Awww yeahhhh you ready for this kids? It’s time to give thanks and love to all our f’ing AWESOME readers!!! You, and you, and you you you :) Every one who has literally changed my life by supporting this blog, and encouraging me to keep going strong and dong what I *love*.
And Brad and I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate our made-up holiday get together with you today :)Β It’s our second one in a row – making this officially a tradition!!! Woohoo! So a hearty welcome to old friends and new – this is for you.
We’re giving away a total of $400 this year!!! Right from our pockets to yours, in hopes to alleviate some financial strain during this holiday season. Budgets Are Sexy will be giving out FOUR $50 Visa Gift cards to his kick-ass readers, and Brad the same thing! FOUR $50 cards (or Amazon, Paypal, whatever you want) from Enemy of Debt, so make sure to enter BOTH!Β That gives you 8 chances to win. Which is one helluva stimulus package my friends, I think Mr. Obama would be proud ;)Β (I just ruined it, didn’t I?)
Ready to participate in the best holiday giveaway ever? Answer this 1 simple question and you’ll be entered to win.Β But I want you to think about it for a hot second and really focus. Okay?Β No skimming and rushing to an answer. Are you ready?Β You promise? Here we go… be serious:
“If you were married to Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy, what would you buy her for Xmas?”
Hahahahaa… I’m flat out of ideas!!!Β okay okay, that was a joke (kinda).Β Here’s the real question.Β But I still want you to answer from the heart :)
Who are you TRULY thankful for this year? It could be family member, friend, dog, doctor, whomever. Once you have someone in mind – I want you to WRITE A NOTE to them in the comments below, letting ’em know just how much they meant to you this year. It can be as short, or long, as you wish.
I know it’s kinda mushy, but that’s what Christmas Stimulus is all about. Looking back and really being thankful for everyone, and everything, that has blessed our lives throughout the year.Β There’s not many times when we stop and get to say thank you amid the hustle and bustle, so let today be one of them.
We will announce all eight $50 winners on Tuesday, December 21st.Β Good luck :) Don’t forget to enter Brad’s giveaway right after.
*GIVEAWAY OVER* This year’s winners are…. CityFlips (comment #81), Dawn (#131), LB (#140), and Brandy (#195)! CONGRATS!!!Β Be sure to check out Brad’s winners too in case you’ve won there!
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I am truly thankful for Guitar Guy (see to catch up on who he is). I was in such a tough place in life. I was sure I’d never be happy. I wasn’t looking for love. I was simply hoping not to get crapped on most days.
And one day I woke up and realized that I had this amazing man literally CHASING after me. He opened up my eyes to the beauty of unconditional love. He has helped and taught me to see everything about myself that I had been overlooking. He is my soulmate in everyway I could have ever imagined.
And without him I would still be bouncing around lost out in a world of crazy.
So I am truly thankful that I finally woke up and snatched him up when I did!!
I am truly thankful for my sister-in-law! My husband and I live about 7 hours from my parents and sister, but we live in the same town as his parents and brother (and said sister-in-law, along with their adorable son). Well, she has been SUCH a blessing to me this year! I had a baby in the beginning of the year, and she has been there with me from the start: from what to register for and what I should expect with labor and delivery to watching my daughter while I run errands and having me over just to chat! She really is the best sister-in-law I can imagine and I am so thankful her!
About your other question though, my husband and I only buy each other things we need for Christmas (like cute new boxers since it’s something he always needs, but never will buy for himself). As I’m sure boxer shorts aren’t what you want to buy your wife, I’d suggest just watching her for the next week and see what it looks like she needs – and if you’re lucky she might just mention something! Seriously, I’ve gotten pens for Christmas before and LOVED it because they were just what I needed! Good luck :-)
I am thankful for my husband. I gave birth to our first child this year, and suffered some minor complication that took about a month to heal, leaving me flat on my back (ultimate bed rest). He stepped up and took care of our daughter when I couldn’t. He’s also been very supportive about the fact that I’m likely to face a layoff soon. He calms me down and levels me out.. He’s my other half, and I’m very thankful to have him in my life :)
When I look back to this day last year, I was in a much different place. I had just lost my good paying job, my husband packed his bags and left, and I was two days away from some pretty significant surgery.
Today, I am working (actually making MORE $$), my husband and I have worked things out and they are better than before, and I’ve healed from the surgery.
My rock through all these problems have been my 2 boys. I am so thankful for them and the unconditional love they give. I don’t know what I would do without them.
This year, I am truly thankful for my family. I am always thankful for them, but especially this year because they really stepped up to the plate for my wedding in November. My husband and I wanted to do most of the stuff ourselves to save some moolah, and my family was just amazing with everything they helped do! From the rehearsal dinner to setting up for the reception, everyone chipped in and made our wedding truly amazing and special. I don’t know how I would have done it all without them.
I am also thankful for my new husband, who got out of the Marines in June – I am thankful he is here safe with me and that we get to start the rest of our lives together. I’m also thankful that he is becoming more of a saver like me, rather than the crazy spender he used to be – I’m so proud of him! :)
I am truly thankful for my boyfriend. He has supported me through some tough times this year and been there every step of the way. After 5 years of ups and downs, this year was the best year of our relationship, where we really took the time to listen and understand each other. I am so grateful that I get to spend every day with him, even if it is a short amount of time. He is a great guy and I am not sure I tell him that enough!
I am thankful to lot of people this year…especially
i want to say thanks to my girl friend and also my brother who supported me when i didnt have a job through the whole last year……it meant a lot guys…
thank you very much..
I am thankful to my older sister and my late mom who taught me, and keep teaching me, as a single mom to keep strong for my kids.
I am very thankful for my employer USAA. You have supported me in a time of employment down turns, I always knew I was safe in my employment. You gave me a Christmas bonus and Annual bonus that was the largest since I was with you as an employee. My health insurance was not a concern for myself or my family even though my husband lost his job this year. You have understood when I needed extra time off to see my son the Marine off on deployment. My entire family is blessed by you. Thank you USAA!
I am extremely thankful for my wife. She has stood by me through these past two years in which I have been unemployed, going for my MBA, and trying to start a budgeting website. She has supported me the whole way through, and now that I am finishing up my last MBA class this week her only wish for Christmas is that I can find a job that makes me happy. I love her so much, she is my rock and greatest supporter.
I am thankful for my best friend Kate. She keeps me grounded, reminds me to take a break from all my “side hustles” and laughs with me until we’re both crying. She’s a huge blessing to me and I’m glad to have her!!
I am extremely thankful to my wifie aka Cielo for being a loving, caring, and great mother to my kids. This has been a great year and I probably would not be where I am without you.
I am thankful for my wife. She’s really an amazing person and its been an amazing year.
1. Get the Mrs. a puppy! jk. What I’d really want is a romantic weekend/love fest somewhere – a mini vacation to counteract all the family obligations this season.
2. I am very thankful for many things – our house, our health, our two cats who I love to death… but mostly I am thankful for my husband being happy again. He was unhappy in a job for far too long, and now finally is doing what he loves. I am thankful we had the time, and means, for him to make the transition and explore this new direction.
I am so thankful this year for my beautiful wife Maria for all the grace she has shown through a couple of extremely hard years. This year she had to suffer through 9 months of a hard pregnancy where not only was she nauseous for the entire pregnancy, she also had a high risk pregancy where she had to give herself 2 shots in the leg every day – not to mention myriads of doctor’s appointments and extra checkups for our little unborn son. She suffered through it all and the result was she gave birth to our little boy Carter back in June. I am so thankful for all her hard work, the grace she has shown during the tough times, and for being such a wonderful new mom. Thank you Honey!
I am truly grateful for my family (don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful family and am always thankful). However, this year has been a difficult one for me. My marriage dissolved after 30 years, and I don’t know how I would have made it through without my brother, sister, Mom & Dad (and yes, I am SO lucky to have both my parents, at 85 and 86 years of age). My friends have also been supportive, but, my biggest support system has been my family. I am truly one lucky woman.
I’m thankful for my husband, Jimmy, who is patient and caring while I try to come up with new ways for us to be debt free. He’s been so supportive and strong! Jimmy, I love you with all my heart, and I know I can be a pain sometimes. Thanks for loving me. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life getting to know you!
I’m also thankful for my parents, who have been supportive of our debt free goals, and helped us when they could.
I am thankful for my husband. Last year was incredibly difficult in our marriage, and through the healing power of Jesus, our relationship has been restored. My husband is growing into an amazing man of God and I’m so proud of him!
Thanks for the reminder to tell the people in our lives how much we are thankful for them.
Dear Baby,
I’m so grateful to be carrying you, helping you to grow into a healthy, beautiful, wonderful addition to our family. Sometimes it’s scary when I remember how imperfect I am and worry that I won’t be the world’s greatest mom, but know that no matter what, I love you and would give my life for you. You’re already such a blessing to me. I can’t wait to see you for the first time.
I am thankful for my (new) in-laws. I was married to a wonderful man this October, and his family has welcomed me with open arms. They’ve been so generous and accommodating with wedding preparations, honeymoon planning, and the “splitting” of the holidays (my parents live in Florida, they’re in Connecticut, and we’re in Virginia…so there’s a lot of juggling and compromise when it comes to choosing where to spend Thanksgiving/Christmas).
I am so thankful for Baby Geek.
Despite a rough deliver for both of us, she’s happy, healthy and driving her mother bananas like babies are supposed to do. Thank you for being one of the biggest joys in my life, Madam Crankbottom.
(I’m not so thankful for her little teeth and her propensity for chomping down while nursing, but you have to take the good with the bad.)
