The $750 “No Excuses” Hustler Giveaway!

Okay guys, If you’ve been sitting on your patukuses waiting to start that side hustle of yours, now’s your chance to get on it! My friends at and I are partnering up to give one of you lucky s.o.b.s $750 worth of whatever it is you need to get that hustle of yours launched and out the door. And if you’re already rockin’ one, we’ll help you upgrade!

We know money can be an obstacle with this stuff, so we’re clearing that hurdle today and giving you no excuses to get out there and finally kill it :) Need a new laptop? We got you. Digital camera? Done. 20 chickens and 3 goats for that organic farm? No problem! Okay, well maybe that’ll be a problem – where do you buy goats these days? –  but we’d happily take up the challenge ;)

The point is, we want you to go out and finally start that dream of yours. And sometimes all you need is a little push to set things into motion.

About our partner:

deals2buy logoSister site to, Deals2Buy is all about the deals and saving you money. They’re known for their computer deals & gadgets more than anything else, but they also offer discounts on watches, home goods, toys, clothes, and pretty much anything else that’s a great deal out there.

You can find their site at (d’uh), and we thank them for fronting us the money to do this giveaway today! So awesome of them!!

How to win this $750 Prize:

Okay, so if you want to enter today’s giveaway you REALLY have to put some thought into what it is you actually *need* for this side hustle of yours. Is it merely a “thing” or two to get you started, or is it some type of service? Do you need advice on anything, or is it simply a matter of getting X,Y, and Z and being on your way?

We want you to use this $750 as efficiently as possible so you can put aside the excuses and get right to it. WE WANT YOU TO KILL IT!

So step #1 to entering this contest is answering the following question:

“What hustle will you be starting (or continuing), and how can you use $750?”

Leave your answer down in the comments below, and then follow on to step #2:

Step #2: Share this giveaway with at least one other person. It can be through Twitter, Facebook, or some good ol’ fashion emailing action. However you do it is fine by us – we just want to get the word out and people thinking more :) Here’s a blurb you can use:

“Want $750 to start a side biz? Check out the “No Excuses” Hustler Giveaway by @BudgetsAreSexy & @Deals2Buy –>

That’s it! Tell us you’ve shared it, along with your answer to how you’d use this $750, and you’ll be entered and ready to go. We’ll leave this up until the end of the month (June 30th), and then the esteemed panel over at Deals2Buy along with yours truly will review ’em and select a winner. So make your entries good as this one ain’t random, baby!

Good luck, my little hustlers!

Giveaway ends 6/30/13 @ 12 pm EST, open to residents of the U.S. and Canada, 18+.

[Bad-ass shirt snapped by Andrea Whitmer]

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  1. Jay June 18, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    I’ve always wanted to start my own company, but I’ve always been too nervous to leave the comfort and steady paycheck of a 9-5. For the past year, I’ve been developing mobile and web application ideas to start a software development firm.

    I’ve met with a lawyer, come up with a name, logo, and a business plan… now all I need is aprox $800-$1,000 to actually incorporate as an LLC in NYS to become legit and start on my journey!

    I’d start slow at first since I’m still in graduate school and can’t just quit by job outright, but within a year I want to be able to make enough to live off ramen and then go full steam ahead.

    The $750 would let me be comfortable taking the jump and finally get me started on my journey :)

  2. James Lathrop June 18, 2013 at 7:56 AM

    My ultimate goal is to own an Arcade. I’m currently working on that by selling a lot of my stuff or flipping items on eBay and Craigslist (like Xboxes and Magic cards). I currently have a 6 tier plan to get the stage. First few tiers involve purchasing candy and gum machines to help me start generating some money needed to get arcade machines. I will put these candy and gum machines (and eventually the arcade systems I buy in the future) in different stores in my area. All generating money to sustain themselves and money for the next tier. The final tier is of course opening an Arcade in my area.

    Having $750 would help me purchase my first machine and get the business licenses and permits needed to start.

    I did share this already on Twitter and Facebook.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 10:57 AM

      LOVE that idea!!! Super old school – you don’t often hear about that as much anymore. Good luck winning :)

  3. Thomas @ Mr Moneyvator June 18, 2013 at 8:06 AM

    I think whatever I used it for it would have to be selling a service. I’ve tried selling products before and way too many problems arise.

  4. downunder sugarglider June 18, 2013 at 8:38 AM

    Arrgghh – are you sure you can’t include Australia? I’m sure something could be worked out! I’ve come up with a online business idea to support small community service clubs and am talking to a lawyer tomorrow morning!! Your timing is amazing! I’ve got the business understanding, have found a web developer I can trust. I will have to keep my full time job but I’ve been calling this my “side hustle” for a while now and that way of looking at it makes it a bit easier to comprehend and get started. I could sure use $750 of computing equipment and software to develop and run the new site.
    I’ve shared you on Facebook

    1. downunder sugarglider June 18, 2013 at 8:39 AM

      or $750 of online coaching / mentoring re: blogging and running an online business – and that mentor could be in the USA! Up there for thinking ….. down there for dancing …

      1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 10:59 AM

        haha… sorry my friend, not for this giveaway but you do know I do blog consulting on the side, right? If you ever wanna chat shoot me line: I’m sure we could figure something out :)

  5. Craig June 18, 2013 at 9:12 AM

    Starting a side consulting business to do after work hours to make a few extra bucks to beef up my Roth IRA. I would use the money to help with payments for my grad school class.

  6. Wild Orchid June 18, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    I could really use this to further my husband’s computer repair business. He handles the hands-on stuff and I handle his paperwork and marketing.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  7. Wild Orchid June 18, 2013 at 9:14 AM


  8. Nicholas Smith June 18, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    I’m creating a side hustle writing some software for web apps and mobile apps. I just bought a new laptop for my side hustle, but I still need some gadgets for testing, like an iPad/iPod, Android tablet. I also need to create a logo, where my attempts so far have been futile. I believe having a logo done for me will run around $200, the rest of the money I would spend on test equipment. My first software product will be a stats program, and I’ve already got an interested organization. I just need to finish the software and test it.
    I’m going to send this via email to my brother. He’s also interested in possibly starting a company.

    1. Nicholas Smith June 18, 2013 at 9:20 AM

      I also put it up on my twitter account: @Vnsmith5

  9. Javier June 18, 2013 at 9:30 AM

    I would use the $750 to help my wife create an online accessory business. This would cover creating her LLC, website and getting inventory to start. This is something that she loves so why not get paid to do what she loves. This will also help to create additional income to pay off all of our debt.

    @jmoney you should add a hash tag to this to make it easier to track via social media when shared….I retweeted your twitter post just now

  10. S. Rasheem June 18, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    I am writing a book that is part of a bigger movement that combines my HEAD my HEART and equals out to my HUSTLE. I just need a light weight laptop to do it so I can write anywhere and more frequently.

    More about the Movement:
    The book is titled “Be More” the genre is inspirational/ self-help. Be More is a combination of spiritual, psychological and practical concepts that raise reader’s awareness of their unlimited potential. It is a tribute to the struggle, strength and evolution of the human heart through unconditional self-acceptance, compassion and growth. The book is designed to guide readers through divine self-discovery by immersing them into an entire experience using worksheets and action guides at the end of each chapter.

    What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. –Abraham Maslov

    This book is for the song that lives within you that does not want to die unheard.
    • Unlock the origin of what motivates you and how to leverage it to Be More.
    • Uncover limiting beliefs and move beyond the demobilizing stories you tell yourself.
    • Become intentional by using step by step guides in the book to help you get clear on your next best move.
    • Learn how to resist the temptation to be persuaded by any condition that is not congruent with the strength of your vision to “Be More”.

    I am on a mission to inspire audiences and organizations. This movement functions on the premise that there is something in all of us that seeks to be fully expressed if only we could get to the heart of what it is and what to do with it. The vision of the Movement is a collective conscious of people who realize their unlimited potential and use it to help others. The mission of the Movement is to help people let go of who they think they are suppose to be to embrace who they really are. The other components of The Be More Movement include, workbooks, action guides, inspirational poetry CD’s, workshops and speaking engagements. The primary objectives of The Be More Movement are to:

    • Transform humankind’s awareness of him/herself.
    • Provide individuals and (nonprofit) organizations tools to Be More, one day at a time.
    • Cultivate a collective consciousness of people who help people that help people

    Be More, the book is part of a larger program called The Be More Movement.
    Be More the book invites readers who would like to continue this journey a myriad of ways to enhance and deepen their Be More experience.

    The Inspirational Poetry CD is a great compliment that includes musical sounds from all over the world. It is a meditative tool to drive the message and idea of being more even deeper into the sub-consciousness of the listeners.

