person you kissed? – Probably my 7 month year old baby. She giggles when we kiss her. So.. well.. we kiss her alot :)

  48. Ella February 12, 2012 at 5:53 AM

    1. The last thing I purchased was groceries.
    2. The last thing I returned was ou cable TV stuff. We have decided to go without!
    3.There’s about $50 in my wallet right now. I usually never have money in my wallet but was out in town yesterday and chose to bring cash and leave my credit card so I wouldn’trisk to n go all crazy with my CC!
    4. $100 in cash would definitely go to my CC debt.
    5. I’ve been listening to the XX album a lot.
    6. My cat! (because my bf has been off on a mini-vacation for a couple of days)

  49. J. Money February 13, 2012 at 9:37 AM

    @Kristin – Caro Emerald – roger that! Will throw it on rotation here shortly, thanks :)
    @Hermoine – Head bumps?? Hahahhaa… that is awesome. I can’t wait to have teenage kids ;)
    @Jefferson – Awesome!!! I’ll def. check out those two bands then, I love that kind of music so much!! Thanks – really cool stuff.
    @Ella – XX? Haha… interesting :) Will check it out!

  50. KC @ PsychoMoney February 14, 2012 at 9:33 AM

    @J. Money
    I was trying to make some really good chicken wings for my wife, her favorite, but we are on this all natural thing with no preservatives and we are staying away from a lot of those processed oils. Lard is normally unprocessed and really good for deep frying wings, but the stuff I got had all kinds of additives in it. So being the health nuts we are we had to return that brand of lard for another(I know that sounds so weird).

  51. J. Money February 14, 2012 at 7:05 PM

    Haha… yes, does sound weird, but hey – you gotta do what you gotta do! No shame in that :)

  52. Bmoney February 15, 2012 at 12:50 AM

    What was the last thing you purchased? – 2 reams of paper
    How about the last thing you returned? – a shirt i got for christmas
    How much is in your wallet/purse right now? – $21 dollars
    What would you do with an extra $100 in cash? – I would use it to get me through this week!
    What’s your favorite album right now? – the new 50 cent – Up Up
    **EXTRA CREDIT** Who was the last person you kissed? – My neice!

  53. J. Money February 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM

    New 50 cent?? What? How did I miss that? Going right now to iTunes, thanks for the heads up!