Thankful for the boyfriend this year. We’ve both had a hard year and I don’t know what I would have done without him. He has been so supportive in every way possible and our relationship just continues to develop. Love you, honey bunny :)
I am truly thankful for one of my guy friends who financially supported me while I went on a missions trip to Hawaii this summer for two months. He’s known for being frugal in our group of friends because he supports himself (we’re all college students) by working a crazy amount of hours per week. I know money is always tight for him, so when he handed me an envelope, I was already blown away by the fact that he would even give me anything. When I found a check written to me for $100 along with an encouraging note, I almost felt like I couldn’t accept it. That $100 is easily the most meaningful and cherished of all the support money that came in (I had to raise $4800).
It’s not so much the monetary amount that mattered, but the sacrifice and meaning behind it. I was completely humbled in light of his generosity even in the face of tight financial strain.
Dear Dad,
Growing up, I hated you even though I didn’t even know you. To me, all you were was a money order wrapped in a piece of blank computer paper. All I had of you was scraps of envelopes with my address written in your typical scrawl. I knew we liked the same pens, but that was all.
This past year I’ve gotten to know so much about you, and in turn, myself. We’re both bad at packing lunches, saving money and drinking in moderation. You’ve also given me timeless advice on how to save money for a rainy day and talked me through tears about this or that jerk.
Although we haven’t seen each other this year, having you in my life after 23 years is such a blessing. You’ve been everything and more that I’ve been searching for all these years. The only man you come second to is Milo (my dog). Love you Dad.
Dear baby #1,
I can’t believe how much you’ve grown this year and how you have turned into a mini-daddy with your own ideas and opinions that you aren’t afraid to share. You are absolutely the light of our lives and eventhough baby #2 will be here in a few weeks, you will always have that special “first-born” place in mama’s heart…just don’t tell your brother!
Love you so much,
How about a DSLR camera for the Mrs?
I have to give it for my wife (go figure for the guy from Engaged Marriage, right?).
We’ve shared an incredible year of gain, loss, transitions and tough choices. Through it all, you’ve stood right at my side and trusted me when we had challenges to face. The next few weeks will be tough, but I can’t wait until Christmas when you get to start being at home with our family and we start a new chapter in our lives.
Hopefully with $200 more in our pockets! ;-)
I am thankful for my husband who keeps me grounded in the midst of chaos and reminds me that it’s the small, simple moments of life that matter most. He is definitely the yin to my yang, a soul mate of sorts, and I can’t imagine what my life would be without him.
I’m thankful for so many people in my life, my husband, my family, my son…but I’m truly thankful, especially this year, for my best friend, Erin. After a 10 year “long distance friendship,” we are finally living in the same city. I’ve never known what it’s like to have a true best friend in the same city. I’m so grateful for our friendship, especially when we’re being silly, rockin’ out to “the jams” on the iPod. I love you Erin!
And I’m grateful for you, J! You’ve given me some awesome $$ tips over the year, whether you know it or not! :)
I am truly thankful for my boss. I graduated from college May 2010 with a degree in Philosophy, which was my passion, but not the most traditional strategy for entering a tough job strategy. I had quite a bit of IT experience, and managed to get a job in digital document management. He took a chance on me, and has invested quite a few resources into my training, rather than going with someone tried and true. It was a blessing, and his willingness to allow me to prove myself is something I am very thankful for.
I am so thankful for my nephews! Sloppy kisses from them are the best in the world. Their love is so pure and simple, it’s just awesome. They make me forget all about politics and… budgets. LOL!
And for the Mrs., I suggest a sexy box from Tiffany’s. There is some surprisingly reasonably priced stuff over there, and that little blue box always impresses me. ;)
Thanks for all your inspiration this year, keep the sexy goin!
Reading over most these comments it seems like everyone is thankful for husbands/boyfriends, wives/girlfriends. I can’t say the same. This year was another tough one for me. After thinking I had found the one, I found that she didn’t think the same of me. So it’s been a tough holiday season seeing that she was in my life for 10 out of the 12 months. So if i had to think of something to be thankful, I would have to say my family and friends. Because they’ve stuck by me to always be there to talk or help out. I didn’t want to lose my house last year, so i moved an old friend in to help out with the bills, and this year we’ve gotten to be really good friends and he’s been there when she left me a few weeks ago. I’m looking onto 2011, hoping it’ll be a better year. But then again, the time spent with her was amazing and i’ll never forget it. So I have to also be thankful for the fun times I had and the places we went together.
I have a great life with great friends, and I’m always looking to the future. I have to be thankful for that piece of mind. :)
I am thankful for my parents. Even though the economy is not treating them well, they still managed to pay my college tuition and some of my books as well as pay my bills (car insurance, cell phone, etc). I am really thankful that they’ve done that for me and given me a chance to get a higher education.
I am so grateful for my Mom. We are going through a tough time in the family right now and my Mom always makes it through the day with such grace and poise under duress. She always has time to spend with me on the phone, and she is an incredible source of strength and wisdom. I’m so lucky to have such a strong lady in my life.
I’m also very grateful for my neighbour, who allows me to do laundry for free in her house, and for my boyfriend, who has spent so much of his precious time and energy helping me fix up my apartment.
I’m thankful for my daughter. She will be eight months old next week and in that short time, she has changed my life and inspired me in ways I could not imagine a year ago.
Thank you Abi for the best eight months of my life.
I am honestly and truly thankful for my students. I’m an adjunct professor at Bay Path College and one of my classes is a traditional undergrad day student macro econ class. They were the best thing that could have happened to me these past few months. I have a lot going on, my blog, my practice, my family and a whole bunch more but these students kept me grounded and smiling. They are a big mix of personalities and experiences and even in grade levels but for an hour and fifteen minutes twice a week all that is left at the door and we all come together to learn. Now macro isn’t always the most fun to read about, or lecture about, but I’m certain that through all the hilarious (and meaningful) conversations we had that I helped them become better consumers of information and goods/services. I received so much more from them though. Even on my worst days they always picked me up, helped me remember that the stuff that I do isn’t a waste and most importantly…even in a tough economy a business like mine can work – well they did that after I taught them the tools to analyze that stuff :) They will definitely be with me long after they go on to graduate, or just move on to the their next level classes. They also re-inspired me to always see the possibility/potential in people and circumstances. You don’t have to walk around assuming that everyone already knows better or doesn’t want to hear what you have to say. Thanks guys!
I am thankful for my entire family, but most recently I am so thankful for my cute, spunky little 6 year old daughter. My sweetie is always bright, happy, and never stops moving! Without fail when I get home from work SHE asks me ‘mommy, how was your day?’ and it makes me SMILE. Her thoughtfulness inspires me to think more of others as she always does.
I am eternally grateful to my husband Jon who more than puts up with me and without effort. He is an amazing dad (and mom when necessary) when work is about as much as I can handle and yet.. he still goes to work everyday himself. I wish I had his quiet resolve. He handles most situations with a calm attitude even when the girls in his life (me & our two girls) are well.. being as girl tend to be. I don’t toot his horn nearly enough (haha- no pun intended) but he deserves it!
I am thankful for my dad, I gave him a kidney this year and this will be the first Christmas he won’t be tied to a dialysis machine. :)
I’m thankful for my life! All the people that are in it and the things that I do but also literally “my life”. I lost 3 dear friends this year and it really put the focus back on just how amazing life is and how lucky we all are every day that we are here to live it!
Family and relatives are great, I love and adore my children but I am just so thankful for a wonderful life. I have struggles like the rest of the masses but all and all, I am greatful for the life I live and I am looking forward to many more years ahead. I have some lofty goals in place but instead of overwhelming myself I am taking a piece at a time and in time they will be accomplished. My financial goals are at the top and I see progress…
The tips I get from J. Money’s Budgets are Sexy have been so helpful and the Giveaways are off the chain!! :)
Get Mrs. J. Money one of those vacations through Off & On Auctions-pay for the bids which are inexpensive and let her bid down to the wire at winning an awesome vacation package for around $20-40. Much cheaper than booking vacations for $200-800! Just an idea…
My wife. While she was supporting my as I studied for the LSAT and applied to law school we found out she was pregnant. Working full time and going to law school in the evening would leave me absent for much of the first four years of our future child’s life, but my wife urged me to continue. Now that I have been accepted she still is encouraging me to make the most of these next four years while she will be overburdened at home and work. Her sacrifice will mean that I am able to pursue my dream and provide a better future for our growing family.
Thankful for my wifey of almost a year. We married on the 1st of January and have had one hell of a year. I honestly hope we stay in this honeymoon phase for a long long time. In this year we’ve trimmed down our credit card debt by around 75% and are working to refi our mortgage for a lower rate! While we were doing this we managed to travel, go to Drake’s concert, eat like foodie douche bags, and save! Wifey is the shiz….
OH MY GOSH you guys are getting me all teary-eyed!!! I’m not joking, this is sooooo beautiful to read. You all are wonderful people, and I’m so glad we’re connecting here on this page all at the same time…. nothing but love and respect for you guys.
Thank you for sharing.
Dear hubby,
I’m truly thankful for having you in my life. You are such a great husband and always care for me. During the past two weeks, our newborn is here. You spend countless hours taking care of both me and her. You are willing to get up multiple times in the middle of a cold night to help with diaper changing or just sitting by my side. You always comfort me when I think I wasn’t going to make it. Thanks for being there for me!
Ok, this is a tough one. Not just the choosing only one, but the one I am choosing. I am truly thankful for my ex-husband, J (no relation to J$)
J – You are going through a very tough time right now. Even though it is pretty much you’re own doing, and even though I have moments of being angry as hell at you, it doesn’t change how grateful I feel for you being in our lives. You have made some piss poor choices, but in your heart I know that you love us and are doing the very best you can to be the best dad. I know that in your heart you think you are doing what you do for us. My prayer for you now is that you realize that in the simplest possible way, all we need is you, healthy & happy. If you can hold that in your awareness, you will stop creating unnecessary stress in your life, and you will stop resorting to self-destructive ways of coping with that self-created stress. All you have to do to deserve our love is be you, and be here. We love you.