    In addition to audio stimulation readers can also sign up to be a part of a program with a curriculum that supports their process of reaching beyond limitations imaginary or real to realize their true potential.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM

      You’ve pretty put some time and passion into this – that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing it with us and we wish you luck whether you win or not!

  11. S. Rasheem June 18, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    I will post on a private small business woman fb page that I am a member of.

  12. Jeremy @ My Financial Road June 18, 2013 at 9:46 AM

    So many ideas and $750 would be huge! I’m an undergrad and there are so many services you could start on campus to help students and especially freshman. I have a multitude of different options. I also know the restaurant industry extremely well and have had the thoughts to open a small bistro type restaurant with a buddy of mine. Endless opportunities with that much money!

  13. Opposable_Thumb June 18, 2013 at 9:49 AM

    WOW! 750 smackolas would get me where I need to be with my (pending) side hustle. My goal is to be a side hustle prodigy extraordinaire! I’ve learned so much from this blog and it inspires me (literally) daily! I’ve seen how the right side hustle can change one’s life and I WILL make it happen for me one day win or no win here. I want to start a side photography business. Specifically, real estate photography….after all, realtors are everywhere, right?! Here’s what I’d do with the $750 if I won:

    $370 Lighting kit
    $250 Photography Website (and support)
    Total = $620
    Remaining to pay forward here (please give the remaining to someone else so we both can get crackin’ on our side hustle!) = $130

    I’ve shared the love via Twitter! Good luck to all!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:01 AM

      Awwwww brownie points for that leftover money ;) Glad you’re enjoying the site!

  14. Cameron Thomson June 18, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    Hi J! As per my side hustle “I clean cars for money” I could use that money to buy lots of car cleaning products and get an outside water tap and hose fitted to my house, that would make the whole process a lot easier! I could even get a new vacuum with that kind of money :)

    Thanks J

  15. Jeff Sustainable Life June 18, 2013 at 10:26 AM

    I would use this money to test out some advertisements for my webstore, trying to grow sales & traffic with it.

  16. Jennifer June 18, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    With $750, my husband and I could build a small building in our backyard with a paint booth! We currently build custom bicycles, but have to bring them to a paint shop… but if we had our own, we could save a ton of money!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:02 AM

      ooooh great idea!

  17. Tamar June 18, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    My hustle will be about me. I have recently gotten into fitness and want to invest in some products/clothing to help motivate me. Fitness products such as the Fitbit have been really helpful for others, and I want to try it and get serious about my health.

    1. Tamar June 18, 2013 at 10:46 AM

      (hit send too early)

      As the side biz part of this, I will be turning this fitness side project into reviewing those products too, possibly via blog or other platform.

      Tweet sent as @tamarsw

  18. Zac June 18, 2013 at 10:52 AM

    I’ve started to put myself out there as a professional photographer. I just got started and could use the $750 to build up my marketing and get some clients. You can see some of my work at:

    Emailed to Friends

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:03 AM

      Damn – you’re pretty good!

  19. Jackie Steinmetz June 18, 2013 at 11:06 AM


    I recently quit my job managing a department at a mid-sized software company to further pursue my own hustle – that is, the vegan cookie company that I am growing slowly but surely ( and my freelance writing and marketing consulting business ( They’re both small and approaching that make or break it point. Now this is completely terrifying because I have a 2 year old and a mortgage and all that good stuff; man are diapers expensive.

    Right after I decided to do the full time hustle, my computer started acting up. It sure is hard to write thousands of words in a day when it freezes up every two seconds. I’d use the $750 to get a new computer!

    I shared this with my friends via email – and thanks for your consideration!


    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:05 AM

      LOVING the name “SweetMonkees” – that’s awesome :) And you’re right – going out on your own is scary! Especially during the make/break it point. Keep your head up and keep pushing hard my friend! Wishing you tons of success whether you win the giveaway or not!

  20. Nick @ June 18, 2013 at 11:37 AM

    I would use the $750 to beef up my blogging side hustle. I wouldn’t mind getting set up on AWeber and using some of the money to get some custom graphics designed for my site. I also would like to get in touch with a web designer to get a custom theme built. Actually, there are is no shortage of things I could use that money for on my blog. :)

  21. Alane June 18, 2013 at 11:40 AM

    Shared. Purchased a house for rental and in the process of renovations- this will be my first one. $750 would help with painting and appliances. Thanks!

  22. Stefanie June 18, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    I am in dire need of a new computer. Between my blogging, personal assisting, and acting careers I basically live off of my laptop- and after five years, my baby has had it. $750 would go along way in getting an updated computer with updated software systems and programs to pump up both my blog and my professional acting website Sharing this with my fellow hustlers now!

  23. Angella June 18, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    I would use the $750 to put towards my etsy store. I’d get a new camera ($200) so I can start getting better pictures, then use the rest towards supplies and advertising as needed. It’s been a great way to bring in some extra income, but I know with a little more money (and time!) I could do much better!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:13 AM

      PS: Your post on “less is more” was brilliant. Enjoyed reading your terrifying story as a freshman too! Only cuz I can relate though, it sounded horrible ;)

  24. Samantha June 18, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    I posted this on Facebook!

    My side hustle is planning weddings. I could really use this $750 giveaway! I need a nice digital camera to put pictures of the weddings I coordinate onto my website… brides are looking for beautiful details, not just words. Deals2Buy has some great camera deals!!!

    I could also buy a professional sign for a booth at bridal shows! That would help me get in front of lots of brides at one time. Right now, my “advertising” budget consists of $0 for word of mouth.

    And with the last $200, I would finally upgrade to a smartphone, so I could email my clients right away, from anywhere. Hustling is expensive!

  25. Grayson @ Debt Roundup June 18, 2013 at 12:39 PM

    I would use it to turn my business into an LLC and start marketing my services to more people. I would want to be covered from liabilities before I do more work. My business would encompass my blog and many of the other online things that I do.

  26. LifeorDebt June 18, 2013 at 12:59 PM

    I’m an artist with three kids living the life of a stay-at-home mom. I need $750 to buy me 7.5 10 hour days of babysitting so that I can be an artist! 10 uninterrupted hours for me to work would be priceless- and allow me to put my best work out, not the work I produce at midnight after chasing three kids around!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:14 AM

      hah! Great use of the money actually – I like that :)

  27. Daniel Byrd June 18, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    “What hustle will you be starting (or continuing), and how can you use $750?”

    Hi J$. I was an EMT for a medium sized metropolitan city for 10 years before moving on up. While serving, I became a CPR / Basic Life Support / Automatic External Defibrillator instructor so that everyday Joe Citizen can learn to save lives as well. It’s not much money, but it gives me a feeling of doing something GREAT. The $750 would sure come in handy to buy new manakins for my students to train on.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:15 AM

      Interesting one! Can’t say I would have guess someone would have brought manikins up ;) Good for you on helping others as well – that’s awesome.

  28. Wunderwriter June 18, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    I would utilize the $750 to finally go back to real estate school and update my license (I’m a licensed realtor but can no longer advise on lending due to new regulations and courses I’ve yet to complete). I’ve been out of mortgage lending for over five years (since my own company went under in the boom gone bust days); I never made an ineligible or unsaleable loan, but was still caught up in the negative publicity and lost over $150,000 (which I foolishly charged on credit cards and a home equity line of credit). I’ve been paying off the debt ever since, took a non-mortgage job five years ago that I still have to this day, but I miss lending every day and take every opportunity to help anyone I can with the best advise I can offer. I would LOVE to complete the classes and start a business (on my own this time, no partners) helping people prepare for a mortgage, i.e. getting their credit score up, assisting with budgeting, savings, etc. I’ve been through it all (and I have the scars to show for it). I’ve recently been helping my son and daughter in law apply for a mortgage, and seeing first hand the terrible assistance their receiving (from someone I referred them to) reminded me of the passion I have for helping people achieve the dream of home ownership. I’d love to have the opportunity to do so again!

    I’m posting this contest to Facebook!

    Good luck picking a winner :-) Great contest!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:16 AM

      Thanks! Great entry!

  29. Shafi June 18, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    I am retired. I am on Social Security. It’s enough to buy food but that’s about it. I also pay for utilities. I don’t have anything going right now except the blog I post to everyday.

  30. Scott Rassbach June 18, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    Our side hustle is a farming non-GMO pasture raised rabbits for meat and dairy goats (craigslist has a surprising number of goats for sale). What’d we do with $750 is build a prototype of a rabbit colony for our kickstarter. Most rabbits are raised in 2 x 3 cages, by themselves. That’s not natural for rabbits. We want to build an 8 x 8 colony with 5 does in it, for them to be able to live more like rabbbits do. Additionally, colonies are cheaper to build than cages. We’re looking at selling rabbit meat to restaurants and gourmands in the Portland, OR area.

