25 Cheapy Ways to Entertain Yourself This Summer

So we’re off to the beach for a WEEK and I’m elated! Not only because of all the relaxing we’re gonna do though, but also for the chance to get some good ol’ family quality time in.  And what’s better, it’ll all be FREE! (*evil laugh*)

Yup, just like many of you out there I surmise, every year us siblings get a nice little break from reality and the chance to mooch off the Bank of Mom & Dad for a week ;)  All the food and shelter we can get!  Haha…it’s dope. And it also reminded me of this list I’ve been meaning to post up here for a while now on cheap Summer activities.

I had asked my V.I.P. Newsletter peeps to share some of their favorites a while back (cuz I was tired of doing the same things all the time!) and what I got back was incredible.  So many things I’ve totally forgotten about over the years!  So if you have a goldfish brain like me as well, pay attention young chap :) You might be able to impress your lady w/ some of these…

25 Cheap & Awesome Summer Activities (Esp. #14)

  1. Bingo Night at the local VFW hall (bring your dollars!)
  2. Drive Thru In movie theatres
  3. Geocaching (we’re gonna do this @ the beach :))
  4. “Free Day” museums, aquariums, etc.
  5. Ice Cream dates
  6. SEX
  7. Rodeo!
  8. Frisbee golfing
  9. Shooting Range (if you bring your own guns & ammunition)
  10. Gardening and planting some of your own veggies
  11. Volunteering with an animal rescue group
  12. Attending free lectures, local concerts
  13. Making your own pizzas
  14. Camping.  Naked.
  15. Hiking (not naked)
  16. Blogging! (Hah!)
  17. Bowhunting
  18. Intramural sports (like futbol)
  19. Watching your local minor league baseball team
  20. Rollerblading (just like 1993, baby!)
  21. Texas Hold’Em tournament
  22. Wii tournament
  23. Trap Shooting
  24. Football & bbq with friends.
  25. “P-Ho” (I had to ask for an explanation on this one, but basically it’s a game where you take turns throwing frisbees at these poles with beer bottles on ’em.  The more you knock down or hit, the more pts (and street cred) you get ;) )

Some good ideas, right? I haven’t heard the words “rollerblading” or “drive thru theatres” in ages.  Nor “Bowhunting” for that matter ;) Although I think there’s a reference to it in Napoleon Dynamite?  But in any case, hopefully some of you will be able to participate in a few of these over the Summer and really get out there and enjoy yourselves.

You have any others to add to the list?  Perhaps some more references to the 80’s? ;)
(Photo by CarbonNYC)

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  1. Amy July 2, 2010 at 8:48 AM

    You forgot picnics. Those are some summer fun.

  2. Robin July 2, 2010 at 9:48 AM

    Drive Thru movie? Do you mean a “Drive In” movie, where you go and watch the movie in your car? A Drive Thru movie would be a blockbuster that hands out the DVDs through their window!

  3. michelle July 2, 2010 at 11:19 AM

    LOL i think i’ll go with #6 over the long weekend to save some cash

  4. Kimberly July 2, 2010 at 11:39 AM

    Go to the zoo! The one around here is free (minus parking) but that might be because it’s the Smithsonian National Zoo, so I don’t know if other zoos are free but it’s definitely awesome summer fun! And ‘young chaps’ should definitely be able to impress their lady friends with this one. :)

  5. Aury (Thunderdrake) July 2, 2010 at 12:29 PM

    Drive thrus.

    They’re always awesome. :D

  6. jolie July 2, 2010 at 12:50 PM

    What? no naked Bowhunting???? I am soo disappointed in you :P

    Geocaching is fantastic!! My boys love it and there are so many spots around here we didn’t even know about.

    It’s times like these I wish we lived in a larger center. Lots more to do for free. Enjoy the camping with your parents.