So, J$, is it any surprise I’m going to tell you to give your wife the only thing she probably really wants: you. Your love and your attention, without distractions, for a day, a few hours, whatever, will probably make her day :-)
I’m thankful for my parents. We are not an overly affectionate family, but I have never doubted their unconditional love for me an my siblings. That’s a wonderful feeling! I know that no matter what, Mom and Pops will be there for us in any way they can. Now that I’m married, I understand how important that kind of love is. Forget the gifts this christmas, family is truly everything I need!
P.S. A special shout out to my Hubby who is an amazing guy. I’m thankful for you too!!
I’m thankful for my sweet husband…he’s so patient with me and helps me out around the house and I’m thankful for all he does to provide for us. I’m so glad he’s a Godly, kind man. I’m also thankful for my 3 children…they are blessings in my life and I’m grateful every day for them.
I’m thankful for my fiance. He is always there for me and has never stopped doing those nice things people do at the beginning of relationships. Although he recently lost his job right after we got engaged, he still is in bright spirits and managed to find a temporary gig until he finds a new position. I’m so thankful for his good spirits and hard work ethic because it relieves a lot of stress on me (I’m an ultra planner and not being able to plan has been very hard on me!)
And J$ I would recommend getting Mrs. J$ something that will leave her lasting memories- I don’t know her interests, but maybe taking her ice skating, taking her to a holiday show, something that she won’t forget. Sometimes the best presents I’ve ever received haven’t been objects but have been experiences.
Dad, I’m so very thankful for you. I know we struggled a lot with each other when I was growing up but these last few years have been great as I’ve grown into an adult and you seem to be more understanding. I know you won’t always be around and watching you battle the chemo for the last 6 months is something that just amazes me at how strong you are. It also has put in clear perspective for me just how much I enjoy spending time with you and to not be lax with it thinking you will be around forever.
I am thankful for my wife. It is so awesome to be able to share life with someone. I love that we are both committed to each other and willing to go through the ups and downs of life together. She is my best friend and I am so thankful for who she is and for the wonderful wife she is to me.
I’m Trinnie’s best friend, yay!
I’m truly thankful that we’ve been able to survive these last few months, thanks to my father-in-law Rick. He came to live with us in Colorado when my husband got out of the Army. My husband’s had a very difficult time finding work, and our money for going into the Reserves has yet to materialize. Thanks to my FIL, we’ve been able to live in a large, beautiful home, and make sure all of our bills have been paid on time. If it weren’t for him, I know we’d be in a much worse state, financially. He’s really helped to carry us.
As for Mrs. Money, my suggestion is one of my own wishes. How about about an e-reader loaded up with a new title (or two) of her favorite novel or book? Something that she can enjoy on her vacation days (hopefully!) this holiday season.
I’m truly thankful for my family. It has really been an emotional struggle for me when I decided to take a job over 700 miles from my mom, siblings and niece and nephews. But they have always been a phone call away and I always feel better and close to home after I get off the phone with them.
I miss u guys!!!
I have so much to be thankful for! But most of all I’m thankful for Jesus, the reason for the season and my awesome hubby who makes each day full of joy! And I’m also thankful for this fun giveaway! :-)
I am thankful for my wife. She finally got on board the baby train and we’re on our way to becoming parents. She is supporting me in my early retirement project. I don’t know many women who will support an early retirement project with baby coming.
I suggest you get Mrs. J$ an extra nice everyday item. A really nice pair of gloves that she uses often for example.
I am most thankful for my husband. This year has been tough with him living out of state for 6 months because of work. When I felt alone, he was always on the phone with me and would often just get into the car and drive for 6 hours when I was feeling particularly low. Thanks Mikey!
Hi baby.
I am thankful that somehow we made it through these past six and a half years. It was not easy, and for most of five of those years I never thought we would be where we are today, and neither did you.
This year I am especially thankful for you. I am thankful for the work trip in the Spring, for your birthday trip, for adventures, and so many things in between that we have been able to share.
I don’t always have the capacity to show you or tell you the way that I would like to, in part because I fear that we will lose this, as I think eventually circumstances will force that, but you know that I am thankful and how very much I love you.
Thank you for being you, and letting me be me, and for knowing when I need you to be there and when I don’t.
I am totally crying as I write this, and I’m at work! Enough said. You’ll never see this, but I also say thank you J Money for giving me the opportunity to sit and say it, and to remember that you and I, that is a gift, and I should not take it for granted.
Ever with love, me.
I am thankful to my coworkers. I wrote about a long term temp that was diagnosed with a fatal cancer who had limited financial means ( The office has been his financial and emotional support for the past seven months. I know that without my coworkers he probably would be homeless and needlessly suffering in agony. While we are not perfect, we have done the best that we could to provide a place to live, obtain health insurance, advocate on his behalf and most importantly, call, visit and just make him feel loved and needed. Many of us are struggling financially, but I am proud of the fact that we have been able to put ourselves aside for the good of someone else. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?
Dear Ga-Ga (my grandma, not the singer :))
You are my rock. When I need a little sanity in my life, I always know you are there to talk things out with me. You have such great insight into life and you always know the right thing to say. You are more than just my Grandma, you are my friend, my advisor, and my heart.
Oh yeah, and you make the best chicken tortilla casserole this side of the mason-dixie :)
Nicole :)
I’m thankful for my husband, who smiles in his sleep. His happiness is contagious and I’m so glad that I get to be loved by such a compassionate, witty, thoughtful man.
Definitely my husband of four years.
My goofball husband,
I know I chide and get upset with you when you go out to eat for lunch every day or beg to buy the latest greatest gadget, but I am so thankful for you. You remind me that money is not just for saving, but to consciously spend for enjoyment. You cheer me up with your goofy antics. And I really appreciate the hard work you do at your job even if it means I miss you so much because you work such long hours. Because I see you so little, it makes the time we have so precious and valuable that I make an effort to not waste what we do have. I know I’ve been a pain with my fiscal restraint in paying off the student loans and car, but we’ve come a long way baby, 80k in 4 years and only 20k to go. Thank you for being supportive of me and all my decisions. Love you so much!
To my roommate:
When I think about it, I’ve only known you for 6 months, but I feel like you’ve been my friend forever. Thank you for being my family and letting me be yours. Times have been rough for us, but there’s no one else I’d rather go through a crisis with.
I’m thankful for my parents. Growing up it’s always “When I have kids I won’t…. or I hope I’m not like you when I grow up…” As I grow up I hope I become the parents that they have been to me.
It’s been a hard couple of years for me recently and honestly it is hard to be thankful sometimes. Sometimes I’d rather wallow in self pity; but I guess I would say that I am most thankful for my husband, Jeremy. He’s been right there through these same hard times with me. It hasn’t been easy on either of us, but we seem to balance each other out. When I wallow or get upset about our circumstances, he is happy and snaps me out of it and vice versa. When I am mad and everybody in the house knows it, he yells back at me and tells me to get over myself and vice versa. I am thankful that I have him by my side through the good and the bad.
To my wonderful dog Cooper:
Thank you for rescuing us and being a part of our family. Every day you show us loyalty and unconditional love and prove that giving a homeless animal a second chance is one of the most worthwhile, rewarding things that humans can do. We love you and look forward to a happy, healthy, fun 2011 together!
This year 2 days before Thanksgiving I was more than halfway through the 13 hour drive to a family member’s cabin that I have been going to for the last 20 years when we learned it was currently on fire. It is in some pretty remote woods and the outlook was not good, but thanks to the incredible work of multiple small town volunteer fire departments the cabin was saved, albeit with some pretty bad smoke damage. The cabin is going to be ok, but it was not livable at that time. I would like to thank the amazing children’s summer camp next door. The winter manager heard the sirens and came by to check on everything. When he learned my family was without a place to go over the holidays he and his staff begged us to use a brand new house that was part of the camp. They brought over dishes, cooking implements, bedding, and everything we needed.
The fire departments did an amazing job of saving the cabin while doing as little damage to the place as possible. The camp went above and beyond a normal amount of generosity and provided us with a wonderful weekend with the family where we had much to give thanks for – thank you all!
I am truly thankful for my husband and my three amazingly wonderful children. I was just thinking as I dropped two of the kids off at preschool how blessed I am so my thank you is to our heavenly Father.
Thank you for entrusting your children to my earthly care. I am honored and blessed to be their mother. Thank you for a partner who values our family as much as I do. Thank you for giving me the strength to get through some tough times in our family.
First for Mrs. BAS.
1) She is a Ph. d student, right, do you have someone that helps clean the house? I am sure she is swamped in work and does not need another responsibility.
2) Screw back diamond earrings. She can wear them all the time, even in the shower, without fear that she is going to lose one.
As for thankfulness, I am so grateful for my son’s care providers (he is severely disabled). I would not be able to have a somewhat of a normal life without them. They have helped my son advance farther than I would have anticipated.
I am thankful for the health of my daughter, since she was born 3 months premature we have not had any major illnesses! Thank Heavens!
I am also thankful for my parents, always there to lend love and support.
I am so thankfully for my husband. My parents are going through some major changes which requires a lot of hand holding and support. My husband has stepped up so much more than I could imagine which makes me love him even more.
We’re also making a big move that’s a bit risky ourselves and him, being Mr. Stable is handling it fantasticly.
I wouldnt want to be sharing my life with anyone else but him.
Incidently Christmas Eve is the anniversary we got engaged :)
I’m grateful to finally have a positive relationship with my sister. Absence DOES make the heart grow fonder in our case. Living in different states has allowed us to develop our friendship without getting on each other’s nerves. That only took 20-something years!