    We might also buy another goat. Goats can run $100-$250. We have one now, and she’s giving us between a pint and a quart of goat milk per day. So, with another goat, we could be getting enough milk to start making some cheese and/or soap.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:18 AM

      Thanks for the info on goats!! I knew someone here would be up to some animal stuff ;)

  31. Scott Rassbach June 18, 2013 at 1:43 PM

    Shared on my personal FB page.

  32. Vincci June 18, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    I would love to use the $750 to remodel our kitchen and then be able to share it on our blog:

    Sharing your contest on FB!

  33. Erica W. June 18, 2013 at 2:22 PM

    I’d like to start an Etsy shop where I sell Photoshop design templates to supplement my photography business during the “off-season.” I would like to upgrade my copy of Photoshop Elements to Adobe Creative Cloud, which I can do at the discounted student rate. I would also like to invest in the digital papers and other digital art tools to support my design work and create an appealing and professional looking Etsy storefront.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. One Frugal Girl June 18, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    We could use that money to find new employees for our small business. We just started attending career fairs in the hopes of finding new talent and when you are up against Googles and Microsoft you need a little bling-bling to lure them to your table :)

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:19 AM

      Hah! What’s your small business about?

  35. Caitlin June 18, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    Here is my idea:

    Custom Credit Card Sleeves and Envelopes

    Okay, you see these everywhere with company logos on them etc, but what if they had inspiring sayings to support savings or better yet, could seal? I got into credit card trouble after grad school and found the only way to make progress was to not carry any credit card around with me. Living totally off debit/cash was a huge change for the positive, but there were times when I was travelling or wanted it my pocket for emergencies that require a credit card, such as renting a car. But if I had easy access, it was too easy to really, really “need” those shoes on sale. Ever see the scene in Confessions of a Shopaholic where Isla Fischer freezes her credit card in a block of ice to stop herself from using it? I am using that principle, but anyone can carry it anywhere.

    So, my idea is to use the $750 to create custom Tyvek peel/seal envelopes and open-end credit card sleeves with different art. Funny, well-designed, possibly inspirational designs. Tyvek cannot be ripped, so you have to cut open a sealed envelope, not just tear it open. Or, the open end sleeves are not sealed but can act as a protector and reminder all in one. I can market them, design the sleeves/envelopes, whip up a website and source the printing myself b/c I already do all of the above as my career. I also know mail regulations and how to set up a system to mail orders out easily and quickly. I just don’t have the cash right now to do the first print order. $750 would get me set-up with ~5000 sleeves and mailing envelopes for 1500 orders.

    Ideas include:

    –“Only in Case of Emergencies” for parents to give a teen or college student a credit card that really is only every supposed to be used in emergencies. This could also be cash in the envelope to go in their wallet, but tidily packaged up.
    –“I am saving $____ for _____.” Leaving room to use a Sharpie to write in a goal amount and what it is for, to stop anyone from spending needlessly when reminded that “I am saving $5000 for my dream wedding.”
    –“We do read every line of the credit card statement. Love, Your Parents”
    –Famous quotes about frugality, maybe even a JMoney one!
    –I have more ideas, but this gets the gist across.

    This is not an idea that would have me rolling in the dough but maybe I could earn a tad of cash to go towards my student loans while helping other people save. Or using it as a tool to I would sell them in sets of three for a price TBD. Open to suggestions for cost. What would you pay?

    At worst, I can use these as lead for my marketing consulting side hustle!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:25 AM

      SO COOL!!!!! I’d totally buy some off you too. For some reason $10 for a pack of 3 come to mind? But really I’d buy them as long as they were less than $20 and give them out to people as gifts or giveaways on this site or something :) Especially if there was a J. Money quote on it! haha…

      Way to put in the time and effort into this idea, it’s definitely recognized. If you don’t win maybe I can help you get jumpstarted in other ways… I’m gonna think on this one.

  36. Barry Chiang June 18, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    Posted on Facebook and shared via email!

    I just got married and am trying to save up for a house while exploring a new occupation! I’m an aspiring iOS developer and would love to get a new Mac to help with development and testing of iOS apps!

  37. Pauline June 18, 2013 at 5:53 PM

    Shared on Twitter :)
    I am starting a new side hustle… about side hustles!! My new website is called Make Money Your Way and will go over the many, many ways you can make a little extra money, from blogging to real estate to investing to starting a new business or even improving your career to earn more at your day job.
    $750 can go towards a fabulous web design or a VA to help kick start the site like it should!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:26 AM

      Why doesn’t that surprise me? :)

  38. ashley June 18, 2013 at 7:10 PM

    i have a blog that I want to start that would help publicize a book I am writing. The money would help with buying my own domain name and feedblitz expenses.

  39. Sam @ June 18, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    I’m a student with nearly $40k in loan debt. I would do anything to begin paying it off in school. I’ve begun a website,, to try and do just that. I would put this money towards a new, custom wordpress theme and logo. The excess would immediately go to student loans.

    Thanks for this incredible contest!

  40. Christine @ ThePursuitofGreen June 18, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Woot! Thank you J Money and Deals2Buy!!! This is one awesome giveaway!

    Since I just started my blog, that $750 could go toward the maintenance of the site, better advertising, and other paid services that will help a blog get marketed and known. Also, down the line, money for a developer to help customize the blog.

  41. Alexa June 18, 2013 at 8:49 PM

    I would work on my niche sites.(Newest: Coonhuntersclub (dot) com) :) I would love to be able to hire a writer to help me kick them in gear!!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:26 AM

      Now that’s definitely niche!

  42. Lynda June 18, 2013 at 9:12 PM

    my husband and i want to start a side business and $750 would be TREMENDOUS HELP! i want to start something like a consignment shop type thing for basketball shoes, first by starting online. this money would definitely help us in creating a website and in our marketing/advertising.

  43. Neil June 18, 2013 at 10:33 PM

    I started a website that let’s people play mobile-based scavenger hunts in Chicago ( The scavenger hunts are currently played on your browser on your mobile phone, but I’d love to also offer them as an app for Android and iPhone. The $750 would help me buy a cheap mac for development and pay for the iOS developer license. Thanks!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:28 AM

      Nice! I have an idea for a great scavenger project too one day – so that’s right up my alley :)

  44. Kelsey J. June 18, 2013 at 10:34 PM

    I’d love the cash to go toward my airfare for a blog conference I’m going to and maybe a new camera to for my blog photos!

  45. Mike@WeOnlyDoThisOnce June 18, 2013 at 10:42 PM

    Great idea, and an appropriate amount to keep a small startup to the necessities!

  46. Lani Lopez June 19, 2013 at 5:13 AM

    I’ve been thinking about doing a real estate broker course so I can become a buyers realtor agent here in NYC. I just found out I’m having a baby Lopez on the way and I thought what better motivation to start making this a realization so I can make my own hours. Did I mention I am also about to close on my house and I can already see to make a small office in my finish basement. ;) I guess if you give me the lemons.. Ill be making lemonade out of those guilt free to spend as I wish $750!!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:29 AM

      Woohoo! Big life changes – congrats!

  47. Aimee June 19, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    One word. And it eats most of the cash in one bite but the what’s left goes to purchasing raw materials.


    When you make any kind of body product, insurance is crucial. I can’t sell my awesome lip balm right now because insurance will do me in. But if that were paid for …. hello sales!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:32 AM

      Ack! I love me some lip balm too – use it every day.

  48. Gretchen H. June 19, 2013 at 1:05 PM

    I would love to win $750 towards a new laptop. I am working on starting my own blog and bakery (out-of-home, to start) and mine is junked. It’s been taken in for repairs and…nothing works on it. This would be a giant step in the process of helping my dream come true. Thanks for the chance!

  49. Brittany June 19, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    I shared this contest via email.

    I would use the $750 toward to purchase of almost $3k worth of professional software to use in my side hustle as a lighting designer. I work as a master electrician and stagehand to make money as a freelancer already. I already know how to use the software, and currently use it in my fulltime job that I am leaving in 2 weeks to go full- time with designing and working as an electrician.

    It would be an amazing help and step.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM

      Ooooh well congrats on the huge leap! Sounds exciting!

  50. Kelli June 19, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    My husband and I have been talking about starting our own online store but haven’t yet taken the plunge. The $750 would go toward a new laptop since my current one is quite old and on its last legs so I would have a faster, fully functional computer to use when starting up our small business.