  7. Miss Jane July 2, 2010 at 1:22 PM

    We call them “Album Nights”, basically getting your musician friends and making up songs on the fly and recording the whole session. Essentially writing an “album”. Good times, silliness, and cheap if you tell your friends to BYOB :)

    Works just as well with acoustic instruments and a porch :)

    I’ve been wanting to try the Geocaching thing. Sounds fun!

  8. Donna Freedman July 2, 2010 at 2:14 PM

    14. Camping. Naked.
    I recently wrote a post called “14 insanely cheap ways to entertain yourself this summer.” Here’s one that riffs off your second suggestion:
    Create your own “drive-in”: Weather permitting, set up a TV in your driveway and screen movies outdoors. Kids are especially delighted by anything out of the ordinary. But don’t be surprised if grown-up neighbors also walk over to see what’s on.
    To see the other 13 ideas, go to http://www.donnafreedman.com/2010/06/27/14-insanely-cheap-ways-to-have-fun-this-summer/
    And seriously: Mosquitoes! Mosquitoes having at parts of your body that are usually protected — and that later on are difficult to scratch in public. And don’t get me started on ticks.

  9. J. Money July 2, 2010 at 2:30 PM

    @Amy – Yes! And I could have sworn I had that in there…at the beach. I probably swapped it out for SEX or something :)
    @Robin – Hahaha….yes, drive-in, that’s the one. Although I just copied & pasted that one in there. At like 2 a.m. ;)
    @michelle – You might even be able to make some $? haha…what?
    @Kimberly – I agree! One of Mrs Budgetsaresexy and I’s first dates were at the zoo. It’s great in the Fall too when the weather’s behaving.
    @Aury (Thunderdrake) – Are you making fun of me too? :)
    @jolie – Naked Bowhunting! haha…now that’s something you don’t hear everyday. If I ever try it you’ll be the first to know.
    @Miss Jane – Damn, I wish I had friends that talented! We all just pretend we’re rockstars and go out partying and telling people we’re working on a music video ;) It actually works sometimes too. Only thing is none of us can play an instrument which kinda sucks…. one day, though!
    @Donna Freedman – Haha…well obviously you’ve never gone camping in Awesome-ville ;) There, only good things happen. I’ll go check out your other ideas but only if there’s a reference to beer. (is there?)

  10. Yana July 2, 2010 at 3:43 PM

    Those favorite articles of yours are interesting. Re: Why immigrants are more successful than you, I don’t agree. I don’t think particularly successful immigrants are all about money; rather, they value money and put it in its correct place. They do the work they are able to do, and in the case of certain immigrants, they do this in order to save and send/take the money where it has much more value than here.

    http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/09/27/immigrant.money/index.html – Old story, but it reflects a real work ethic and good sense of the value of actual work and money. Americans in general do not aspire to become dishwashers because they consider it beneath them, but they may not have the saving ability that this man has.

    As far as rich people being miserable, that article is about miserable work, and could be applied to people at any income level.

    Love that list of summer activities. I like a couple of them ;)

  11. Dustin | Engaged Marriage July 2, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    Come on, man, I told you bowhunting is a Fall activity (and one of my faves). Summer is definitely the time for those naked ideas of yours.

  12. J. Money July 2, 2010 at 4:12 PM

    @Yana – What I like about those kinds of articles is that they grab our attention and forces us to think ;) I don’t always agree with them at times, but for someone to get me to stop and actually read an entire long post like that is amazing. You’d never see it on a corporate site or newspaper ;)
    @Dustin | Engaged Marriage – Haha, was that yours? I could have sworn you told me you and the mrs go hunting in the nude…fishing too, right? ;)

  13. Aida July 5, 2010 at 3:25 PM

    I really like number 14, ha ha, thats funny. Good list!

  14. Russ July 5, 2010 at 6:43 PM

    25. “P-Ho” = BEERSBEE (Beer+Frisbee)

    Great game that can be played with minimum of two people and absolutely no maximum! Very drunk, very fun!


  15. kobisiva July 5, 2010 at 9:22 PM

    6. Sex :( now a days very expensive