I am truly thankful for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. My mother went in for a free screening for low income women that was happening as a part of it. Two days before her birthday, she was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma (Stage III breast cancer).
What is terrifying about all of this is that she lives at poverty level and has not had health insurance for many years. Praise God that the specific place she went, at that specific time had a grant that will cover ALL of her treatment. She will begin chemo at Christmas but I am SO THANKFUL that treatment is going to be more than and unachievable dream for her!
Ok, Brock this one is for you…
After over 28 years of marriage, I can truly say you are my best friend.. Ups, Downs and every other crazy thing that comes our way are made so much easier by knowing you are there beside me. We are blessed with 2 beautiful daughters and I am blessed and thankful for having you in my life. :)
Truly thankful for my son – the first year with you has been amazing and I can’t wait to see how you grow!
This year I am truly thankful for my grandmother even though she is no longer here phsycially. My Grandmother raised me the first 13 years of my life along with several family members throughout the 13 years. Even though she didn’t get the proper education growing up she taught me to be independent and financially smart. My grandmother without a husband was able to purcahse a car and house on her own and eventually paid off both expenses early. She always used cash except at Sears but always made sure to pay it off right away. Earlier this year I got my self into trouble with debt and what motivated me to get on a budget was thinking about how my grandmother had less than me when she was raising me and never got herself into trouble with debt. If she was able to do it and still enjoy life so can I!!
I am on the road to be debt free December 2011!!!
I’m thankful for the friends I’ve known forever. This year, two of my good friends who I first met in 7th grade each got married, and it made me so thankful to know that they are still in my life. It’s amazing to think of how many transitions we’ve gone through together. I feel so thankful to have friends who’ve seen me through so much!
This year, I am truly grateful for the little one who is currently growing in my belly. He or she (we find out on Thursday) will make my son a big brother and will fulfill mine and my husband’s dream of having a family with at least two children. This little one has also showed me just how strong and patient my husband is, as he’s cared for me while this little one has made me ill. For all this and more, I’m truly grateful.
I feel like I should write a quick note to my hubby and kids, as I am truly very thankful for them. But I am thankful for them every moment of every day and tell them this frequently. It doesn’t make it untrue, but just not the note that I want to write.
I want to thank the online community of personal finance writers, like yourself and others. Without your guidance and inspiration (and cheerleading sometimes) we wouldn’t be in $20,000 less debt than one year ago. We would still be using credit cards with wild abandon with no plan on how to get rid of the debt. We would have needed to live off of those credit cards during TWO different layoffs this year, but we were able to live meagerly off of one income until something else came along. We wouldn’t be motivated to continue paying off the remainder of our debt. I would be eating out every day at lunch racking up more debt instead of brownbagging it and reading pf blogs during my lunchbreak (to let me know that I wasn’t in this alone).
Seriously…knowing there are others out here going through similar circumstances and having higher aspirations has truly been inspiring. Thank you all so much!
I’m thankful for Dave Doolin ( – I started my blog back in January this year and he’s been instrumental in helping me enjoy it as much as I have, making it a success (small, but still a success), and he always had an ear to lend or was ready with a gentle nudge to get back to work (sometimes less gentle, but you get the point).
Best mentor I could have asked for, if I’d known to ask for a mentor, and a good friend.
I’d like to say thank you to my best friend and roommate. We’ve been friends for years. My family all moved about 15 hours away 5 years ago and being far away from them is hard on me but it’s too expensive to fly to visit them except around holidays and my career and life are here now. My friend has become my rock, my family, and my biggest fan. He’s the person I bounce ideas off of, he helps me work through big life decisions when they come up, and he helps me celebrate all the little things. He’s the best!
To my boyfriend,
Thank you for supporting me through this year of seemingly endless medical issues and work stress. At any point this year, no matter what happened, I always knew that I could come home to you at the end of the day and that you would be there for me.
To my mom: Thank you for putting up with me through the hardest part of grad school. Thank you for all the meals you’ve cooked so I don’t have to eat ramen noodles. Thank you for driving me to campus when you think it’s too cold for me to walk 3 blocks to wait for the bus. Thank you especially for not making me pay rent! Who would have thought living at home would work out so well. love you lots!
I’m thankful for my family & friends who have supported me this year in my decision to become a model. :) It sounds all weird like that, but I really would have never tried if my husband hadn’t encouraged me to try it and see and I didn’t have some absolutely amazing friends who believe in me and support me. I need pick-me-ups often, and someone is always around to keep encouraging me in the downtimes! (Plus keeping me sane in the rare times that I AM busy with modeling things!)
I am thankful for my wife who supports me in everything I do. She also makes delicious dinners and does all the cleaning in the house. She is my rock and a great friend to talk to!
I am truly thankful for my husband. He is the most amazing person I know. He will work a full day, commute an hour each way, and come home and make dinner. He is financially savvy and is putting our retirement money into the best possible funds for our situation. we are paying off our student loans rapid fire. In short, without him my life would be nothing like it is today.
no brainer. i am most thankful for my boyfriend
thanks, honeybee, for making me laugh and think and chill and geek out and a million other things. but thanks most for being you and pushing me to be a better me. i love you… also, go ravens; steelers can suck it ;)
I am truly thankful for my co-worker Robyn. I’m only 23 and just starting out as a social worker. She really knows how to keep me sane and help to guide me in everything I do, both personal and professional.
I am thankful for my boyfriend. he has been so understanding while I’ve gone though my home purchase and does what he can to support me in my savings goals. I am so glad that I have found a man like him and I wish I could truely express it to him.
I am thankful for my parents. I’ve been out of college for a year and a half, and they let me live with them, rent-free, as I pay off loans and save money for a place of my own. I know it’s not easy for them to have me back home. It’s not cake for me either, but if there is anything I’ve learned from J$ it’s that saving money takes a little bit of sacrifice and living with my parents is definitely one of them!
I’m truly thankful for my parents, my fr
iends and my dog, they are supportive through my triumphs and cheer me up through my struggles.
I am thankful for my family, we are taking care of the best father in the entire world, another thing to be thankful for. My dad has alzheimers and we are taking care of him, my kids and I are blessed to be able to spend these past few months with him. What a special time for us we have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for 2 people – my amazing fiance and my friend Emily.
Chris, I am obviously thankful for you for many reasons, but in particular I am thankful for the fact that you always view us as a team, no matter what.
Emily, I am thankful that you are the most down to earth, not insane friend that I have ever had, and that I have you by my side while I am planning my wedding AND while we are BOTH defending our dissertations!!! yikes!
I am very thankful for my husband! He has supported me through the past year when my cousin’s young daughter passed away unexpectedly, another young cousin was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and through my dad’s cancer and when he passed away. I don’t think I could have made it through all that without my husband’s support.
My Momma! I’m not sure what I’d ever do without her. If I’m having a problem or issue, she is the first person I call. Even though I now live 2000 miles away, we are closer than ever. Love you Mom!! :)
I am thankful for my husband, Jon.
I know this year has been extremely difficult on us both financially and emotionally and I want to thank you for sticking it out with me through all of our trials. Neither of us expected me to lose my job or for my engine needing to be replaced, but you handled it all so well. You never yelled or judged my mistakes and mis-communications. You have sacrificed so our family could stay afloat and have stepped up and helped out. You have been my rock and my shoulder to cry on. I feel that our marriage has gotten stronger this past year. I am so grateful you are my husband and father to my children. Here is to a better year in 2011.
Firstly, I don’t know what Mrs. J already has but I know some good books are always great gifts. Or her gift could be a trip somewhere! Living Social has been sending some great Escape packages, so definitely check those out. When all else fails, us ladies love spa days!
Now I’m thankful for my fiance Terrance. We had a really rough 2009 but this year has been great for us. I know for sure I wouldn’t have been as successful without his support and love. I’m really happy that I’m getting married to my best friend, and just couldn’t imagine life without him. He’s awesome. So to Tej (nickname) I love you and thanks so much for hanging in there with me. Looking forward to the many great years ahead :)
Dear Renee,
Thank you so much for bringing Zumba to my life. I started out the year as Debbie Downer but finding you and attending your classes has made me so much happier (and 22 pounds lighter)!! You are the best Zumba instructor on the planet. You are changing lives every day! On my journey to better health you helped me through the hardest parts~ those first steps! Thank you for your hard work at the Durham YMCA ~ we ALL love you!!
Happy Holidays,
(and my kids Avery, Gabriel, Ally & Everett)
I am grateful for my family but especially my grandmother. We celebrated her 75th birthday this year by throwing her the ultimate birthday bash. She said it was the best brithday party she ever had. My grandmother and I talk every day and have date night regularly. All of her friends are jealous because her granddaughter (me) spoils her so much. Not only was the party great but in the planning process I got a chance to spend more time with my mom which is great. We have a good relationship but we don’t always get to spend “just us” time together and planning the party for my grandmother go us rolling. We’re now taking cake decorating classes together so we ge to spend even more time together, strengthening our bond. And I think it started with my grandmother. So, in part because of my “G” who I already think is great, my mom and I are having a chance to get closer!
I am truly thankful for my ex who became a good friend. You have been everything to me and more this past year. I have learned a lot about myself and life because of you and I will forever be indebt to you. You have taught me things that are priceless. Been my mum and dad and brough me back to life.
So I am thankful for you.
This is awful, but I am truly grateful that my son got rid of his nasty girlfriend. I tried, but she was not a nice person. And I am grateful that I paid off one medical bill in full yesterday!
I would be thankful for David Spinks for making me the featured participant for the #u30pro newsletter, but he called me “Kyle” so…
In all seriousness, I am thankful for my friend, mentor, coach, ally, and accountability partner, Steve Evans. I already told him all this in his Christmas card, but now I’ll share it with the whole world.