  51. Moises Campos June 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM

    I created a brochure of the best clubs, and restaurants in Baja, Mexico. If I win the $750, I could expand my hustle by creating a website. I shared via tweet.

  52. Crystal Porter June 19, 2013 at 6:21 PM

    I’m an independent musician and I would use the $750 to help put out my debut album.

  53. Elizabeth Waniewski June 19, 2013 at 7:02 PM

    I’m going to be reselling items, I buy from other places. $750 will get for me a storage unit, a small booth in an antique mall, and most important, tax assistance. I want to get my business to benefit me in every singe possible way.

    I shared on twitter 6/19/13

    Beautiful hustling everybody!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:34 AM

      Awesome one!

  54. Katie Roch June 19, 2013 at 7:51 PM

    I will be continuing my venture of selling fashion on ebay. I could use the money to invest in items to resell and also items that will help me sell the pieces I’m buying. I would love to get another mannequin, some shipping supplies, and a new camera to take pictures for my store.

    I shared on twitter

  55. Heather June 20, 2013 at 12:10 AM

    So this is all still in the planning stage, but I would like to create a personal finance blog with a different spin. My husband and I have had a really hard couple of years and ended up filing bankruptcy. Our world is turning around and I’d like to share our experiences with the bloggersphere. I perused the Internet for similar blogs and only found one that is similar and she hasn’t posted for years. I know there are others out there that are contemplating or going through something similar.

    I’d like to see where this could go. Hopefully one day turning into a side hustle, but if nothing else it will give me a venue to express my frustrations and achievements. Kind of like self-therapy. I by no means am a finance expert, but I think I can provide a viewpoint that isn’t already out there.

    With the $750 I would cover the blog start-up fees and part of a new laptop. I currently use a netbook with a microscopic screen. Something bigger would be a welcome change. I also need to find guidance on how to do this all anonymously.

    P.S. I shared your post via email with the few people I have told about this blog idea.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:38 AM

      It’s a good spin on finance for sure :) Whenever you’re in the mood you should just hit up and start one right away. It’s free and takes like literally 5 minutes. Make up a pen name and then start blogging your heart out! You can find great themes and designs too for free or cheap to get your started – then if it’s all working swimmingly start investing in upgrades.

      Just my 2 cents anyways. You’re still entered in the giveaway either way :)

  56. Bob M June 20, 2013 at 5:11 AM

    shared via facebook.
    $750 could go toward some of the initial web development and branding costs for a tourism-related company I and my spouse would like to start up, aimed at Latin Americans visiting Florida.

  57. Victoria Carlson June 20, 2013 at 8:24 AM

    I would LOVE to start my photography side hustle! I have always wanted to do photography on the side but have never seemed to find enough money to purchase the kind of camera I would need to really pursue it. Having this extra $750 would be JUST what I need to get going!

  58. Scott m. June 20, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    If I won the $750 would go toward a new lens to continue my side hustle as a photographer. I have been wanting it for a while and had no way of affording it. Thanks for this chance!

  59. Scott m. June 20, 2013 at 9:11 AM

    Tweeted and FB’d! Thanks everyone!

  60. Jesort415 June 20, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    Hubby and I want to re-start up his balloon animal/shape making business. When we first met he was working for several restaurants around the area on weekends. It even help to pay for my engagement ring lol. After we got married, had our first baby and then moving in to our new house, ect. he got too busy to really devote the time to it so he ended up giving his restaurants to someone else. He now works a second part time job he isn’t happy in after he puts in a full day of teaching special ed. at a Junior high school. He really enjoys making balloon animals/shapes and dealing with kids and how excited they get when the ask for something they think he can’t make (helicopters) and he does. We hope he could quit his night/weekend job and just do this instead.
    I forwarded this post to him too.

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:41 AM

      Love that!!! One of my favorite things as a kid too :) I bet you can get a lot of balloons and what not for $750 too. Good luck to you all whether you win or not! This one made my day.

  61. Elvis R. June 20, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    I would use the funds to begin advertising a summer Health program for kids to get out and work out. I believe kids spend to much time in-doors and they need to excercise on the weekends. I will hire coaches on an as need basis to help certain kids specialize in any particular sport they prefer to learn instead of a general work out program.

  62. Elvis R. June 20, 2013 at 11:05 AM

    Shared on Twitter.

  63. Ashley June 20, 2013 at 1:39 PM

    I’d be continuing my “Sitting for a Cause” hustle with $750. I’ve always pet/house sat to bring in a little extra money, but this year I decided to use my side hustle to make more of a positive impact. I give 50% of my profits from pet/house sitting to animal related causes. It’s awesome to be able to bring in a little extra money but also give back to rescues that do amazing work to help save the lives of animals.

    Here’s my tweet!

    Thanks for running such an awesome contest!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:42 AM

      I bet your customers appreciate knowing that too :) No doubt it would help grow your biz as well!

  64. Abby June 20, 2013 at 6:01 PM

    Every day I’m hustlin’, baby. Here’re the deets.

    I have a great full-time job where I (on the side) do voice over work for the company. I just decided I wanted to do voice-over work on my own, for realz. Hubs owns his own business but it’s not doing great, so this is a fantastic opportunity for me to supplement our income in a fun way.

    With $750, I would be able to successfully launch a marketing/business model in my local market in a targeted way (that would be way more successful than what I’m doing now, which is pay-to-play on a national level). I’ve already built up a small sound studio in my house, but I need to get my name out there.

    So, here’s how the prize payout would break down:

    $500 – pay the programmer/designer to create my professional website (a professional, very talented friend is creating it for me and giving me a break on the price)
    $250 – editing a slick demo reel like the professionals have (again, a very talented friend is giving me a cut-rate but top-notch deal)

    The $750 would help me get this all done (without going into further debt! yay!) and on my way to making some sweet, sweet cash to help us get a more stable financial footing.

    Oh, and if you pick me as the winner, I’ll do ya a square…and give you a free voice-over recording for any project! Any at all! It’s only fair.

    (I’m sharing this on Facebook RIGHT NOW.)

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 11:54 AM

      WOO! Good one! And crazy good deals from your friends too, wow. I’m totally taking you up on a free voice over if you win ;) Good luck!

  65. Kiescha Benton June 20, 2013 at 10:23 PM

    My sister and I want to start our own clothing and jewelry line, but we do not have the funds to do so. It takes more money then we can get on our own. Winning this money will allow us to buy one laptop, so we can be able to set up a website and locate different vendors from around the world.

  66. Kevin @ June 20, 2013 at 10:24 PM

    Yo J$!

    I’ve been side hustlin’ my @ss off for the last year and a half, and I finally launched a few weeks ago. I want to help people earn more rewards with their credit cards and put more money in their pockets! Credit card rewards have been incredible for me, as they have paid for my plane tickets to go see my mom before her cancer surgery and another time to see my dad as he was placed into hospice care before he died. Paying for those flights would have wrecked my finances but I didn’t have to because I had credit card rewards and miles do it for me!

    We had a successful launch a few weeks ago but we are still in beta and have a lot of issues to work out before we can offer all the services we want. Both me and my partner have full time jobs so we aren’t making the updates as quickly as we would like. With $750 we could hire a developer to help us build some new features and really get this website going!

    Here’s the tweet:

    I hope we win, but there are some other great ideas on here as well. No matter who wins, I just hope they can turn their side hustle into a full time hustle!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 12:11 PM

      Glad you stopped by and entered my man! Have been watching RewardBoost from a far :) Glad you guys got it out the door and it’s now “in the real world!” Hope you guys kill it either way.

  67. Catherine June 20, 2013 at 10:31 PM

    I’m just getting more seriously into freelance and blogging, both of which require a computer. Since mine started smoking the other day I need to get s new one asap! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 12:12 PM

      Smoking?? Haha… are you typing too fast over there? ;)

  68. Ryan June 21, 2013 at 9:29 AM

    Podcasting gear. It’s about time I start taking things in a new direction. :)

  69. GDub June 21, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    My wife and I would use the cash money in order to build up our inventory for our fledgling side hustle. We are starting to flip furniture… buying old worn out pieces and painting/refinishing/polishing and selling those bad boys for a profit. The idea and need is there as we’ve had some success already, but we need a bigger inventory if this idea is really going to take off. We have been stuck buying one piece at a time (and have to stick to the smaller/cheaper pieces), but the game plan is to buy more and bigger pieces, neither of which we have been able to do yet. This would take a bigger commitment and risk, something the $750 would help take care of!