Steve, buddy, it’s been one heck of a roller coaster year and I couldn’t have gotten through it without you. Your interviewing help was invaluable and I always appreciated having your shoulder to lean on during the disappointments.
As far as the other question, I’d say pick up on some sort of iconography that she likes (for my wife it’s fairies) and pick something out with that motif, whether jewelry, clothing, blanket, or artwork.
This is really nerdy:
Dear library,
Thank you for your large dvd collection and one week later due date. Checking out dvds from you has saved me lots of money and is way better than getting my dvds from redbox or netflix.
I am incredibly thankful for my wife, Beth. We have been living in Moscow for nearly two years now, and she became pregnant last October. It was a very rough first pregnancy, and everything was much tougher here in Moscow. I’m so proud of how she handled everything without complaining when she had every right to. She was so impressive and so calm and collected during a very turbulent time (while being away from family and friends in the states). She is an amazing woman, and now an amazing mother of a six month old!
Thankful for for my family, my friends who stuck by me during hard times (they know who they are), new friends, a roof over my head, food in my belly, heat to warm me, a job through these hard times and, most of all, for God.
Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Dear Soybean,
I’m thankful for you. I thought that babies were just smelly, loud, hard work. True as that may be, you’ve shown me that they are much more. You are hysterical and make me laugh every single day – no easy feat, as anyone who knows me will attest. Thank you for joining our family, and for being a genius, and for learning to say “contraption” at only 18 months.
To my Mom,
Mom, it has been great to sit and really talk with you, stay overnight with you and my sister at the family farm, and watch you make your famous candied yams. I am only sad that it took your serious illness and ultimate hospice status to truly open my eyes to the treasure that you are. I love you so much.
I’m truly thankful for all the people who didn’t leave when our church split this year. You know who you are. Thank you for realizing that community is more important than power, for being willing to work harder than normal, for not giving in to gossip and anger.
Hi baby!
As I tell you everyday, I am so so SO thankful to have you in my life. This has been the best year I could ever ask for, and it’s because you have been there with me every step of the way. If someone had told me just a couple of years ago that we would end up together, I would have laughed. ‘I can’t get with my best friend!’. But it made so much sense. I’m glad you stepped up when you saw that things were falling apart in my world. And our friendship has only made our love that much stronger. Now we can hang out as much as wanted to before. Now we can be the partners in crime we were always meant to be! I’m looking forward to the future adventures and endeavors we will encounter TOGETHER.
Most of all, I’m looking forward to calling you my HUSBAND next March, and to us moving to our dream city 6 days later (eek!).
You fill my heart everyday. I love you!
I’m truly thankful for my friend Ruth who doesn’t ever let me be but challenges me to reach for more in life.
Dear Mom,
I know I lost you two months ago and this will be my first Christmas without you, but I wanted to tell you thank you so much for bringing me into this world and giving me everything you could.
You know you were my best friend and I was so happy to hear you were proud of everything I accomplished before you passed. Purchased a car, went to college, bought a house all on my own. I got into bad debt and with your encouragement, got out of it and learned from my mistakes. You were so happy to purchase my wedding dress because I never asked you for anything. I’m so glad you made it to the wedding but sad you never got to hear the stories of the honeymoon.
I’m helping dad with all of the finances and we’re doing ok, however, I didn’t get a chance to tell you how thankful I was to have you in my life and I will always love you.
I’m thankful for so much, especially all my new friends from across the pond. You made me feel so welcome and I feel like I’ve known you all my life.
Thank you for being you (and you know who you are)
I am thankful for my spouse, who is AT LEAST as big of a tightwad as I am! Together we cook, coupon, garden, and work hard at keeping expenses low and comfort high. Plus, he totally funny and always has my back. He is the best partner EVER.
I owe the most Thanks to my children. Although they are 16, 14 & 7, THEY teach ME something every single day! They make me a better person. They make me want to be a healthier person. It is wonderful to see the World thru their eyes!! They are my angels God sent to save me ;)
I am really thankful to have a job right now. Not only a job, but a job with great benefits, decent pay, wonderful co-workers and an awesome boss. It may not be in the field I want to work in for the rest of my life, but it’s pretty good right now!
A guy named Dan, a new work contact of my mom’s, who submitted my resume where he worked, and lobbied hard for me to get my new job, without ever having met me. And now I work here, and we have met, and he is even nicer in person. And now I have a salary, and benefits and a whole lot less to worry about.
My immediate instinct, which I shared with my husband, is that I would write a thankful note to him. He suggested that it is not he that I should be most thankful for, but Life. I will call it SOL (Source of Life). This Source is of all things real and relevant, true science and the hidden system of cause and effect. The effects, however, are there for all to see.
Dear SOL,
It is through you that I am always a thankful person by nature. My husband Don stands out as the one to be most thankful for, since our relationship is a complimentary one. What each of us lacks is made up for by the other. Our strengths and weaknesses are balanced. Back in the days before we knew we would be together permanently, Don had a dream about me where I was about to fall off a cliff, and he saved me. After the fact, that dream makes perfect sense, because he not only saved me, but I’ve been a good part of the means of his personal growth and achievements. We are together by design, and neither of us imagined it as our future in the years prior. Thank you, SOL, for bringing Don and me together and for every good thing in our lives.
I am thankful for meeting my friend Justin.
When I was a kid (13-18) I used to skateboard and snowboard all the time. Then came college and eventually getting a career afterwards. While working 40hr weeks and dealing with everyday life I kinda lost focus of those passions in my life. I met Justin last winter, and he was a hardcore snowboarder (like old me). He became one of my best friends in the winter. We ended up logging tons of road trips over thousands of kilometers, and riding all kinds of mountains. Without him I’d still be trying to find that great find to come riding with on the mountains. Definitely makes life that much better
I am thankful for my wonderful husband of 14 years. He’s rational, thoughtful, and just generally normal. I have absolutely no time or tolerance for drama and he feels the same way. We have a great time together and our goals are in sync. I can’t wait to see him each and every evening. He also puts up with my personal finance obsession. He’s a keeper!!
I am thankful for my husband. He works a physically demanding job to provide for us. He is generous and kind hearted. He would give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He is always willing to go the extra mile when someone asks for his help. He is supportive and loyal to me and I know he has my back no matter what.
Thank you to my dear husband for all you do and the kind, generous man you are. I am so lucky to have such a good partner to take this journey with. I know I can count on you in the good times and bad. You are my rock. Always know I love and appreciate you.
Your loving wife.
I’m very thankful to my wonderful boyfriend, Mike. Although this has not been the most challenging year of our relationship (year 1, his mom died; year 2, my dad died), year 3 has had its own ups and downs as we try to grow together and be all we can be for each other. He’s my rock and I have come to rely on his wise, patient approach to my sometimes surprising emotional moments. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my dear. I love you and look forward to many more years, and hopefully a few without incident.
I am most thankful for my best friend, Maria. I love her so much. So here is my note for her:
You have been such a blessing to me. In the past year or so, things have been going horribly in my life including my bouts with severe depression. You have been there for me listening to my thoughts and fears with no judgment and an open heart. Even when I divulged to you my deepest and darkest thoughts, you listened and responded with such compassion, empathy, and wisdom.
You know what impresses me the most about you? Even though you have gone through so much in your young life (far more than most people can handle), you still possess a trusting and loving heart. You always think of others before you think of yourself. You are truly the most wonderful person I have ever met. I am proud and honored to be your friend.
I feel that anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. I know I am. Thank you.
I am thankful for my husband for being strong and standing by my side. Even through the bad and dramatic behavior some our relatives, he has kept his focus on our goals and has been faithful and loving to me. I feel so blessed.
I am really really thankful for my Mom she has been there since day 1 literally and have been a huge help, and comfort throughout my life. I truly would be lost without her. She’s God’s daily blessing to me.
Coopy Bear,
I am thankful that you are a part of my life. Everyday you make me smile at least once, even on the days I am frustrated with you. Happy Christmas!
There are a few people I would like to give thanks to. First God who brought me into the world and kept me despite the mistakes I’ve made and is teaching me how to be patient (among other things)
To my parents who taught me through actions how to be a good employee. I was doing an internship and even though I didn’t talk to a lot of people, I was missed just for the simple fact that I came in, did my job (did it well too) and wasn’t seen on the phone or otherwise being a hindrance.
To George. It’s amazing what happens when you ask. He came in and helped me get the sound system in my church up and running and is willing to help make sure that everything runs smoothly.
To the various blog sites out there who kept me entertained at work (and still keep me entertained at home) by providing laughs, and interesting articles that make you go ‘um.’
I am so happy and thankful to have my sister, Bridget. She is just 22 years old and has suffered thyroid cancer, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy. She almost never complains about her abundance of health problems. Instead, she helps so many other people with health issues by processing prescriptions for people in nursing homes. She is one of the funniest people I know, and a true joy to be around. She had to drop out of school this year in order to make it to all of her doctor’s appointments. She deserves so much more health and happiness than life has dealt her. She would have every right to be one of the most depressing people on earth, but instead she is one of the brightest sparks of light in my life. I love her dearly, she deserves the world, and I am truly, truly grateful to have her in my life, as my friend, and especially as my sister.
I am truly thankful for my sister. Our daily phone calls keep me going when I am so far away from home.
I’m extremely thankful for the continued good health of my daughter, age 5, adopted at age 3 from East Africa, and HIV+. She’s doing great and continues to make forward strides with her health!
I am so beyond thankful for Lauren, Nate, and everyone who lovebombed me earlier this year. I was going through some major struggles and not sure how I would make it through. I was ready to give up. And 341 people let me know that I was not alone and that I am loved and that I could make it through. I can never put into words how thankful I am for that.
I am also thankful for a dear friend of mine, Z. Last year when my heart was breaking over family drama and I was in a tough financial spot, he provided me the money to fly out to spend Christmas with my father in San Diego. This was the first time I had seen my father in five years, and it was lifechanging. I grew up without a quality relationship with my father, and Z gave me the chance to start over.
I could truly go on and on about all the people that I am thankful for… I am truly blessed.
Dear Husband,
Thank you so much for being supportive of me in this crazy year! You never complained about my unemployment, you were there to help me through my hospitalization and beyond, and now you are being completely supportive and understanding in my pregnancy. I know you will be a fantastic father, because you are a wonderful husband and friend! I love you so much and am so glad you’re in my life.
I am thankful for my two children.
Watching them grow-up so quickly and change so much this past year has made me realize how precious time really is and how fast it passes us by. I have realized that l need to appreciate every moment and not rush through everything and wish life by.
I am so grateful for my husband this Christmas and every year since I met him when we were 16 years old. We have struggled for years to become parents (I have had 6 miscarriages), have been waiting over a year for an adopted child, and I am now 5 1/2 months into a high-risk pregnancy. Through it all, my husband has been everything I need and more. He is truly my best friend and I think I could go through anything as long as we’re together. Thanks for the blog and the giveaway! Merry Christmas!
I am thankful for YOU J.MONEY!!!! You are inspiring our family to get out of debt and have fun while we are doing it! I am also thankful for Brad who inspired us to take the November no eating out challenge – what a great experience for us all.
And now that the sucking up for the moola is over….hee hee ….I am really thankful for my best buddy husband and cool three kids!
Gift for Mrs. J Money is a weekend trip somewhere she’s always wanted to go – you plan it, make all the reservations, and make sure you have the money for it….then go and enjoy together!
Merry Christmas!
I am grateful for my amazing husband of 22 years (today!). He has always been my best friend and his love is unconditional. He has really been amazing since I came down with CFS four years ago. In addition to the stress of running his own business, he has also shouldered the burdens of helping out at home and taking care of our kids. He’s an amazing dad. I am so lucky that God sent him into my life so long ago.
I am thankful for my wonderful fiancΓ© and our two dogs,who are currently living a state away from me. The daily phone calls and monthly visits with them keep me motivated to strive towards our goal of me rejoining them soon. They all provide immense support and love during this transitional time.
Dear Jesse, I’m so grateful to have you in my life! No one could possibly ask for a better husband. You’ve seen me through sickness, depression, and financial hardship, and you’ve stuck with me until I came out the other side of the darkest tunnels of my life. God used your strength to bolster me up when I couldn’t do it myself. Thank you for sticking with me!
I am truly thankful for my husband. He’s my partner, lover, and best friend. We had a rough year last year. My husband suffers from Crohn’s Disease. Three weeks after the joyous arrival of our first child, his small intestine perforated and he had an emergency re-section and spent several days in a medically-induced coma, on a ventilator. It was the scariest time of my life, not knowing if my husband would survive, and having a newborn daughter at home to care for at the same time. Thankfully, he did recover. He spent nearly three weeks in the hospital and then endured a long recovery at home for over a month. I have never experienced such profound grief and simultaneous joy. He was alive (!!!), but he was so medicated and weak that he wasn’t mentally or physically capable of being there for us for several months. He couldn’t hold our daughter without assistance and doesn’t really remember much of her first few months.
But now he’s back to 100% and is the best father and husband anyone could ever ask for. He’s literally my other half, and I don’t know what I would do without him.
This year has really been a blessing, as we’ve enjoyed each day together as a family. I can’t ask for a better partner with whom to share this wild journey we call our life.
i’m truly thankful for my health…it’s been a rough year but i’ve been able to spend quality time with my wife and my 2yo son.
Dear Jack,
Being your mommy is the best thing ever. Every time you crawl into my lap and hug me, or give me kisses, my heart overflows. You’ve taught me so much in such a short amount of time, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’ve made me a better person. You are my joy, and I love you so much it’s ridiculous. Thank you for being you, my sweet boy.
I love you,
I’m am so thankful for the past year that we’ve had together. It’s been almost a year since you got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of our lives together. You laughed when I was speechless (first time ever!) and I could only shake my head yes. Moving in together 9 months ago as taught us many things about each other and especially taught me patience. :) I love our Steeler football Sundays, long talks at night, playing games on our iPhones right next to each other, and practicing being ninjas. ;) I can’t wait until April 30, 2011 when I become Mrs. N. I love you more than anything and look forward to our future together!
Love, Jenna
I am thankful that all my family, friends, and pets are healthy and happy.
To my mom: I am very thankful you are doing well and surgery went well. I am thankful I got to spend 1 month with you while you recovered, even if all we did was watch TV and go to doctor appointments. I know it was twenty below most days, there was no sun, and you lost your furry companion right before Thanksgiving, but I am so glad to have spent that time with you.
To my doctor: I am thankful for everything you have done for me in the past year. You are amazing and I hope you understand how awesome you are. You changed my life.
To my husband: I am thankful for everything you have done for me. I am glad you finally got a job you love and are healthy and happy. :)
To my pets: I thankful you are all happy and healthy.
To my friends: I am thankful for all the time we spent together this year; I cherish every moment.
To Simba: I am thankful for 31/2 weeks with you and that I got to see you again. I wished our time together was longer, but you are in a better place. I am sorry there was nothing medically that could have been done, but I am so glad I could help you and do everything there was to do. Love you furball.
I am so thankful for my brother, and the time I had with him. We weren’t close as kids, but reconnected in our 40’s, and spoke on the phone at least once a week, even though we lived a continent apart. I’m so grateful for the time we had, because he died last month, and if we hadn’t re-connected, I would have missed out on so much.
I am thankful for my husband because he lets me sleep through the night!!! I popped out a second child back in August so it should be zombieland for us both but my husband does all the night feedings with the baby and also gets up if our 2 year old is having trouble sleeping. It is the best thing he could ever do for me, better than jewelry, better than a chocolate malt shake, better than the feeling a warm cup of tea can give. There is so much more I am thankful for in my husband but letting me sleep is truly a very thoughtful and selfless gift. He rocks!
I am thankful for a caring and supportive group of friends, and for the confidence they have given me to pursue my goals and dreams.
First of all, I am thankful to have a job in this economy, and blessed to have great co-workers. Secondly, I am thankful for having a great guy in my life. Most importantly, I am thankful to God for giving me the greatest gift – my obstinate but loving daughter.
I am very thankful for my wife, and am glad she is back from her out of state trip! She is very supportive with my third shift job/schedule. I am also thankful that our pets are all healthy and happy! (and that they get along with each other most of the time!!) I am very thankful that I have a job that I love, and that if I need some extra money I can work all the OT that I want! I am thankful to have decent insurance after having some pretty awful companies lately!
Dear Best Friend,
Even though we broke up, you still wanted me around, and you’ve gone to great pains to show me how authentic your feelings are. Thank you for putting up with this whole mess, and for helping me put myself back together again. I look forward to having you in my life forever.
I am thankful for Ryan Jesse- my best friend.
For pushing me to respect myself by demanding the respect of others.
Dear John,
Without you as my husband, I would not be the woman I am today. You have stood by my side even when you disagree with me. You have taught me what it is to be less selfish. You have loved me at my ugliest. You have shown me priorities are important and I really need to get my poop in a group and figure it out. You let me make my own mistakes and you pick up the pieces when those mistakes rear their ugly heads. I want you to know I am the MOST THANKFUL for you. You provide love, support, comfort and strength for both me and our children. I love you with all of my heart and soul.
Always yours,
Truly thankful for my kids-they bring joy and laughter to me every day!
I am greatful to my parents and especially my Mom.
2 days before Christmas last year my employer went bankrupt. I went 6 months with no job and finally got a break and am working at a great place making more money than I ever imagined at this point in my life. Without her helping me along the way and continuing to put up with me staying at their place, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Helping pay for most of college education is something I’ll never forget either.
Thanks Mom and Dad!
It’s probably been said a ton already but I’m thankful for my husband. Couldn’t imagine going through life with anyone else. He’s treats me with so much love and respect and is such a great role model for our kids.
I am thankful to my husband. He works really hard and he comes home to help me out with the kids. We have no family support in place (relatives live out of state) and without his help I wouldn’t be able to do it all.
I am thankful for a good friend that has stood by me whenever I needed anything she or her husband was capable for delivering. When I needed a place to live…they took me in. When I needed help moving my car out of state…they flew hundreds of miles to help me drive. When I wanted to start my business…they again, took me in until I was able to support myself. When I need something fixed…all I have to do is ask. When I was afraid to light the pilot lite on my fireplace for fear of blowing up my house…they were here…and the list goes on.
Well you finally did it. You made me cry. I haven’t met 99.99% of you, and yet I feel pretty close to each of your situations and am smiling along while I read. Thank you for making my morning :) It’s refreshing from all the negativity out in this world, and I can’t wait to read more. You guys are beautiful.
I’m truly thankful for my mom and always will be. She’s an amazing woman. She has battled cancer several times and is still alive today. She is my role model when it comes to living life frugally. I remember the time when I told her excitedly that me and my husband spent only $500 on food one month and she looked at me in disgust and said “$500?! Me and your dad spend less than $300/month.” I love her. She’s been my go-to person for budgeting advice since.
I’m most thankful for my family and their continued health and happiness.
I am so thankful for my parents. They have sacrificed so much, both financially and emotionally, for me to start law school and pursue my dreams. Their undivided support and love has given me the confidence needed to focus on school, and I wouldn’t be here without them.