    Shared with FB friends

  70. Megan H. June 21, 2013 at 10:58 AM

    I’d like to continue to hustle with my editing, but my website(s) are in serious need of an overhaul. I edit fiction books for authors for a small press and also for independent/self-published authors. However, I can’t keep working under my past freelance name because it focuses on writing, not editing. I also have a DBA I operate under, but again, this focuses on writing.

    With $750, I would buy a new URL and redirect my site to it. I’d also update my email address and point the current one to the new one so people who hire me know they’re getting an editor, not a writer. I’d also use some of the money to rebrand through better graphics. The costs would pay for hosting the site; would pay for a membership to the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) which would help establish my credibility; and would allow me to continue to do what I love on the side without worrying I’m not reaching my intended audience or that my site is subpar like it is currently.

  71. Christopher June 21, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    I would use this money to buy some high quality microphones, the final piece in a home recording studio. I love music and want my life to be filled with it. While I recognize that it’s a looong shot for a full-time job, I have enough connections to make a decent side hustle doing small-scale projects.

  72. Christopher June 21, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    Shared with my sister via email.

  73. Cori June 21, 2013 at 11:21 AM

    My life is becoming a side hustle in August when I’m getting married. My husband will be the primary bringer-home-of-the-bacon, so I’m quitting my full-time job to pursue two passions — freelance editing for a nonprofit that builds homes for girls rescued out of sex trafficking and growing my fledgling sewing business that I started last year. I’d use the $750 to buy a big-screen monitor (or two!), since editing and blogging on my tiny laptop is difficult. Thank you for the chance!

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 12:14 PM

      Sewing! YES! You don’t hear that all to often anymore. At least I don’t :)

  74. Serena @ Thrift Diving June 21, 2013 at 2:26 PM

    Love this giveaway, J! Okay, so my side hustle is: FURNITURE PAINTING CLASSES!! I’ve tried to do one or two of them, but I can’t seem to drum up enough students. I think I really need to slap some money into marketing, but I just haven’t had the extra money to do that :( With this $750, I would put ads in the Washington Post, and in the City Paper, and use the rest to get a tablet that I need for conducting all my side business stuff. Please let me wiiiinnn!!!

    Thrift Diving

    1. J. Money June 21, 2013 at 3:30 PM

      I was hoping you’d apply :) Some of the other entries reminded me of what you do and been meaning to email you! But you beat me to it – good job.

  75. Serena @ Thrift Diving June 21, 2013 at 2:28 PM

    I shared on Twitter! :) (I hope this counts for an extra entry! :)

  76. virgomomwriter (aka Brenda W. Quinn) June 21, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    I have 2 home businesses/side hustles–writing and embroidery–and have been successfully self-employed since 2005. I would use $750 for the following:

    1) a cell phone with which I could use the (free) equipment that would allow me
    to take credit cards at craft fairs.
    2) stitching materials and listings on eBay, where I have already sold some
    work and am sure I could sell more.

    Email me or contact me on facebook if you would like to see samples of my work and original designs. Thank you for this opportunity!

  77. virgomomwriter (aka Brenda W. Quinn) June 21, 2013 at 2:54 PM

    And I shared on facebook.

  78. Patrick June 21, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    Well, well, J$ – you are the man! You’re blowing my mind right now with this and the “barter up” post. A good friend and I have been working on a piece of technology for a few weeks that sends barter deals to us.

    You know I’m a chronic, compulsive hustler and I’ve always got at least 5 irons in every fire, but this one is so good I can’t sleep…

    I would use the $750 offer as a $750 offer to be bartered. The way our site works is like an auction in reverse. Instead of starting with a baby stroller, nine-pound ball peen hammer, or set of ninja stars to sell on ebay, CL or wherever… we start with a $1000 then open the aperture to let proposals point to us. Anybody can send offers for anything.

    It’s open for a preset time (say 24 hours), then closes. At the closing, we guarantee that we will pick one item off the list… buy the item, then keep going. Our buy is then either sent back up for barter or we sell it in our local market for cash.

    We have a site, graphics, database managment system, and software coded. We’ve sunk a couple grand into it, but we’re about done with the spending and into the 250 little details before we launch it in about 3 weeks. Essentially, we don’t need anything per se, but I would take your $750 package and feature it through our system to see what it yielded.

    I’ll email you offline with the url, mockup, and graphics (not public) and some other details that I know you’ll love – if you want. You are exactly the type of person to appreciate it, and you’ve been in the back of my mind for awhile on this. I was definitely going to send it when it was fully baked, but then you up and sprung this on me.

    Hugs and Kisses,

    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 12:55 PM

      Awesome!! YES — EMAIL ME THE INFO! You know how much this stuff turns me on, haha… Excited to see it in action and if there’s a way I can participate some how – regardless of this giveaway :)

  79. Patrick June 21, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    Oh… and— tweeted!

  80. rojo13864 June 21, 2013 at 4:04 PM

    I would use the money to start dog obedience classes. I know dogs (all types) I taught Dog Obedience classes at our local humane society for over 18 years on a volunteer basis. I would like to encourage people to be responsible and bond with their dog or puppy so there is less of the toss a way mentality going on. To start up I would need leashes, collars and printing services.

    People daily dump their unwanted dogs at the humane society when all they need is training to understand their dog and correct the problems.

  81. Mary Calabrese June 21, 2013 at 7:53 PM

    Talk about perfect timing!!! My husband and I are planning on opening a store. We viewed our ideal spot today and are in the process of getting a signed lease! We will need a ton of things for our store, even before we need to buy inventory. $750 would really help us out!

  82. Gina Helton June 22, 2013 at 5:24 AM

    My goal/dream is to open a winery. This would help with some of the prep courses I am taking in vineyard management and wine making.

  83. Gina Helton June 22, 2013 at 5:25 AM

    I shared this giveaway through email to a friend.

  84. Tricia Andrews June 22, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    I would love to start a pet sitting business. I would use the money to help pay for the insurance and bonding fees that go along with this kind of business. I would also use the money towards advertising!

  85. SavvyFinancialLatina June 22, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    I want to start a website geared towards hispanic consumers. I need this money to pay the $300 LLC fee in Texas, hosting fees ($120), and anything else that may come up.

  86. Berrak June 22, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    I have two new websites I need to launch and a patent application to work on for a fundraising model for my advocacy site. The $750 would go a LONG way for both of these projects.

  87. amber June 23, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    my current (tiny) side hustles are couponing, surveys, selling books/dvds on, and entering sweepstakes. . .But I want to do transcription at home. I need to do a side hustle that’s a consistent source of income. I would use the $750 to buy a foot pedal, and to look into transcription classes at the local community/technical college. Thanks!

    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 12:56 PM

      A foot pedal! You don’t hear that in every day conversations now do you? :) (Well okay, YOU probably do – but we don’t! Haha…)

  88. Gary F. June 24, 2013 at 9:44 AM

    I am currently buying and selling small to medium sized equipment at auctions that are on the weekends or after work hours, seeing as I am working full time this isn’t always the easiest side hustle (missing auctions, staying up late to fix items). I have bought fixed and flipped many items for huge profits such as a swisher pull behind mower which was bought for $200.00 and sold for $525.00 a few days later. Although I am making plenty with my current side hustle time is the only thing killing my profits. I don’t mind staying up late and fixing what I have bought but I miss so many auctions during the work week that I feel I am missing out on better deals than I can get as a weekend warrior. I am living in south Florida right now and have a mortgage and student loans while working on my masters so quiting isnt currently in my budget.

    If given the $750.00 I would put my current hustle on hold, and start a new side hustle/forum for yard sales. My idea is to start a user based website that would map out yard sales for users of the website, along with the maps I also plan to start a forum on the same site where users can get together to discuss items they have found, flipped or where they find the best deals and products. I would use the money to establish and advertise for the web site so that I could get it up and running before the end of the summer.

    This is a great idea I love when people help out the little guy who is just starting I will be sharing this through my list of email contacts.

    Thank You
    Gary F.

    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 12:58 PM

      I’ve got a soft spot for anything yard sale related, so that’s right up my alley :) I’d just make sure there’s nothing similar in your area yet cuz I’ve seen a lot of yard sale sites/ideas pop up here lately and you’ll want to make sure you’re different or at least better. There’s def. a market for it though, I can tell you that!

  89. Carl June 24, 2013 at 9:33 PM

    My side hustle is this:

    I am a coin collector. Usually, if you want to make the big bucks in this hobby, it means being in the right place at the right, guessing at what the future market may be, or taking advantage of people who don’t know that old coins can be worth money. Bottom line is that it is rough and sometimes makes you feel dirty. But, there is a way to make some good money if you have a bit of knowledge.

    You see, every now and then the Mint f@#ks up and they make a coin that isn’t like the rest. It has a defect on it which is called a variety by collectors. For most collectors these varieties, in all but the most extreme circumstances, are not noticeable and most collectors don’t pay attention to them. However, for the people who do make a point to collect these coins they are willing to pay some pretty big money depending on how popular the series is and how many of them there are estimated to be produced. We are talking about 3 or 4 to 10 times as much as the original purchase price of a regular coin compared to one with a variety! And these little gems are just sitting at dealers stores and tables waiting to be discovered.

    Here is the problem and where the 750 bucks would come in. You have to have a way to get your newly discovered varieties to the collectors who want them. At a major show you could take it to a dealer who specializes in these and make a quick buck, but those shows are rare and you take a big hit because they have to make too. Ebay has given people a way to get this sort of specialized product to people who are looking for them but there is one problem. Varieties are so small that they are very tough to see. (A common die variety, to give you an idea, is a repunched mint mark. Take a look a a mint mark on one of today’s coins and imagine trying to see another mint mark hiding behind it. To find them at a dealer I usually use a 20x magnifying glass.) If a person was buying them from a dealer they would have their word or would be able to inspect the coin in person to make sure that it is what they wanted. But they would not have the ability selling over ebay or the trust of a random ebay seller to sink hundreds of dollars into the coin.

    In order to get around this issue a person dealing in varieties needs a hi tech DSLR camera with a macro lens which allows you to take incredibly close up pictures of varieties. That is what I would put the money towards along with my own funds at these cameras can cost well over a thousand dollars. However, the ability to maximize profit in this hustle would amazing. Not only that, but there is another hustle with this camera. Photographing coins is notoriously hard and most people don’t have the equipment. People will actually pay 20 bucks or more to take a picture of their coin and do some quick photo color corrections.

    Thanks for considering my hustle proposals!

    Sent via facebook and skype to some of my friends.

    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 1:02 PM

      LOVE. THIS. As a new coin collector myself, I was glued to every single word you wrote there :) Takes a bit more patience for that type of game that I’m personally interested in, but I do like coin hustlers! And you’re right that the camera makes all the difference with this type of stuff. Great great idea and use for the money.

      And I also agree it can make you feel dirty when scoring a deal from a friend/person you know :( For some reason it doesn’t feel as bad getting a deal at a store or coin table somewhere though? :)

      1. Carl June 26, 2013 at 4:29 PM

        I agree, to really make it in the coin market you have to be patient and wait for the right deals and then the right buyers to come along. But it lends itself to the trade up scheme that you posted very well as you can capitalize on your knowledge and spend a little to get a lot and then turn that into even more. (One guy I read an article on a while back spent three bucks on Ike dollars and turned it into a gold half eagle through trades.)

        The key in coins is knowledge. They always say, “Buy the book before the coin.” This is because knowing about the series and what to look for when purchasing coins will save you money and get you better coins. As a result, the hobby generally rewards people with greater knowledge. In particular, in the case of a dealer, they are someone who is holding themselves out to be an expert in the field, and you find a coin at their table that you know is worth more for whatever reason, then the windfall goes to you who took the time/had the knowledge to find that. Of course, the part about feeling dirty comes when you are in an expert position with someone who is not (little old lady, person who inherited a collection etc.) especially when it comes to dealers who buy from them and are giving them low ball offers with out really examining the coins. That is why I pretty much stick to garage sales (they usually have a price they are asking for the coins), auctions, or dealer tables for my searches as it avoids that ethical dilemma.

        Good luck with your collection J$!

        1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:21 PM

          Thanks man, always happy to talk about coins on here – don’t have anyone in the real world who likes to! :)

          1. Carl July 5, 2013 at 10:24 AM

            Haha, well check out or, two of the better coin forums out there imho. They always like to talk about coins haha.

            1. J. Money July 5, 2013 at 3:52 PM

              awesome, thx! heard of cointalk before but not the other one.

  90. Anne @ Unique Gifter June 25, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Great giveaway idea – reading the comments is fascinating!
    I’m working on starting a side hustle to sell fresh pasta at the farmer’s market. I’m still in the experimenting stage, but it’s fun. There are oh-so-many steps to do! I would like to purchase a dehydrator, buy insurance, buy large quantities of ingredients to use and it would be a dream to be able to hire a graphic designer! That list alone is over 1K.

  91. Mistress Susan June 26, 2013 at 2:08 AM

    I have shared the contest on Twitter and Facebook. I would use the $750 to upgrade my business. My desktop is 6 years old, so I am in need of a desktop replacement since all of my businesses are online based and I am probably the only person in the world still using a desktop. I want an ASUS 17.3 Blu-Ray Laptop.

  92. Renee s June 26, 2013 at 7:47 AM

    I would use the $750 to help my boyfriend purchase the necessary materials to start up a mask making business. He’s very talented and wants to start making masks for haunted houses…thanks for the opportunity!

    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 1:02 PM

      HAH! Interesting one!

  93. Barb June 26, 2013 at 7:47 AM

    I started cutting grass and weeding for a side hustle. The money is good, but I need some supplies: bug spray, suntan lotion, bin for grass clippings and weeds, gas money for the truck I borrow, and a weed wacker.

    Thanks for the giveaway. I shared this via email with my partner in crime. I mean the grass cutter.


    1. J. Money June 26, 2013 at 1:05 PM

      I’ve actually run the numbers myself on a similar yard cutting hustle :) Couldn’t find a way to really make it worth it in the limited 30 mins I spent thinking about it, haha, but obviously there is since people/companies do it all the time! So good for you on figuring it all out. And good luck winning!

  94. Roni June 26, 2013 at 12:52 PM

    Love this blog. Emailed this to other entrepreneurs.

    I would use the $750 to set up a home office for my business Unspoken Rules ( I love reviewing resumes and helping people get new jobs! There are so many people who just do not know where to start once they are ready to make the leap, hence my focus on the timid job seeker. Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time at Kinkos printing and photocopying resumes before providing them to clients. This money would be used for an awesome multi functional fax, scanner, printer, copying maching, ink, dekc and an executive chair!

  95. Emily June 26, 2013 at 9:42 PM

    I’m starting an online retail website selling beautiful jewelry pieces from around the world. I love to travel, and after receiving numerous compliments on every piece I bring home from a trip, I decided it would be a great idea to sell them as a curated collection of jewelry that is beautiful and unique. I have a friend doing the graphic design and web design, I have inventory to start, and I have the business registrations, credit card processing, and shipping all ready to go. I would use the $750 for two purposes- I would first pay at least 12 months of the web hosting fees in advance so that I would not have to worry about that for months, and I would also purchase additional inventory to be ready for a higher sales volume. The more people I have told about my business, the more interest and promises of promotion to others I have received, so additional inventory would allow me to be ready for the high demand :)

    I have shared this contest with several friends via email. Thank you for considering Style by Emily!

  96. Nancy - Chairs with Character June 26, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    Love vintage chairs? So do we! At Chairs with Character we’ll have your guests sitting pretty in our refurbished wood & white toned vintage chairs or plush lounge furniture for your next event. Perfect for any soiree needing that special vintage, eclectic or rustic charm, our chairs can entertain a group as intimate as 15 or as large as 180+.

    I started Chairs with Character in 2012 by collecting used chairs on craigslist & goodwill. I upcycled the chairs by painting, reupholstering them and renting them out. I work my 9-5 job and hustle to make this dream happen. We have had 10+ weddings so far, have been featured on wedding blogs & magazines, recently did a celebrity wedding filmed by E! and have more bookings lined up for the summer 2013.

    I have funded this business by hustling multiple jobs (lifeguarding, coaching, working at the yoga studio, my office job, etc). This is my creative outlet that I LOVE. The $750 will help keep and maintain the dream, but we need to protect our chairs as we move them to/from events.

    Of the $750 winning, $250 will go towards fabric so I can sew protective chair covers for transporting the chairs. The remaining $500 will go towards a commercial shelving unit to prevent the chairs from knocking against each other. In exchange, I will also create a video on how to upholster a dining room chair for your side hustle series. Eventually, I would also like to go into schools to teach students that to be artistic or creative doesn’t have to mean painting. It could be upholstering chairs! :)

    I hope you consider Chairs with Character!

    1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:22 PM

      LOVE THIS!!! And totally just passed this idea to my mom and sis who are obsessed with chairs here lately :) Maybe they can have some fun renting them out where they live (across the country from where you are).

      Thanks for sharing! Good luck!

      1. Nancy - Chairs with Character July 1, 2013 at 6:41 PM

        awesome. Have them email or call me if they have any questions about it.

        even though I’m less than a year old, hustling multiple jobs to make this happen and have bookings lined up – I am pursuing this passion by paycheck to paycheck. The $750 would be beneficial to invest in shelving and care/transport of the chairs.