I want to let you know how thankful I am that I have you in my life. With everything that I have had to go through and especially this year, I am truly blessed to have you as my friend. When everyone turned their backs on me, you have been the one that has stayed. 10 years through all the ups and downs. Thank you. I don’t know if I could have done it without you.
~Your Kristama
I am thankful for you. I appreciate that you make me laugh, you let me be right even when I am ridiculous, and you always let me choose the restaurant/movie/TV show. All while you are the busiest person I know. I miss you, and I am thankful for our times.
I am thankful for a caring and supportive group of friends, and for the confidence they have given me to pursue my goals and dreams.
To My Hubby and Daughter,
I just wanted to take the time to tell you how much I love you and thank God for you everyday. I can always depend on the two of you to pick me up when I am down and provide me with unconditional love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Mom and Dad,
Thank you. Words cannot express all that you have done for me throughout my life and you have been beyond amazing this year.
To my grandson Alex,
Watching you grow this past year has been the greatest joy to Grandpa and me. Seeing you take your first steps, say your first words and change every day are some of our best memories. We can’t wait to see what you’re like in 2011!
Love, Grandma
I am thankful for my mom. She works so tirelessly to help me out with my future. When I was young I barely noticed it because she never complained but now I find myself working long hours, seeing how the world works, and am in awe of my mom for how much she manages so successfully yet is available whenever I need her. I question if she ever sleeps! She lets me live with her to save on rent, she cooks delicious meals, and she’s a great listener. I really have a wonderful mom who I love ever so dearly :)
Dear Husband,
I want to let you know just how incredibly thankful I am to have you in my life. When I married you five years ago, I loved you because I loved the happy, carefree and fun person that you were. Since we began our lives together, we have suffered together – the loss of three babies, and the tragic loss of your mother, one of my best friends. There were a couple years that seemed so dark, many wondered if our young marriage could survive so much sorrow.
I am so thankful that you are so strong, so loving, and so joyful, despite our trials. You carried me, and allowed me to carry you, and together, our relationship has only grown deeper and stronger. I am thankful that you are still that happy, carefree and fun person.
I am also thankful for the wonderful father you are to our two beautiful children. Their lives will be rich and happy because you are their’s.
I love you so much, and I look forward to loving you for the rest of my life.
I am thankful for our beautiful, amazing children, Will (2), and Emma (4 months). They are the light of my life and the source of so much happiness and joy for us. After years of infertility, including 9 miscarriages, four rounds of IUIs, countless tests, and one round of IVF, there were many, many holidays where I wondered if I would ever be a mommy, if we’d ever have a family. The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time, but they are often incredibly sad for those that are suffering and missing loved ones.
We lost one baby just days before Christmas in 2006. We were in the second trimester, and had seen the baby on the ultrasound many times, so it was especially heartbreaking when the doctor quietly said, “I’m so sorry, I don’t see a heartbeat.” I remember that Christmas was just something to get through that year. It breaks my heart to know that there are others that are just getting through this year.
So, if I “win,” I would like my stimulus package go to one woman and her family that is just getting through this year. My family lives on a single income and things are tight this year, but we have everything that we need. My heart breaks for this pregnant woman who doesn’t have what she needs: her husband and the father of her children. Though I can’t give her that, perhaps the kindness of an unexpected gift will give a tiny measure of comfort.
Here is a link to the story about this woman and the death of her husband:
This is her blog. It’s heartbreaking to read, so be warned.
Their church is collecting for them, so perhaps that is where the VISA card can be sent, or it looks as if she could be contacted directly through her blog:
Rochester Church of Christ
250 West Avon Road
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
I know that I am so fortunate to have all that I have, most especially my sweet, healthy children. No matter what we have to “go without” at Christmas, we still are so blessed and rich beyond measure.
I am thankful for our health. Our health drives so many things – being able to work, pay our bills, and not having additional bills piling up around us. I am secondarily thankful that after a year of underemployment, hubby found a full time job. We’re slowing returning to normal, and he’s working his arse off to keep us there.
This year, I’m truly thankful for my mom. She’s weathered lots of storms this year- from her & my father’s tumultuous relationship, to taking care of her elderly parents & loss of her father with little support from her siblings, to helping to plan my wedding earlier this year. She’s been strong through them all – and an excellent role model, I might add – and we’ve become much closer. Thanks mom!
Words cannot express how grateful I am for your continuous words of wisdom and insight. Thank you for being like a second dad and trying to help me whenever you can, even with schoolwork. (Even though Iβm pretty sure you wouldnβt understand the Rhetorical Dimensions of Media. (lol) Even slipping me a couple of bucks when I needed it is something you donβt have to do, but because you love and care about me so much you choose to be so gracious. I love you from the bottom of my heart and couldnβt ask for a more special grandfather!
I am thankful for my parents. They have provided me with a extrememly supportive foundation that has allowed me to rebound from a divorce, near bankruptcy, depression, and know I know I owe my everyday successes , happiness, home/ car ownership etc. to them
I am thankful that my kids and I are healthy. Having watched loved ones go through some bad health problems this year, I am reminded that good health is the most important thing.
Dear hubby,
You are the best thing in my life. You are so generous, thoughtful, kind and helpful. I don’t know what I’d do with out you. smooches.
I am so, so thankful to have you in my life. I will never forget when Mom and Dad came into my room when I was 4 to tell me that God had brought us another baby, and that we were going to pick you up in Austin. You are the greatest little brother EVER, and I am so thankful that you and I are brother and sister. Our birth parents may have been different, but I have never felt closer to anybody.
I am so, so proud of you for following your dreams. You have always gone against the grain, and I just think that is awesome. Now stop drinking and smoking so much :) Love you.
I am so thankful that we’ve become amazing friends these last few years. I consider you a sister and I would be so lost without you. We are so different, yet so very similar and our friendship means the world to me. You do not judge me, or criticize me at all. You help me to be smarter and better with my money and you push me to want to be better at photography.
Thank you for being my friend. I love you so much.
You are the best little sister anyone could ever ask for. Between laughing until we cry and then switching in deep conversation about life, I feel like you know me better than anyone else. Keep your dry wit and incredible sarcasm, but also your deep compassion and love for others. (If I win, I’m spending this money on my favorite 15 year old, YOU).
As far as question 1 – you can’t go wrong with diamonds! They are a girls best friend after all!
But in all seriousness, I am truly greatful for my husband.
My husband treats me with respect and is constantly finding ways to support and affirm me both privately and in front of our kids. This year I started homeschooling, and he has not only encouraged me in my new role, but he has helped me to find a better balance in my life. He sends me out once a week for some “me” time and takes care of the kids so that I don’t lose my identity while trying to shape theirs. When I begin to worry that I am not “doing” the right things, he reminds me that I am being the right person. He is loving, generous, kind, and I can’t imagine being married to a better man.
I’m truly thankful for how wonderful everything has been this year. After almost a year of searching, I finally found a job. Not only that, but it has turned out to be the perfect job for me. I finally feel like I’m no longer waiting to move on to something different or better, but that I’m where I supposed to be. As a consequence of finally being employed, I don’t feel like I’m going to need to eat cat food in retirement. I’ve been contributing as much as possible to make up for lost time, but the new found sense of security is priceless.
My marriage has been stronger than ever and we’ve been happier than we’ve ever been. We did so many fantastic things this year and have some great plans for the future.
Finally, I’ve made great strides with my health this year as well. I took up running, lost some weight, and I’m in better shape than I was in high school.
It really has been a great year.
Sorry I meant to say at the top hat I am thankful for my husband who supported me through some of the most difficult times of my life and has encouraged me as everything has fallen into place this year. I couldn’t have done it without him.
I am thankful for my husband. We got married about 6 months ago and (as cheesy as it sounds) everyday with him is better than the last!
I am thankful that Dad was cured of cancer and that he didnt die from complications on my birthday. Way to go dad, your a fighter!
I am truly thankful for my best friend, g. Even though we now live 500+ miles apart, and let’s be honest, the friendship HAS changed on some ways, there is ONE thing that hasn’t changed and that’s the fact that through thick and thin, through near and far, we are still best friends and that is something I will cherish forever. I’m so blessed to have her in my life and I don’t take that for granted. (And I can’t wait to see her while I’m “home” for Christmas!!!!)
You have been one of the most supportive managers I have ever worked for. Don’t give up on me. I’m doing well, I know, but I will do better.
It has been generally difficult for me to express in words what I am most thankful for, but I will certainly try my best. I am thankful for my husband who has been able to support me and help me develop as a person and I have been able to support him and help him develop as well. Two years ago our paths combined into one. Since that day he and I have been working to make each other better people. The same month my husband and I married we moved into his father’s house to help reduce cost of living and save money. We were moving to boston MA from South Carolina to “get us some of that thar education.” We were able to pay off over 5000.00 dollars in debt and save over 8000.00 in an emergency fund. In 11 months time. We had work lined up for when we moved to Boston, but both accounts fell through unfourtunatley, and he has been unemployed since we moved to Boston. It has been a struggle here, but we are both making ends meet, with some growth in our savings account. With that being said. We have been able to save enough money to go Home for Christmas. It will be a very frugal Christmas this year. We won’t be giving any gifts, nor do we expect any. We are planning to hit 2011 hard, and hope that with diligent budgeting and hopefully a job on my husbands part we will be able to make our goal of being debt free and 15000.00 emergency fund! :) The short of it is I love my husband and he and I will be able to make it through this recession, a double dip recession and great times as long as we continue on our path. He is someone that I am truely grateful for!
I am thankful for my church. This fall, they offered the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class. I was kinda skeptical at first, but the course has made a huge difference in my finances. So thank you, St.Paul’s, for making a difference in my life now and in the future.