        Surprisingly, there are a few unique rental companies out there. You’re on the east coast, right? Paisley & Jade is in the Virginia area and Magpie Vintage is in the Philly area.

  97. Amanda Hagerman June 27, 2013 at 3:28 PM

    Hey Hey,

    I am an artist who put one passion on the back burner to focus on another… and am now finally ready to start pursuing the back burner passion full force- it has been long enough!

    I graduated from Kutztown University of PA in 08′ with two bachelor degrees ~ A bachelor of science in Art Education and a Bachelor of Fine Arts, concentrating in Fine Metals. Since I worked in the campus metals studio as monitor and mentor, I had my own set of keys to come and go as I pleased… I practically LIVED in there, experimenting and creating all sorts of hand fabricated jewelry pieces made from precious metals and gems. For a long time it was my world, my identity, and I have a real talent for it. However, my love for making art extends beyond simply creating. I always saw myself in a classroom, surrounded by students that I could inspire to follow their own dreams of art making. So, I earned dual degrees so that I could have the best of both worlds. Be a metal smith, and teach art.

    If only the real world allowed us to have everything we want… at least when we want it.

    Right before graduating college, I was running a small jewelry business out of my parent’s garage. It was great! I had taken out a small loan in order to purchase the tools and equipment I needed to have my own studio. With the commissioned pieces I created, I was able to pay off the loan. I really felt like I was making my dream of running my own jewelry business happen. All the pieces were falling into place. All I needed to do was land my dream teaching job right after graduation and I could have it all. Make jewelry (hopefully even in my future classroom!) and be an art teacher. I wanted to do both, and I still want to do both. What better way to be an inspiration for your students than to be a successful working artist yourself?

    I did get my dream teaching job right after college… located in the DC metro area at a small school, Southern High School, in Harwood, MD. I jumped on the opportunity. I moved a few hours away from home (PA), and left everything behind…

    Turns out the real world can be a bitch. Cost of living was high in my new found home, so I could only afford a one bedroom apt. on a teacher’s salary. No way I could have studio space there. My school wouldn’t allow me to set any of my jewelry equipment up in my classroom due to fire codes, etc (I do lost wax casting & soldering which requires the use of a torch)… I couldn’t afford to rent out a studio space, and to be honest, the first few years of teaching I was swamped just trying to perfect my skills in the classroom. Looking back now, I realize sometimes things happen for a reason. Over the course of my first 5 years teaching I married my high school sweet heart, lived in Alexandria, VA for a bit…and have now landed in Crofton, MD. I have had a few break down moments, like when I see peers of mine from Kutztown out in the world making a go at being jewelry designers, or when I am in a boutique and I see the dozens of hand crafted pieces made by people that could be me. I have held my head up though and have always told myself I would make it happen as soon as I could.

    My husband and I have worked very hard to get where we are now. I never thought I would be able to afford a house in this area, and the ability to FINALLY start making jewelry again. But alas, that day has come! In fact, we purchased the particular house that we did because it has the perfect space for me to set up my equipment (which has been sitting in my parents garage now for 5 years).

    I am ready to do this. I am ready to finally have the passion and joy of creating jewelry back in my life.

    I am writing because I am in need of some funds to help me get off my feet. Being a new homeowner has been overwhelming to my “budget”… and a little help getting the jewelry business going would be wonderful. I am ready to knock it out the park, and start selling beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces handmade from here in my home! I am currently working on getting my studio up and running… all of my equipment is now here- no longer in my parent’s garage. Thank God!

    Wish me luck as I continue on this pursuit of life, love and happiness! I certainly wish every single person who has written on here my best in following their dreams :)


    P.S. My husband Adam forwarded me this post :)

    1. Amanda Hagerman June 27, 2013 at 3:29 PM

      Check out my teaching blog- Some of my jewelry is featured under the “My Gallery” link…

      1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:24 PM

        Very cool!! Love the blog name too, haha… I’m glad you finally have a nice spot to start creating again! Tell that handsome man of yours I say hi ;)

    2. Amanda Hagerman June 27, 2013 at 3:46 PM

      Just tweeted and posted to Facebook! :)

  98. T June 27, 2013 at 6:00 PM


    I’ve started the company, had one job and now are trying to network but I really need advertising! One corner is our local wedding magazine would give me so much exposure! It would take my business on life support back to life!

  99. T June 27, 2013 at 6:02 PM

    Tweeted it! Good luck to all !

  100. Kelly R. June 28, 2013 at 8:13 AM

    I would use the money to pay off my credit card debt. I am tired of being a slave to them. I want to be debt free this year. It is such a burden to me and my family.

  101. Susan June 28, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    I would finally be able to start my dream business of designing and preparing invitations. I already have the software and computer but the $750 would go to purchase the printer I need……..and allow me to do some advertising. So excited…..

    1. Susan June 28, 2013 at 11:56 AM

      I shared this via email! I’ve been sharing your blog with many for a long time now!!

  102. Diane baum June 28, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    I would use the prize to advertise and buy some books for my small English as a Second Language business.

  103. Ben Luthi June 28, 2013 at 1:24 PM

    My passion has been personal finance for a long time and has been lately further inspired by Your Sexiness. I would like to create a website where people can go through a fact finding process, similar to what you would do with a financial advisor, to get the cold-hard facts of their financial goals, and then provide education on different parts and stages of a financial plan (i.e. risk management, wealth accumulation, wealth distribution, etc.), so they can learn to make good decisions for themselves.

    That being said, I don’t have enough brand to do with it what I want, so I am going to start out with the education side in the form of a blog. I’ve already got a list of at least 50 blog ideas to start out with, and I’m spending a lot of time in the community to get more. The $750 would get me a computer so I don’t have to keep sharing my wife’s laptop (my laptop died the death a few months back), and give me more time to focus on the biz rather than waiting for her to be finished pinning totes adorbs outfits…

    p.s. tweeted!

    1. Ben Luthi June 29, 2013 at 12:39 PM

      I’ve done some more research on getting a budget desktop and found one for $510 that includes:

      -20″ Monitor (discounted $40)
      -MS Office (I’ll need Excel to create my gellin’ templates like budgets, mortgage calculator and amortization schedules, etc.)

      That would leave me with an extra $240, with which I can do the following:

      -$8.49 for a mouse
      -$9.80 for a keyboard
      -$14.51 for speakers so I can jam while writing
      -$3.95 for first month of BlueHost
      -$66 for gas to drive to this: so I can network and learn like crazy how to make an impact.
      -$137.25 to go toward the registration of the blogger’s conference.

      That leaves me with an extra $535.74 to pay for the registration and 3-night stay at the conference out of pocket, but it would be a sick start!

      1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:26 PM

        Heck yeah it would! And I could congratulate you in person too, if you were to win ;) Hilarious about your wife pinning totes adorbs outfits, haha… that cracked me up.

  104. Jeff B June 28, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    I currently have an online store that deals in paper movie memorabilia (stills; posters, etc.). I would take the extra money and expand a bit with what I sell- things like classic DVDs, as well as upgrade to a separate website to feature more special items. I think it could be the thing that would give me more traction in the community…

    Thanks for the consideration!

  105. Latoya June 28, 2013 at 9:29 PM

    I plan to continue building my portfolio and move more into paper products on Etsy with my design services. I have hit a rough patch but I’m positive that an influx of cash and additional services are exactly what my clients need and expect from me as I move forward. I have a lot on my list that I want to accomplish as far as design goes so that I can focus on creating residual income through digitized designs on etsy and other sites.

    I shared on twitter!
    Thanks so much!

  106. petra June 28, 2013 at 10:57 PM

    current side hustle – selling things on craigslist
    $750 – anything to help with tuition!

  107. Deb S June 29, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    I have two kids in college and it’s very expensive. I have purchased a domain name to start on a blog that will help parents see the real options in financing a college education. Basically, trying to get parents and students to look at school options that may be more affordable than the local state u. I have been helping local kids for awhile now and would like to expand.

  108. Alyssa June 29, 2013 at 3:23 PM

    I am in the process of starting a monthly subscription box service for autistic and special needs children. Parents pay a monthly fee and their child receives a customized box of goodies in the mail every month. A typical box will include a sensory toy, a learning tool, an all natural product, and an allergy-friendly snack. The goal is that the child gets fun items that will also benefit them developmentally, and parents are saved hours and hours of research looking for the best toys, products, etc. for their child’s needs. I have received a lot of interest and positive feedback, but I’m already hitting financial roadblocks. I have been approved to purchase items at wholesale prices for use in our boxes by multiple companies, but many of them require minimum order amounts. Additionally, I have done my best to create a website myself, but the website is the first impression, and I’m not tech savvy enough to create the one I think my business needs. If I were to win the $750, I would budget $450 towards purchasing items wholesale and $300 towards having someone create a more user-friendly website with a functional shopping cart.

    I shared this contest via email. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

    1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:30 PM

      That is a wonderful idea indeed, I like it :) Only question would be whether or not money is more tight in those types of households where it could become a road block? You’d know more about it than I would, but the only families I know with special needs children are pretty maxed out :( So sad…

      The subscription model is where it’s at though – tons of companies are having a lot of success with it (think Birchbox) so A+ on that :) Good luck!

  109. Shnieka Johnson June 29, 2013 at 9:23 PM

    “What hustle will you be starting (or continuing), and how can you use $750?”

    After lecturing in museums and teaching in the classroom, I moved to the role of Education Specialist at a nonprofit in New York City. To supplement my income, I do consulting and facilitate trainings within organizations around the city in the area of Arts, Education and the Common Core State Standards. I’d like to expand my small business and produce materials and kits for parents to use at home with their kids. I plan to sell via a website, local businesses and promote at conferences, trade shows and the like. The money would be spent on upgrading my printing capability, packaging and acquiring materials for my prototypes. Expanding my business will aid in my long term personal and professional goals as an educator.

    **Also, I tweeted contest.

  110. Veachel June 30, 2013 at 10:11 AM

    I love side-hustlin! My name is Veachel, and I am a 31 yr old stay at home mom of a 2, 3 and 4 year old! My husband owns his own retail shop and I stay at home with the monsters, opps I mean lap top breakers, oh sorry, I mean angel children ;P I actually met Jay my husband thanks to side hustling. I was a preschool teacher side hustling as a ski resort car parker (for a free mountain pass) side hustling that by selling my hand crochet beanies. Can you side hustle a side hustle? I can! I made him a hat, then we had three kids and got married! That’s the short version of the story to save time.
    I have been making and selling my beanies for 12 years. I sell them at retail stores throughout the Rocky Mountains, and at ski swaps and craft shows as a vendor. I decided over this last winter to step it up and open a website, and online shop. That way I can sell Retail instead of wholesaling to other stores! I am also expanding to carry other accessories that I did not make so that my income is not limited by only the thing I have “extra” hahahahah time to make. I got on it right away! My online shop is under construction, my extra products have arrived and been photographed, I started a fb, pinterest, and wordpress blog….. and then my laptop became a victim to an insane 3 kid 2 dog dance party :( boooo. It seriously happened 2 days after my no questions asked black tie replacement plan ended. So there it is… my big excuse that has brought me to a grinding halt. My husband has a laptop that he is nice enough to allow me to use – but you can’t really borrow a laptop to run a business on. I need to upload 100’s of pics, and well, I just need my own! I also try to only be online when my kids are napping (in effort to be an awesome mom) … which is a time when the laptop is gone with Jay at the shop.
    Yesterday He left it home for me and the kids to use Netflix on a rainy day (we are a no TV family). During nap I found my way to and a link on her page lead me right here! I am obsessed! I love talking about opportunity and bright ideas. I spent all night thinking about how I could best use the prize money and this is what I came up with:
    *First of all : laptop! This would seriously be an overnight fix! I can pick up where I left off and get my shop up and running!
    *Second: The Make sh*t Happen E-course at to stay on track and DO IT!
    * Third: a little table to put up in my room to keep my laptop away from the little ones
    * fourth: time sweet time- I would use the remaining toward a (gasp) babysitter… I have never had a babysitter before, ever. They are getting old enough now that I think they might actually LOVE being away from me for a couple hours while I go to a quite place and get sh*t done! Then I can come home and be an awesome mommy :)
    ***Here is the best part!!!! I would promise to buy all my side hustle booster prizes from other side hustlers! Meaning, My computer I will find from someone on craigslist who is trying to raise a little extra cash, same with the table or desk. I would tell them about how I won this contest, and committed to using my prize money to help other side hustlers- and let them know it would be great if they did the same! Same with the babysitting, I would choose someone (I have a friend in mind) who is also fundraising to help boost her side hustle to a full time job! So if I won, it would really be like 5 people winning- and more if they kept the circle going!
    I am a big believer in “what goes around comes around” so I would love to help contribute to this ripple of helping side hustlers help each other!
    Anyone interested in seeing my hats can check them out at : that is also where I will share this contest, and I will also share on my personal page tagging a few friends I have in mind that could use this contest as well. :) Thank you for the contest!

    1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:36 PM

      You are too funny :) Can you side hustle a side hustle, haha… Good one! And even better you came from Life After College which my good friend Miss Jenny Blake started. I wish you luck whether you win or not, my friend! Sounds like you have a good plan over there – thanks for sharing it with us :)

  111. Veachel June 30, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    shared! On personal and business facebook, Thank you :)

  112. Lucille June 30, 2013 at 10:37 AM

    I most definitely shared this!! What a generous give-a-way! I started my small business a couple of months ago with just $100, it is slowly growing from re-investing but something like this could take it to the next level!!! Once again thank you and good luck to everyone! <3

    1. Lucille June 30, 2013 at 10:40 AM

      Oh ya, my hustle is selling hula hoops and my string art! :-)

      1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:36 PM

        You don’t hear that every day! :)

  113. Donna K June 30, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    I have a blog, and I get a professionally designed site.

  114. John June 30, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    I’ll use the 750 to buy another car to repair and sell.

  115. Leigh June 30, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    I’ve been wanting to open an Etsy shop to sell some of the amazing artisan-made items I’ve found/sourced in Cambodia. Of course, I’d start with some gorgeous purses made out of handwoven textiles from my favorite weavers. Maybe I’d be able to get some jewelry too. I’d use the money to purchase the initial batch of inventory and ship it to the States (for easier distribution to Etsy buyers).

    I have everything else I need – graphic design skills, computer, camera, etc. :)

    And, I tweeted. @tenaciousleigh

  116. J. Money June 30, 2013 at 12:07 PM


    We’ll be announcing the winner soon! Keep your eyes open!! :)

  117. Whitney June 30, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    I would pay off my credit card & start my etsy shop!

  118. Miriam June 30, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    I just talked to my husband about this today. I have lots of POTENTIAL side hustles but I’ve never been able to actually get one off the ground. I have tons of scrapbooking, jewelry making, miniature painting stuff just laying around getting dusty. I’ve got photoshop and a tablet for when I was going to offer photo retouching. My dad is moving in with us soon and we discussed starting a photography business. For the past five years, every few months I come up with another potential idea “that could make money!” but I don’t have the wherewithal to make things work. My idea today was to offer a “scan your kids artwork” thing, where people could send in their kids stuff and I would photograph and/or scan it and send it back on a CD/DVD, flash drive, etc. I even thought about the whole making calendars and mouse pads thing. I know it’s not UNIQUE out there, but my family is pretty big and I think I could at least be local.

    And there I go again. Lots of ideas, lots of potential, but no forward momentum. If I had the money, I would hire a consultant or someone to HELP ME GET MOVING. I have the stuff I need for multiple things, I just don’t know HOW to start, or even how to figure out which one would be the best for me to do. And random pages from the internet don’t help me. I need a real live person to hold my hand and patiently explain how to do things to make it work and keep it working. Even if it’s not a super-profitable business, I know my husband would be proud of me if I could just get ONE of my ideas flying and producing.

    Being a full-time online student and stay-at-home mom (to four kids currently until my oldest two go back home to their dad) does nothing to help my organizational process either. Help me J. Money, you’re my only hope!

    Also I tweeted this.

    1. J. Money July 1, 2013 at 6:45 PM

      Haha I know that feeling! I hope you’re writing them all down in a journal for when the magical day comes you can start one ;) I do one-on-one consulting like that for people all the time – you’re right that it helps having someone push and motivate you. Esp one that knows how to get you going once and for all.

  119. liz l June 30, 2013 at 5:40 PM

    to buy solvent and glitters for my indie nail polish biz I want to start

  120. Nikhita July 1, 2013 at 1:34 PM

    I am a hip hop artist and I have several contacts including DJ drama himself. But I have been unable to record an entire Blum because if low funds and being a female artist no recently,over to Florida from India, I find it hard to go to studios to recorded I want to set up a home studio – mic, headphones etc. I will use the 750$ to make my drem come true.

  121. Tino July 6, 2013 at 11:36 PM

    I want that shirt! Where’d you get that pic from?

      1. Tino July 7, 2013 at 11:27 AM

        Will do! Good Lookin!