I am very thankful for my supportive husband, Jim. I was laid off from a great-paying job at a local bank last year due to a merger and have been working part time and freelancing since then while I figure out where I want to work next. Fortunately we were already living frugally with a modest home, few debts and 2 long paid off cars when the bottom fell out for me, so we’re managing okay for now. But Christmas will be lean this year for sure but we have each other and realize that the best things in life aren’t things. Looking forward to a better 2011 as hubby is launching a landscaping business and already has several good contracts in the works.
im thankful for my friend pam! once a week she has invited me to her house cooks a meal and we work on a project. Mostly crafty but mostly gifts!! it is fun, frugal and i get to get away from my kids and hubby. this has also prompted me to make more gifts because i know i have 3 hours tuesday night to do them!! thank you pam!
To my grandparents-
I am so thankful for you this past year! You have been a huge support to our family, selling us your van and praying for us constantly! I hope we handle our finances as well as you so we are able to give back to our grandchildren!
To my neighbors!
We moved in on February and they’ve been really good with us. And they’re not 2 – 3, I’m talking about 30 – 40, they’ve watched our dogs when we needed to leave town for a few days, bring us food when we were too sick to do about anything, to fix our lawn and to throw amazing parties!
We’ve found true friends and never felt so happy.
Thank you guys :D
I am truly thankful for my family to love me unconditionally and to support me in whatever decisions I make, even if they don’t agree with it.
I’m very thankful for my wonderful boyfriend. Even though he hasn’t been around as much recently since he works full-time and goes to law school part-time, the time I do get with him is precious (and crucial to my sanity). I ask myself every day what I would do without him. My mom, bro, and uncle are great too. I would be in dire straits without all of them.
Thanks for the reminder!
I am truly thankful that JZ came into my life. He has made me a part of his life and family when I am so far from home, and has chosen to make me his wife (well, that part will happen eventually). He’s always in my corner, will listen to my rants without judging and makes me feel loved every day. He is the one I’ve been looking for.
Dear Husband,
Thank you for showing me what unconditional love is all about and for being my sounding board, my champion, my rock, my partner in all things and a ray of sunshine and goodness to me and many others.
Also, you have a very nice heinie.
Dear Wife,
Thank you for sticking with me through all the ups and downs this year, I know it’s been a lot harder lately and I want to tell you how thankful I am that you’ve stuck by me, supported me and still listen and care. Thank you for helping us move forward and thank you for being a fantastic wife and mother.
Dear Husband,
I am thankful for you this year. I am thankful that we are working towards our goals and that I have you in my life as my partner.
I am thankful that so far as we begin to pay our debt down, we have avoided adding more. I am thankful that my job seems stable and will hopefully stay that way. I am thankful the health insurance premiums only went up $5.00 a paycheck instead of much more. And I am thankful that once again we will spend the holidays with our family. :)
I’m truly thankful for finally living with my boyfriend. We moved together in February and I don’t regret one single second of it. Thanks for being at my side darling, for better or worse!
This year, I am especially thankful for my little sister Lindsey. She and I are two completely different people, which has been an issue for us at various times in our lives, this year included. I am an Anthropology student, so you think that I’d be capable of dealing with a sister who has different life philosophies than my own, different ways of thinking, etc. After alternating periods of time not talking to her and giving her an unnecessarily high dose of tough love, I have realized that I have been a terrible big sister. We definitely have our issues, but it’s my job to help her through learning life lessons rather than making them more difficult. It’s my job to love her and support her through any stupid situation she ends up in, which is NOT how I have been handling it. :(
I hope that this year, I can do a better job at just being there for her, not trying to give her advice. Not trying to compare her life to mine, telling her what I would do in a situation. I hope to do the best I can with this, and I am sooooo thankful for her!
This year, I am thankful for my dear dear husband, for being my rock in the most difficult times of my life. I am also thankful for support and enlightenment that has come into my life, in the form of yoga, meditation and renewed faith in god.
This year I am thankful for my family, and especially my parents. They have been the best role models I could ask for in everyway, have taught me so much, and have helped me through a tough year. I can never thank them enough for eveything they’ve done for me. They have reminded me that it is OK to ask for help, and that making ME happy should be my first priority.
I Love them and cannot wait to spend the holidays with them. :)
I am truly grateful for my son who is trying so hard to learn to read even though it is so hard for him.
This year, our firstborn returned home after five years serving our country honorably in the Army, including two tours of Afghanistan. I am thankful that God brought him back to us. Our son will start college next fall and, I am sure, bring more pride to our hearts.
I am thankful for my wife, who has a full time job staying at home caring for our 2 children, one of whom who severe disabilities. My wife has had to put her career on hold for nearly 10 years now and focus selflessly on our children, while trying to maintain her sanity. I do my best to help her, but this family survives mainly because of her hard work.
dear sister kelly,
i wanted to say that i am very thankful for you! you are a source of laughter and friendship in my life. i’m glad that we live in the same city now – its been great being able to spend more time with you this year.
love you mucho!
I am truly thankful for my boyfriend. He is always there for me when I need him and has such a kind and generous heart.
I am thankful that all of my friends and family stayed healthy this year. 2009 was a bad year- broken bones, in and out of the hospital, new medications and a slew of other bad things. This year however, we have been lucky and the only dr visits are just our regular ones.
There are so many people I am thankful for this year. First of all I am thankful for Nick, who will become my wonderful husband 10 days from now. I am thankful for my parents, for all they do for me. I am thankful for you Jay, for all the advice and support you give me and all the readers of this blog (and you know I’m not just sucking up). I am thankful for my professors and advisors who support me. I am thankful for my in-laws who support me and Nick. I am thankful for the pastor who is marrying us, who has been very supportive of our situation. I am thankful for God, who has blessed me so much. I am just so thankful for so many people – the ones I put here and more.
I am truly thankful for my dear husband this year. We sometimes don’t get along and we rarely see eye to eye, but I am blessed to have you as a partner in raising our crazy son and even though things are really tough right now, I’m glad that we’re in this together. I love you!
I am thankful for my husband. He is pretty much my only encouragement these days.
Thankful for my pastor. While we’ve only known each other 2 months now, he has done years of work on me! Through his coaching, I’ve been able to articulate my passions & have begun to make plans for using them! Dreamin’ big!
I’m grateful to a small group of friends and family that I’ve been able to lean on this year for a little extra encouragement when I needed it, along with understanding, patience and an ear for me to vent to.
Thanks for being there for me and telling me what you were seeing. I was lying to myself but I apparently couldn’t lie to you. You made me realize how close to the edge I was skating and you helped me realize that I needed to pay attention to me before trying to fix anyone (or anything) else. I truly appreciate all that you said and did.
I am most thankful for my husband.
Hun, Thank you for all you do to keep our family safe. Thank you for working so hard every day to provide for the boys and I. I am so proud of you and all you accomplish in your career and as a father. I love you more than I could ever share!
I am truly thankful that GOD have spared my life and had mercy on my soul. Its true, he has been so good to me I cannot tell it all.
To my wonderful Aaron!
Words cannot express how thankful I am to have you in my life. Two years and I *still* get butterflies whenever I see you. :)) You make me so excited about life! I’ve not had anyone who fit me as perfectly as you do. I love you and look forward to creating an amazing 2011 with you.
your Kimbits xx
(thanks for this j and brad!)
I am thankful for the friends and family i have this year. I have really had a year of change and growth. On the top of that list, I would like to show appreciation for my mom. She has had a difficult year. She has been sick now 2 years and her dad has fallen seriously ill as well. Even through her turmoil, she has been so supportive of me through my tough times and adventures. She supported my skydiving, my job camp event that helped 1200 job seekers with resumes and interview help and many got jobs after attending! When my husband left me for someone else, she was supportive of me and was really there for me when i just needed an ear from someone. She offers to help, works hard and all around is a genuinely great person. Money has been tight for her this year with all her medical bills, i’d love to be able to give her the $50 gift certificate so she can share something special with her Dad before he goes. A book, a hersey bar, etc. Thanks for listening!
Mom and Dad,
I am truly thankful that you supported me so steadfastly this year as I spread my wings and tried to become fully independent. You supported me when I thought I had found my dream job, and then supported me when I found out that what I had been told I would be doing and what the job actually would be were two different things. When I, the daughter who NEVER QUITS, asked for your blessing to quit the job that was (almost literally) killing me after two weeks, you gave it whole-heartedly. And when I found the next job, the one I have now, you believed my enthusiasm about it, instead of being skeptical because of what happened the last time. Thank you so much for believing me when I swear I can do it, and for loving me anyway when I sometimes find out that I can’t. Seven months after graduating college, I’m finally starting to be independent, but I’m happier than I can put into words that you’re by my side as I do it.
With lots of love,
Your Daughter
I am so thankful for my boyfriend (Greg) and best friends (Brian, Steph, Nick, Jay) this year – it’s been an emotional year for me, both personally and professionally, and I never would have made it through without these people to lean on. It’s true what they say, that you make your own family, and I couldn’t have possibly lucked out into a better one. Even at the worst it’s been this year (and there’s been a lot that’s sucked) I’ve felt that it was going to work out okay, because at the end of the day, these folks would still love me, no matter what happened.
I am truly thankful for Raam of
He was the spark which led me to believe in myself and ability to change the world.
I am giving up all possessions to go help those who need it most.
I’m terrified and deeply joyous at the same time. : D
To Freedom from limits and the power of Yes!
I am truly and completely thankful for my children. It has been the roughest year of my life but their innocence, loving and general awesomeness has been the only thing that has pulled me through.
I am incredibly grateful that I’m finally learning to listen to my inner voice and am figuring out what my “calling” is in life. I’m about to make a massive terrifying and exhilarating career change which involves going back to med school and I’m grateful for support of friends and family who are cheering me on.
No looking back! 2012 here I come!